This is the complete list of members for RhoCandidate, including all inherited members.
AddDaughterLinkSimple(const RhoCandidate *, bool verbose=true) | RhoCandidate | |
Boost(Double_t bx, Double_t by, Double_t bz) | RhoCandidate | |
Boost(const TVector3 &p) | RhoCandidate | inline |
Charge() const | RhoCandidate | inline |
Chi2() const | RhoCandidate | inline |
CloneInTree(const RhoCandidate &) const | RhoCandidate | |
Combine(RhoCandidate *c) | RhoCandidate | |
Combine(RhoCandidate *c1, RhoCandidate *c2) | RhoCandidate | |
Combine(RhoCandidate *c1, RhoCandidate *c2, RhoCandidate *c3) | RhoCandidate | |
Combine(RhoCandidate *c1, RhoCandidate *c2, RhoCandidate *c3, RhoCandidate *c4) | RhoCandidate | |
Combine(RhoCandidate *c1, RhoCandidate *c2, RhoCandidate *c3, RhoCandidate *c4, RhoCandidate *c5) | RhoCandidate | |
Combine(RhoCandidate *c1, RhoCandidate *c2, RhoCandidate *c3, RhoCandidate *c4, RhoCandidate *c5, RhoCandidate *c6) | RhoCandidate | |
Combine(RhoCandidate *c1, RhoCandidate *c2, RhoCandidate *c3, RhoCandidate *c4, RhoCandidate *c5, RhoCandidate *c6, RhoCandidate *c7) | RhoCandidate | |
Combine(RhoCandidate *c1, RhoCandidate *c2, RhoCandidate *c3, RhoCandidate *c4, RhoCandidate *c5, RhoCandidate *c6, RhoCandidate *c7, RhoCandidate *c8) | RhoCandidate | |
Combine(RhoCandidate *c1, RhoCandidate *c2, RhoCandidate *c3, RhoCandidate *c4, RhoCandidate *c5, RhoCandidate *c6, RhoCandidate *c7, RhoCandidate *c8, RhoCandidate *c9) | RhoCandidate | |
Combine(RhoCandidate *c1, RhoCandidate *c2, RhoCandidate *c3, RhoCandidate *c4, RhoCandidate *c5, RhoCandidate *c6, RhoCandidate *c7, RhoCandidate *c8, RhoCandidate *c9, RhoCandidate *c10) | RhoCandidate | |
Correlation(Int_t x1, Int_t x2, const TMatrixD &m, const TMatrixD &cov) const | RhoCandidate | |
Cov7() const | RhoCandidate | |
Daughter(Int_t n) | RhoCandidate | |
DecayVtx() | RhoCandidate | inline |
DropMotherLink() | RhoCandidate | |
E() const | RhoCandidate | inline |
Energy() const | RhoCandidate | inline |
Equals(const RhoCandidate *c) const | RhoCandidate | inline |
EVar() const | RhoCandidate | |
fCharge | RhoCandidate | private |
fChi2 | RhoCandidate | private |
fDaughters | RhoCandidate | protected |
fDecayVtx | RhoCandidate | protected |
fEnergy | RhoCandidate | private |
fErrP7 | RhoCandidate | private |
fFastMode | RhoCandidate | protected |
fFit | RhoCandidate | private |
fIsAResonance | RhoCandidate | protected |
fLocked | RhoCandidate | protected |
fMarker | RhoCandidate | protected |
fMcTruth | RhoCandidate | private |
fMicroCand | RhoCandidate | protected |
fNCons | RhoCandidate | protected |
fNDaug | RhoCandidate | protected |
fPdgCode | RhoCandidate | protected |
fPdtEntry | RhoCandidate | protected |
fPidLH | RhoCandidate | protected |
fTheMother | RhoCandidate | protected |
fTrackNumber | RhoCandidate | protected |
fUid | RhoCandidate | protected |
fXmomentum | RhoCandidate | private |
fXposition | RhoCandidate | private |
fYmomentum | RhoCandidate | private |
fYposition | RhoCandidate | private |
fZmomentum | RhoCandidate | private |
fZposition | RhoCandidate | private |
GetCharge() const | RhoCandidate | inline |
GetDecayPos() const | RhoCandidate | inline |
GetDecayPosCov() const | RhoCandidate | inline |
GetEnergy() const | RhoCandidate | inline |
GetErrP7() | RhoCandidate | inline |
GetFit() const | RhoCandidate | inline |
GetMarker(UInt_t m=0) const | RhoCandidate | inline |
GetMass() const | RhoCandidate | inline |
GetMcTruth() const | RhoCandidate | inline |
GetMomentum() const | RhoCandidate | inline |
GetPidInfo(int hypo) | RhoCandidate | |
GetPidInfo() const | RhoCandidate | |
GetPosition() const | RhoCandidate | inline |
GetRecoCandidate() const | RhoCandidate | inline |
GetTrackNumber() const | RhoCandidate | inline |
GetVect() const | RhoCandidate | inline |
InvalidateFit() | RhoCandidate | |
IsAResonance() const | RhoCandidate | |
IsCloneOf(const RhoCandidate &, Bool_t checkType=kFALSE) const | RhoCandidate | |
IsComposite() const | RhoCandidate | |
IsFast() const | RhoCandidate | inline |
IsLocal() const | RhoCandidate | inline |
IsLocked() | RhoCandidate | inline |
Lock() | RhoCandidate | inline |
M() const | RhoCandidate | |
Mass() const | RhoCandidate | |
NDaughters() const | RhoCandidate | |
operator!=(RhoCandidate *) const | RhoCandidate | |
operator=(const RhoCandidate &) | RhoCandidate | |
operator==(const RhoCandidate *) const | RhoCandidate | |
Origin() const | RhoCandidate | |
Overlaps(const RhoCandidate *c) const | RhoCandidate | inline |
P() const | RhoCandidate | |
P3() const | RhoCandidate | inline |
P3Cov() const | RhoCandidate | |
P3WErr() const | RhoCandidate | |
P4() const | RhoCandidate | inline |
P4Cov() const | RhoCandidate | |
P4Err() const | RhoCandidate | inline |
P4WErr() const | RhoCandidate | |
PdgCode() | RhoCandidate | inline |
PdtEntry() const | RhoCandidate | |
Pos() const | RhoCandidate | inline |
PosCov() const | RhoCandidate | |
PosWCov() const | RhoCandidate | |
PrintOn(std::ostream &o=std::cout) const | RhoCandidate | |
Pt() const | RhoCandidate | inline |
Px() const | RhoCandidate | inline |
Py() const | RhoCandidate | inline |
Pz() const | RhoCandidate | inline |
RemoveAssociations() | RhoCandidate | |
RemoveDaughter(RhoCandidate *) | RhoCandidate | |
RhoCandidate() | RhoCandidate | |
RhoCandidate(const TLorentzVector &v, Double_t charge=0, RhoVector3Err *vp=0) | RhoCandidate | |
RhoCandidate(const TVector3 &v, const TParticlePDG *pdt, RhoVector3Err *vp=0) | RhoCandidate | |
RhoCandidate(const RhoCandidate &) | RhoCandidate | |
RhoCandidate(PndPidCandidate &a, Int_t n) | RhoCandidate | |
RhoCandidate(PndPidCandidate &a, Int_t n, RhoVector3Err &vp, Bool_t fast=kFALSE) | RhoCandidate | |
Set(const TVector3 &pos, const TLorentzVector &p4, const TMatrixD &cov7) | RhoCandidate | |
Set(Double_t mass, const RhoVector3Err &posErr, const RhoVector3Err &p3Err, const TMatrixD &xpErr) | RhoCandidate | |
SetCharge(Double_t charge) | RhoCandidate | inline |
SetChi2(Double_t chi2) | RhoCandidate | inline |
SetCov7(const TMatrixD &cov7) | RhoCandidate | |
SetCov7(const TMatrixD &covPos, const TMatrixD &covP4) | RhoCandidate | |
SetCov7(const TMatrixD &covPos, const TMatrixD &covP4, const TMatrixD &covPosP4) | RhoCandidate | |
SetCovP4(const TMatrixD &covP4) | RhoCandidate | |
SetCovPos(const TMatrixD &covPos) | RhoCandidate | |
SetDecayVtx(RhoVector3Err theVtx) | RhoCandidate | |
SetE(Double_t energy) | RhoCandidate | inline |
SetEnergy(Double_t newE) | RhoCandidate | |
SetErr(Float_t *err) | RhoCandidate | inline |
SetFast(Bool_t yesno) | RhoCandidate | inline |
SetFit(RhoCandidate *b) | RhoCandidate | inline |
SetFly() | RhoCandidate | |
SetMarker(UInt_t l, UInt_t m) | RhoCandidate | |
SetMarker(UInt_t n) | RhoCandidate | |
SetMass(Double_t mass) | RhoCandidate | |
SetMassAndEnergy(Double_t mass, Double_t energy) | RhoCandidate | |
SetMcTruth(RhoCandidate *mct) | RhoCandidate | inline |
SetMomentum(Double_t newP) | RhoCandidate | |
SetMotherLink(RhoCandidate *m, bool verbose=true) | RhoCandidate | |
SetNoFly() | RhoCandidate | |
SetP3(const TVector3 &p3) | RhoCandidate | |
SetP4(Double_t mass, const TVector3 &p3) | RhoCandidate | |
SetP4(const TLorentzVector &p4) | RhoCandidate | |
SetP7(const TVector3 &pos, const TLorentzVector &p4) | RhoCandidate | |
SetPidInfo(double *pidinfo=0) | RhoCandidate | |
SetPidInfo(int hypo, double value) | RhoCandidate | |
SetPos(const TVector3 &pos) | RhoCandidate | inline |
SetPosition(const TVector3 &pos) | RhoCandidate | |
SetRecoCandidate(PndPidCandidate µ) | RhoCandidate | inline |
SetTrackNumber(Int_t trnum=-1) | RhoCandidate | inline |
SetType(const TParticlePDG *pdt) | RhoCandidate | |
SetType(const char *name) | RhoCandidate | |
SetType(int pdgcode) | RhoCandidate | |
SetUid(UInt_t uid=0) | RhoCandidate | |
SetVect(const TVector3 &p3) | RhoCandidate | inline |
TheMother() const | RhoCandidate | inline |
TheMother() | RhoCandidate | inline |
Uid() const | RhoCandidate | inline |
UnLock() | RhoCandidate | inline |
XPCov() const | RhoCandidate | |
~RhoCandidate() | RhoCandidate | virtual |