Namespaces | Functions
Tools.h File Reference
#include <TVectorD.h>
#include <TMatrixD.h>
#include <TMatrixDSym.h>

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 Matrix inversion tools.


void genfit::tools::invertMatrix (const TMatrixDSym &mat, TMatrixDSym &inv, double *determinant=NULL)
 Invert a matrix, throwing an Exception when inversion fails. Optional calculation of determinant. More...
void genfit::tools::invertMatrix (TMatrixDSym &mat, double *determinant=NULL)
 Same, replacing its argument. More...
bool genfit::tools::transposedForwardSubstitution (const TMatrixD &R, TVectorD &b)
 Solves R^t x = b, replacing b with the solution for x. R is assumed to be upper diagonal. More...
bool genfit::tools::transposedForwardSubstitution (const TMatrixD &R, TMatrixD &b, int nCol)
 Same, for a column of the matrix b. More...
bool genfit::tools::transposedInvert (const TMatrixD &R, TMatrixD &inv)
 Inverts the transpose of the upper right matrix R into inv. More...
void genfit::tools::QR (TMatrixD &A)
 Replaces A with an upper right matrix connected to A by an orthongonal transformation. I.e., it computes R from a QR decomposition of A = QR, replacing A. More...
void genfit::tools::QR (TMatrixD &A, TVectorD &b)
 Replaces A with an upper right matrix connected to A by an orthongonal transformation. I.e., it computes R from a QR decomposition of A = QR, replacing A. Also replaces b by Q'b where Q' is the transposed of Q. More...
void genfit::tools::safeAverage (const TMatrixDSym &C1, const TMatrixDSym &C2, TMatrixDSym &result)
 This averages the covariance matrices C1, C2 in a numerically stable way by using matrix square roots. This code is in no way optimized so use with care if speed is a concern. More...