Functions | Variables
detectors/hyp/Alicia/runReco.C File Reference

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gROOT Macro ("$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/rootlogon.C")
gSystem Load ("libtrackrep")
gSystem Load ("librazhyp")
gSystem Load ("libHyp")
timer Start ()
fRun SetInputFile (inFile.Data())
fRun AddFriend (RecoFile)
fRun SetOutputFile (outFile.Data())
fRun AddTask (Geane)
parInput1 open (parFile.Data())
rtdb setFirstInput (parInput1)
DemoPR AddHitBranch (2,"HypHit")
DemoPR SetPersistence ()
DemoPR UseGeane ()
fRun AddTask (DemoPR)
fRun AddTask (DemoKalman)
fRun Init ()
fRun Run (0, nEvents)
DemoKalman WriteHistograms (outFile.Data())
timer Stop ()


TString inFile = "Bup_hypFSG41TXm.root"
Int_t nEvents = 420
TString parFile ="Bup_hypFS1TG4Xmparams.root"
TString RecoFile = "output_hitbup.root"
TString outFile = "HypIdrecdos2.root"
TStopwatch timer
FairRunAna * fRun = new FairRunAna()
FairGeane * Geane = new FairGeane()
FairRuntimeDb * rtdb = fRun->GetRuntimeDb()
FairParRootFileIo * parInput1 = new FairParRootFileIo()
Bool_t kParameterMerged =kTRUE
PndHypDPatternRecoTaskDemoPR = new PndHypDPatternRecoTask()
PndHypDKalmanTaskDemoKalman = new PndHypDKalmanTask()
Double_t rtime = timer.RealTime()
Double_t ctime = timer.CpuTime()

Function Documentation

fRun AddFriend ( RecoFile  )
DemoKalman AddHitBranch ( ,
fRun AddTask ( Geane  )
fRun AddTask ( DemoPR  )
fRun AddTask ( DemoKalman  )
fRun Init ( )

Initialize the session

Definition at line 20 of file NHitsPerEvent.C.

21 {
22  TFile* f = new TFile("2014-10-27-00-06-02_50_MHz_Filtered_PosCorrected_Event.root", "READ");
23  t = (TTree*)f->Get("pndsim");
24 // t->AddFriend("pndsim", "2014-10-27-00-06-02_50_MHz_Filtered_PosCorrected_Residuals.root");
25 // t->AddFriend("pndsim", "2014-10-27-00-06-02_50_MHz_Filtered_PosCorrected_Track.root");
26 // t->AddFriend("pndsim", "2014-10-27-00-06-02_50_MHz_Filtered_TimeCorrectedSorted_Event.root");
27  t->StartViewer();
29  t->SetBranchAddress("MVDHitsPixelPosCorrected", &mvdHitArray);
30 // t->SetBranchAddress("MvdProjectedHit", &mvdProjectedArray);
31 // t->SetBranchAddress("MvdTrack", &trackArray);
33  gHitPoints->SetLineColor(kRed);
34  gHitPoints->SetMarkerStyle(2);
35  gHitPoints->SetMarkerColor(kRed);
37  gProjections->SetLineColor(kBlue);
38  gProjections->SetMarkerStyle(5);
39  gProjections->SetMarkerColor(kBlue);
42 // mg->Add(gProjections, "Projected");
43  mg->Add(gHitPoints, "Hits");
44  t->GetEntry(0);
45 }
TMultiGraph * mg
Definition: NHitsPerEvent.C:17
TGraph * gHitPoints
Definition: NHitsPerEvent.C:15
TClonesArray * mvdHitArray
Definition: NHitsPerEvent.C:12
TFile * f
Definition: bump_analys.C:12
TTree * t
Definition: bump_analys.C:13
TGraph * gProjections
Definition: NHitsPerEvent.C:16
gSystem Load ( "libtrackrep"  )
gSystem Load ( "librazhyp"  )
gSystem Load ( "libHyp"  )
gROOT Macro ( "$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/rootlogon.C )
parInput1 open ( parFile.  Data())
fRun Run ( ,
rtdb setFirstInput ( parInput1  )
fRun SetInputFile ( inFile.  Data())
fRun SetOutputFile ( outFile.  Data())
tpcCF SetPersistence ( )
timer Start ( )
timer Stop ( )
DemoPR UseGeane ( )
DemoKalman WriteHistograms ( outFile.  Data())

Variable Documentation

Double_t ctime = timer.CpuTime()

Definition at line 109 of file detectors/hyp/Alicia/runReco.C.

PndHypDKalmanTask* DemoKalman = new PndHypDKalmanTask()

Definition at line 84 of file detectors/hyp/Alicia/runReco.C.

Referenced by runReco().

Definition at line 73 of file detectors/hyp/Alicia/runReco.C.

Referenced by runReco().

FairRunAna* fRun = new FairRunAna()

Definition at line 39 of file detectors/hyp/Alicia/runReco.C.

FairGeane* Geane = new FairGeane()
TString inFile = "Bup_hypFSG41TXm.root"

Definition at line 8 of file detectors/hyp/Alicia/runReco.C.

Bool_t kParameterMerged =kTRUE

Definition at line 61 of file detectors/hyp/Alicia/runReco.C.

Int_t nEvents = 420

Definition at line 9 of file detectors/hyp/Alicia/runReco.C.

TString outFile = "HypIdrecdos2.root"

Definition at line 13 of file detectors/hyp/Alicia/runReco.C.

TString parFile ="Bup_hypFS1TG4Xmparams.root"

Definition at line 10 of file detectors/hyp/Alicia/runReco.C.

FairParRootFileIo* parInput1 = new FairParRootFileIo()

Definition at line 58 of file detectors/hyp/Alicia/runReco.C.

TString RecoFile = "output_hitbup.root"

Definition at line 11 of file detectors/hyp/Alicia/runReco.C.

FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = fRun->GetRuntimeDb()

Definition at line 57 of file detectors/hyp/Alicia/runReco.C.

Double_t rtime = timer.RealTime()

Definition at line 108 of file detectors/hyp/Alicia/runReco.C.

TStopwatch timer

Definition at line 32 of file detectors/hyp/Alicia/runReco.C.