19 #include <TLorentzVector.h>
22 #include <FairDetector.h>
31 class FairMCEventHeader;
FairMCEventHeader * ev_header
TClonesArray * clarr_photon_tracks
hit on a photodetector surface
virtual void Initialize()
Initialize will be called after the Geometry is created.
std::map< int, double > internal_reflection_angle_of_photons
TClonesArray * clarr_sensor_hits
virtual void BeginEvent()
int design_id
photon track ids that have been
TClonesArray * clarr_particle_tracks
optical photon tracks
virtual void Reset()
Interface implementation - reset the 'containers'.
virtual bool CheckIfSensitive(std::string name)
Interface implementation - Check if a given volume name belongs to a sensitive volume.
virtual void ConstructGeometry()
std::set< std::string > names_of_sensitive_volumes
virtual void Register()
Interface implementation - Register the data collections in FairRootManager.
std::map< int, std::pair< int, double > > last_track_occurence
TLorentzVector old_momentum
std::map< int, std::pair< TLorentzVector, TLorentzVector > > photons_entering_optics
virtual Bool_t ProcessHits(FairVolume *v=0)
virtual TClonesArray * GetCollection(Int_t iColl) const
Interface implementation - Get a data collection by index.
int nextid_clarr_particle_tracks
int nextid_clarr_sensor_hits
tracks of other particles
Bool_t store_photon_tracks
void StorePhotonTracks(Bool_t bval)
Enable/Disable the storage of photon track information.
virtual void EndOfEvent()
Interface implementation - EndofEvent.
int nextid_clarr_photon_tracks
virtual void ConstructOpGeometry()
void SetFilterInterval(Double_t const &wl_min_nm_, Double_t const &wl_max_nm_)
Set the wavelength range of the bandpass filters.