PndTrkTools Member List

This is the complete list of members for PndTrkTools, including all inherited members.

ClassDef(PndTrkTools, 1)PndTrkTools
ComputeLinePointOfTangenceOnACircle(double m, double xc, double yc, double R, double &xi1, double &yi1, double &xi2, double &yi2)PndTrkTools
ComputePocaToLineOnCircle(double m, double q, double xc, double yc, double R)PndTrkTools
ComputePocaToPointOnCircle2(double x, double y, double xc, double yc, double R)PndTrkTools
ComputePocaToPointOnCircle3(double x, double y, double xc, double yc, double R)PndTrkTools
ComputeSegmentCircleIntersection(TVector2 ex1, TVector2 ex2, double xc, double yc, double R, TVector2 &intersection1, TVector2 &intersection2)PndTrkTools
ComputeTangentInPoint(double xc, double yc, TVector2 point)PndTrkTools
ComputeTangentInPoint(double xc, double yc, TVector2 point, double &m, double &p)PndTrkTools