156 gROOT->LoadMacro(
158 gROOT->LoadMacro(
159 gROOT->SetStyle(
160 gStyle->SetOptStat(
161 gStyle->SetOptFit(1111);
162 gStyle->SetPalette(1);
171 std::cout <<
"creator.GetCustomFileName('ana')" <<
"ana") << std::endl;
174 TFile*
f =
new TFile(inFile.c_str());
178 TCanvas* canvas =
new TCanvas(
237 TH2F* fPositionDecayVertexLambdaLambdaBar2D = (TH2F*)f->Get(
251 TH1I* fMVDPointsPerTrackTotal = (TH1I*)f->Get(
252 TH1I* fMVDPointsPerTrackTotalWithLambda = (TH1I*)f->Get(
300 TH1F* fDecayLength= (TH1F*)f->Get(
301 TH1F* blubb = fDecayLength->Rebin(2,
302 TH1F* blubb1 = fDecayLength->Rebin(2,
303 TH1F* blubb2 = blubb1->Rebin(2,
304 TH1F* blubb3 = blubb2->Rebin(2,
305 TH1F* blubb4 = blubb3->Rebin(2,
306 TH1F* blubb5 = blubb4->Rebin(2,
307 TH1F* blubb6 = blubb5->Rebin(2,
308 TH1F* blubb7 = blubb6->Rebin(2,
309 TH1F* blubb8 = blubb7->Rebin(2,
311 std::cout << std::setw(15);
312 std::cout <<
"Slope ";
313 std::cout << std::setw(15);
314 std::cout <<
"Error ";
315 std::cout << std::setw(15);
316 std::cout<<
"Chi quadrat/NDG ";
317 std::cout << std::setw(15);
318 std::cout<<
"Chi quadrat/NDG ";
319 std::cout << std::setw(15);
320 std::cout <<
"NBins " << std::endl;
353 gStyle->SetOptStat(110);
354 fMVDPointsPerTrackTotal->Draw();
356 gPad->Print(
357 gPad->Print(
361 gStyle->SetOptStat(110);
362 fMVDPointsPerTrackTotalWithLambda->Draw();
363 gPad->Print(
364 gPad->Print(
366 gStyle->SetOptStat(10);
367 fMVDPointsPerTrackTotal->GetXaxis()->SetRange(0,12);
368 fMVDPointsPerTrackTotal->SetLineColor(2);
369 fMVDPointsPerTrackTotal->SetLineWidth(2);
370 fMVDPointsPerTrackTotal->Draw();
372 fMVDPointsPerTrackTotalWithLambda->Draw(
373 fMVDPointsPerTrackTotalWithLambda->SetLineWidth(2);
377 TLegend* legend = gPad->BuildLegend(0.5204598,0.5529661,0.9897701,0.7627119);
378 legend->SetFillColor(0);
380 fMVDPointsPerTrackTotal->SetTitle(
"#Hits/Track with and without #Lambda-Disks");
382 gPad->Print(
383 gPad->Print(
385 TCanvas* canvas3 =
new TCanvas(
"Results", 900,400);
388 fPositionDecayVertexLambdaLambdaBar2D->Draw(
392 gPad->Print(
395 fPositionDecayVertexLambdaLambdaBar2D->Draw(
398 gPad->Print(
401 fPositionDecayVertexLambdaLambdaBar2D->Draw(
404 gPad->Print(
407 fPositionDecayVertexLambdaLambdaBar2D->Draw(
410 gPad->Print(
590 cout << endl << endl;
591 cout <<
"Macro finished succesfully." << endl;
592 cout <<
"Real time " << rtime <<
" s, CPU time " << ctime <<
" s" << endl;
void DrawLambdaDiskPosition2()
void DrawLambdaDiskPosition3()
void ctauhistogramm(TH1F *histo, TString savefile)
A simple class which adds the corresponding file extensions to a given base class.
PndMvdCreateDefaultApvMap * creator
void DrawLambdaDiskPosition0()
void DrawLambdaDiskPosition1()