Classes | Typedefs | Variables
softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx File Reference
#include "PndSoftTriggerTask.h"
#include "PndOnlineFilterInfo.h"
#include "PndSoftTriggerLine.h"
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <map>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "FairRootManager.h"
#include "FairRunAna.h"
#include "FairRuntimeDb.h"
#include "FairRun.h"
#include "TClonesArray.h"
#include "TVector3.h"
#include "TH1F.h"
#include "TH2F.h"
#include "TString.h"
#include "TRegexp.h"
#include "TMVA/Reader.h"
#include "RhoCandidate.h"
#include "RhoHistogram/RhoTuple.h"
#include "RhoFactory.h"
#include "RhoMassParticleSelector.h"
#include "RhoMomentumParticleSelector.h"
#include "RhoEnergyParticleSelector.h"
#include "PndAnalysis.h"
#include "Rho4CFitter.h"
#include "RhoKinVtxFitter.h"
#include "RhoKalmanVtxFitter.h"
#include "RhoKinFitter.h"
#include "RhoVtxPoca.h"
#include "PndPidCandidate.h"
#include "PndEventShape.h"
#include "PndRhoTupleQA.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  STCutSet


typedef std::map< int,
PndSoftTriggerLine * >


const int STMAXCUT = 50
const int STMAXEVVARS = 50
float fSTInputValues [STMAXCUT]
std::map< TString, int > fSTVarmap
std::map< int, STCutSetfSTSelmap
TString fSTOps [5] ={">=",">","==","<=","<"}
std::map< int,
PndSoftTriggerLine * > 
std::map< int, int > fSTMapListIndex
int fSTPidIndex [16] = {-11, 11, -13, 13, 211, -211, 321, -321, 2212, -2212, 22, 111, 310, 221, 0, 0}
int fSTNEvVars = 35
TString fSTenames []
int fSTNQuant = 17
TString fSTVarSuff [] = {"pt","tht","pcm","thtcm","pide","pidmu","pidpi","pidk","pidp", "pidmax","pocqa","pocdist","pocctau","oang","cdecang","decang","p" }
int fSTQuantCode [] = { 11, 12, 13, 14, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 30, 31, 32, 40, 42, 41, 10 }
double fSTVarEvArray [STMAXEVVARS]
std::map< int, double > fSTVarCandArray
std::vector< int > fSTencode
int fSTModeIndex = 0

Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map<int, PndSoftTriggerLine*>::iterator TrigIt

Definition at line 91 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

Variable Documentation

TString fSTenames[]
Initial value:
= {
"eslnpide" , "eslnpidmu" , "eslnpidpi" , "eslnpidk" , "eslnpidp" ,
"esfw1" , "esfw2" , "esfw3" , "esfw4" , "esfw5" ,
"esapl" , "escir" , "espla" , "esnneut" , "esnpart" ,
"esnchrg" , "espmax" , "espmaxl" , "espmin" , "espminl" ,
"esprapmax" , "esptmax" , "essumen" , "essumenl" , "essumetn" ,
"essumpc" , "essumpc05" , "essumpcl" , "essumpt" , "essumptc" ,
"esthr" , "essph" , "esptmin" , "esncp10l" , "esnne10l"

Definition at line 107 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

Referenced by PndSoftTriggerTask::ReadConfiguration().

std::vector<int> fSTencode
float fSTInputValues[STMAXCUT]
std::map<int, int> fSTMapListIndex
int fSTModeIndex = 0
int fSTNEvVars = 35
int fSTNQuant = 17

Definition at line 118 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

Referenced by PndSoftTriggerTask::CodeVariable().

TString fSTOps[5] ={">=",">","==","<=","<"}
int fSTPidIndex[16] = {-11, 11, -13, 13, 211, -211, 321, -321, 2212, -2212, 22, 111, 310, 221, 0, 0}
int fSTQuantCode[] = { 11, 12, 13, 14, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 30, 31, 32, 40, 42, 41, 10 }

Definition at line 120 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

Referenced by PndSoftTriggerTask::CodeVariable().

std::map<int, STCutSet> fSTSelmap
std::map<int, PndSoftTriggerLine*> fSTTriggers
std::map<int, double> fSTVarCandArray
double fSTVarEvArray[STMAXEVVARS]
std::map<TString, int> fSTVarmap
TString fSTVarSuff[] = {"pt","tht","pcm","thtcm","pide","pidmu","pidpi","pidk","pidp", "pidmax","pocqa","pocdist","pocctau","oang","cdecang","decang","p" }

Definition at line 119 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

Referenced by PndSoftTriggerTask::CodeVariable().

const int STMAXCUT = 50

Definition at line 59 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.

const int STMAXEVVARS = 50

Definition at line 60 of file softrig/PndSoftTriggerTask.cxx.