22 #include "FairLogger.h"
Double_t getThetaRadVal() const
Interface between PandaRoot (data input and output) and PndFtsHoughTrackFinder (implementation of PR ...
void throwError(const TString s) const
For error reporting.
Double_t getZRefLabSys() const
Double_t getSecondHw() const
PndFtsHoughTrackerTask * fTrackerTask
Class for saving the result of one Hough transform for FTS PR.
void SetHoughTransformResults(const Double_t thetaVal, const Double_t secondVal, const Double_t peakHeight, const Double_t thetaHw, const Double_t secondHw)
Double_t fPeakHeightFromPeakFinder
Double_t getSecondVal() const
PndFtsHoughTracklet(Double_t zRefLabSys=0., PndFtsHoughTrackerTask *trackerTask=0)
Set pointer to tracker task (super important as it provides an I/O interface to PandaRoot) ...
UInt_t getNSharedHits(const PndFtsHoughTracklet &rhs)
Double_t getPeakHeightFromPeakFinder() const
Double_t getThetaRadHw() const
ClassDef(PndFtsHoughTracklet, 1)