Go to the source code of this file.
gROOT | Macro ("$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/rootlogon.C") |
timer | Start () |
gStyle | SetHistFillColor (9) |
gStyle | SetCanvasColor (0) |
gStyle | SetLabelSize (0.025,"X") |
gStyle | SetLabelSize (0.025,"Y") |
gStyle | SetTitleSize (0.03,"Y") |
gStyle | SetBarOffset (10) |
gStyle | SetTitleOffset (1,"X") |
gStyle | SetTitleOffset (1.55,"Y") |
gStyle | SetTitleSize (0.03,"X") |
gStyle | SetPalette (1, 0) |
gStyle | SetOptFit (1111) |
tree | SetBranchAddress ("MVDPoint",&pointlist) |
hist10 | SetYTitle ("(dE/dx)/(GeV/cm)") |
hist10 | SetXTitle ("p/(GeV/c)") |
vecFront | SetXYZ (point->GetX(), point->GetY(), point->GetZ()) |
| if (dx!=0) |
hist10 | DrawCopy ("col") |
timer | Stop () |
TStopwatch | timer |
TFile * | inFile = new TFile("../data/MvdMC_Pid_10k.root","READ") |
TTree * | tree = (TTree *)inFile->Get("pndsim") |
TClonesArray * | pointlist =new TClonesArray("PndSdsMCPoint") |
TH2D * | hist10 = new TH2D("specEnergyLossVsP","dE/dx(p)",200,0.0,1,200,0,0.0005) |
TVector3 | vecFront |
TVector3 | vecBack |
TVector3 | vecP |
Int_t | nEvents = 5000 |
Double_t | dx =(vecBack-vecFront).Mag() |
Double_t | dE =point->GetEnergyLoss() |
Double_t | p =vecP.Mag() |
Double_t | dEdX |
TCanvas * | can1 = new TCanvas("test","Energy in MVD",20,20,800,600) |
Double_t | rtime = timer.RealTime() |
Double_t | ctime = timer.CpuTime() |
gStyle SetBarOffset |
( |
10 |
| ) |
tree SetBranchAddress |
( |
"MVDPoint" |
, |
& |
pointlist |
) |
| |
gStyle SetCanvasColor |
( |
0 |
| ) |
gStyle SetHistFillColor |
( |
9 |
| ) |
gStyle SetLabelSize |
( |
0. |
025, |
"X" |
) |
| |
gStyle SetLabelSize |
( |
0. |
025, |
"Y" |
) |
| |
gStyle SetOptFit |
( |
1111 |
| ) |
gStyle SetPalette |
( |
1 |
, |
0 |
) |
| |
gStyle SetTitleOffset |
( |
1 |
, |
"X" |
) |
| |
gStyle SetTitleOffset |
( |
1. |
55, |
"Y" |
) |
| |
gStyle SetTitleSize |
( |
0. |
03, |
"Y" |
) |
| |
gStyle SetTitleSize |
( |
0. |
03, |
"X" |
) |
| |
TCanvas* can1 = new TCanvas("test","Energy in MVD",20,20,800,600) |
dE =point->GetEnergyLoss() |
TH2D* hist10 = new TH2D("specEnergyLossVsP","dE/dx(p)",200,0.0,1,200,0,0.0005) |
TFile* inFile = new TFile("../data/MvdMC_Pid_10k.root","READ") |
TClonesArray* pointlist =new TClonesArray("PndSdsMCPoint") |