Functions | Variables
anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.


gROOT Macro ("$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/rootlogon.C")
tsim SetBranchAddress ("MCTrack",&mctrack_array)
tful SetBranchAddress ("EmcHit",&hit_array)
tful SetBranchAddress ("EmcDigi",&digi_array)
tful SetBranchAddress ("EmcCluster",&cluster_array)
 for (int j=0;j< ncounts;j++) = CAMath::Finite( t.Par(i) )
c1 Divide (2, 3)
gStyle SetPalette (1)
c1 cd (1)
copies SetTextSize (0.05)
copies SetFillColor (0)
copies SetBorderSize (0)
copies AddEntry (hz_h,"All copies (G3)","l")
copies AddEntry (hz_cp1_h,"copy_1","l")
copies AddEntry (hz_cp2_h,"copy_2","l")
copies AddEntry (hz_cp3_h,"copy_3","l")
copies AddEntry (hz_cp4_h,"copy_4","l")
hz_h Draw ()
hz_cp1_h SetLineColor (2)
hz_cp1_h Draw ("same")
hz_cp2_h SetLineColor (3)
hz_cp3_h SetLineColor (4)
hz_cp4_h SetLineColor (6)
hz_h GetXaxis () -> SetTitle("Z position")
hz_h GetYaxis () -> SetTitle("Counts")
c1 Modified ()
c1 cd (2)
copies4 AddEntry (hhit_ene,"All copies (G3)","l")
copies4 AddEntry (hhit_ene_cp1,"copy_1","l")
copies4 AddEntry (hhit_ene_cp2,"copy_2","l")
copies4 AddEntry (hhit_ene_cp3,"copy_3","l")
copies4 AddEntry (hhit_ene_cp4,"copy_4","l")
c1 cd (3)
copies6 AddEntry (hz_d,"All copies (G3)","l")
copies6 AddEntry (hz_cp1_d,"copy_1","l")
copies6 AddEntry (hz_cp2_d,"copy_2","l")
copies6 AddEntry (hz_cp3_d,"copy_3","l")
copies6 AddEntry (hz_cp4_d,"copy_4","l")
c1 cd (4)
copies5 AddEntry (hdigi_ene,"All copies (G3)","l")
copies5 AddEntry (hdigi_ene_cp1,"copy_1","l")
copies5 AddEntry (hdigi_ene_cp2,"copy_2","l")
copies5 AddEntry (hdigi_ene_cp3,"copy_3","l")
copies5 AddEntry (hdigi_ene_cp4,"copy_4","l")
c1 cd (5)
copies3 AddEntry (hz_clust,"All copies (G3)","l")
copies3 AddEntry (hz_cp1_c,"copy_1","l")
copies3 AddEntry (hz_cp2_c,"copy_2","l")
copies3 AddEntry (hz_cp3_c,"copy_3","l")
copies3 AddEntry (hz_cp4_c,"copy_4","l")
c1 cd (6)
copies2a AddEntry (hclus_ene,"All copies (G3)","l")
copies2a AddEntry (hclus_ene_cp1,"copy_1","l")
copies2a AddEntry (hclus_ene_cp2,"copy_2","l")
copies2a AddEntry (hclus_ene_cp3,"copy_3","l")
copies2a AddEntry (hclus_ene_cp4,"copy_4","l")
c9 Divide (2, 2)


TFile * fsim = new TFile("data/fixed/sim_emc_g4_m3_1000eve_fixed.root")
TTree * tsim =(TTree *) fsim->Get("pndsim")
TClonesArray * mctrack_array =new TClonesArray("PndMCTrack")
PndEmcMapperemcMap =PndEmcMapper::Instance(1)
TFile * fful = new TFile("data/fixed/full_emc_g4_m3_1000eve_fixed.root")
TTree * tful =(TTree *) fful->Get("pndsim")
TClonesArray * hit_array =new TClonesArray("PndEmcHit")
TClonesArray * digi_array =new TClonesArray("PndEmcDigi")
TClonesArray * cluster_array =new TClonesArray("PndEmcCluster")
Double_t theta_mc
Double_t phi_mc
Double_t ene_mc
Double_t cemc
Double_t cluster_energy
Double_t cluster_theta
Double_t cluster_phi
Double_t hit_ene
Double_t hit_theta
Double_t hit_phi
Double_t x_h
Double_t y_h
Double_t z_h
Double_t module_h
Double_t crystal_h
Double_t row_h
Double_t copy_h
Double_t crystal_hid
Double_t row_hid
Double_t hit_id
Double_t hit_x
Double_t hit_y
Double_t crystal_cid
Double_t row_cid
Double_t crystal_c
Double_t row_c
Double_t copy_c
Double_t digi_ene
Double_t digi_theta
Double_t digi_phi
Double_t module_d
Double_t crystal_d
Double_t row_d
Double_t copy_d
Double_t crystal_did
Double_t row_did
Double_t d_id
Int_t id_h
Int_t id_d
TVector3 photon_momentum
TLorentzVector p4mom
int ndigi
int nhit
double max_energy1 =0
TH2F * hrow_crystal_h = new TH2F("row_crystal","row vs crystal (HIT)",72,-36,36,72,-36,36)
TH2F * hrow_crystal_d = new TH2F("row_crystal_digi","row vs crystal (DIGI)",72,-36,36,72,-36,36)
TH2F * hrow_crystal_c = new TH2F("row_crystal_c","row vs crystal (CLUSTER)",72,-36,36,72,-36,36)
TH2F * hx_y_h = new TH2F("x_y_h","x vs y (HIT)",200,-100,100,200,-100,100)
TH2F * hx_y_d = new TH2F("x_y_d","GetThetaInt() vs GetPhiInt() (DIGI)",200,200,300,200,200,300)
TH1F * hid_h = new TH1F("id_h","id (HIT)",140000000,300000000,340000000)
TH1F * hz_h = new TH1F("z_h","z (HIT)",300,1,300)
TH1F * hmodule_h = new TH1F("module_h","Module (HIT)",5,1,6)
TH2F * hxpad_x_h = new TH2F("xpad_x_h","xpad vs x (HIT)",200,-100,100,200,-100,100)
TH2F * hypad_y_h = new TH2F("ypad_y_h","ypad vs y (HIT)",200,-100,100,200,-100,100)
TH2F * hxpad_x_d = new TH2F("xpad_x_d","xpad vs GetThetaInt() (DIGI)",200,-100,100,200,200,300)
TH2F * hypad_y_d = new TH2F("ypad_y_d","ypad vs GetPhiInt() (DIGI)",200,-100,100,200,200,300)
TH2F * hx_row_h = new TH2F("x_row_h","x vs row (HIT)",200,-100,100,72,-36,36)
TH2F * hx_row_d = new TH2F("x_row_d","GetThetaInt() vs row (DIGI)",200,200,300,72,-36,36)
TH2F * hcp_z_h = new TH2F("cp_z_h","Copy vs.Z pos (HITS)",4,1,5,80,200,240)
TH1F * hz_cp1_h = new TH1F("z_cp1_h","z (HIT)",300,1,300)
TH1F * hz_cp2_h = new TH1F("z_cp2_h","z (HIT)",300,1,300)
TH1F * hz_cp3_h = new TH1F("z_cp3_h","z (HIT)",300,1,300)
TH1F * hz_cp4_h = new TH1F("z_cp4_h","z (HIT)",300,1,300)
TH1F * hz_d = new TH1F("z_d","z (DIGI)",300,1,300)
TH1F * hz_cp1_d = new TH1F("z_cp1_d","z (DIGI)",300,1,300)
TH1F * hz_cp2_d = new TH1F("z_cp2_d","z (DIGI)",300,1,300)
TH1F * hz_cp3_d = new TH1F("z_cp3_d","z (DIGI)",300,1,300)
TH1F * hz_cp4_d = new TH1F("z_cp4_d","z (DIGI)",300,1,300)
TH1F * hz_clust = new TH1F("z_cluster","z (CLUSTER)",300,1,300)
TH1F * hz_cp1_c = new TH1F("z_cp1_c","z (CLUSTER)",300,1,300)
TH1F * hz_cp2_c = new TH1F("z_cp2_c","z (CLUSTER)",300,1,300)
TH1F * hz_cp3_c = new TH1F("z_cp3_c","z (CLUSTER)",300,1,300)
TH1F * hz_cp4_c = new TH1F("z_cp4_c","z (CLUSTER)",300,1,300)
TH1F * hene_mc = new TH1F("hene_mc","MC energy HIT (GeV)",100,0.05,1.05)
TH1F * dene_mc = new TH1F("dene_mc","MC energy DIGI (GeV)",100,0.05,1.05)
TH1F * hclus_ene_sum_mc = new TH1F("hclus_ene_sum_mc","SUM of MC Cluster energy (GeV)",100,0.05,1.05)
TH1F * hene_h = new TH1F("hene_h","DATA energy HIT (GeV)",100,0.05,1.05)
TH1F * hene_d = new TH1F("hene_d","DATA energy DIGI (GeV)",100,0.05,1.05)
TH1F * hhit_ene = new TH1F("hhit_ene","SUM of Hits energy (GeV)",100,0.05,1.05)
TH1F * hdigi_ene = new TH1F("hdigi_ene","SUM of Digi energy (GeV)",100,0.05,1.05)
TH1F * hclus_ene = new TH1F("hclus_ene","SUM of Cluster energy (GeV)",100,0.05,1.05)
TH1F * hclus_ene_mc = new TH1F("hclus_ene_mc","SUM of MC Cluster energy (GeV)",100,0.05,1.05)
TH1F * hclus_ene_sum = new TH1F("hclus_ene_sum","SUM of Cluster energy (GeV)",100,0.05,1.05)
TH1F * hhit_ene_cp1 = new TH1F("hhit_ene_cp1","SUM of Hits energy (GeV) _cp1",100,0.05,1.05)
TH1F * hhit_ene_cp2 = new TH1F("hhit_ene_cp2","SUM of Hits energy (GeV) _cp2",100,0.05,1.05)
TH1F * hhit_ene_cp3 = new TH1F("hhit_ene_cp3","SUM of Hits energy (GeV) _cp3",100,0.05,1.05)
TH1F * hhit_ene_cp4 = new TH1F("hhit_ene_cp4","SUM of Hits energy (GeV) _cp4",100,0.05,1.05)
TH1F * hclus_ene_cp1 = new TH1F("hclus_ene_cp1","Cluster energy (GeV) _cp1",100,0.05,1.05)
TH1F * hclus_ene_cp2 = new TH1F("hclus_ene_cp2","Cluster energy (GeV) _cp2",100,0.05,1.05)
TH1F * hclus_ene_cp3 = new TH1F("hclus_ene_cp3","Cluster energy (GeV) _cp3",100,0.05,1.05)
TH1F * hclus_ene_cp4 = new TH1F("hclus_ene_cp4","Cluster energy (GeV) _cp4",100,0.05,1.05)
TH1F * h10 = new TH1F("h10","HIT Theta (MC)",180,0.,180.)
TH1F * h20 = new TH1F("h20","HIT Phi (MC)",360,-180.,180.)
TH1F * h10d = new TH1F("h10d","HIT Theta (data)",180,0.,180.)
TH1F * h20d = new TH1F("h20d","HIT Phi (data)",360,-180.,180.)
TH1F * h1 = new TH1F("h1","HIT Theta difference",100,-5.,5.)
TH1F * h2 = new TH1F("h2","HIT Phi difference",100,-5.,5.)
TH1F * h10digi = new TH1F("h10digi","DIGI Theta (MC)",180,0.,180.)
TH1F * h20digi = new TH1F("h20digi","DIGI Phi (MC)",360,-180.,180.)
TH1F * h10ddigi = new TH1F("h10ddigi","DIGI Theta (data)",180,0.,180.)
TH1F * h20ddigi = new TH1F("h20ddigi","DIGI Phi (data)",360,-180.,180.)
TH1F * h1d = new TH1F("h1d","DIGI Theta difference",100,-5.,5.)
TH1F * h2d = new TH1F("h2d","DIGI Phi difference",100,-5.,5.)
TH1F * hdigi_ene_cp1 = new TH1F("hdigi_ene_cp1","SUM of Digi energy (GeV) _cp1",100,0.05,1.05)
TH1F * hdigi_ene_cp2 = new TH1F("hdigi_ene_cp2","SUM of Digi energy (GeV) _cp2",100,0.05,1.05)
TH1F * hdigi_ene_cp3 = new TH1F("hdigi_ene_cp3","SUM of Digi energy (GeV) _cp3",100,0.05,1.05)
TH1F * hdigi_ene_cp4 = new TH1F("hdigi_ene_cp4","SUM of Digi energy (GeV) _cp4",100,0.05,1.05)
TH1F * hthc_mc = new TH1F("hthcmc","CLUSTER Theta (MC)",180,0.,180.)
TH1F * hphc_mc = new TH1F("hphcmc","CLUSTER Phi (MC)",360,-180.,180.)
TH1F * hthc = new TH1F("hthc","CLUSTER Theta (data)",180,0.,180.)
TH1F * hphc = new TH1F("hphc","CLUSTER Phi (data)",360,-180.,180.)
TH1F * hthc_diff = new TH1F("hthc_diff","CLUSTER Theta difference",100,-5.,5.)
TH1F * hphc_diff = new TH1F("hphc_diff","CLUSTER Phi difference",100,-5.,5.)
TH1F * hid_d = new TH1F("id_d","id (DIGI)",140000000,300000000,340000000)
TH1F * hmodule_d = new TH1F("module_d","Module (DIGI)",5,1,6)
TH1F * hClustNoOrig = new TH1F("hClustNoOrig","hClustNoOrig",10,0,9)
TH1F * hClustNo = new TH1F("hClustNo","hClustNo",10,0,9)
TH1F * hClNo_cp1 = new TH1F("hClNo_cp1","hClNo_cp1",10,0,9)
TH1F * hClNo_cp2 = new TH1F("hClNo_cp2","hClNo_cp2",10,0,9)
TH1F * hClNo_cp3 = new TH1F("hClNo_cp3","hClNo_cp3",10,0,9)
TH1F * hClNo_cp4 = new TH1F("hClNo_cp4","hClNo_cp4",10,0,9)
Int_t ncounts = tsim->GetEntries()
TCanvas * c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "", 100, 100, 800, 800)
TLegend * copies = new TLegend(0.65,0.4,0.85,0.6)
TLegend * copies4 = new TLegend(0.20,0.40,0.5,0.6)
TLegend * copies6 = new TLegend(0.65,0.4,0.85,0.6)
TLegend * copies5 = new TLegend(0.20,0.40,0.5,0.6)
TLegend * copies3 = new TLegend(0.20,0.30,0.5,0.5)
TLegend * copies2a = new TLegend(0.20,0.4,0.5,0.6)
TCanvas * c9 = new TCanvas("c9", "", 100, 100, 800, 800)

Function Documentation

copies AddEntry ( hz_h  ,
"All copies (G3)"  ,

Referenced by Eff_lE(), and Pic_Compare_FEP_Eff().

copies AddEntry ( hz_cp1_h  ,
"copy_1"  ,
copies AddEntry ( hz_cp2_h  ,
"copy_2"  ,
copies AddEntry ( hz_cp3_h  ,
"copy_3"  ,
copies AddEntry ( hz_cp4_h  ,
"copy_4"  ,
copies4 AddEntry ( hhit_ene  ,
"All copies (G3)"  ,
copies4 AddEntry ( hhit_ene_cp1  ,
"copy_1"  ,
copies4 AddEntry ( hhit_ene_cp2  ,
"copy_2"  ,
copies4 AddEntry ( hhit_ene_cp3  ,
"copy_3"  ,
copies4 AddEntry ( hhit_ene_cp4  ,
"copy_4"  ,
copies6 AddEntry ( hz_d  ,
"All copies (G3)"  ,
copies6 AddEntry ( hz_cp1_d  ,
"copy_1"  ,
copies6 AddEntry ( hz_cp2_d  ,
"copy_2"  ,
copies6 AddEntry ( hz_cp3_d  ,
"copy_3"  ,
copies6 AddEntry ( hz_cp4_d  ,
"copy_4"  ,
copies5 AddEntry ( hdigi_ene  ,
"All copies (G3)"  ,
copies5 AddEntry ( hdigi_ene_cp1  ,
"copy_1"  ,
copies5 AddEntry ( hdigi_ene_cp2  ,
"copy_2"  ,
copies5 AddEntry ( hdigi_ene_cp3  ,
"copy_3"  ,
copies5 AddEntry ( hdigi_ene_cp4  ,
"copy_4"  ,
copies3 AddEntry ( hz_clust  ,
"All copies (G3)"  ,
copies3 AddEntry ( hz_cp1_c  ,
"copy_1"  ,
copies3 AddEntry ( hz_cp2_c  ,
"copy_2"  ,
copies3 AddEntry ( hz_cp3_c  ,
"copy_3"  ,
copies3 AddEntry ( hz_cp4_c  ,
"copy_4"  ,
copies2a AddEntry ( hclus_ene  ,
"All copies (G3)"  ,
copies2a AddEntry ( hclus_ene_cp1  ,
"copy_1"  ,
copies2a AddEntry ( hclus_ene_cp2  ,
"copy_2"  ,
copies2a AddEntry ( hclus_ene_cp3  ,
"copy_3"  ,
copies2a AddEntry ( hclus_ene_cp4  ,
"copy_4"  ,
c1 cd ( )
c1 cd ( )
c1 cd ( )
c1 cd ( )
c cd ( )
c cd ( )
c1 Divide ( ,
c9 Divide ( ,
h10 Draw ( )

Definition at line 64 of file NHitsPerEvent.C.

64  {
66  std::cout << "mvdHitArray: " << mvdHitArray->GetEntries() << " projectedHitArray " << mvdProjectedArray->GetEntries() << std::endl;
68 // gHitPoints->Clear();
71  //if (gHitPoints->GetN() != x.size()) gHitPoints->Expand(x.size());
73  std::cout << "NHits: " << gHitPoints->GetN() << std::endl;
74  gHitPoints->Draw("apl");
75  gProjections->Draw("pl");
76 }
void ExtractData(TClonesArray *array, TGraph *g)
Definition: NHitsPerEvent.C:78
TGraph * gHitPoints
Definition: NHitsPerEvent.C:15
TClonesArray * mvdHitArray
Definition: NHitsPerEvent.C:12
TClonesArray * mvdProjectedArray
Definition: NHitsPerEvent.C:13
TGraph * gProjections
Definition: NHitsPerEvent.C:16
hMcGemPhi Draw ( "same"  )
for ( ) = CAMath::Finite( t.Par(i) )

Definition at line 156 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

Referenced by PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator::AddFilter(), operator<<(), PndFsmCmpDet::readParameters(), and PndFsmCombiDet::readParameters().

156  {
157  //for (Int_t j=1;j< 3; j++){
158  Float_t sum_hit_ene,hit_ene_cp1,hit_ene_cp2,hit_ene_cp3,hit_ene_cp4;
159  Float_t sum_digi_ene,digi_ene_cp1,digi_ene_cp2,digi_ene_cp3,digi_ene_cp4;
160  Float_t sum_clus_ene=0;
161  Float_t cemc_sum=0;
163  sum_hit_ene = hit_ene_cp1 = hit_ene_cp2 = hit_ene_cp3 = hit_ene_cp4 = 0;
164  sum_digi_ene = digi_ene_cp1 = digi_ene_cp2 = digi_ene_cp3 = digi_ene_cp4 =0;
166  tsim->GetEntry(j);
167  tful->GetEntry(j);
170  photon_momentum=mctrack->GetMomentum();
171  theta_mc=photon_momentum.Theta()*(180./TMath::Pi());
172  phi_mc=photon_momentum.Phi()*(180./TMath::Pi());
174  p4mom=mctrack->Get4Momentum();
176  Int_t nhits = hit_array->GetEntries();
177  for (Int_t i=0; i<nhits; i++)
178  {
181  module_h = hit->GetModule();
183  if (module_h==3){
185  hene_mc->Fill(p4mom.E());
187  hit_ene=hit->GetEnergy();
189  hene_h->Fill(hit_ene);
191  sum_hit_ene+=hit_ene;
193  crystal_h = hit->GetCrystal();
194  row_h = hit->GetRow();
195  copy_h = hit->GetCopy();
197  if (copy_h==1) hit_ene_cp1+=hit->GetEnergy();
198  if (copy_h==2) hit_ene_cp2+=hit->GetEnergy();
199  if (copy_h==3) hit_ene_cp3+=hit->GetEnergy();
200  if (copy_h==4) hit_ene_cp4+=hit->GetEnergy();
202  TVector3 hit_pos(hit->GetX(),hit->GetY(),hit->GetZ());
203  hit_theta=hit_pos.Theta()*(180./TMath::Pi());
204  hit_phi=hit_pos.Phi()*(180./TMath::Pi());
206  //cout << "MC: theta= "<<theta_mc<<", phi= "<<phi_mc<<endl;
207  h10->Fill(theta_mc);
208  h20->Fill(phi_mc);
210  h10d->Fill(hit_theta);
211  h20d->Fill(hit_phi);
213  h1->Fill(hit_theta-theta_mc);
214  h2->Fill(hit_phi-phi_mc);
216  if (copy_h==1) hz_cp1_h->Fill(hit->GetZ());
217  if (copy_h==2) hz_cp2_h->Fill(hit->GetZ());
218  if (copy_h==3) hz_cp3_h->Fill(hit->GetZ());
219  if (copy_h==4) hz_cp4_h->Fill(hit->GetZ());
221  hz_h->Fill(hit->GetZ());
222  hcp_z_h->Fill(copy_h,hit->GetZ());
224  hxpad_x_h->Fill(hit->GetXPad(),hit->GetX());
225  hypad_y_h->Fill(hit->GetYPad(),hit->GetY());
227  hx_row_h->Fill(hit->GetRow(),hit->GetX());
229  id_h = hit->GetDetectorID();
231  crystal_hid = (id_h%10000);
232  row_hid = ((id_h/1000000)%100);
234  hmodule_h->Fill(module_h);
236  hx_y_h->Fill(hit->GetX(),hit->GetY());
238  hid_h->Fill(id_h);
239  }
240  }
241  hhit_ene->Fill(sum_hit_ene);
242  hhit_ene_cp1->Fill(hit_ene_cp1);
243  hhit_ene_cp2->Fill(hit_ene_cp2);
244  hhit_ene_cp3->Fill(hit_ene_cp3);
245  hhit_ene_cp4->Fill(hit_ene_cp4);
247  // digits
248  Int_t ndigits = digi_array->GetEntries();
249  //cout << "DIGI array == " << ndigits<< endl;
250  for (Int_t i=0; i<ndigits; i++)
251  {
254  TVector3 digi_pos=digi->where();
256  module_d = digi->GetModule();
258  if (module_d==3){
260  dene_mc->Fill(p4mom.E());
262  digi_ene=digi->GetEnergy();
263  hene_d->Fill(digi_ene);
265  sum_digi_ene+=digi_ene;
267  crystal_d = digi->GetCrystal();
268  row_d = digi->GetRow();
269  copy_d = digi->GetCopy();
271  Double_t digi_z=digi_pos.Z();
272  hz_d->Fill(digi_z);
274  if (copy_d==1){
275  digi_ene_cp1+=digi->GetEnergy();
276  hz_cp1_d->Fill(digi_z);
277  }
278  if (copy_d==2){
279  digi_ene_cp2+=digi->GetEnergy();
280  hz_cp2_d->Fill(digi_z);
281  }
282  if (copy_d==3){
283  digi_ene_cp3+=digi->GetEnergy();
284  hz_cp3_d->Fill(digi_z);
285  }
286  if (copy_d==4){
287  digi_ene_cp4+=digi->GetEnergy();
288  hz_cp4_d->Fill(digi_z);
289  }
291  digi_theta=(digi->GetTheta())*(180./TMath::Pi());
292  digi_phi=(digi->GetPhi())*(180./TMath::Pi());
294  h10digi->Fill(theta_mc);
295  h20digi->Fill(phi_mc);
297  h10ddigi->Fill(digi_theta);
298  h20ddigi->Fill(digi_phi);
300  h1d->Fill(digi_theta-theta_mc);
301  h2d->Fill(digi_phi-phi_mc);
303  hxpad_x_d->Fill(digi->GetXPad(),digi->GetThetaInt());
304  hypad_y_d->Fill(digi->GetYPad(),digi->GetPhiInt());
306  hx_row_d->Fill(digi->GetRow(),digi->GetThetaInt());
308  id_d = digi->GetDetectorId();
310  crystal_did = (id_d%10000);
311  row_did = ((id_d/1000000)%100);
313  hmodule_d->Fill(module_d);
315  hx_y_d->Fill(digi->GetThetaInt(),digi->GetPhiInt());
317  hid_d->Fill(id_d);
318  }
319  }
320  hdigi_ene->Fill(sum_digi_ene);
321  hdigi_ene_cp1->Fill(digi_ene_cp1);
322  hdigi_ene_cp2->Fill(digi_ene_cp2);
323  hdigi_ene_cp3->Fill(digi_ene_cp3);
324  hdigi_ene_cp4->Fill(digi_ene_cp4);
326  // reconstructed clusters
327  Int_t ClustNoOrig,ClustNo,ClustNo_cp1,ClustNo_cp2,ClustNo_cp3,ClustNo_cp4;
328  Int_t detectorID, module, mod3;
329  if (cluster_array->GetEntriesFast()>0)
330  {
331  Int_t idWithHighestEnergy = 0;
332  Double_t highestEnergy = -1.;
334  // First find the cluster with the highest energy
336  if (module_h==3){
338  ClustNoOrig=ClustNo=
339  ClustNo_cp1=ClustNo_cp2=ClustNo_cp3=ClustNo_cp4=0;
341  ClustNoOrig=cluster_array->GetEntriesFast();
342  for (Int_t i=0; i<ClustNoOrig; i++)
343  {
344  PndEmcCluster *cluster=(PndEmcCluster*)cluster_array->At(i);
345  cluster_energy=cluster->energy();
347  std::vector<PndEmcDigi*> digiList=cluster->DigiList();
348  ndigi=digiList.size();
350  if(ndigi != 0)
351  {
352  for(int k = 0; k < digiList.size(); k++)
353  {
354  detectorID = digiList[k]->GetDetectorId();
355  module = digiList[k]->GetModule();
356  row_c = digiList[k]->GetRow();
357  crystal_c = digiList[k]->GetCrystal();
358  copy_c = digiList[k]->GetCopy();
360  crystal_cid = (detectorID%10000);
361  row_cid = ((detectorID/1000000)%100);
364  //cluster_energy=cluster->energy();
365  }
366  }
367  mod3 = module;
369  if (cluster_energy>highestEnergy)
370  {
371  idWithHighestEnergy = i;
372  highestEnergy = cluster_energy;
373  ClustNo++;
374  }
375  } // number of cluster
377  // Lets analyze that cluster!
378  if (mod3 !=3 )cout << "mod3 = "<< mod3 << endl;
379  PndEmcCluster *cluster=(PndEmcCluster*)cluster_array->At(idWithHighestEnergy);
381  TVector3 cluster_pos=cluster->where();
382  cluster_theta=cluster_pos.Theta()*(180./TMath::Pi());
383  cluster_phi=cluster_pos.Phi()*(180./TMath::Pi());//+360;
385  cluster_energy=cluster->energy();
386  //ClustNo++;
388  if (copy_c==1){
389  hclus_ene_cp1->Fill(cluster->energy());
390  hz_cp1_c->Fill(cluster->z());
391  ClustNo_cp1++;
392  }
393  if (copy_c==2){
394  hclus_ene_cp2->Fill(cluster->energy());
395  hz_cp2_c->Fill(cluster->z());
396  ClustNo_cp2++;
397  }
398  if (copy_c==3){
399  hclus_ene_cp3->Fill(cluster->energy());
400  hz_cp3_c->Fill(cluster->z());
401  ClustNo_cp3++;
402  }
403  if (copy_c==4){
404  hclus_ene_cp4->Fill(cluster->energy());
405  hz_cp4_c->Fill(cluster->z());
406  ClustNo_cp4++;
407  }
409  hz_clust->Fill(cluster->z());
411  //cout<<"CLUSTER: th="<<cluster_theta<<", ph="<<cluster_phi<<", energy="<<cluster_energy<<endl;
413  sum_clus_ene+=cluster_energy;
415  cemc=p4mom.E();
416  cemc_sum+=cemc;
418  hclus_ene_mc->Fill(cemc);
419  hclus_ene->Fill(cluster_energy);
421  hthc_mc->Fill(theta_mc); // Monte Carlo
422  hphc_mc->Fill(phi_mc); // Monte Carlo
424  hthc->Fill(cluster_theta); // reconstructed
425  hphc->Fill(cluster_phi); // reconstructed
429  }
430  }
431  hclus_ene_sum_mc->Fill(cemc_sum);
433  hclus_ene_sum->Fill(sum_clus_ene);
435  hClustNoOrig->Fill(ClustNoOrig);
436  hClustNo->Fill(ClustNo);
438  hClNo_cp1->Fill(ClustNo_cp1);
439  hClNo_cp2->Fill(ClustNo_cp2);
440  hClNo_cp3->Fill(ClustNo_cp3);
441  hClNo_cp4->Fill(ClustNo_cp4);
442  }
PndMCTrack * mctrack
Double_t crystal_cid
Double_t hit_theta
Short_t GetCrystal() const
Definition: PndEmcHit.h:60
Short_t GetXPad() const
Definition: PndEmcHit.cxx:87
TClonesArray * digi
TVector3 hit_pos(hit->GetX(), hit->GetY(), hit->GetZ())
Double_t theta_mc
Double_t crystal_did
TVector3 where() const
virtual Double_t GetEnergy() const
Definition: PndEmcDigi.cxx:296
represents the reconstructed hit of one emc crystal
Definition: PndEmcDigi.h:40
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
Double_t crystal_c
TVector3 photon_momentum
Int_t GetThetaInt() const
Definition: PndEmcDigi.h:99
Int_t GetDetectorId() const
Definition: PndEmcDigi.h:97
TClonesArray * digi_array
TH2F * hrow_crystal_c
Short_t GetCrystal() const
Definition: PndEmcDigi.h:105
TVector3 GetMomentum() const
Definition: PndMCTrack.h:78
const std::vector< Int_t > & DigiList() const
Definition: PndEmcCluster.h:40
TH2F * hrow_crystal_h
Double_t crystal_h
Double_t crystal_hid
Short_t GetCopy() const
Definition: PndEmcDigi.h:106
TLorentzVector Get4Momentum() const
Definition: PndMCTrack.cxx:102
Short_t GetModule() const
Definition: PndEmcDigi.h:103
TClonesArray * hit_array
Double_t GetTheta() const
Definition: PndEmcDigi.h:101
Double_t z() const
Double_t module_h
Double_t digi_ene
Double_t cluster_theta
Short_t GetYPad() const
Definition: PndEmcHit.cxx:120
TClonesArray * cluster_array
virtual Double_t GetEnergy() const
Definition: PndEmcHit.h:54
Double_t cluster_energy
Double_t cluster_phi
Double_t row_did
a cluster (group of neighboring crystals) of hit emc crystals
Definition: PndEmcCluster.h:29
Double_t hit_phi
Double_t digi_theta
Double_t row_hid
TH2F * hrow_crystal_d
represents the deposited energy of one emc crystal from simulation
Definition: PndEmcHit.h:26
Double_t row_cid
Short_t GetRow() const
Definition: PndEmcHit.h:59
Double_t GetPhi() const
Definition: PndEmcDigi.h:102
Short_t GetYPad() const
Definition: PndEmcDigi.cxx:261
Short_t GetRow() const
Definition: PndEmcDigi.h:104
virtual Double_t energy() const
const TVector3 & where() const
Definition: PndEmcDigi.h:111
TH1F * hclus_ene_sum_mc
PndSdsMCPoint * hit
Definition: anasim.C:70
Short_t GetXPad() const
Definition: PndEmcDigi.cxx:223
TClonesArray * mctrack_array
Short_t GetCopy() const
Definition: PndEmcHit.h:61
TLorentzVector p4mom
Double_t Pi
Short_t GetModule() const
Definition: PndEmcHit.h:58
Double_t module_d
Double_t digi_phi
Double_t hit_ene
Int_t GetPhiInt() const
Definition: PndEmcDigi.h:100
Double_t crystal_d
hist3 GetXaxis ( ) -> SetTitle("Z position")
hresphi_phi GetYaxis ( ) -> SetTitle("Counts")
gROOT Macro ( "$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/rootlogon.C )
c9 Modified ( )
copies2a SetBorderSize ( )
tsim SetBranchAddress ( "MCTrack"  ,
tful SetBranchAddress ( "EmcHit"  ,
tful SetBranchAddress ( "EmcDigi"  ,
tful SetBranchAddress ( "EmcCluster"  ,
copies2a SetFillColor ( )
ModuleVolume SetLineColor ( )
hclus_ene_cp2 SetLineColor ( )
h20 SetLineColor ( )
hMcGemPhi SetLineColor ( )
gStyle SetPalette ( )
copies2a SetTextSize ( 0.  05)

Variable Documentation

TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "", 100, 100, 800, 800)

Definition at line 444 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TCanvas* c9 = new TCanvas("c9", "", 100, 100, 800, 800)

Definition at line 648 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

Referenced by if(), and main().

Double_t cemc

Definition at line 31 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

Referenced by for().

TClonesArray* cluster_array =new TClonesArray("PndEmcCluster")
Double_t cluster_energy
Double_t cluster_phi
Double_t cluster_theta
TLegend* copies = new TLegend(0.65,0.4,0.85,0.6)

Definition at line 451 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TLegend* copies2a = new TLegend(0.20,0.4,0.5,0.6)

Definition at line 616 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TLegend* copies3 = new TLegend(0.20,0.30,0.5,0.5)

Definition at line 583 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TLegend* copies4 = new TLegend(0.20,0.40,0.5,0.6)

Definition at line 485 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TLegend* copies5 = new TLegend(0.20,0.40,0.5,0.6)

Definition at line 551 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TLegend* copies6 = new TLegend(0.65,0.4,0.85,0.6)

Definition at line 518 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

Double_t copy_c

Definition at line 33 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

Double_t copy_d

Definition at line 39 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

Double_t copy_h

Definition at line 33 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

Double_t crystal_c

Definition at line 33 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

Double_t crystal_cid

Definition at line 33 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

Double_t crystal_d

Definition at line 39 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

Double_t crystal_did
Double_t crystal_h

Definition at line 33 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

Double_t crystal_hid

Definition at line 33 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

Double_t d_id

Definition at line 39 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* dene_mc = new TH1F("dene_mc","MC energy DIGI (GeV)",100,0.05,1.05)

Definition at line 93 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TClonesArray* digi_array =new TClonesArray("PndEmcDigi")
Double_t digi_ene
Double_t digi_phi
Double_t digi_theta
Double_t ene_mc
TFile* fful = new TFile("data/fixed/full_emc_g4_m3_1000eve_fixed.root")

Definition at line 17 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TFile* fsim = new TFile("data/fixed/sim_emc_g4_m3_1000eve_fixed.root")
TH1F* h1 = new TH1F("h1","HIT Theta difference",100,-5.,5.)
TH1F* h10 = new TH1F("h10","HIT Theta (MC)",180,0.,180.)
TH1F* h10d = new TH1F("h10d","HIT Theta (data)",180,0.,180.)
TH1F* h10ddigi = new TH1F("h10ddigi","DIGI Theta (data)",180,0.,180.)

Definition at line 126 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* h10digi = new TH1F("h10digi","DIGI Theta (MC)",180,0.,180.)

Definition at line 124 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* h1d = new TH1F("h1d","DIGI Theta difference",100,-5.,5.)
TH1F* h2 = new TH1F("h2","HIT Phi difference",100,-5.,5.)
TH1F* h20 = new TH1F("h20","HIT Phi (MC)",360,-180.,180.)
TH1F* h20d = new TH1F("h20d","HIT Phi (data)",360,-180.,180.)
TH1F* h20ddigi = new TH1F("h20ddigi","DIGI Phi (data)",360,-180.,180.)

Definition at line 127 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* h20digi = new TH1F("h20digi","DIGI Phi (MC)",360,-180.,180.)

Definition at line 125 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* h2d = new TH1F("h2d","DIGI Phi difference",100,-5.,5.)

Definition at line 129 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hClNo_cp1 = new TH1F("hClNo_cp1","hClNo_cp1",10,0,9)

Definition at line 149 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hClNo_cp2 = new TH1F("hClNo_cp2","hClNo_cp2",10,0,9)

Definition at line 150 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hClNo_cp3 = new TH1F("hClNo_cp3","hClNo_cp3",10,0,9)

Definition at line 151 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hClNo_cp4 = new TH1F("hClNo_cp4","hClNo_cp4",10,0,9)

Definition at line 152 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hclus_ene = new TH1F("hclus_ene","SUM of Cluster energy (GeV)",100,0.05,1.05)

Definition at line 101 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hclus_ene_cp1 = new TH1F("hclus_ene_cp1","Cluster energy (GeV) _cp1",100,0.05,1.05)

Definition at line 111 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hclus_ene_cp2 = new TH1F("hclus_ene_cp2","Cluster energy (GeV) _cp2",100,0.05,1.05)

Definition at line 112 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hclus_ene_cp3 = new TH1F("hclus_ene_cp3","Cluster energy (GeV) _cp3",100,0.05,1.05)

Definition at line 113 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hclus_ene_cp4 = new TH1F("hclus_ene_cp4","Cluster energy (GeV) _cp4",100,0.05,1.05)

Definition at line 114 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hclus_ene_mc = new TH1F("hclus_ene_mc","SUM of MC Cluster energy (GeV)",100,0.05,1.05)

Definition at line 103 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hclus_ene_sum = new TH1F("hclus_ene_sum","SUM of Cluster energy (GeV)",100,0.05,1.05)

Definition at line 104 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hclus_ene_sum_mc = new TH1F("hclus_ene_sum_mc","SUM of MC Cluster energy (GeV)",100,0.05,1.05)

Definition at line 94 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hClustNo = new TH1F("hClustNo","hClustNo",10,0,9)

Definition at line 147 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hClustNoOrig = new TH1F("hClustNoOrig","hClustNoOrig",10,0,9)

Definition at line 146 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH2F* hcp_z_h = new TH2F("cp_z_h","Copy vs.Z pos (HITS)",4,1,5,80,200,240)

Definition at line 72 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hdigi_ene = new TH1F("hdigi_ene","SUM of Digi energy (GeV)",100,0.05,1.05)

Definition at line 100 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hdigi_ene_cp1 = new TH1F("hdigi_ene_cp1","SUM of Digi energy (GeV) _cp1",100,0.05,1.05)

Definition at line 131 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hdigi_ene_cp2 = new TH1F("hdigi_ene_cp2","SUM of Digi energy (GeV) _cp2",100,0.05,1.05)

Definition at line 132 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hdigi_ene_cp3 = new TH1F("hdigi_ene_cp3","SUM of Digi energy (GeV) _cp3",100,0.05,1.05)

Definition at line 133 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hdigi_ene_cp4 = new TH1F("hdigi_ene_cp4","SUM of Digi energy (GeV) _cp4",100,0.05,1.05)

Definition at line 134 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hene_d = new TH1F("hene_d","DATA energy DIGI (GeV)",100,0.05,1.05)

Definition at line 97 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hene_h = new TH1F("hene_h","DATA energy HIT (GeV)",100,0.05,1.05)

Definition at line 96 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hene_mc = new TH1F("hene_mc","MC energy HIT (GeV)",100,0.05,1.05)
TH1F* hhit_ene = new TH1F("hhit_ene","SUM of Hits energy (GeV)",100,0.05,1.05)

Definition at line 99 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hhit_ene_cp1 = new TH1F("hhit_ene_cp1","SUM of Hits energy (GeV) _cp1",100,0.05,1.05)

Definition at line 106 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hhit_ene_cp2 = new TH1F("hhit_ene_cp2","SUM of Hits energy (GeV) _cp2",100,0.05,1.05)

Definition at line 107 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hhit_ene_cp3 = new TH1F("hhit_ene_cp3","SUM of Hits energy (GeV) _cp3",100,0.05,1.05)

Definition at line 108 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hhit_ene_cp4 = new TH1F("hhit_ene_cp4","SUM of Hits energy (GeV) _cp4",100,0.05,1.05)

Definition at line 109 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hid_d = new TH1F("id_d","id (DIGI)",140000000,300000000,340000000)

Definition at line 143 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hid_h = new TH1F("id_h","id (HIT)",140000000,300000000,340000000)

Definition at line 59 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TClonesArray* hit_array =new TClonesArray("PndEmcHit")
Double_t hit_ene

Definition at line 33 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

Referenced by for().

Double_t hit_id

Definition at line 33 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

Double_t hit_phi

Definition at line 33 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

Double_t hit_theta

Definition at line 33 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

Double_t hit_x

Definition at line 33 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

Referenced by PndDiscTaskDigitization::Exec().

Double_t hit_y

Definition at line 33 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hmodule_d = new TH1F("module_d","Module (DIGI)",5,1,6)

Definition at line 144 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hmodule_h = new TH1F("module_h","Module (HIT)",5,1,6)

Definition at line 61 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hphc = new TH1F("hphc","CLUSTER Phi (data)",360,-180.,180.)

Definition at line 139 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hphc_diff = new TH1F("hphc_diff","CLUSTER Phi difference",100,-5.,5.)

Definition at line 141 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hphc_mc = new TH1F("hphcmc","CLUSTER Phi (MC)",360,-180.,180.)

Definition at line 137 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH2F* hrow_crystal_c = new TH2F("row_crystal_c","row vs crystal (CLUSTER)",72,-36,36,72,-36,36)

Definition at line 54 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH2F* hrow_crystal_d = new TH2F("row_crystal_digi","row vs crystal (DIGI)",72,-36,36,72,-36,36)

Definition at line 53 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH2F* hrow_crystal_h = new TH2F("row_crystal","row vs crystal (HIT)",72,-36,36,72,-36,36)

Definition at line 52 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hthc = new TH1F("hthc","CLUSTER Theta (data)",180,0.,180.)

Definition at line 138 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hthc_diff = new TH1F("hthc_diff","CLUSTER Theta difference",100,-5.,5.)

Definition at line 140 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hthc_mc = new TH1F("hthcmc","CLUSTER Theta (MC)",180,0.,180.)

Definition at line 136 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH2F* hx_row_d = new TH2F("x_row_d","GetThetaInt() vs row (DIGI)",200,200,300,72,-36,36)

Definition at line 70 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH2F* hx_row_h = new TH2F("x_row_h","x vs row (HIT)",200,-100,100,72,-36,36)

Definition at line 69 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH2F* hx_y_d = new TH2F("x_y_d","GetThetaInt() vs GetPhiInt() (DIGI)",200,200,300,200,200,300)

Definition at line 57 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH2F* hx_y_h = new TH2F("x_y_h","x vs y (HIT)",200,-100,100,200,-100,100)

Definition at line 56 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH2F* hxpad_x_d = new TH2F("xpad_x_d","xpad vs GetThetaInt() (DIGI)",200,-100,100,200,200,300)

Definition at line 66 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH2F* hxpad_x_h = new TH2F("xpad_x_h","xpad vs x (HIT)",200,-100,100,200,-100,100)

Definition at line 63 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH2F* hypad_y_d = new TH2F("ypad_y_d","ypad vs GetPhiInt() (DIGI)",200,-100,100,200,200,300)

Definition at line 67 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH2F* hypad_y_h = new TH2F("ypad_y_h","ypad vs y (HIT)",200,-100,100,200,-100,100)

Definition at line 64 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hz_clust = new TH1F("z_cluster","z (CLUSTER)",300,1,300)

Definition at line 85 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hz_cp1_c = new TH1F("z_cp1_c","z (CLUSTER)",300,1,300)

Definition at line 86 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hz_cp1_d = new TH1F("z_cp1_d","z (DIGI)",300,1,300)

Definition at line 80 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hz_cp1_h = new TH1F("z_cp1_h","z (HIT)",300,1,300)

Definition at line 74 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hz_cp2_c = new TH1F("z_cp2_c","z (CLUSTER)",300,1,300)

Definition at line 87 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hz_cp2_d = new TH1F("z_cp2_d","z (DIGI)",300,1,300)

Definition at line 81 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hz_cp2_h = new TH1F("z_cp2_h","z (HIT)",300,1,300)

Definition at line 75 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hz_cp3_c = new TH1F("z_cp3_c","z (CLUSTER)",300,1,300)

Definition at line 88 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hz_cp3_d = new TH1F("z_cp3_d","z (DIGI)",300,1,300)

Definition at line 82 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hz_cp3_h = new TH1F("z_cp3_h","z (HIT)",300,1,300)

Definition at line 76 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hz_cp4_c = new TH1F("z_cp4_c","z (CLUSTER)",300,1,300)

Definition at line 89 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hz_cp4_d = new TH1F("z_cp4_d","z (DIGI)",300,1,300)

Definition at line 83 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hz_cp4_h = new TH1F("z_cp4_h","z (HIT)",300,1,300)

Definition at line 77 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hz_d = new TH1F("z_d","z (DIGI)",300,1,300)

Definition at line 79 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hz_h = new TH1F("z_h","z (HIT)",300,1,300)

Definition at line 60 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

Int_t id_d
Int_t id_h

Definition at line 43 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

double max_energy1 =0

Definition at line 49 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TClonesArray* mctrack_array =new TClonesArray("PndMCTrack")
Double_t module_d
Double_t module_h

Definition at line 33 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

Int_t ncounts = tsim->GetEntries()
int ndigi
int nhit
TLorentzVector p4mom
Double_t phi_mc
TVector3 photon_momentum
Double_t row_c

Definition at line 33 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

Double_t row_cid

Definition at line 33 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

Double_t row_d

Definition at line 39 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

Double_t row_did
Double_t row_h

Definition at line 33 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

Double_t row_hid

Definition at line 33 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

TTree* tful =(TTree *) fful->Get("pndsim")

Definition at line 19 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

Double_t theta_mc
TTree* tsim =(TTree *) fsim->Get("pndsim")
Double_t x_h
Double_t y_h

Definition at line 33 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

Double_t z_h

Definition at line 33 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.