Namespaces | Functions
GFTools.h File Reference
#include <cmath>
#include <GFAbsTrackRep.h>
#include <GFDetPlane.h>
#include <GFException.h>
#include <GFTrack.h>
#include <TMath.h>
#include <TMatrixT.h>
#include <TDecompSVD.h>

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 Namespace for various tools, mainly smoothing.


TMatrixT< double > GFTools::getSmoothedPos (GFTrack *trk, unsigned int irep, unsigned int ihit)
 Get smoothed track position in plane coordinates. More...
TMatrixT< double > GFTools::getSmoothedCov (GFTrack *trk, unsigned int irep, unsigned int ihit)
 Get smoothed track covariance in plane coordinates. More...
bool GFTools::getSmoothedData (GFTrack *trk, unsigned int irep, unsigned int ihit, TMatrixT< double > &smoothed_state, TMatrixT< double > &smoothed_cov)
 Get smoothed state vector and state covariance. More...
bool GFTools::getSmoothedData (GFTrack *trk, unsigned int irep, unsigned int ihit, TMatrixT< double > &smoothed_state, TMatrixT< double > &smoothed_cov, GFDetPlane &smoothing_plane)
 Get smoothed state vector, state covariance and smoothing plane. More...
bool GFTools::getSmoothedData (GFTrack *trk, unsigned int irep, unsigned int ihit, TMatrixT< double > &smoothed_state, TMatrixT< double > &smoothed_cov, GFDetPlane &smoothing_plane, TMatrixT< double > &auxInfo)
 Get smoothed state vector, state covariance and smoothing plane. More...
GFDetPlane GFTools::getSmoothingPlane (GFTrack *trk, unsigned int irep, unsigned int ihit)
 Get smoothing plane. More...
bool GFTools::getBiasedSmoothedData (GFTrack *trk, unsigned int irep, unsigned int ihit, TMatrixT< double > &smoothed_state, TMatrixT< double > &smoothed_cov)
 Get biased smoothed state vector and state covariance. More...
bool GFTools::getBiasedSmoothedData (GFTrack *trk, unsigned int irep, unsigned int ihit, TMatrixT< double > &smoothed_state, TMatrixT< double > &smoothed_cov, GFDetPlane &smoothing_plane)
 Get biased smoothed state vector, state covariance and smoothing plane. More...
bool GFTools::getBiasedSmoothedData (GFTrack *trk, unsigned int irep, unsigned int ihit, TMatrixT< double > &smoothed_state, TMatrixT< double > &smoothed_cov, GFDetPlane &smoothing_plane, TMatrixT< double > &auxInfo)
 Get biased smoothed state vector, state covariance and smoothing plane. More...
TMatrixT< double > GFTools::getBiasedSmoothedPos (GFTrack *trk, unsigned int irep, unsigned int ihit)
 Get biased smoothed track position in plane coordinates. More...
TMatrixT< double > GFTools::getBiasedSmoothedCov (GFTrack *trk, unsigned int irep, unsigned int ihit)
 Get biased smoothed track covariance in plane coordinates. More...
void GFTools::invertMatrix (const TMatrixT< double > &mat, TMatrixT< double > &inv)
 Invert a matrix, throwing GFException when inversion fails. More...
double GFTools::getSmoothedChiSqu (GFTrack *const trk, unsigned int irep, unsigned int ihit)
 Get smoothed chi2 for a specific hit (ihit). More...