This is the complete list of members for PndLmdDim, including all inherited members.
box_size_x | PndLmdDim | |
box_size_y | PndLmdDim | |
box_size_z | PndLmdDim | |
box_thickness | PndLmdDim | |
Calc_matrix_offsets() | PndLmdDim | |
Cleanup() | PndLmdDim | |
Correct_transformation_matrices() | PndLmdDim | |
cvd_disc_dist | PndLmdDim | |
cvd_disc_even_odd_offset | PndLmdDim | |
cvd_disc_rad | PndLmdDim | |
cvd_disc_thick_half | PndLmdDim | |
cvd_offset_x | PndLmdDim | |
cvd_offset_y | PndLmdDim | |
cvd_offset_z | PndLmdDim | |
cvd_tilt_phi | PndLmdDim | |
cvd_tilt_psi | PndLmdDim | |
cvd_tilt_theta | PndLmdDim | |
Decode_hit(const int sensorID, const double column, const double row, const bool aligned=true, bool newVersion=false) | PndLmdDim | |
delta_phi | PndLmdDim | |
die_gap | PndLmdDim | |
die_offset_x | PndLmdDim | |
die_offset_y | PndLmdDim | |
die_offset_z | PndLmdDim | |
die_tilt_phi | PndLmdDim | |
die_tilt_psi | PndLmdDim | |
die_tilt_theta | PndLmdDim | |
Draw_Sensors(int iplane, bool aligned=true, bool lmd_frame=true, int glside=2) | PndLmdDim | |
enabled | PndLmdDim | |
end_seg_bend | PndLmdDim | |
end_seg_upstream | PndLmdDim | |
fgGeoMan | PndLmdDim | private |
Generate_key(int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, int idie, int isensor) | PndLmdDim | inline |
Generate_keynumber(unsigned int ihalf=0, unsigned int iplane=0, unsigned int imodule=0, unsigned int iside=0, unsigned int idie=0, unsigned int isensor=0) | PndLmdDim | inline |
Generate_rootgeom(TGeoVolume &mothervol, bool misaligned=false) | PndLmdDim | |
geometry_version | PndLmdDim | privatestatic |
Get_histogram_Moduleside(int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, bool aligned=true, bool lmd_frame=true, bool pixel_subdivision=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Get_histogram_Plane(int iplane, int iside, bool aligned=true, bool lmd_frame=true, bool pixel_subdivision=false) | PndLmdDim | |
Get_histogram_Sensor(int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, int idie, int isensor, bool aligned=true, bool lmd_frame=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Get_instance() | PndLmdDim | static |
Get_List_of_Sensors(vector< string > &list_of_sensors, bool found_lmd=false, bool first_call=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Get_matrices(bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Get_matrix(int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, int idie, int isensor, bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Get_matrix(string path, bool aligned=true, int ihalf=-1, int iplane=-1, int imodule=-1, int iside=-1, int idie=-1, int isensor=-1) | PndLmdDim | |
Get_matrix_difference(int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, int idie, int isensor, double &dx, double &dy, double &dz, double &dphi, double &dtheta, double &dpsi) | PndLmdDim | |
Get_matrix_global_to_lmd_local(bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Get_matrix_lmd_local_to_module_side(int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Get_matrix_module_side_to_sensor(int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, int idie, int isensor, bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Get_offset(int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, int idie, int isensor, double &x, double &y, double &z, double &rotphi, double &rottheta, double &rotpsi, bool random=false) | PndLmdDim | |
Get_overlapping_sensor(const TVector3 &point, int &ihalf, int &iplane, int &imodule, int &iside, int &idie, int &isensor, bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Get_overlapping_sensor(int idie, int isensor, vector< int > &jdie, vector< int > &jsensor) | PndLmdDim | |
Get_pos_lmd_global(double &x, double &y, double &z, double &rotx, double &roty, double &rotz, bool misaligned=false) | PndLmdDim | inline |
Get_sensor_by_id(const int sensor_id, int &ihalf, int &iplane, int &imodule, int &iside, int &idie, int &isensor) | PndLmdDim | inline |
Get_Sensor_Graph(int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, int idie, int isensor, bool aligned=true, bool lmd_frame=true, bool pixel_subdivision=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Get_sensor_id(int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, int idie, int isensor) | PndLmdDim | inline |
Get_Sensor_Shape(int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, int idie, int isensor, bool aligned=true, bool lmd_frame=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Get_transformation_global_to_lmd_local(bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Get_transformation_global_to_sensor(int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, int idie, int isensor, bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Get_transformation_lmd_local_to_global(bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Get_transformation_lmd_local_to_module_side(int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Get_transformation_lmd_local_to_sensor(int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, int idie, int isensor, bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Get_transformation_module_side_to_lmd_local(int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Get_transformation_module_side_to_sensor(int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, int idie, int isensor, bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Get_transformation_sensor_aligned_to_sensor(int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, int idie, int isensor) | PndLmdDim | |
Get_transformation_sensor_to_global(int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, int idie, int isensor, bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Get_transformation_sensor_to_lmd_local(int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, int idie, int isensor, bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Get_transformation_sensor_to_module_side(int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, int idie, int isensor, bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Get_transformation_sensor_to_sensor_aligned(int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, int idie, int isensor) | PndLmdDim | |
getAvailableOverlapIDs() | PndLmdDim | |
getID1fromOverlapID(int overlapID) | PndLmdDim | |
getID2fromOverlapID(int overlapID) | PndLmdDim | |
half_offset_x | PndLmdDim | |
half_offset_y | PndLmdDim | |
half_offset_z | PndLmdDim | |
half_tilt_phi | PndLmdDim | |
half_tilt_psi | PndLmdDim | |
half_tilt_theta | PndLmdDim | |
inner_rad | PndLmdDim | |
Instance() | PndLmdDim | static |
Is_on_Sensor(const TVector3 &point, int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, int idie, int isensor, bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Is_valid_idcall(int ihalf, int iplane=0, int imodule=0, int iside=0, int idie=0, int isensor=0) | PndLmdDim | inline |
it_transformation_matrices | PndLmdDim | |
itoa(int value, char *result, int base) | PndLmdDim | inline |
itoffset | PndLmdDim | |
kapton_disc_thick_half | PndLmdDim | |
length_pipe | PndLmdDim | |
length_transision | PndLmdDim | |
makeModuleID(int overlapID) | PndLmdDim | |
makeOverlapID(int firstSensorId, int secondSensorId) | PndLmdDim | |
maps_active_height | PndLmdDim | |
maps_active_offset_x | PndLmdDim | |
maps_active_offset_y | PndLmdDim | |
maps_active_pixel_size | PndLmdDim | |
maps_active_width | PndLmdDim | |
maps_die_height | PndLmdDim | |
maps_die_width | PndLmdDim | |
maps_height | PndLmdDim | |
maps_n_col | PndLmdDim | |
maps_n_row | PndLmdDim | |
maps_passive_bottom | PndLmdDim | |
maps_passive_left | PndLmdDim | |
maps_passive_right | PndLmdDim | |
maps_passive_top | PndLmdDim | |
maps_thickness | PndLmdDim | |
maps_width | PndLmdDim | |
n_cvd_discs | PndLmdDim | |
n_planes | PndLmdDim | |
n_sensors | PndLmdDim | |
nav_paths | PndLmdDim | private |
nmodules | PndLmdDim | |
offsets | PndLmdDim | |
operator=(const PndLmdDim &instance) | PndLmdDim | inlineprivate |
outer_rad | PndLmdDim | |
phi_bend | PndLmdDim | |
pi | PndLmdDim | |
pinstance | PndLmdDim | privatestatic |
pipe_thickness | PndLmdDim | |
plane_half_offset_x | PndLmdDim | |
plane_half_offset_y | PndLmdDim | |
plane_half_offset_z | PndLmdDim | |
plane_half_tilt_phi | PndLmdDim | |
plane_half_tilt_psi | PndLmdDim | |
plane_half_tilt_theta | PndLmdDim | |
plane_pos_z | PndLmdDim | |
PndLmdDim() | PndLmdDim | private |
PndLmdDim(const PndLmdDim &instance) | PndLmdDim | private |
pol_side_dist_min | PndLmdDim | |
pol_side_lg_half | PndLmdDim | |
pos_plane_0 | PndLmdDim | |
pos_rib | PndLmdDim | |
pos_rot_z | PndLmdDim | |
pos_x | PndLmdDim | |
pos_y | PndLmdDim | |
pos_z | PndLmdDim | |
Propagate_fast_ip_to_lmd(TVector3 &pos, TVector3 &mom, double pbeam) | PndLmdDim | |
propagation_matrices | PndLmdDim | |
r_bend | PndLmdDim | |
rad_entrance | PndLmdDim | |
rad_exit | PndLmdDim | |
rad_pipe | PndLmdDim | |
Read_DB_offsets(PndLmdAlignPar *lmdalignpar) | PndLmdDim | |
Read_transformation_matrices(string filename="", bool aligned=true, int version_number=geometry_version) | PndLmdDim | |
Read_transformation_matrices_from_geometry(bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
reCreate_transformation_matrices() | PndLmdDim | |
Retrieve_version_number() | PndLmdDim | |
rot_x | PndLmdDim | |
rot_y | PndLmdDim | |
rot_z | PndLmdDim | |
sensIDoffset | PndLmdDim | |
sensor_offset_x | PndLmdDim | |
sensor_offset_y | PndLmdDim | |
sensor_offset_z | PndLmdDim | |
sensor_tilt_phi | PndLmdDim | |
sensor_tilt_psi | PndLmdDim | |
sensor_tilt_theta | PndLmdDim | |
Set_matrix(string path, TGeoHMatrix *matrix, int ihalf=-1, int iplane=-1, int imodule=-1, int iside=-1, int idie=-1, int isensor=-1) | PndLmdDim | |
Set_offset(int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, int idie, int isensor, double x, double y, double z, double rotphi, double rottheta, double rotpsi) | PndLmdDim | |
Set_sensIDoffset(int offset=-1) | PndLmdDim | |
side_offset_x | PndLmdDim | |
side_offset_y | PndLmdDim | |
side_offset_z | PndLmdDim | |
side_tilt_phi | PndLmdDim | |
side_tilt_psi | PndLmdDim | |
side_tilt_theta | PndLmdDim | |
Test_List_of_Sensors(vector< string > list_of_sensors, int &offset) | PndLmdDim | |
Test_matrices() | PndLmdDim | |
Transform_global_to_lmd_local(const TVector3 &point, bool isvector=false, bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Transform_global_to_lmd_local(const TMatrixD &matrix, bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Transform_global_to_lmd_local(double &x, double &y, double &z, bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Transform_global_to_lmd_local_vect(double &x, double &y, double &z, bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Transform_global_to_sensor(const TVector3 &point, int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, int idie, int isensor, bool isvector=false, bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Transform_global_to_sensor(const TMatrixD &matrix, int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, int idie, int isensor, bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Transform_lmd_local_to_global(const TVector3 &point, bool isvector=false, bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Transform_lmd_local_to_global(const TMatrixD &matrix, bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Transform_lmd_local_to_module_side(const TVector3 &point, int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, bool isvector=false, bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Transform_lmd_local_to_module_side(const TMatrixD &matrix, int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Transform_lmd_local_to_sensor(const TVector3 &point, int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, int idie, int isensor, bool isvector=false, bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Transform_lmd_local_to_sensor(const TMatrixD &matrix, int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, int idie, int isensor, bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Transform_module_side_to_lmd_local(const TVector3 &point, int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, bool isvector=false, bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Transform_module_side_to_lmd_local(const TMatrixD &matrix, int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Transform_module_side_to_sensor(const TVector3 &point, int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, int idie, int isensor, bool isvector=false, bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Transform_module_side_to_sensor(const TMatrixD &matrix, int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, int idie, int isensor, bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Transform_sensor_aligned_to_sensor(const TVector3 &point, int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, int idie, int isensor, bool isvector=false) | PndLmdDim | |
Transform_sensor_aligned_to_sensor(const TMatrixD &matrix, int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, int idie, int isensor) | PndLmdDim | |
Transform_sensor_to_global(const TVector3 &point, int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, int idie, int isensor, bool isvector=false, bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Transform_sensor_to_global(const TMatrixD &matrix, int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, int idie, int isensor, bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Transform_sensor_to_lmd_local(const TVector3 &point, int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, int idie, int isensor, bool isvector=false, bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Transform_sensor_to_lmd_local(const TMatrixD &matrix, int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, int idie, int isensor, bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Transform_sensor_to_module_side(const TVector3 &point, int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, int idie, int isensor, bool isvector=false, bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Transform_sensor_to_module_side(const TMatrixD &matrix, int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, int idie, int isensor, bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Transform_sensor_to_sensor(const TVector3 &point, int ihalf_from, int iplane_from, int imodule_from, int iside_from, int idie_from, int isensor_from, int ihalf_to, int iplane_to, int imodule_to, int iside_to, int idie_to, int isensor_to, bool isvector=false, bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Transform_sensor_to_sensor(const TMatrixD &matrix, int ihalf_from, int iplane_from, int imodule_from, int iside_from, int idie_from, int isensor_from, int ihalf_to, int iplane_to, int imodule_to, int iside_to, int idie_to, int isensor_to, bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
Transform_sensor_to_sensor_aligned(const TVector3 &point, int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, int idie, int isensor, bool isvector=false) | PndLmdDim | |
Transform_sensor_to_sensor_aligned(const TMatrixD &matrix, int ihalf, int iplane, int imodule, int iside, int idie, int isensor) | PndLmdDim | |
transformation_matrices | PndLmdDim | |
transformation_matrices_aligned | PndLmdDim | |
Write_transformation_matrices(string filename, bool aligned=true, int version_number=geometry_version) | PndLmdDim | |
Write_transformation_matrices_to_geometry(bool aligned=true) | PndLmdDim | |
~PndLmdDim() | PndLmdDim | private |