This is the complete list of members for PndFtsHoughSpace, including all inherited members.
AddHitsToTrackletByCalculating(PndFtsHoughTracklet *currentTracklet, Int_t locmax) | PndFtsHoughSpace | private |
AddHitToHS(UInt_t hitId, Double_t rho) | PndFtsHoughSpace | inlineprivate |
AddHitToHS(FairLink link, Double_t rho) | PndFtsHoughSpace | inlineprivate |
CalculateHitPosFromIntersectionsWithZxTrackModel(const PndFtsHit *const myHit) const | PndFtsHoughSpace | inlineprivate |
ClassDef(PndFtsHoughSpace, 1) | PndFtsHoughSpace | |
equationLineZxOrZy(Double_t thetaRad, Double_t hitZShifted, Double_t hitXLabSys) | PndFtsHoughSpace | inlineprivate |
equationParabola(Double_t thetaRad, Double_t hitZShifted, Double_t hitXShifted, Double_t By) | PndFtsHoughSpace | inlineprivate |
equationParabolaPz(Double_t thetaRad, Double_t hitZShifted, Double_t hitXShifted, Double_t By) | PndFtsHoughSpace | inlineprivate |
fAssociatedTrackCand | PndFtsHoughSpace | private |
fCorrectPzx | PndFtsHoughSpace | privatestatic |
fField | PndFtsHoughSpace | private |
fFtsBranchId | PndFtsHoughSpace | private |
fHitId | PndFtsHoughSpace | private |
fHitThetaYIdxPath | PndFtsHoughSpace | private |
FillHoles(const Int_t lastBinX, const Int_t lastBinY, const Int_t currentBinY, IdxPath *ptrThetaYIdxPathVec) | PndFtsHoughSpace | inlineprivate |
FillHoughSpace() | PndFtsHoughSpace | |
filterInputHits() | PndFtsHoughSpace | private |
FindAllPeaksBinsWoMergingWithSearchWindow(const UInt_t minHeight, const Int_t vicinityLength=0) | PndFtsHoughSpace | |
FindAllPeaksBlanko(const UInt_t minHeight) | PndFtsHoughSpace | |
FindAllPeaksScanPathsMergeBins(const UInt_t minHeight) | PndFtsHoughSpace | |
FindAllPeaksScanPathsMergeBinsCalculatingPaths(const UInt_t minHeight) | PndFtsHoughSpace | |
FindAllPeaksWithTSpectrum2(const UInt_t minHeight) | PndFtsHoughSpace | |
fInterceptZx | PndFtsHoughSpace | private |
fKeepBConstant | PndFtsHoughSpace | private |
fOnlyUseHitsFromZ | PndFtsHoughSpace | private |
fOnlyUseHitsUpToZ | PndFtsHoughSpace | private |
fRefIndex | PndFtsHoughSpace | private |
fTrackerTask | PndFtsHoughSpace | private |
fUseNonSkewedStraws | PndFtsHoughSpace | private |
fUseSkewedStraws | PndFtsHoughSpace | private |
fVerbose | PndFtsHoughSpace | private |
fZRefPos | PndFtsHoughSpace | private |
getByFromBField(Double_t hitXLabSys, Double_t hitYLabSys, Double_t hitZLabSys) | PndFtsHoughSpace | inlineprivate |
GetDebugOutName(TString title="", Int_t param=-1) const | PndFtsHoughSpace | inlineprivate |
getHitFromHS(UInt_t index) const | PndFtsHoughSpace | inlineprivate |
getHitIdFromHS(UInt_t index) const | PndFtsHoughSpace | inlineprivate |
getInterceptZx() const | PndFtsHoughSpace | inline |
GetNHits() const | PndFtsHoughSpace | inline |
GetRawOrCalculatedHitPos(const PndFtsHit *const myHit) const | PndFtsHoughSpace | inlineprivate |
getZRefPos() const | PndFtsHoughSpace | inline |
IsHitFromTubeIdAlreadyAdded(const Int_t tubeIdToAdd) | PndFtsHoughSpace | inlineprivate |
MakeEmptyHistoOfSameDimensions(TString specifier="", Int_t index=-1) const | PndFtsHoughSpace | private |
PndFtsHoughSpace(const char *name=0, const Int_t refIndex=-1, PndFtsHoughSpaceBinning binning=PndFtsHoughSpaceBinning(), Double_t zRefPos=0., Double_t interceptZx=0., PndFtsHoughTrackCand *associatedTrackCand=0, PndFtsHoughTrackerTask *trackerTask=0) | PndFtsHoughSpace | |
Print() const | PndFtsHoughSpace | inline |
PrintFoundTracklets(const std::vector< PndFtsHoughTracklet > &tracklets) const | PndFtsHoughSpace | inlineprivate |
setParametersForHsOption() | PndFtsHoughSpace | private |
setVerbose(Int_t verbose) | PndFtsHoughSpace | inline |
throwError(const TString s) const | PndFtsHoughSpace | inlineprivate |
WriteHistoOfAllPaths() const | PndFtsHoughSpace | private |
WriteHistoOfAllPathsForEachMcTruthTrack() const | PndFtsHoughSpace | private |
WriteHistoOfAllPeaks(const std::vector< PndFtsHoughSpacePeak > &peaksToPlot) const | PndFtsHoughSpace | private |
WriteHistoOfHoughSpace() const | PndFtsHoughSpace | private |
~PndFtsHoughSpace() | PndFtsHoughSpace |