PndDrcReco.cxx File Reference
#include "PndDrcReco.h"
#include "FairRootManager.h"
#include "PndMCTrack.h"
#include "PndDrcPDPoint.h"
#include "PndDrcHit.h"
#include "PndDrcPDHit.h"
#include "PndDrcLutNode.h"
#include "PndGeoHandling.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include <TLine.h>
#include "TStyle.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


TH1F * hEnergy = new TH1F("hEnergy",";p [eV];entries [#]",200,0,10)
TH1F * hPathAll = new TH1F("hPathAll",";pathid [#];entries [#]",30,0,30)
TH1F * hPath = new TH1F("hPath",";pathid [#];entries [#]",30,0,30)
TH2F * hSD = new TH2F("hSD",";#theta_{c} [rad];t_{lut} - t_{daq} [ns]",200,0.8,0.85,200,-2,2)
Int_t gg_pathid =0

Variable Documentation

Int_t gg_pathid =0

Definition at line 313 of file PndDrcReco.cxx.

Referenced by PndDrcReco::DetermineCherenkov(), and PndDrcReco::LookUpTable().

TH1F* hEnergy = new TH1F("hEnergy",";p [eV];entries [#]",200,0,10)

Definition at line 251 of file PndDrcReco.cxx.

Referenced by PndDrcReco::DetermineCherenkov(), and PndDrcReco::Finish().

TH1F* hPath = new TH1F("hPath",";pathid [#];entries [#]",30,0,30)

Definition at line 253 of file PndDrcReco.cxx.

Referenced by PndDrcReco::Finish(), and PndDrcReco::LookUpTable().

TH1F* hPathAll = new TH1F("hPathAll",";pathid [#];entries [#]",30,0,30)

Definition at line 252 of file PndDrcReco.cxx.

Referenced by PndDrcReco::Finish(), and PndDrcReco::LookUpTable().

TH2F* hSD = new TH2F("hSD",";#theta_{c} [rad];t_{lut} - t_{daq} [ns]",200,0.8,0.85,200,-2,2)

Definition at line 254 of file PndDrcReco.cxx.

Referenced by PndDrcReco::Finish(), and PndDrcReco::LookUpTable().