This is the complete list of members for genfit::RKTrackRep, including all inherited members.
AbsTrackRep() | genfit::AbsTrackRep | |
AbsTrackRep(int pdgCode, char propDir=0) | genfit::AbsTrackRep | |
AbsTrackRep(const AbsTrackRep &) | genfit::AbsTrackRep | protected |
cachePos_ | genfit::RKTrackRep | mutableprivate |
calcForwardJacobianAndNoise(const M1x7 &startState7, const DetPlane &startPlane, const M1x7 &destState7, const DetPlane &destPlane) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | private |
calcJ_Mp_7x5(M7x5 &J_Mp, const TVector3 &U, const TVector3 &V, const TVector3 &W, const M1x3 &A) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | private |
calcJ_pM_5x7(M5x7 &J_pM, const TVector3 &U, const TVector3 &V, const M1x3 &pTilde, double spu) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | private |
calcJacobianNumerically(const genfit::StateOnPlane &origState, const genfit::SharedPlanePtr destPlane, TMatrixD &jacobian) const | genfit::AbsTrackRep | |
checkCache(const StateOnPlane &state, const SharedPlanePtr *plane) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | private |
clone() const | genfit::RKTrackRep | inlinevirtual |
debugLvl_ | genfit::AbsTrackRep | protected |
estimateStep(const M1x7 &state7, const M1x4 &SU, const DetPlane &plane, const double &charge, double &relMomLoss, StepLimits &limits) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | private |
Extrap(const DetPlane &startPlane, const DetPlane &destPlane, double charge, double mass, bool &isAtBoundary, M1x7 &state7, double &flightTime, bool fillExtrapSteps, TMatrixDSym *cov=nullptr, bool onlyOneStep=false, bool stopAtBoundary=false, double maxStep=1.E99) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | private |
extrapolateBy(StateOnPlane &state, double step, bool stopAtBoundary=false, bool calcJacobianNoise=false) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | virtual |
extrapolateToCylinder(StateOnPlane &state, double radius, const TVector3 &linePoint=TVector3(0., 0., 0.), const TVector3 &lineDirection=TVector3(0., 0., 1.), bool stopAtBoundary=false, bool calcJacobianNoise=false) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | virtual |
extrapolateToLine(StateOnPlane &state, const TVector3 &linePoint, const TVector3 &lineDirection, bool stopAtBoundary=false, bool calcJacobianNoise=false) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | virtual |
genfit::AbsTrackRep::extrapolateToLine(StateOnPlane &state, const TVector3 &point1, const TVector3 &point2, TVector3 &poca, TVector3 &dirInPoca, TVector3 &poca_onwire, bool stopAtBoundary=false, bool calcJacobianNoise=false) const | genfit::AbsTrackRep | inlinevirtual |
extrapolateToMeasurement(StateOnPlane &state, const AbsMeasurement *measurement, bool stopAtBoundary=false, bool calcJacobianNoise=false) const | genfit::AbsTrackRep | |
extrapolateToPlane(StateOnPlane &state, const SharedPlanePtr &plane, bool stopAtBoundary=false, bool calcJacobianNoise=false) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | virtual |
extrapolateToPoint(StateOnPlane &state, const TVector3 &point, bool stopAtBoundary=false, bool calcJacobianNoise=false) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | inlinevirtual |
extrapolateToPoint(StateOnPlane &state, const TVector3 &point, const TMatrixDSym &G, bool stopAtBoundary=false, bool calcJacobianNoise=false) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | inlinevirtual |
extrapolateToSphere(StateOnPlane &state, double radius, const TVector3 &point=TVector3(0., 0., 0.), bool stopAtBoundary=false, bool calcJacobianNoise=false) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | virtual |
ExtrapSteps_ | genfit::RKTrackRep | mutableprivate |
extrapToPoint(StateOnPlane &state, const TVector3 &point, const TMatrixDSym *G=NULL, bool stopAtBoundary=false, bool calcJacobianNoise=false) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | privatevirtual |
fJacobian_ | genfit::RKTrackRep | mutableprivate |
fNoise_ | genfit::RKTrackRep | mutableprivate |
get6DCov(const MeasuredStateOnPlane &state) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | virtual |
get6DState(const StateOnPlane &state) const | genfit::AbsTrackRep | virtual |
get6DStateCov(const MeasuredStateOnPlane &state, TVectorD &stateVec, TMatrixDSym &cov) const | genfit::AbsTrackRep | virtual |
getBackwardJacobianAndNoise(TMatrixD &jacobian, TMatrixDSym &noise, TVectorD &deltaState) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | virtual |
getCharge(const StateOnPlane &state) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | virtual |
getDim() const | genfit::RKTrackRep | inlinevirtual |
getDir(const StateOnPlane &state) const | genfit::AbsTrackRep | inline |
getForwardJacobianAndNoise(TMatrixD &jacobian, TMatrixDSym &noise, TVectorD &deltaState) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | virtual |
getMass(const StateOnPlane &state) const | genfit::AbsTrackRep | |
getMom(const StateOnPlane &state) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | virtual |
getMomMag(const StateOnPlane &state) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | virtual |
getMomVar(const MeasuredStateOnPlane &state) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | virtual |
getPDG() const | genfit::AbsTrackRep | inline |
getPDGCharge() const | genfit::AbsTrackRep | |
getPos(const StateOnPlane &state) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | virtual |
getPosDir(const StateOnPlane &state, TVector3 &pos, TVector3 &dir) const | genfit::AbsTrackRep | inline |
getPosMom(const StateOnPlane &state, TVector3 &pos, TVector3 &mom) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | virtual |
getPosMomCov(const MeasuredStateOnPlane &state, TVector3 &pos, TVector3 &mom, TMatrixDSym &cov) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | virtual |
getPropDir() const | genfit::AbsTrackRep | inline |
getQop(const StateOnPlane &state) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | inlinevirtual |
getRadiationLenght() const | genfit::RKTrackRep | virtual |
getSpu(const StateOnPlane &state) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | |
getState5(StateOnPlane &state, const M1x7 &state7) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | private |
getState7(const StateOnPlane &state, M1x7 &state7) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | private |
getSteps() const | genfit::RKTrackRep | virtual |
getTime(const StateOnPlane &state) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | virtual |
initArrays() const | genfit::RKTrackRep | private |
isSame(const AbsTrackRep *other) | genfit::RKTrackRep | virtual |
isSameType(const AbsTrackRep *other) | genfit::RKTrackRep | virtual |
J_MMT_ | genfit::RKTrackRep | mutableprivate |
lastEndState_ | genfit::RKTrackRep | mutableprivate |
lastStartState_ | genfit::RKTrackRep | mutableprivate |
limits_ | genfit::RKTrackRep | mutableprivate |
momMag(const M1x7 &state7) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | private |
noiseArray_ | genfit::RKTrackRep | mutableprivate |
noiseProjection_ | genfit::RKTrackRep | mutableprivate |
operator=(const AbsTrackRep &) | genfit::AbsTrackRep | protected |
pdgCode_ | genfit::AbsTrackRep | protected |
pocaOnLine(const TVector3 &linePoint, const TVector3 &lineDirection, const TVector3 &point) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | private |
Print(const Option_t *="") const | genfit::AbsTrackRep | virtual |
propDir_ | genfit::AbsTrackRep | protected |
RKPropagate(M1x7 &state7, M7x7 *jacobian, M1x3 &SA, double S, bool varField=true, bool calcOnlyLastRowOfJ=false) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | |
RKSteps_ | genfit::RKTrackRep | mutableprivate |
RKStepsFXStart_ | genfit::RKTrackRep | mutableprivate |
RKStepsFXStop_ | genfit::RKTrackRep | mutableprivate |
RKTrackRep() | genfit::RKTrackRep | |
RKTrackRep(int pdgCode, char propDir=0) | genfit::RKTrackRep | |
RKutta(const M1x4 &SU, const DetPlane &plane, double charge, double mass, M1x7 &state7, M7x7 *jacobianT, M1x7 *J_MMT_unprojected_lastRow, double &coveredDistance, double &flightTime, bool &checkJacProj, M7x7 &noiseProjection, StepLimits &limits, bool onlyOneStep=false, bool calcOnlyLastRowOfJ=false) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | private |
setChargeSign(StateOnPlane &state, double charge) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | virtual |
setDebugLvl(unsigned int lvl=1) | genfit::AbsTrackRep | inlinevirtual |
setPosMom(StateOnPlane &state, const TVector3 &pos, const TVector3 &mom) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | virtual |
setPosMom(StateOnPlane &state, const TVectorD &state6) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | virtual |
setPosMomCov(MeasuredStateOnPlane &state, const TVector3 &pos, const TVector3 &mom, const TMatrixDSym &cov6x6) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | virtual |
setPosMomCov(MeasuredStateOnPlane &state, const TVectorD &state6, const TMatrixDSym &cov6x6) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | virtual |
setPosMomErr(MeasuredStateOnPlane &state, const TVector3 &pos, const TVector3 &mom, const TVector3 &posErr, const TVector3 &momErr) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | virtual |
setPropDir(int dir) | genfit::AbsTrackRep | inline |
setQop(StateOnPlane &state, double qop) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | inlinevirtual |
setSpu(StateOnPlane &state, double spu) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | |
setTime(StateOnPlane &state, double time) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | virtual |
switchPDGSign() | genfit::AbsTrackRep | |
switchPropDir() | genfit::AbsTrackRep | inline |
transformM6P(const M6x6 &in6x6, const M1x7 &state7, MeasuredStateOnPlane &state) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | private |
transformM7P(const M7x7 &in7x7, const M1x7 &state7, MeasuredStateOnPlane &state) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | private |
transformPM6(const MeasuredStateOnPlane &state, M6x6 &out6x6) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | private |
transformPM7(const MeasuredStateOnPlane &state, M7x7 &out7x7) const | genfit::RKTrackRep | private |
useCache_ | genfit::RKTrackRep | mutableprivate |
~AbsTrackRep() | genfit::AbsTrackRep | inlinevirtual |
~RKTrackRep() | genfit::RKTrackRep | virtual |