Functions | Variables
createDummySensor.C File Reference

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topNode SetAsTopVolume ()
assamb AddNode (sensor, 0, trafo)
topNode AddNode (assamb, 0, new TGeoHMatrix())
topNode Export (outfile.Data(),"topNode","recreate")


TGeoMaterial * matVacuum = new TGeoMaterial("vacuum",0,0,0)
TGeoMaterial * matSilicon = new TGeoMaterial("silicon", 28.0855, 14, 2.33)
TGeoMedium * medVacuum = new TGeoMedium("vacuum", 1, matVacuum)
TGeoMedium * medSilicon = new TGeoMedium("silicon", 2, matSilicon)
TGeoShape * topShape = new TGeoBBox(100,100,100)
TGeoVolume * topNode = new TGeoVolume("top", topShape, medVacuum)
TGeoVolumeAssembly * assamb = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("DummysensorAss")
TGeoShape * shape = new TGeoBBox(0.96, 0.96, 0.015)
TGeoRotation * rot = new TGeoRotation("rot",0.,85.,0.)
TGeoCombiTrans * trafo = new TGeoCombiTrans(0., 0., 4., rot)
TGeoVolume * sensor = new TGeoVolume("DtsStripSensorRect",shape,medSilicon)

Function Documentation

assamb AddNode ( sensor  ,
topNode AddNode ( assamb  ,
new   TGeoHMatrix() 
topNode Export ( outfile.  Data(),
"topNode"  ,
topNode SetAsTopVolume ( )

Variable Documentation

TGeoVolumeAssembly* assamb = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("DummysensorAss")

Definition at line 16 of file createDummySensor.C.

TGeoMaterial* matSilicon = new TGeoMaterial("silicon", 28.0855, 14, 2.33)

Definition at line 7 of file createDummySensor.C.

TGeoMaterial* matVacuum = new TGeoMaterial("vacuum",0,0,0)

Definition at line 6 of file createDummySensor.C.

TGeoMedium* medSilicon = new TGeoMedium("silicon", 2, matSilicon)

Definition at line 9 of file createDummySensor.C.

Referenced by hypGeGeoCOSYGermaniums(), and hypGeGeoCOSYSiPm().

TGeoMedium* medVacuum = new TGeoMedium("vacuum", 1, matVacuum)

Definition at line 8 of file createDummySensor.C.

TGeoRotation* rot = new TGeoRotation("rot",0.,85.,0.)

Definition at line 19 of file createDummySensor.C.

TGeoVolume* sensor = new TGeoVolume("DtsStripSensorRect",shape,medSilicon)
TGeoShape* shape = new TGeoBBox(0.96, 0.96, 0.015)
TGeoVolume* topNode = new TGeoVolume("top", topShape, medVacuum)

Definition at line 13 of file createDummySensor.C.

TGeoShape* topShape = new TGeoBBox(100,100,100)

Definition at line 12 of file createDummySensor.C.

TGeoCombiTrans* trafo = new TGeoCombiTrans(0., 0., 4., rot)

Definition at line 20 of file createDummySensor.C.

Referenced by PndLmdGeometryFactory::generatePCB().