This is the complete list of members for genfit::DAF, including all inherited members.
AbsFitter() | genfit::AbsFitter | inline |
AbsKalmanFitter(unsigned int maxIterations=4, double deltaPval=1e-3, double blowUpFactor=1e3) | genfit::AbsKalmanFitter | inline |
addProbCut(const double prob_cut, const int measDim) | genfit::DAF | |
betas_ | genfit::DAF | private |
blowUpFactor_ | genfit::AbsKalmanFitter | protected |
blowUpMaxVal_ | genfit::AbsKalmanFitter | protected |
calcWeights(Track *trk, const AbsTrackRep *rep, double beta) | genfit::DAF | private |
canIgnoreWeights() const | genfit::AbsKalmanFitter | |
chi2Cuts_ | genfit::DAF | private |
DAF(const DAF &) | genfit::DAF | private |
DAF(bool useRefKalman=true, double deltaWeight=1e-3, double deltaPval=1e-3) | genfit::DAF | |
DAF(AbsKalmanFitter *kalman, double deltaWeight=1e-3, double deltaPval=1e-3) | genfit::DAF | |
debugLvl_ | genfit::AbsFitter | protected |
deltaPval_ | genfit::AbsKalmanFitter | protected |
deltaWeight_ | genfit::DAF | private |
getBetas() | genfit::DAF | inline |
getBlowUpFactor() const | genfit::AbsKalmanFitter | inline |
getBlowUpMaxVal() const | genfit::AbsKalmanFitter | inline |
getChiSqu(const Track *tr, const AbsTrackRep *rep, int direction=-1) const | genfit::AbsKalmanFitter | |
getChiSquNdf(const Track *tr, const AbsTrackRep *rep, double &bChi2, double &fChi2, double &bNdf, double &fNdf) const | genfit::AbsKalmanFitter | |
getDeltaPval() const | genfit::AbsKalmanFitter | inline |
getKalman() const | genfit::DAF | inline |
getMaxFailedHits() const | genfit::AbsKalmanFitter | inline |
getMaxIterations() const | genfit::AbsKalmanFitter | inline |
getMeasurements(const KalmanFitterInfo *fi, const TrackPoint *tp, int direction) const | genfit::AbsKalmanFitter | protected |
getMinIterations() const | genfit::AbsKalmanFitter | inline |
getMultipleMeasurementHandling() const | genfit::AbsKalmanFitter | inline |
getNdf(const Track *tr, const AbsTrackRep *rep, int direction=-1) const | genfit::AbsKalmanFitter | |
getPVal(const Track *tr, const AbsTrackRep *rep, int direction=-1) const | genfit::AbsKalmanFitter | |
getRedChiSqu(const Track *tr, const AbsTrackRep *rep, int direction=-1) const | genfit::AbsKalmanFitter | |
getRelChi2Change() const | genfit::AbsKalmanFitter | inline |
getResetOffDiagonals() const | genfit::AbsKalmanFitter | inline |
isTrackFitted(const Track *tr, const AbsTrackRep *rep) const | genfit::AbsKalmanFitter | |
isTrackPrepared(const Track *tr, const AbsTrackRep *rep) const | genfit::AbsKalmanFitter | |
kalman_ | genfit::DAF | private |
maxFailedHits_ | genfit::AbsKalmanFitter | protected |
maxIterations_ | genfit::AbsKalmanFitter | protected |
minIterations_ | genfit::AbsKalmanFitter | protected |
multipleMeasurementHandling_ | genfit::AbsKalmanFitter | protected |
operator=(genfit::DAF const &) | genfit::DAF | private |
processTrack(Track *, bool resortHits=false) | genfit::AbsFitter | |
processTrackWithRep(Track *tr, const AbsTrackRep *rep, bool resortHits=false) | genfit::DAF | virtual |
relChi2Change_ | genfit::AbsKalmanFitter | protected |
resetOffDiagonals_ | genfit::AbsKalmanFitter | protected |
setAnnealingScheme(double bStart, double bFinal, unsigned int nSteps) | genfit::DAF | |
setBetas(double b1, double b2=-1, double b3=-1., double b4=-1., double b5=-1., double b6=-1., double b7=-1., double b8=-1., double b9=-1., double b10=-1.) | genfit::DAF | |
setBlowUpFactor(double blowUpFactor) | genfit::AbsKalmanFitter | inline |
setBlowUpMaxVal(double blowUpMaxVal) | genfit::AbsKalmanFitter | inline |
setConvergenceDeltaWeight(double delta) | genfit::DAF | inline |
setDebugLvl(unsigned int lvl=1) | genfit::DAF | inlinevirtual |
setDeltaPval(double deltaPval) | genfit::AbsKalmanFitter | inline |
setMaxFailedHits(int val) | genfit::DAF | inlinevirtual |
setMaxIterations(unsigned int n) | genfit::DAF | inlinevirtual |
setMinIterations(unsigned int n) | genfit::AbsKalmanFitter | inlinevirtual |
setMultipleMeasurementHandling(eMultipleMeasurementHandling mmh) | genfit::AbsKalmanFitter | inline |
setProbCut(const double prob_cut) | genfit::DAF | |
setRelChi2Change(double relChi2Change) | genfit::AbsKalmanFitter | inline |
setResetOffDiagonals(bool resetOffDiagonals) | genfit::AbsKalmanFitter | inline |
~AbsFitter() | genfit::AbsFitter | inlinevirtual |
~AbsKalmanFitter() | genfit::AbsKalmanFitter | inlinevirtual |
~DAF() | genfit::DAF | inline |