Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //
2 // C++ Interface: MvdDigiPar
3 //
4 // Description:
5 //
6 //
7 // Author: t.stockmanns <stockman@ikp455>, (C) 2007
8 //
9 // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
10 //
11 //
12 // slightly modified by A. Sanchez for hyp purpose
17 #include "FairParGenericSet.h"
18 #include "FairParamList.h"
19 #include <TVector2.h>
20 class PndHypStripDigiPar : public FairParGenericSet
21 {
22  public :
26  PndHypStripDigiPar (const char* name="PndHypParTest",
27  const char* title="Hyp digi parameter",
28  const char* context="TestDefaultContext");
30  void clear(void){};
31  void putParams(FairParamList* list);
32  Bool_t getParams(FairParamList* list);
33  void print();
36  Double_t GetTopPitch() const {return topPitch;}
37  Double_t GetBotPitch() const {return botPitch;}
38  Double_t GetOrient() const {return orient;}
39  Double_t GetSkew() const {return skew;}
40  TVector2 GetTopAnchor() const {return topAnchor;}
41  TVector2 GetBotAnchor() const {return botAnchor;}
42  Int_t GetNrTopFE() const {return topNrFE;}
43  Int_t GetNrBotFE() const {return botNrFE;}
44  Int_t GetNrFECh() const {return feChannels;}
45  Double_t GetThreshold() const {return threshold;}
46  Double_t GetNoise() const {return noise;}
47  const char* GetSensType() const {return fSensType.Data();}
48  const char* GetFeType() const {return fFeType.Data();}
53  void SetSkew(Double_t x) {skew = x;}
54  void SetTopAnchor(TVector2 x) {topAnchor = x;}
55  void SetBotAnchor(TVector2 x) {botAnchor = x;}
56  void SetNrTopFE(Int_t x) {topNrFE = x;}
57  void SetNrBotFE(Int_t x) {botNrFE = x;}
58  void SetNrFECh(Int_t x) {feChannels = x;}
60  void SetNoise(Double_t x) {noise = x;}
63  private:
64 // Strip Parameters
74  TVector2 topAnchor;
76  TVector2 botAnchor;
78  Int_t feChannels;
80  Int_t topNrFE;
82  Int_t botNrFE;
88  TString fSensType; // Sensor type name (rect, trap...)
89  TString fFeType; // Frontend type name (APV25, CBM-XYTER, ...)
91  // Text_t sensName; // Sensor name (Strip, Pixel, etc...)
92  // Text_t feName; // Frontend name (APV25, CBM-XYTER, ...)
95 };
97 #endif
const char * GetFeType() const
Double_t GetSkew() const
TVector2 GetTopAnchor() const
Double_t GetNoise() const
Double_t GetBotPitch() const
Int_t feChannels
Number of Channels per FE.
void SetTopAnchor(TVector2 x)
Int_t GetNrFECh() const
void SetBotPitch(Double_t x)
TVector2 GetBotAnchor() const
Double_t orient
orientation angle of top strips
void SetBotAnchor(TVector2 x)
Int_t botNrFE
Number of FE attached to bottom wafer side.
Double_t noise
Complete noise including threshold dispersion.
void SetNoise(Double_t x)
Double_t topPitch
Strip pitch on top wafer side.
Double_t skew
skew angle of bottom strips wrt top strips
void SetSensType(TString x)
Double_t GetThreshold() const
ClassDef(PndHypStripDigiPar, 2)
const char * GetSensType() const
Double_t botPitch
Strip pitch on bottom wafer side.
void SetTopPitch(Double_t x)
TString name
PndHypStripDigiPar(const char *name="PndHypParTest", const char *title="Hyp digi parameter", const char *context="TestDefaultContext")
TVector2 botAnchor
Anchor point of bottom strip#0.
Int_t topNrFE
Number of FE attached to top wafer side.
Double_t x
void SetNrTopFE(Int_t x)
Int_t GetNrTopFE() const
Bool_t getParams(FairParamList *list)
TVector2 topAnchor
Anchor point of top strip#0.
void SetFeType(TString x)
void SetSkew(Double_t x)
void SetThreshold(Double_t x)
Double_t GetOrient() const
void SetOrient(Double_t x)
Double_t threshold
Discriminator threshold.
Double_t GetTopPitch() const
void putParams(FairParamList *list)
void SetNrFECh(Int_t x)
void SetNrBotFE(Int_t x)
Int_t GetNrBotFE() const