Functions | Variables
piddraw.C File Reference

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gROOT Macro ("$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/rootlogon.C")
timer Start ()
gStyle SetHistFillColor (9)
gStyle SetCanvasColor (0)
gStyle SetLabelSize (0.025,"X")
gStyle SetLabelSize (0.025,"Y")
gStyle SetTitleSize (0.03,"Y")
gStyle SetBarOffset (10)
gStyle SetTitleOffset (1,"X")
gStyle SetTitleOffset (1.55,"Y")
gStyle SetTitleSize (0.03,"X")
gStyle SetPalette (1, 0)
gStyle SetOptFit (1111)
tree SetBranchAddress ("MVDPoint",&pointlist)
hist10 SetYTitle ("(dE/dx)/(GeV/cm)")
hist10 SetXTitle ("p/(GeV/c)")
vecFront SetXYZ (point->GetX(), point->GetY(), point->GetZ())
 if (dx!=0)
hist10 DrawCopy ("col")
timer Stop ()


TStopwatch timer
TFile * inFile = new TFile("../data/MvdMC_Pid_10k.root","READ")
TTree * tree = (TTree *)inFile->Get("pndsim")
TClonesArray * pointlist =new TClonesArray("PndSdsMCPoint")
TH2D * hist10 = new TH2D("specEnergyLossVsP","dE/dx(p)",200,0.0,1,200,0,0.0005)
TVector3 vecFront
TVector3 vecBack
TVector3 vecP
Int_t nEvents = 5000
Double_t dx =(vecBack-vecFront).Mag()
Double_t dE =point->GetEnergyLoss()
Double_t p =vecP.Mag()
Double_t dEdX
TCanvas * can1 = new TCanvas("test","Energy in MVD",20,20,800,600)
Double_t rtime = timer.RealTime()
Double_t ctime = timer.CpuTime()

Function Documentation

hist10 DrawCopy ( "col"  )
if ( dx!  = 0)

Definition at line 55 of file piddraw.C.

References dx.

56  {
57  dEdX=(dE/dx);
58  hist10->Fill(p,dE);
59  }
Double_t p
Definition: anasim.C:58
Double_t dE
Definition: anasim.C:58
Double_t dEdX
Definition: anasim.C:58
double dx
TH2D * hist10
Definition: hist-t7.C:47
gROOT Macro ( "$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/rootlogon.C )
gStyle SetBarOffset ( 10  )
tree SetBranchAddress ( "MVDPoint"  ,
gStyle SetCanvasColor ( )
gStyle SetHistFillColor ( )
gStyle SetLabelSize ( 0.  025,
gStyle SetLabelSize ( 0.  025,
gStyle SetOptFit ( 1111  )
gStyle SetPalette ( ,
gStyle SetTitleOffset ( ,
gStyle SetTitleOffset ( 1.  55,
gStyle SetTitleSize ( 0.  03,
gStyle SetTitleSize ( 0.  03,
hist10 SetXTitle ( "p/(GeV/c)"  )
vecP SetXYZ ( point->  GetX(),
point->  GetY(),
point->  GetZ() 
hist10 SetYTitle ( "(dE/dx)/(GeV/cm)"  )
timer Start ( )
timer Stop ( )

Variable Documentation

TCanvas* can1 = new TCanvas("test","Energy in MVD",20,20,800,600)

Definition at line 63 of file piddraw.C.

Double_t ctime = timer.CpuTime()

Definition at line 69 of file piddraw.C.

dE =point->GetEnergyLoss()

Definition at line 37 of file piddraw.C.

Double_t dEdX

Definition at line 37 of file piddraw.C.

dx =(vecBack-vecFront).Mag()

Definition at line 37 of file piddraw.C.

TH2D* hist10 = new TH2D("specEnergyLossVsP","dE/dx(p)",200,0.0,1,200,0,0.0005)

Definition at line 30 of file piddraw.C.

TFile* inFile = new TFile("../data/MvdMC_Pid_10k.root","READ")

Definition at line 24 of file piddraw.C.

Int_t nEvents = 5000

Definition at line 36 of file piddraw.C.

p =vecP.Mag()

Definition at line 37 of file piddraw.C.

TClonesArray* pointlist =new TClonesArray("PndSdsMCPoint")

Definition at line 26 of file piddraw.C.

Double_t rtime = timer.RealTime()

Definition at line 68 of file piddraw.C.

TStopwatch timer

Definition at line 7 of file piddraw.C.

TTree* tree = (TTree *)inFile->Get("pndsim")

Definition at line 25 of file piddraw.C.

TVector3 vecBack

Definition at line 35 of file piddraw.C.

TVector3 vecFront

Definition at line 35 of file piddraw.C.

TVector3 vecP

Definition at line 35 of file piddraw.C.