7 TString parAsciiFile =
8 TString input =
27 FairGeane *
Geane =
new FairGeane();
37 fRun->AddTask(trackStt);
51 fRun->AddTask(recoKalman);
66 fRun->AddTask(trackFts);
80 fRun->AddTask(recoKalmanFwd);
Class for the master reconstruction chain.
Bool_t Setup(TString outprefix="")
Initial setup.
void SetIdealHyp(Bool_t opt=kTRUE)
void SetTrackingEfficiency(Double_t eff=1.)
Ideal track finder for all types of tracking detectors The PndIdealTrackFinder combines all hits in ...
void SetPersistency(Bool_t val=kTRUE)
virtual void SetOutputBranchName(TString name)
void AddFriend(TString par)
Setter of friend root files.
FairParRootFileIo * output
void SetTrackOutBranchName(const TString &name)
void SetInput(TString par)
Input of the macro.
void SetTrackSelector(TString selector)
PndRecoKalmanTask * recoKalmanFwd
static void Init(Int_t MapVersion)
PndFtsTrackerIdeal * trackFts
void SetVertexSmearing(Double_t sigmax=-1., Double_t sigmay=-1., Double_t sigmaz=-1.)
void SetTrackInBranchName(const TString &name)
void Finish()
Final diagnostics.
PndRecoKalmanTask * recoKalman
void SetOutput(TString par)
Tag of the output file of the macro.
void SetParamAsciiFile(TString par)
Setter of the parameter ascii file.
void SetRelativeMomentumSmearing(Double_t dpop=-1.)