Namespaces | Classes | Macros


 Namespace for various tools, mainly smoothing.
 Matrix inversion tools.


class  GFAbsBField
 Generic Interface to magnetic fields in GENFIT. More...
class  GFAbsFinitePlane
 Abstract base class for implementing arbitrarily shaped finite detector planes. More...
class  GFAbsRecoHit
 Base Class for representing a Hit in GENFIT. More...
class  GFAbsTrackRep
 Base Class for genfit track representations. Defines interface for track parameterizations. More...
class  GFConstField
 Constant Magnetic field. More...
class  GFDaf
 Determinstic Annealing Filter (DAF) implementation. More...
class  GFDafHit
 Wrapper class for use with GFDaf. More...
class  GFDetPlane
 Detector plane genfit geometry class. More...
class  GFException
 Exception class for error handling in GENFIT (provides storage for diagnostic information) More...
class  GFFieldManager
 Singleton which provides access to magnetic field for track representations. More...
class  GFKalman
 Generic Kalman Filter implementation. More...
class  GFPlanarHitPolicy
 Policy class implementing a planar hit geometry. More...
class  GFRecoHitFactory
 Factory object to create RecoHits from digitized and clustered data. More...
class  GFRecoHitIfc< HitPolicy >
 RecoHit interface template class. Provides comfortable interface to create RecoHits. More...
class  GFAbsRecoHitProducer
 Abstract interface class for GFRecoHitProducer. More...
class  GFRecoHitProducer< hit_T, recoHit_T >
 Template class for a hit producer module. More...
class  GFRectFinitePlane
 Concrete implementation of finitie detector plane for rectangles. More...
class  GFSpacepointHitPolicy
 Policy class implementing a space point hit geometry. More...
class  GFTrack
 Track object for genfit. genfit algorithms work on these objects. More...
class  GFTrackCand
 Track candidate – a list of cluster indices. More...
class  GFWireHitPolicy
 policy class for hits in wire detectors (STT and DCH) which do not measure the coordinate along the wire More...
class  GFWirepointHitPolicy
 policy class for hits in wire detectors (STT and DCH) which can measure the coordinate along the wire More...
class  GFPandaField
 Constant Magnetic field. More...


#define CACHE

Detailed Description

Christian Höppner (Technische Universität München, original author)
Christian Höppner (Technische Universität München, original author)
Sebastian Neubert (Technische Universität München, original author)

Macro Definition Documentation

#define CACHE

Definition at line 33 of file FieldManager.h.