Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include "PndFtsHoughSpace.h"
3 #include <iostream>
5 #include "TMath.h"
6 #include <math.h>
7 #include <algorithm>
9 #include <set>
10 #include <vector>
11 #include <map>
13 // FTS
14 #include "PndFtsHit.h"
15 #include "FairHit.h"
19 // (Hough) tracking
20 #include "PndTrackCand.h"
21 #include "PndTrack.h"
22 #include "FairTrackParP.h"
23 #include "PndFtsHoughTrackCand.h"
25 // histogramming / plotting
26 #include "TH1.h"
27 #include "TH2.h"
28 #include "TGraph.h"
30 // peak finder
31 #include "TSpectrum2.h"
33 // root IO
34 #include "FairRunAna.h"
35 #include "FairRootManager.h"
36 #include "FairRuntimeDb.h"
37 #include "FairTask.h"
39 #include "PndFtsHit.h"
40 #include "TString.h"
41 #include "FairHit.h"
42 #include "PndFtsHit.h"
44 #include "PndFtsTube.h"
45 #include "FairEventHeader.h"
57 std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& os, const IdxPath& outVector){
58  os << "[";
59  Int_t lastIdx = outVector.size()-1;
60  if(lastIdx < 0){
61  os << "]" ;
62  return os;
63  }
65  for (Int_t iVec = 0; iVec < lastIdx; ++iVec){
66  os << outVector[iVec] << ", ";
67  }
68  os << outVector[lastIdx] << "]";
69  return os;
70 }
73 {
74  os << '\n';
75  if(outMap.begin() == outMap.end()){
76  os << "{ , [] }";
77  return os;
78  }
79  for (HitIdxPathMap::const_iterator itMap = outMap.begin(); itMap != outMap.end(); ++itMap){
80  os << "{ "<< itMap->first << ", ";
81  os << itMap->second;
82  os << " }\n\n";
83  }
84  return os;
85 }
88 inline void PndFtsHoughSpace::AddHitToHS(UInt_t hitId, Double_t rho)
89 {
90  const PndFtsHit *const hitToAdd = fTrackerTask->GetFtsHit(hitId);
91  const Int_t tubeIdToAdd = hitToAdd->GetTubeID();
94  if (kFALSE == IsHitFromTubeIdAlreadyAdded(tubeIdToAdd)) {
95  fHitId.push_back(PndTrackCandHit(fFtsBranchId, hitId, rho));
96  }
97 }
100 inline void PndFtsHoughSpace::AddHitToHS(FairLink link, Double_t rho)
101 {
102  const PndFtsHit *const hitToAdd = fTrackerTask->GetFtsHit(link.GetIndex());
103  const Int_t tubeIdToAdd = hitToAdd->GetTubeID();
105  if (kFALSE == IsHitFromTubeIdAlreadyAdded(tubeIdToAdd)) {
106  fHitId.push_back(PndTrackCandHit(link.GetType(), link.GetIndex(), rho));
107  }
108 }
112 {
113  // return kFALSE; // uncomment this line to switch off testing for duplicates
114  for (size_t iTestHit = 0; iTestHit < GetNHits(); ++iTestHit)
115  {
116  const PndFtsHit* myTestHit = getHitFromHS(iTestHit);
118  const Int_t tubeIdTestHit = myTestHit->GetTubeID();
120  if ( tubeIdToAdd == tubeIdTestHit ) return kTRUE;
122  } // for loop over all hits which have already been added to the Hough space
123  return kFALSE;
124 };
130  const char *name,
131  const Int_t refIndex,
133  PndFtsHoughSpaceBinning binning,
135  Double_t zRefPos,
136  Double_t interceptZx,
138  PndFtsHoughTrackCand *associatedTrackCand,
140  PndFtsHoughTrackerTask *trackerTask
141 ) :
142  TH2S(name, name,
143  binning.getNBinsTheta(), binning.getThetaRadLow(), binning.getThetaRadHigh(),
144  binning.getNBinsY(),binning.getYLow(),binning.getYHigh()),
145  fTrackerTask(trackerTask),
146  fVerbose(0),
147  fRefIndex(refIndex),
148  fFtsBranchId(0),
149  fAssociatedTrackCand(associatedTrackCand),
150  fZRefPos(zRefPos),
151  fInterceptZx(interceptZx),
152  // set from tracker task
153  fField(0)
154 {
155  if (0==fTrackerTask){
156  std::cerr << "PndFtsHoughSpace FATAL ERROR Tracker task pointer not set.\n";
157  } else {
159  if(3<fVerbose) std::cout << "PndFtsHoughSpace called with tracker ptr " << fTrackerTask << '\n';
160  fFtsBranchId = fTrackerTask->getFtsBranchId();
161  fField = fTrackerTask->getMagneticFieldPtr();
164  filterInputHits();
165  }
166 }
169 {
171 }
175 {
176  // use option instead of GetName() or fName (even though it is the same)
177  const TString option = GetName();
179  fKeepBConstant = kTRUE; // kFALSE only for testing
181  // set parameters according to the Hough transform I want to do
182  if ("lineBeforeDipole" == option)
183  {
184  // make sure hits are not shifted for line hough transform
185  if (0!=fInterceptZx) {
186  std::cout << "PndFtsHoughSpace: " << "fInterceptZx was set to " << fInterceptZx << " That is not correct for line HT of stations before dipole field!\n";
187  std::cout << "Will set interceptZx to 0 for " << option << '\n';
188  fInterceptZx = 0.;
189  }
191  fUseNonSkewedStraws = kTRUE;
192  fUseSkewedStraws = kFALSE;
194  // Line for stations 1+2
195  fOnlyUseHitsFromZ = 100.; // Set = 100. if you want to use all FTS hits, higher if you want to exclude hits that are closer to the interaction point than the value
196  fOnlyUseHitsUpToZ = 380.; // Set = 1000. if you want to use all FTS hits, lower if you want to exclude hits that are further away from the interaction point than the value
198  GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#theta [rad]");
199  GetYaxis()->SetTitle("x [cm]");
200  }
201  else if ("parabola" == option)
202  {
203  fUseNonSkewedStraws = kTRUE;
204  fUseSkewedStraws = kFALSE;
206  // parabola for stations 3-5
207  fOnlyUseHitsFromZ = 380.; // Set = 100. if you want to use all FTS hits, higher if you want to exclude hits that are closer to the interaction point than the value
208  fOnlyUseHitsUpToZ = 630.; // Set = 1000. if you want to use all FTS hits, lower if you want to exclude hits that are further away from the interaction point than the value
210  GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#theta [rad]");
211  GetYaxis()->SetTitle("x_{LP} [cm]");
212  }
213  else if ("parabolapz" == option)
214  {
215  fUseNonSkewedStraws = kTRUE;
216  fUseSkewedStraws = kFALSE;
218  // parabola for stations 3-5
219  fOnlyUseHitsFromZ = 380.; // Set = 100. if you want to use all FTS hits, higher if you want to exclude hits that are closer to the interaction point than the value
220  fOnlyUseHitsUpToZ = 630.; // Set = 1000. if you want to use all FTS hits, lower if you want to exclude hits that are further away from the interaction point than the value
222  GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#theta [rad]");
223  GetYaxis()->SetTitle("x_{LP} [cm]");
224  }
225  else if ("lineBehindDipole" == option)
226  {
227  // make sure hits are not shifted for line hough transform
228  if (0!=fInterceptZx) {
229  std::cout << "PndFtsHoughSpace: " << "fInterceptZx was set to " << fInterceptZx << " That is not correct for line HT of stations after dipole field!\n";
230  std::cout << "Will set interceptZx to 0 for " << option << '\n';
231  fInterceptZx = 0.;
232  }
234  fUseNonSkewedStraws = kTRUE;
235  fUseSkewedStraws = kFALSE;
237  // Line for stations 5+6
238  fOnlyUseHitsFromZ = 550.; // Set = 100. if you want to use all FTS hits, higher if you want to exclude hits that are closer to the interaction point than the value
239  fOnlyUseHitsUpToZ = 1000.; // Set = 1000. if you want to use all FTS hits, lower if you want to exclude hits that are further away from the interaction point than the value
241  GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#theta [rad]");
242  GetYaxis()->SetTitle("x [cm]");
243  }
244  else if ("lineZy" == option)
245  {
246  // make sure hits are not shifted for line hough transform
247  if (0!=fInterceptZx) {
248  std::cout << "PndFtsHoughSpace: " << "fInterceptZx was set to " << fInterceptZx << " That is not correct for line HT of all stations in zy plane!\n";
249  std::cout << "Will set interceptZx to 0 for " << option << '\n';
250  fInterceptZx = 0.;
251  }
253  fUseNonSkewedStraws = kFALSE;
254  fUseSkewedStraws = kTRUE;
256  // Line for all FTS stations
257  fOnlyUseHitsFromZ = 100.; // Set = 100. if you want to use all FTS hits, higher if you want to exclude hits that are closer to the interaction point than the value
258  fOnlyUseHitsUpToZ = 1000.; // Set = 1000. if you want to use all FTS hits, lower if you want to exclude hits that are further away from the interaction point than the value
260  GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#theta [rad]");
261  GetYaxis()->SetTitle("y [cm]");
262  }
263  else
264  {
265  throwError("in PndFtsHoughSpace! option " + option + " is not implemented!");
266  }
268  if (3<fVerbose)
269  {
270  std::cout << "HoughSpace parameters successfully set for option " << option << '\n';
271  if (10<fVerbose)
272  {
273  std::cout << "fUseNonSkewedStraws " << fUseNonSkewedStraws << '\n';
274  std::cout << "fUseSkewedStraws " << fUseSkewedStraws << '\n';
275  std::cout << "fOnlyUseHitsFromZ " << fOnlyUseHitsFromZ << '\n';
276  std::cout << "fOnlyUseHitsUpToZ " << fOnlyUseHitsUpToZ << '\n';
278  std::cout << "fInterceptZx " << fInterceptZx << '\n';
279  }
280  }
281  return kTRUE;
282 }
287 {
288  if (3<fVerbose) {
289  std::cout << "All FTS hits in event " << fTrackerTask->GetNFtsHits() << "\n";
290  }
292  for (int iHit = 0; iHit < fTrackerTask->GetNFtsHits(); iHit++)
293  {
294  const PndFtsHit *const myHit = fTrackerTask->GetFtsHit(iHit);
296  // Skip hits from skewed or non-skewed straws (if I wish not to use them)
297  if (0 != myHit->GetSkewed())
298  {
299  // hit comes from skewed straw
300  if (kFALSE == fUseSkewedStraws)
301  {
302  if (3<fVerbose) {std::cout << "Skipping hit with index " << iHit << ", because it comes from a skewed straw! LayerID = " << myHit->GetLayerID() << '\n';}
303  continue;
304  }
306  } else {
307  // hit comes from non-skewed straw
308  if (kFALSE == fUseNonSkewedStraws)
309  {
310  if (3<fVerbose) {std::cout << "Skipping hit with index " << iHit << ", because it comes from a non-skewed straw! LayerID = " << myHit->GetLayerID() << '\n';}
311  continue;
312  }
314  }
318  // only hits with z component between fOnlyUseHitsFromZ and fOnlyUseHitsUpToZ will be used in the Hough transform
319  const Double_t hitZLabSys = myHit->GetZ();
320  if ( (hitZLabSys < fOnlyUseHitsFromZ) || (hitZLabSys > fOnlyUseHitsUpToZ) ){
321  if (3<fVerbose) {std::cout << "Skipping hit with index " << iHit << " , because its z " << hitZLabSys << " is not in [" << fOnlyUseHitsFromZ << ", " << fOnlyUseHitsUpToZ << "]\n";}
322  continue;
323  }
325  // add surviving hits to the hit vector (z coordinate as sorting parameter chosen)
326  if (2<fVerbose) { std::cout << "Adding hit with index " << iHit << " to the Hough space hit vector.\n"; }
327  AddHitToHS(iHit,hitZLabSys);
329  } // for loop over all hits
330  if (1<fVerbose) std::cout << GetNHits() << " hits in Hough space.\n";
331 }
339  const Int_t lastBinX,
340  const Int_t lastBinY,
341  const Int_t currentBinY,
342  IdxPath * ptrThetaYIdxPathVec
343 )
344 {
345  // determine how many holes we have to fill
346  const Int_t nHolesToFill = abs(currentBinY-lastBinY)-1;
347  for (Int_t iCorrect = 1; iCorrect <= nHolesToFill; ++iCorrect)
348  {
349  const Int_t xCorrect = round(float(iCorrect)/float(nHolesToFill)); // gives 0 or 1
350  Int_t yCorrect;
351  if (currentBinY > lastBinY)
352  {
353  // we go up in the second value, therefore, we need to add to the yValue
354  yCorrect = iCorrect;
355  }
356  else
357  {
358  yCorrect = -iCorrect;
359  }
362  const Int_t interpolateBinX = lastBinX+xCorrect;
363  const Int_t interpolateBinY = lastBinY+yCorrect;
365  const Int_t interpolatedGlobalBin = GetBin(interpolateBinX,interpolateBinY);
366  AddBinContent(interpolatedGlobalBin);
368  // save interpolated globalBin into path vector
369  ptrThetaYIdxPathVec->push_back(interpolatedGlobalBin);
371  if (8<fVerbose)
372  {
373  std::cout << "I am filling hole " << iCorrect << " of " << nHolesToFill << '\n';
374  std::cout << "interpolatedGlobalBin = " << interpolatedGlobalBin << '\n';
375  std::cout << "(lastBinX, lastBinY) = (" << lastBinX << ", " << lastBinY << ")" << '\n';
376  std::cout << "(lastBinX+1, currentBinY) = (" << lastBinX+1 << ", " << currentBinY << ")" << '\n';
377  std::cout << "xCorrect = " << xCorrect << " yCorrect = " << yCorrect << '\n';
378  std::cout << "(interpolateBinX, interpolateBinY) = (" << interpolateBinX << ", " << interpolateBinY << ")" << '\n';
379  }
380  }// for iCorrect
381  return kTRUE;
382 }
387 {
388  // make sure we have hits in the Hough space
389  if (0==GetNHits()){
390  if(1<fVerbose) Info("FillHoughSpace","No hits in Hough space.");
391  return;
392  }
395  // make Hough space according to the Hough transform I want to do
396  const TString option = GetName();
399  // for storing the value to be calculated in Hough transform (yValue = offset for line, yValue = Q/p_{zx} for parabola)
400  Double_t yVal = 0.;
402  // store bin numbers for last and current entry (for making sure that there are no holes in the histogram)
403  Int_t globalBin = 0;
404  Int_t currentBinX = 0, currentBinY = 0, currentBinZ = 0;
405  Int_t lastBinX = 0, lastBinY = 0;
407  Bool_t firstEntry = kTRUE; // is used to indicate when holes in histogram have to be filled, set this to kTRUE for the first entry FOR EACH HIT
411  // This produces the Hough space for a parabola or a line (with constant B field or with B field read from field maps)
412  for (size_t iHit = 0; iHit < GetNHits(); iHit++)
413  {
414  firstEntry = kTRUE;
415  const PndFtsHit* myHit = getHitFromHS(iHit);
418  // get hit position
419  TVector3 hitPos = GetRawOrCalculatedHitPos(myHit);
420  Double_t hitXLabSys = hitPos.X();
421  Double_t hitYLabSys = hitPos.Y();
422  Double_t hitZLabSys = hitPos.Z();
423  Double_t hitXShifted = hitXLabSys - fInterceptZx; // shifts all x positions of hits so that they go through x=0 at z=zOffset (for parabola)
424  Double_t hitZShifted = hitZLabSys - fZRefPos; // z coordinate in local coordinate system (for parabola and for line)
428  if (1<fVerbose) {
429  std::cout << "Doing " << option << " Hough transform for hit (hitZLabSys, hitXLabSys) = (" << hitZLabSys << ", " << hitXLabSys << ") cm";
430  if (kTRUE == fKeepBConstant) { std::cout << " ignoring B field maps\n"; } else { std::cout << " reading B field maps\n"; }
431  }
433  // y component of B field
434  Double_t By = getByFromBField(hitXLabSys, hitYLabSys, hitZLabSys);
437  //------------------
438  // theta scan
439  //------------------
441  // get indices for first and last bins on x-axis
442  Int_t iThetaFirst = fXaxis.GetFirst();
443  Int_t iThetaLast = fXaxis.GetLast();
445  // save path for each hit
446  IdxPath globalBinPathVec;
448  // calculate Hough transform for hit iHit
449  // for each hit a scan in theta is done by going through the x-axis of the Hough space from lower to higher values
450  for (Int_t iTheta = iThetaFirst; iTheta < iThetaLast; ++iTheta)
451  {
452  // get theta value corresponding to iTheta
453  Double_t thetaRad = fXaxis.GetBinCenter(iTheta); // theta has to be stored in rad
454  if (9<fVerbose) { std::cout << " for thetaRad = " << thetaRad << '\n'; }
456  // calculate yVal depending on which Hough transform we need
457  if ("parabola" == option)
458  {
459  // Use shifted x and shifted z for parabola
460  yVal = equationParabola(thetaRad, hitZShifted, hitXShifted, By);
461  if (9<fVerbose) { std::cout << "Q/pzx = " << yVal; }
462  }
463  else if ("parabolapz" == option)
464  {
465  // Use shifted x and shifted z for parabola
466  yVal = equationParabolaPz(thetaRad, hitZShifted, hitXShifted, By);
467  if (9<fVerbose) { std::cout << "pz/Q = " << yVal; }
468  }
469  else if ( ("lineBeforeDipole" == option) || ("lineBehindDipole" == option) )
470  {
471  // Use real x and shifted z for line
472  yVal = equationLineZxOrZy(thetaRad, hitZShifted, hitXLabSys);
473  if (9<fVerbose) { std::cout << "xLP/PL = " << yVal; }
474  }
475  else if ("lineZy" == option)
476  {
477  // Use real x and shifted z for line
478  yVal = equationLineZxOrZy(thetaRad, hitZShifted, hitYLabSys);
479  if (9<fVerbose) { std::cout << "yLine = " << yVal; }
480  }
481  else
482  {
483  // should never happen
484  throwError("in FillHoughSpace! option " + option + " is not implemented!");
485  }
491  // Insert "point" into Hough space and check in which bins we filled
492  globalBin = Fill(thetaRad,yVal);
493  if (5<fVerbose) { std::cout << "Hough point was filled into Hough space. globalbin = " << globalBin << " for option" << option <<'\n'; }
494  // Find currentBinX(=iTheta) and currentBinY from globalBin
495  GetBinXYZ(globalBin, currentBinX, currentBinY, currentBinZ);
499  // if Fill was into a real bin (and not into over-/underflow) remove holes in Hough space (by assuming a straight line in between neighboring points)
500  // for each theta 1 yVal is calculated, so holes will only appear in yVal, not in theta
501  if (globalBin>=0) // -1 would mean over- or underflow
502  {
503  if (5<fVerbose) { std::cout << "OK! Hough point was NOT written to over- or underflow of histogram. Setting firstEntry to kFALSE now. "<< option <<'\n'; }
505  // TODO Remove the following check for optimization, it should always be true
506  if (currentBinX != iTheta){
507  std::cerr << "\n\nError in FillHoughSpace! Hough point was filled into xBin " << currentBinX << " and not in " << iTheta << "\n";
508  std::cerr << "iThetaFirst = " << iThetaLast << " iThetaLast = " << iThetaLast << "\n";
509  std::cerr << "Over- or underflow on y-axis or FATAL error!\n\n\n";
510  }
512  // fill holes if the current Hough point is not the first entry in Hough space for the hit
513  if (kFALSE == firstEntry)
514  {
515  if (5<fVerbose)
516  {
517  std::cout << "This is not the first point of the hit in the histogram. I will fix all holes which might be between this entry and the last one in the histogram"<<'\n';
518  }
520  FillHoles(lastBinX, lastBinY, currentBinY, &globalBinPathVec);
522  } // if not first entry to be written into histogram
523  else
524  {
525  // ++nHitsInHoughSpace; // count hits for making of Hough space (only once per hit)
526  if (5<fVerbose) { std::cout << "This is the first point of the hit in the histogram. I will not try to fix any holes in the " << option << " histogram"<<'\n';}
527  }
530  firstEntry = kFALSE;
532  // save calculated globalBin into path vector
533  globalBinPathVec.push_back(globalBin);
535  } // if NOT filled into over- or underflow
536  else
537  {
538  if (9<fVerbose) { std::cout << "Watch out! Point was written to over- or underflow of histogram. firstEntry is set to kTRUE. "<< option <<'\n'; }
539  firstEntry = kTRUE; // otherwise, algorithm connects first point which does not go into over-/underflow with (0,0)
540  }
542  if (9<fVerbose) { std::cout << "currentBinY = " << currentBinY << " lastBinY = " << lastBinY << '\n'; }
543  lastBinX = currentBinX;
544  lastBinY = currentBinY;
547  } // for theta
548  // std::cout << "map before iHit " << iHit << ": " << fHitThetaYIdxPath << '\n';
549  // save the final path for the hit
550  if ( 0 < globalBinPathVec.size() ){
551  HitIdxPathPair hitPathPair( iHit, globalBinPathVec );
552  fHitThetaYIdxPath.insert( hitPathPair );
553  }
554  } // for iHit
555  if (1<fVerbose) std::cout << "map after all hits: " << fHitThetaYIdxPath << '\n';
556  if (0 < fTrackerTask->GetSaveDebugInfo()) {
560  }
561 }
563 TH2S PndFtsHoughSpace::MakeEmptyHistoOfSameDimensions(TString specifier, Int_t index) const {
564  // for getting rid of warning about potential memory leak (same name for mutliple different histos)
565  static Int_t histoCounter = 0;
566  TString newname = GetName();
567  newname += histoCounter;
568  // std::cout<<newname << '\n';
569  ++histoCounter;
571  TString newTitle = GetName();
572  if (""!=specifier){
573  newTitle += " ";
574  newTitle += specifier;
575  }
576  if (-1 < index){
577  newTitle += " ";
578  newTitle += index;
579  }
580  TH2S peaks(newname, newTitle, fXaxis.GetNbins(), fXaxis.GetXmin(),
581  fXaxis.GetXmax(), fYaxis.GetNbins(), fYaxis.GetXmin(),
582  fYaxis.GetXmax());
583  return peaks;
584 }
586 void PndFtsHoughSpace::WriteHistoOfAllPeaks(const std::vector< PndFtsHoughSpacePeak >& peaksToPlot) const {
587  // test if we need to do anything here
590  if ( (kTRUE == saveEachSeparately) && (kTRUE == saveAllTogether) )return;
592  // write out histograms containing found peaks
593  // filling all peaks in separate histos and all together in one histo
594  TH2S allPeaks = MakeEmptyHistoOfSameDimensions("AllPeaks");
595  for (UInt_t iPeak = 0; iPeak < peaksToPlot.size(); ++iPeak) {
596  TH2S onePeak = MakeEmptyHistoOfSameDimensions("Peak", iPeak);
597  const Double_t currHeight = peaksToPlot[iPeak].getHeight();
598  const std::set<Int_t>& binsInPeak = peaksToPlot[iPeak].getBins();
599  for (std::set<Int_t>::iterator itBin = binsInPeak.begin(); itBin != binsInPeak.end(); ++itBin) {
600  onePeak.SetBinContent(*itBin, currHeight);
601  allPeaks.SetBinContent(*itBin, currHeight);
602  }
603  TString outNameOne = GetDebugOutName(onePeak.GetTitle(), currHeight);
604  if ( kTRUE == saveEachSeparately ) onePeak.SaveAs(outNameOne, "LEGO2");
605  }
606  TString outNameAll = GetDebugOutName(allPeaks.GetTitle());
607  if ( kTRUE == saveAllTogether ) allPeaks.SaveAs(outNameAll, "LEGO2");
608 }
611  // test if we need to do anything here
614  if ( (kTRUE == saveExclusively) && (kTRUE == saveProjected) )return;
616  // filling each path in separate histo
617  for (HitIdxPathMap::const_iterator itPath = fHitThetaYIdxPath.begin(); itPath != fHitThetaYIdxPath.end(); ++itPath) {
618  const Int_t currHit = itPath->first;
619  TH2S onePathProjected = MakeEmptyHistoOfSameDimensions("PathProjected", currHit);
620  TH2S onePathExclusively = MakeEmptyHistoOfSameDimensions("PathExclusively", currHit);
621  const IdxPath& currPath = itPath->second;
623  Int_t lastBinNumber = -1;
624  for (size_t iGlobalBin = 0; iGlobalBin < currPath.size(); ++iGlobalBin) {
625  const Int_t currBinNumber = currPath[iGlobalBin];
626  // warn if we accidently saved the same bin twice in the path
627  if ( currBinNumber == lastBinNumber ) std::cerr << "FATAL! Bin " << currBinNumber << " twice in a row! in hit " << currHit << '\n';
628  lastBinNumber = currBinNumber;
630  if ( kTRUE == saveProjected){
631  const Double_t currHeight = GetBinContent(currBinNumber); // get height of Hough space
632  onePathProjected.SetBinContent(currBinNumber, currHeight);
633  }
635  if ( kTRUE == saveExclusively){
636  Int_t currBinX = 0, currBinY = 0, notUsedBinZ = 0;
637  GetBinXYZ(currBinNumber, currBinX, currBinY, notUsedBinZ); // Find currBinX and currBinY from globalBin
638  const Double_t currXVal = GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(currBinX);
639  const Double_t currYVal = GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(currBinY);
640  onePathExclusively.Fill(currXVal,currYVal); // exclusive fill
641  }
642  }
643  TString outNameProj = GetDebugOutName(onePathProjected.GetTitle());
644  if ( kTRUE == saveProjected ) onePathProjected.SaveAs(outNameProj, "LEGO2");
645  TString outNameExcl = GetDebugOutName(onePathExclusively.GetTitle());
646  if ( kTRUE == saveExclusively ) onePathExclusively.SaveAs(outNameExcl, "LEGO2");
647  }
648 }
655  // test if we need to do anything here
658  if ( (kTRUE == saveExclusively) && (kTRUE == saveProjected) )return;
661  // create map collecting histos of all hit indices from same Mc truth track
662  std::map<Int_t, std::pair < TH2S, TH2S > > mcTruthIdHistos;
664  for (HitIdxPathMap::const_iterator itPath = fHitThetaYIdxPath.begin(); itPath != fHitThetaYIdxPath.end(); ++itPath) {
666  // figure out to which MC Truth track hit belongs
667  const Int_t currHit = itPath->first;
668  const Int_t hitId = getHitIdFromHS(currHit);
669  const Int_t mcTruthId = fTrackerTask->getMcTruthIdForHitId(hitId);
671  // if MC truth index not yet in map add new histo
672  std::map<Int_t, std::pair < TH2S, TH2S > >::iterator itFind;
673  itFind = mcTruthIdHistos.find(mcTruthId);
674  if ( mcTruthIdHistos.end() == itFind ){// not found
675  TH2S newHisto = MakeEmptyHistoOfSameDimensions("McTruthPeak projected", mcTruthId);
676  TH2S newHisto2 = MakeEmptyHistoOfSameDimensions("McTruthPeak exclusive", mcTruthId);
677  std::pair<TH2S, TH2S > histoPair( newHisto, newHisto2 );
678  std::pair<Int_t, std::pair<TH2S, TH2S > > mcTruthIdHistosPair( mcTruthId, histoPair );
679  mcTruthIdHistos.insert( mcTruthIdHistosPair );
680  itFind = mcTruthIdHistos.find(mcTruthId); // now histos can be found in map
681  }
683  // Fill current path into correct histo (first as projection, second as if only hits from same mc truth track were filled)
684  const IdxPath& currPath = itPath->second;
685  for (size_t iGlobalBin = 0; iGlobalBin < currPath.size(); ++iGlobalBin) {
686  Int_t currBinNumber = currPath[iGlobalBin];
687  std::pair<TH2S, TH2S >& histoPair = itFind->second;
689  if ( kTRUE == saveProjected ){
690  const Double_t currHeight = GetBinContent(currBinNumber); // get height of Hough space
691  histoPair.first.SetBinContent(currBinNumber, currHeight); // projection
692  }
694  if ( kTRUE == saveExclusively ){
695  Int_t currBinX = 0, currBinY = 0, notUsedBinZ = 0;
696  GetBinXYZ(currBinNumber, currBinX, currBinY, notUsedBinZ); // Find currBinX and currBinY from globalBin
697  const Double_t currXVal = GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(currBinX);
698  const Double_t currYVal = GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(currBinY);
699  histoPair.second.Fill(currXVal,currYVal); // exclusive fill
700  }
701  }
702  }
703  // loop over all histos that have been created
704  for ( std::map<Int_t, std::pair<TH2S, TH2S > >::const_iterator itHisto = mcTruthIdHistos.begin(); itHisto != mcTruthIdHistos.end(); ++itHisto) {
705  const std::pair<TH2S, TH2S >& histoPair = itHisto->second;
706  TString outNameProjection = GetDebugOutName(histoPair.first.GetTitle());
707  TString outNameExclusive = GetDebugOutName(histoPair.second.GetTitle());
708  if ( kTRUE == saveProjected ) histoPair.first.SaveAs(outNameProjection, "LEGO2");
709  if ( kTRUE == saveExclusively ) histoPair.second.SaveAs(outNameExclusive, "LEGO2");
710  }
711 }
718  // Int_t index = fHoughSpaces->GetEntriesFast();
719  // PndFtsHoughSpace* myHoughSpace = new ((*fHoughSpaces)[index])PndFtsHoughSpace(*houghSpace);
720  TString title = GetTitle();
721  title += " histo";
722  TString outName = GetDebugOutName(title);
723  SaveAs(outName, "LEGO2"); // resulting files need to have PndFtsHoughSpace replaced with TH2S
724  // sed -i 's/PndFtsHoughSpace/TH2S/g' *.rtg
727  // fOutFile = FairRootManager::Instance()->GetOutFile();
728  // if (0==fOutFile)
729  // {
730  // std::cout << "WriteHistograms: Cannot get outfile.\n";
731  // }
732  // else
733  // {
734  // // fOutFile->cd();
735  // // fOutFile->cd("PndFtsHoughTrackerTask");
736  // if(3<fVerbose) std::cout << "WriteHistograms: Got outfile for debugging output.\n";
737  // if (0!=houghSpace)
738  // {
739  // TString histNameOld = houghSpace->GetName();
740  // TString histNameNew = houghSpace->GetName();
741  // histNameNew+=fEventNr;
742  // houghSpace->SetName(histNameNew);
743  // houghSpace->Write();
744  // houghSpace->SetName(histNameOld);
745  // }
746  // // fOutFile->cd();
747  // }
748 }
759  // TODO this is messy, because the code is very similar to FillHoughSpace. Probably, I should find a way to merge it
760  // add hits which are in the peak to the tracklet
761  // 1 calculate the 2nd value for the next higher/lower theta bin of peak theta
762  // 2 If peak 2nd value is within [min hit 2nd value - half width, max hit 2nd value + half width] add the hit to the tracklet
763  // 3 otherwise the hit is not in the peak
765  // This is more complicated to check, but also true
766  // A calculate the 2nd value for peak theta
767  // B If hit 2nd value is within [peak 2nd value - peakSecondHw, peak 2nd value + peakSecondHw] add the hit
768  // C If hit 2nd value is < peak 2nd value - peakSecondHw, hit is in peak if the 2nd value of the next higher/lower theta bin is >= peak 2nd value
769  // D If hit 2nd value is > peak 2nd value + peakSecondHw, hit is in peak if the 2nd value of the next lower/higher theta bin is <= peak 2nd value
770  // E otherwise the hit is not in the peak
772  const Int_t xfirst = fXaxis.GetFirst();
773  const Int_t xlast = fXaxis.GetLast();
774  //const Int_t yfirst = fYaxis.GetFirst(); //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
775  //const Int_t ylast = fYaxis.GetLast(); //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
777  // 1 calculate the 2nd value for the next higher/lower theta bin of peak theta
778  UInt_t thetaBinLo = locmax-1;
779  UInt_t thetaBinHi = locmax+1;
780  // special case if we are at the edge of the Hough space
781  if ((int)thetaBinLo>xfirst) {
782  thetaBinLo=xfirst;
783  }
784  if ((int)thetaBinHi>xlast) {
785  thetaBinHi=xlast;
786  }
788  // get theta values
789  const Double_t thetaRadLo = fXaxis.GetBinCenter(thetaBinLo);
790  const Double_t thetaRadHi = fXaxis.GetBinCenter(thetaBinHi);
792  // for storing the values to be calculated in Hough transform (yValue = offset for line, yValue = Q/pzx for parabola)
793  Double_t yValLo = 0.;
794  Double_t yValHi = 0.;
797  for (size_t iHit = 0; iHit < GetNHits(); iHit++)
798  {
799  const PndFtsHit* myHit = getHitFromHS(iHit);
801  // get hit position
802  const TVector3 hitPos = GetRawOrCalculatedHitPos(myHit);
804  Double_t hitXLabSys = hitPos.X();
805  Double_t hitYLabSys = hitPos.Y();
806  Double_t hitZLabSys = hitPos.Z();
807  Double_t hitXShifted = hitXLabSys - fInterceptZx; // shifts all x positions of hits so that they go through x=0 at z=zOffset (for parabola)
808  Double_t hitZShifted = hitZLabSys - fZRefPos; // z coordinate in local coordinate system (for parabola and for line)
810  // y component of B field
811  Double_t By = getByFromBField(hitXLabSys, hitYLabSys, hitZLabSys);
813  const TString option = GetName();
814  if ("parabola" == option)
815  {
816  // Use shifted x and shifted z for parabola
817  yValLo = equationParabola(thetaRadLo, hitZShifted, hitXShifted, By);
818  yValHi = equationParabola(thetaRadHi, hitZShifted, hitXShifted, By);
819  if (9<fVerbose) {
820  std::cout << "Q/pzx = " << yValLo << '\n';
821  std::cout << "Q/pzx = " << yValHi << '\n';
822  }
823  }
824  else if ("parabolapz" == option)
825  {
826  yValLo = equationParabolaPz(thetaRadLo, hitZShifted, hitXShifted, By);
827  yValHi = equationParabolaPz(thetaRadHi, hitZShifted, hitXShifted, By);
829  if (9<fVerbose) {
830  std::cout << "pz/Q = " << yValLo << '\n';
831  std::cout << "pz/Q = " << yValHi << '\n';
832  }
833  }
834  else if ( ("lineBeforeDipole" == option) || ("lineBehindDipole" == option) )
835  {
836  // Use real x and shifted z for line
838  yValLo = equationLineZxOrZy(thetaRadLo, hitZShifted, hitXLabSys);
839  yValHi = equationLineZxOrZy(thetaRadHi, hitZShifted, hitXLabSys);
841  if (9<fVerbose) {
842  std::cout << "xLP/PL = " << yValLo << '\n';
843  std::cout << "xLP/PL = " << yValHi << '\n';
844  }
845  }
846  else if ("lineZy" == option)
847  {
848  // Use real x and shifted z for line
850  yValLo = equationLineZxOrZy(thetaRadLo, hitZShifted, hitYLabSys);
851  yValHi = equationLineZxOrZy(thetaRadHi, hitZShifted, hitYLabSys);
853  if (9<fVerbose) {
854  std::cout << "xLP = " << yValLo << '\n';
855  std::cout << "xLP = " << yValHi << '\n';
856  }
857  }
858  else
859  {
860  throwError("Error in FillHoughSpace! option " + option + " is not implemented!");
861  }
864  // 2 If peak 2nd value is within [min hit 2nd value - half width, max hit 2nd value + half width] add the hit to the tracklet
865  const Double_t yMin = std::min(yValLo,yValHi);
866  const Double_t yMax = std::max(yValLo,yValHi);
867  const Double_t yMinHw = fYaxis.GetBinWidth(yMin)/2.;
868  const Double_t yMaxHw = fYaxis.GetBinWidth(yMax)/2.;
871  const Double_t peakSecondVal = currentTracklet->getSecondVal();
872  if ( (yMin-yMinHw <= peakSecondVal) && (yMax+yMaxHw >= peakSecondVal) ){
873  currentTracklet->AddHit(fFtsBranchId, getHitIdFromHS(iHit), hitZLabSys);
874  }
876  } // loop over hits
877 }
882 std::vector<PndFtsHoughTracklet> PndFtsHoughSpace::FindAllPeaksBinsWoMergingWithSearchWindow(const UInt_t minHeight, const Int_t vicinityLength)
883 {
884  std::vector<PndFtsHoughTracklet> tracklets; // for output
886  // check if Hough space has at least one entry
887  if (1>GetEntries())
888  {
889  if(1<fVerbose) std::cout << "Hough Space is empty. No peak can be found. Return empty tracklet vector." << '\n';
890  return tracklets;
891  }
894  // peak finder based on weighted means (only for 2D histograms implemented)
897  // the following is an adaptation of the TH1::GetMaximumBin() code
901  // define vicinityLength for search window which determines an effective height of the bin
902  // set vicinityLength 0 for not using a search window
903  // search window has size (2*vicinityLength+1)^2
906  // move search window over histogram and select highest value
907  Int_t locmax, locmay, locmaz; // location of maximum (x,y,z)
909  // -*-*-*-*-*Return location of bin with maximum value in the range*-*
910  // ======================================================
911  Int_t binNumber, binx, biny;
912  //, binz=0; //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
913  // get values for first and last bins on each axis and take into account that we might want a search window (make sure search window stays within histogram)
914  const Int_t xfirst = fXaxis.GetFirst()+vicinityLength;
915  const Int_t xlast = fXaxis.GetLast()-vicinityLength;
916  const Int_t yfirst = fYaxis.GetFirst()+vicinityLength;
917  const Int_t ylast = fYaxis.GetLast()-vicinityLength;
918  // Int_t zfirst = fZaxis->GetFirst()+vicinityLength;
919  // Int_t zlast = fZaxis->GetLast()-vicinityLength;
921  // find all peaks that have a height >= minHeight
922  Double_t currentHeight;
923  locmax = locmay = locmaz = 0;
924  // for (binz=zfirst;binz<=zlast;binz++) {
925  for (biny=yfirst;biny<=ylast;biny++) {
926  for (binx=xfirst;binx<=xlast;binx++) {
927  currentHeight = 0.;
928  // iterate over vicinity
929  for (Int_t xVicinityBin = -vicinityLength; xVicinityBin <= vicinityLength; ++xVicinityBin)
930  {
931  for (Int_t yVicinityBin = -vicinityLength; yVicinityBin <= vicinityLength; ++yVicinityBin)
932  {
933  binNumber = GetBin(binx+xVicinityBin,biny+yVicinityBin); //,binz);
934  currentHeight += 1./(1.+std::max(abs(xVicinityBin),abs(yVicinityBin)))*GetBinContent(binNumber); // linear, unendlich norm
935  // currentHeight += 1./(1.+abs(xVicinity) +abs(yVicinity))*houghspace->GetBinContent(binNumber); // linear
936  // currentHeight += 1./(1.+pow(max(xVicinity,yVicinity),2))*houghspace->GetBinContent(binNumber); // quadratic, unendlich norm
937  }
938  }
939  if (currentHeight >= minHeight) {
940  locmax = binx;
941  locmay = biny;
942  // locmaz = binz;
943  // get values corresponding to the peak
944  Double_t peakThetaVal = fXaxis.GetBinCenter(locmax);
945  Double_t peakSecondVal = fYaxis.GetBinCenter(locmay);
947  //Int_t binmaxglobal = Fill(peakThetaVal, peakSecondVal, 0); // returns binnumber without modifying the histogram //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
948  Double_t peakThetaHw = fXaxis.GetBinWidth(peakThetaVal)/2.;
949  Double_t peakSecondHw = fYaxis.GetBinWidth(peakSecondVal)/2.;
951  // create tracklet and push it back to output
952  PndFtsHoughTracklet currentTracklet(fZRefPos, fTrackerTask);
953  currentTracklet.SetHoughTransformResults(peakThetaVal, peakSecondVal, currentHeight, peakThetaHw, peakSecondHw);
955  // Add hits to tracklet
956  AddHitsToTrackletByCalculating(&currentTracklet, locmax);
958  tracklets.push_back(currentTracklet);
959  } // height is big enough
960  } // x loop
961  } // y loop
962  // } // z loop
965  if (1<fVerbose) PrintFoundTracklets(tracklets);
966  return tracklets;
967 }
973 std::vector<PndFtsHoughTracklet> PndFtsHoughSpace::FindAllPeaksScanPathsMergeBins(const UInt_t minHeight)
974 {
975  std::vector<PndFtsHoughTracklet> tracklets; // for output
977  // check if Hough space has at least one entry
978  if (1>GetEntries())
979  {
980  if(1<fVerbose) std::cout << "Hough Space is empty. No peak can be found. Return empty tracklet vector." << '\n';
981  return tracklets;
982  }
986  // this peak finder is only implemented for 2D histograms
988  // for each hit scan the Hough space along the hit's path -> this reduces the 2d peak finding to nHits 1d problems plus peak merging.
989  // require bin height >= minHeight
990  // and that we are on a rising edge
993  std::vector< PndFtsHoughSpacePeak > peaksForOneHit; // stores (possible) peaks for one hit
994  std::vector< PndFtsHoughSpacePeak > mergedPeaksForAllHits; // stores merged peaks for all hits
995  mergedPeaksForAllHits.clear();
997  // hit loop
998  for (HitIdxPathMap::const_iterator itMap = fHitThetaYIdxPath.begin(); itMap != fHitThetaYIdxPath.end(); ++itMap){
999  const Int_t hitIdx = itMap->first;
1000  IdxPath path = itMap->second;
1001  peaksForOneHit.clear();
1003  // loop over bins along the path
1004  for (int iGlobalBin = 0; iGlobalBin < (int)path.size(); ++iGlobalBin){
1005  // current bin
1006  const Int_t currBinNumber = path[iGlobalBin];
1007  const Int_t currHeight = GetBinContent(currBinNumber);
1009  // check if we already found a peak candidate
1010  const Int_t nPeaksSoFar = peaksForOneHit.size();
1011  if ( 0 < nPeaksSoFar ){ // if we already have a peak, we might need to continue building it
1012  PndFtsHoughSpacePeak& currPeak = peaksForOneHit[nPeaksSoFar-1]; // get last peak
1013  if ( kFALSE == currPeak.isFinished() ){ // continue building up current peak
1014  if ( currHeight < currPeak.getHeight() ) currPeak.setFinished(kTRUE);
1015  if ( currHeight == currPeak.getHeight() ) currPeak.addBin(currBinNumber, hitIdx);
1016  if ( currHeight > currPeak.getHeight() ) currPeak.replaceBins(currHeight, currBinNumber, hitIdx);
1017  continue; // do not create a new peak as we were building an old one
1018  }
1019  } // we have already >= 1 peaks
1021  if ( (int)minHeight <= currHeight ) { // Bin could belong to a peak
1024  // Make sure we are not on a falling edge by checking that the previous position was strictly lower!
1025  // previous bin
1026  const Int_t prevIdx = std::max(0, iGlobalBin-1); // make sure we stay within bounds of vector
1027  const Int_t prevBinNumber = path[prevIdx];
1028  const Int_t prevHeight = GetBinContent(prevBinNumber);
1030  Bool_t rising = prevHeight < currHeight;
1031  if ( 0 == iGlobalBin ) rising = kTRUE; // always save if we are at the beginning
1033  if ( kTRUE == rising ){ // we are on rising edge
1034  // Add a new peak (only if we do not continue a nonfinished existing one)
1035  // either we did not have any peaks or the last peak was already finished
1036  PndFtsHoughSpacePeak newPeak(currHeight, currBinNumber, hitIdx);
1037  peaksForOneHit.push_back(newPeak);
1038  }
1039  }
1042  }// loop over bins along the path
1044  // now merge peaksForOneHit with mergedPeaksForAllHits
1045  // loop over found peaks for latest hit and all merged hits, compare if they have overlaps, if so merge
1046  for (UInt_t iPeaksForOneHit = 0; iPeaksForOneHit < peaksForOneHit.size(); ++iPeaksForOneHit){
1047  Bool_t merged = kFALSE;
1048  for (UInt_t iPeaksForAllHits = 0; iPeaksForAllHits < mergedPeaksForAllHits.size(); ++iPeaksForAllHits){
1049  if ( mergedPeaksForAllHits[iPeaksForAllHits].binsOverlapWith(peaksForOneHit[iPeaksForOneHit]) ) {
1050  mergedPeaksForAllHits[iPeaksForAllHits].mergeWith(peaksForOneHit[iPeaksForOneHit]);
1051  merged = kTRUE;
1052  //continue; // skip checking with all other peaks as they cannot overlap anymore (TODO Check if that is true)
1053  }
1054  }
1055  if ( kFALSE==merged ) mergedPeaksForAllHits.push_back(peaksForOneHit[iPeaksForOneHit]); // add peaks which could not be merged with preexisting ones
1056  }
1057  }// hit loop
1059  if ( 0 < fTrackerTask->GetSaveDebugInfo() ) WriteHistoOfAllPeaks(mergedPeaksForAllHits);
1062  // Build up tracklets from peaks by going through vector of merged peaks
1063  for (UInt_t iPeaks = 0; iPeaks < mergedPeaksForAllHits.size(); ++iPeaks){
1064  const Double_t currentHeight = mergedPeaksForAllHits[iPeaks].getHeight();
1065  const std::set<Int_t>& binsInPeak = mergedPeaksForAllHits[iPeaks].getBins();
1066  // calculate center and halfwidth (HW) in theta and in secondVal for all global bins in peak
1067  // save min and max values
1068  Double_t minThetaVal = 0., maxThetaVal = 0., minSecondVal = 0., maxSecondVal = 0.;
1069  for (std::set< Int_t >::iterator itBin = binsInPeak.begin(); itBin != binsInPeak.end(); ++itBin){
1070  Int_t currentBinX = 0, currentBinY = 0, currentBinZ = 0;
1071  GetBinXYZ(*itBin, currentBinX, currentBinY, currentBinZ); // get bin numbers for x, y (and z) axis
1072  // get values for corresponding to global bin number
1073  const Double_t currThetaVal = fXaxis.GetBinCenter(currentBinX);
1074  const Double_t currSecondVal = fYaxis.GetBinCenter(currentBinY);
1076  if ( binsInPeak.begin() == itBin ){ // initialize values if this is the first bin
1077  minThetaVal = currThetaVal;
1078  maxThetaVal = currThetaVal;
1079  minSecondVal = currSecondVal;
1080  maxSecondVal = currSecondVal;
1081  } else { // save min and max
1082  minThetaVal = std::min(minThetaVal,currThetaVal);
1083  maxThetaVal = std::max(maxThetaVal,currThetaVal);
1084  minSecondVal = std::min(minSecondVal,currSecondVal);
1085  maxSecondVal = std::max(maxSecondVal,currSecondVal);
1086  }
1087  }
1089  const Double_t peakThetaVal = (maxThetaVal + minThetaVal)/2.;
1090  const Double_t peakSecondVal = (maxSecondVal + minSecondVal)/2.;
1091  const Double_t peakThetaHw = (maxThetaVal - minThetaVal)/2. + fXaxis.GetBinWidth(peakThetaVal)/2.;
1092  const Double_t peakSecondHw = (maxSecondVal - minSecondVal)/2. + fYaxis.GetBinWidth(peakSecondVal)/2.;
1096  // create tracklet, add hits and push it back to output
1097  PndFtsHoughTracklet currentTracklet(fZRefPos, fTrackerTask);
1098  currentTracklet.SetHoughTransformResults(peakThetaVal, peakSecondVal, currentHeight, peakThetaHw, peakSecondHw);
1099  // add hits to tracklet
1100  const std::set<Int_t>& hitIdsInPeak = mergedPeaksForAllHits[iPeaks].getHitIds();
1101  for (std::set< Int_t >::iterator itHitId= hitIdsInPeak.begin(); itHitId != hitIdsInPeak.end(); ++itHitId){
1102  const Int_t hitIndex = getHitIdFromHS(*itHitId);
1103  const PndFtsHit* myHit = getHitFromHS(*itHitId);
1104  // get hit position
1105  const TVector3 hitPos = GetRawOrCalculatedHitPos(myHit);
1106  Double_t hitZLabSys = hitPos.Z();
1107  currentTracklet.AddHit(fFtsBranchId, hitIndex, hitZLabSys);
1108  }
1109  tracklets.push_back(currentTracklet);
1110  }
1113  if (1<fVerbose) PrintFoundTracklets(tracklets);
1114  return tracklets;
1115 }
1120 std::vector<PndFtsHoughTracklet> PndFtsHoughSpace::FindAllPeaksScanPathsMergeBinsCalculatingPaths(const UInt_t minHeight)
1121 {
1122  std::vector<PndFtsHoughTracklet> tracklets; // for output
1124  // check if Hough space has at least one entry
1125  if (1>GetEntries())
1126  {
1127  if(1<fVerbose) std::cout << "Hough Space is empty. No peak can be found. Return empty tracklet vector." << '\n';
1128  return tracklets;
1129  }
1132  // code goes here
1133  throwError("This peak finder is not fully implemented!");
1135  // peak finder only for 2D histograms implemented
1137  // the following is an adaptation of the TH1::GetMaximumBin() code
1140  // get values for first and last bins on each axis
1141  Int_t xFirstBin = fXaxis.GetFirst();
1142  Int_t xLastBin = fXaxis.GetLast();
1143  Int_t yFirstBin = fYaxis.GetFirst();
1144  Int_t yLastBin = fYaxis.GetLast();
1145  // Int_t zfirst = fZaxis->GetFirst();
1146  // Int_t zlast = fZaxis->GetLast();
1148  // find all peaks that have a height >= minHeight
1149  // go from low to high in theta <- SUPER IMPORTANT
1150  Int_t currBinNumber;
1151  Double_t currHeight;
1152  Int_t peakBinX = 0;
1153  Int_t peakBinY = 0;
1154  //Int_t peakBinZ = 0; // location of maximum (x,y,z) //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
1156  for (Int_t currBinX=xFirstBin; currBinX<=xLastBin; ++currBinX) {
1157  for (Int_t currBinY=yFirstBin; currBinY<=yLastBin; ++currBinY) {
1158  // for (binz=zfirst;binz<=zlast;binz++) {
1160  currBinNumber = GetBin(currBinX,currBinY); // binz
1161  currHeight = GetBinContent(currBinNumber);
1162  if (minHeight > currHeight) {
1163  // currBinNumber is not high enough to be considered a peak
1164  SetBinContent(currBinNumber,0); // DEBUG: Uncomment this if you want to produce nice Hough space plots for demonstration
1165  continue;
1166  }
1167  // I found a potential peak, so I check the neighbors in next higher theta bins
1168  // I save the currently highest peak
1169  // I set the last visited peak = current peak and move to the next neighbor
1170  // if neighbor < highest peak and neighbor <= last peak, but above the minHeight, I set it to 0. I save its height as the last height.
1172  // if neighbor is higher than the last peak, I set the last visited bin to 0 and move on
1173  // if neighbor is the same height as last peak, I find the middle and set all others to 0 and I widen the errors of the middle bin
1175  Int_t iBinX = 0; // for moving to neighbors in x direction
1177  // save info of highest peak found while searching neighbors
1178  Int_t combinedPeakBinXLow=currBinX; // saves in which x (thetaRad) bin a peak starts
1179  Int_t combinedPeakBinXHigh=currBinX; // saves in which x (thetaRad) bin a peak ends
1180  Double_t combinedPeakHeight=currHeight;
1182  // save info of last visited neighbor
1183  //Int_t lastVisitedBinX = currBinX; //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable
1184  //Int_t lastVisitedBinNumber = currBinNumber; //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable
1185  Double_t lastVisitedHeight = currHeight;
1187  // storing the current neighbor bin
1188  Int_t currNeighborBinX = currBinX;
1189  Int_t currNeighborBinNumber = currBinNumber;
1190  Double_t currNeighborHeight = currHeight;
1192  do{
1193  ++iBinX; // to move along the x bins
1194  // set current neighbor
1195  currNeighborBinX = currBinX+iBinX;
1196  if (currNeighborBinX>xLastBin){
1197  break;
1198  }
1199  currNeighborBinNumber = GetBin(currNeighborBinX,currBinY); // binz
1200  currNeighborHeight = GetBinContent(currNeighborBinNumber);
1202  if (minHeight > currNeighborHeight){
1203  // end of peak region in x direction found, I can get out of the loop
1204  SetBinContent(currNeighborBinNumber,0); // DEBUG: Uncomment this if you want to produce nice Hough space plots for demonstration
1205  break;
1206  }
1208  if (currNeighborHeight > combinedPeakHeight){
1209  // actually peak starts with neighbor (or even later), but current bin is not in peak
1210  for (Int_t xBinToDel=combinedPeakBinXLow; xBinToDel<= combinedPeakBinXHigh; ++xBinToDel){
1211  Int_t BinNumberToDel = GetBin(xBinToDel,currBinY);
1212  SetBinContent(BinNumberToDel,0);
1213  }
1214  combinedPeakBinXLow = currNeighborBinX;
1215  combinedPeakBinXHigh = currNeighborBinX;
1216  combinedPeakHeight = currNeighborHeight;
1217  } else if (currNeighborHeight < combinedPeakHeight){
1218  if (currNeighborHeight <= lastVisitedHeight){
1219  // peak is dropping, delete current bin (which is at the falling edge of the peak)
1220  SetBinContent(currNeighborBinNumber,0);
1221  } else {
1222  // next peak starts rising, I can end the loop
1223  break;
1224  }
1225  } else if (currNeighborHeight == combinedPeakHeight){
1226  // peak is spread over several bins
1227  combinedPeakBinXHigh = currNeighborBinX;
1228  }
1229  //lastVisitedBinX = currNeighborBinX; //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable
1230  //lastVisitedBinNumber = currNeighborBinNumber; //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable
1231  lastVisitedHeight = currNeighborHeight;
1233  } while(kTRUE);
1236  // DEBUG: uncomment this if you want to produce nice Hough space plots for demonstration
1237  // remove the peak which was found, otherwise it (or parts of it) might be found again
1238  for (Int_t xBinToDel=combinedPeakBinXLow; xBinToDel<= combinedPeakBinXHigh; ++xBinToDel){
1239  Int_t BinNumberToDel = GetBin(xBinToDel,currBinY);
1240  SetBinContent(BinNumberToDel,0);
1241  }
1246  // peak is in the middle
1247  peakBinX = (combinedPeakBinXHigh+combinedPeakBinXLow)/2; // if sum is not an even number, I have to correct for that later
1248  peakBinY = currBinY;
1249  // locmaz = binz;
1250  // get values corresponding to the peak
1251  Double_t peakThetaVal = fXaxis.GetBinCenter(peakBinX);
1252  Double_t peakSecondVal = fYaxis.GetBinCenter(peakBinY);
1254  // correct peak value if mean for peak cannot be divided by 2 without remainder
1255  if (0!=(combinedPeakBinXHigh+combinedPeakBinXLow)%2){
1256  peakThetaVal+=fXaxis.GetBinWidth(peakThetaVal)/2.;
1257  }
1259  // get full width of peak = (highest bin + halfwidth) - (lowest bin - halfwidth)
1260  Double_t combinedPeakThetaLowEdge = fXaxis.GetBinCenter(combinedPeakBinXLow) - fXaxis.GetBinWidth(combinedPeakBinXLow)/2.;
1261  Double_t combinedPeakThetaHighEdge = fXaxis.GetBinCenter(combinedPeakBinXHigh) + fXaxis.GetBinWidth(combinedPeakBinXHigh)/2.;
1263  Double_t peakThetaHw = (combinedPeakThetaHighEdge-combinedPeakThetaLowEdge)/2.;
1264  Double_t peakSecondHw = fYaxis.GetBinWidth(peakSecondVal)/2.;
1266  // create tracklet and push it back to output
1267  PndFtsHoughTracklet currentTracklet(fZRefPos, fTrackerTask);
1268  currentTracklet.SetHoughTransformResults(peakThetaVal, peakSecondVal, currHeight, peakThetaHw, peakSecondHw);
1271  // TODO this is messy, because the code is very similar to FillHoughSpace. Probably, I should find a way to merge it
1272  // add hits which are in the peak to the tracklet
1273  // 1 calculate the 2nd value for the next higher/lower theta bin of combined peak theta
1274  // 2 If peak 2nd value is within [min hit 2nd value - half width, max hit 2nd value + half width] add the hit to the tracklet
1275  // 3 otherwise the hit is not in the peak
1277  // This is more complicated to check, but also true
1278  // A calculate the 2nd value for peak theta
1279  // B If hit 2nd value is within [peak 2nd value - peakSecondHw, peak 2nd value + peakSecondHw] add the hit
1280  // C If hit 2nd value is < peak 2nd value - peakSecondHw, hit is in peak if the 2nd value of the next higher/lower theta bin is >= peak 2nd value
1281  // D If hit 2nd value is > peak 2nd value + peakSecondHw, hit is in peak if the 2nd value of the next lower/higher theta bin is <= peak 2nd value
1282  // E otherwise the hit is not in the peak
1284  // 1 calculate the 2nd value for the next higher/lower theta bin of peak theta
1285  UInt_t thetaBinLo = combinedPeakBinXLow-1;
1286  UInt_t thetaBinHi = combinedPeakBinXHigh+1;
1287  // special case if we are at the edge of the Hough space
1288  if ((int)thetaBinLo>xFirstBin) {
1289  thetaBinLo=xFirstBin;
1290  }
1291  if ((int)thetaBinHi>xLastBin) {
1292  thetaBinHi=xLastBin;
1293  }
1295  // get theta values
1296  const Double_t thetaRadLo = fXaxis.GetBinCenter(thetaBinLo);
1297  const Double_t thetaRadHi = fXaxis.GetBinCenter(thetaBinHi);
1299  // for storing the values to be calculated in Hough transform (yValue = offset for line, yValue = Q/pzx for parabola)
1300  Double_t yValLo = 0.;
1301  Double_t yValHi = 0.;
1303  for (size_t iHit = 0; iHit < GetNHits(); iHit++)
1304  {
1305  const PndFtsHit* myHit = getHitFromHS(iHit);
1307  // get hit position
1308  const TVector3 hitPos = GetRawOrCalculatedHitPos(myHit);
1311  Double_t hitXLabSys = hitPos.X();
1312  Double_t hitYLabSys = hitPos.Y();
1313  Double_t hitZLabSys = hitPos.Z();
1314  Double_t hitXShifted = hitXLabSys - fInterceptZx; // shifts all x positions of hits so that they go through x=0 at z=zOffset (for parabola)
1315  Double_t hitZShifted = hitZLabSys - fZRefPos; // z coordinate in local coordinate system (for parabola and for line)
1317  // y component of B field
1318  Double_t By = getByFromBField(hitXLabSys, hitYLabSys, hitZLabSys);
1320  const TString option = GetName();
1321  if ("parabola" == option)
1322  {
1323  // Use shifted x and shifted z for parabola
1324  yValLo = equationParabola(thetaRadLo, hitZShifted, hitXShifted, By);
1325  yValHi = equationParabola(thetaRadHi, hitZShifted, hitXShifted, By);
1326  if (9<fVerbose) {
1327  std::cout << "Q/pzx = " << yValLo << '\n';
1328  std::cout << "Q/pzx = " << yValHi << '\n';
1329  }
1330  }
1331  else if ("parabolapz" == option)
1332  {
1333  yValLo = equationParabolaPz(thetaRadLo, hitZShifted, hitXShifted, By);
1334  yValHi = equationParabolaPz(thetaRadHi, hitZShifted, hitXShifted, By);
1336  if (9<fVerbose) {
1337  std::cout << "pz/Q = " << yValLo << '\n';
1338  std::cout << "pz/Q = " << yValHi << '\n';
1339  }
1340  }
1341  else if ( ("lineBeforeDipole" == option) || ("lineBehindDipole" == option) )
1342  {
1343  // Use real x and shifted z for line
1345  yValLo = equationLineZxOrZy(thetaRadLo, hitZShifted, hitXLabSys);
1346  yValHi = equationLineZxOrZy(thetaRadHi, hitZShifted, hitXLabSys);
1348  if (9<fVerbose) {
1349  std::cout << "xLP/PL = " << yValLo << '\n';
1350  std::cout << "xLP/PL = " << yValHi << '\n';
1351  }
1352  }
1353  else if ("lineZy" == option)
1354  {
1355  // Use real x and shifted z for line
1357  yValLo = equationLineZxOrZy(thetaRadLo, hitZShifted, hitYLabSys);
1358  yValHi = equationLineZxOrZy(thetaRadHi, hitZShifted, hitYLabSys);
1360  if (9<fVerbose) {
1361  std::cout << "xLP = " << yValLo << '\n';
1362  std::cout << "xLP = " << yValHi << '\n';
1363  }
1364  }
1365  else
1366  {
1367  throwError("Error in FillHoughSpace! option " + option + " is not implemented!");
1368  }
1371  // 2 If peak 2nd value is within [min hit 2nd value - half width, max hit 2nd value + half width] add the hit to the tracklet
1372  const Double_t yMin = std::min(yValLo,yValHi);
1373  const Double_t yMax = std::max(yValLo,yValHi);
1374  const Double_t yMinHw = fYaxis.GetBinWidth(yMin)/2.;
1375  const Double_t yMaxHw = fYaxis.GetBinWidth(yMax)/2.;
1379  if ( (yMin-yMinHw <= peakSecondVal) && (yMax+yMaxHw >= peakSecondVal) ){
1380  Int_t hitIndex = fHitId.at(iHit).GetHitId();
1381  currentTracklet.AddHit(fFtsBranchId, hitIndex, hitZLabSys);
1382  }
1384  } // loop over hits
1386  tracklets.push_back(currentTracklet);
1387  // } // z loop
1388  } // y loop
1389  } // x loop
1391  if (1<fVerbose) PrintFoundTracklets(tracklets);
1392  return tracklets;
1393 }
1398 std::vector<PndFtsHoughTracklet> PndFtsHoughSpace::FindAllPeaksWithTSpectrum2(const UInt_t ) // minHeight //[R.K.03/2017] unused variable(s)
1399 {
1400  std::vector<PndFtsHoughTracklet> tracklets; // for output
1402  // check if Hough space has at least one entry
1403  if (1>GetEntries())
1404  {
1405  if(1<fVerbose) std::cout << "Hough Space is empty. No peak can be found. Return empty tracklet vector." << '\n';
1406  return tracklets;
1407  }
1410  // code goes here
1411  throwError("This peak finder is not fully implemented!");
1413  // TODO: This peakfinder should be rechecked!
1414  // TODO: This peakfinder does not assign hits to the tracklets (so far)
1415  Int_t maxpeaks = 20;
1416  // Finding the peaks (as in example macro)
1417  TSpectrum2 s(maxpeaks,3); // second argument: higher = peaks can be closer together (1 enforces 3 sigma seperation between peaks)
1418  s.SetAverageWindow(3); // standard is 3 (for Markov smoothing)
1419  s.SetDeconIterations(100); // standard is 3, more is better
1420  // 2nd parameter: sigma of searched peaks = 2 standard
1421  // 4th parameter: threshold: (default=0.05) peaks with amplitude less than threshold*highest_peak are discarded. 0<threshold<1
1422  // Int_t nfound = s.Search(houghspace, 2,"nobackground,nomarkov",0.5); // works ok for line and for parabola, kind of...
1423  Int_t nfound = s.Search(this, 2,"",0.5); // TODO: does this work for my derived class?!?
1424  Double_t *xpeaks = (Double_t*)s.GetPositionX();
1425  Double_t *ypeaks = (Double_t*)s.GetPositionY();
1426  s.Print();
1428  // for output
1429  for (Int_t iPeak = 0; iPeak < nfound; ++iPeak){
1430  Double_t peakThetaVal = xpeaks[iPeak];
1431  Double_t peakSecondVal = ypeaks[iPeak];
1433  Int_t binmaxglobal = Fill(peakThetaVal, peakSecondVal, 0); // returns binnumber without modifying the histogram
1434  Double_t peakThetaHw = fXaxis.GetBinWidth(peakThetaVal)/2.;
1435  Double_t peakSecondHw = fYaxis.GetBinWidth(peakSecondVal)/2.;
1438  Double_t currentHeight = GetBinContent(binmaxglobal);
1440  // create tracklet and push it back to output
1441  PndFtsHoughTracklet currentTracklet(fZRefPos, fTrackerTask);
1442  currentTracklet.SetHoughTransformResults(peakThetaVal, peakSecondVal, currentHeight, peakThetaHw, peakSecondHw);
1443  tracklets.push_back(currentTracklet);
1444  }
1445  // binmaxglobal = houghspace->Fill(peakTheta, peakSecond, 0); // returns binnumber without modifying the histogram
1449  if (1<fVerbose) PrintFoundTracklets(tracklets);
1450  return tracklets;
1451 }
1455 std::vector<PndFtsHoughTracklet> PndFtsHoughSpace::FindAllPeaksBlanko(const UInt_t ) // minHeight //[R.K.03/2017] unused variable(s)
1456 {
1457  std::vector<PndFtsHoughTracklet> tracklets; // for output
1459  // check if Hough space has at least one entry
1460  if (1>GetEntries())
1461  {
1462  if(1<fVerbose) std::cout << "Hough Space is empty. No peak can be found. Return empty tracklet vector." << '\n';
1463  return tracklets;
1464  }
1467  // code goes here
1468  throwError("This peak finder is not implemented!");
1473  if (1<fVerbose) PrintFoundTracklets(tracklets);
1474  return tracklets;
1475 }
1481 // ----------------------
1482 // Ideas for other peak finders
1483 // ----------------------
1485 // 1. allPeaks>minHeight, merge peaks
1486 // find bin >= minHeight, then merge with neighboring bins of equal height, set surrounding bins to 0 (otherwise tail of peaks will be found in addition to peak itself)
Bool_t isFinished() const
void AddHitsToTrackletByCalculating(PndFtsHoughTracklet *currentTracklet, Int_t locmax)
PndMultiField * fField
Definition: sim_emc_apd.C:97
Bool_t IsHitFromTubeIdAlreadyAdded(const Int_t tubeIdToAdd)
int fVerbose
Definition: poormantracks.C:24
std::vector< PndFtsHoughTracklet > FindAllPeaksBinsWoMergingWithSearchWindow(const UInt_t minHeight, const Int_t vicinityLength=0)
Finds all peaks that satisfy the minimum height requirement minHeight.
std::vector< Int_t > IdxPath
Int_t getMcTruthIdForHitId(UInt_t hitId) const
TH2S MakeEmptyHistoOfSameDimensions(TString specifier="", Int_t index=-1) const
Makes a new empty histogram with the same binning and limits as this.
Double_t equationParabola(Double_t thetaRad, Double_t hitZShifted, Double_t hitXShifted, Double_t By)
PndTransMap * map
Definition: sim_emc_apd.C:99
void setFinished(Bool_t newVal)
Interface between PandaRoot (data input and output) and PndFtsHoughTrackFinder (implementation of PR ...
Double_t fOnlyUseHitsFromZ
Double_t equationParabolaPz(Double_t thetaRad, Double_t hitZShifted, Double_t hitXShifted, Double_t By)
TLorentzVector s
Definition: Pnd2DStar.C:50
Class for saving peaks of a Hough space.
const TVector3 GetRawOrCalculatedHitPos(const PndFtsHit *const myHit) const
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &o, const PndEventInfo &a)
void WriteHistoOfAllPeaks(const std::vector< PndFtsHoughSpacePeak > &peaksToPlot) const
For writing out peaks in Hough spaces as histograms (for debugging purposes).
friend F32vec4 max(const F32vec4 &a, const F32vec4 &b)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:26
hz_h GetYaxis() -> SetTitle("Counts")
std::vector< PndTrackCandHit > fHitId
Int_t GetTubeID() const
Definition: PndFtsHit.h:70
hz_h GetXaxis() -> SetTitle("Z position")
std::vector< PndFtsHoughTracklet > FindAllPeaksScanPathsMergeBins(const UInt_t minHeight)
Finds all peaks that satisfy the minimum height requirement minHeight.
Int_t GetLayerID() const
Definition: PndFtsHit.h:74
Int_t GetNFtsHits() const
Returns the event number.
Bool_t FillHoles(const Int_t lastBinX, const Int_t lastBinY, const Int_t currentBinY, IdxPath *ptrThetaYIdxPathVec)
Makes sure there are no holes in the Hough space by filling them with a line.
std::vector< PndFtsHoughTracklet > FindAllPeaksBlanko(const UInt_t minHeight)
Finds all peaks that satisfy the minimum height requirement minHeight.
Double_t getByFromBField(Double_t hitXLabSys, Double_t hitYLabSys, Double_t hitZLabSys)
void throwError(const TString s) const
For error reporting.
Class for saving the result of one Hough transform for FTS PR.
Int_t refIndex
Definition: checkmomentum.C:30
PndFtsHoughSpace(const char *name=0, const Int_t refIndex=-1, PndFtsHoughSpaceBinning binning=PndFtsHoughSpaceBinning(), Double_t zRefPos=0., Double_t interceptZx=0., PndFtsHoughTrackCand *associatedTrackCand=0, PndFtsHoughTrackerTask *trackerTask=0)
void AddHit(UInt_t detId, UInt_t hitId, Double_t rho)
void replaceBins(Int_t height, Int_t firstBin, Int_t firstHitIdx)
void SetHoughTransformResults(const Double_t thetaVal, const Double_t secondVal, const Double_t peakHeight, const Double_t thetaHw, const Double_t secondHw)
Int_t GetSaveDebugInfo() const
Returns the verbosity level.
Bool_t setParametersForHsOption()
void WriteHistoOfAllPathsForEachMcTruthTrack() const
For writing out paths from hits which stem from the same MC truth tracks (how the Hough space would b...
void WriteHistoOfAllPaths() const
For writing out paths (how the Hough space was filled seen from one hit) as histograms (for debugging...
Double_t getSecondVal() const
friend F32vec4 min(const F32vec4 &a, const F32vec4 &b)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:25
std::vector< PndFtsHoughTracklet > FindAllPeaksWithTSpectrum2(const UInt_t minHeight)
Finds all peaks that satisfy the minimum height requirement minHeight.
Class for Hough space based on TH2S (for the moment). Saves the hits which enter this Hough space and...
UInt_t GetNHits() const
TString name
Int_t fFtsBranchId
@ brief FTS Hits
void WriteHistoOfHoughSpace() const
For writing out Hough spaces as histograms (for debugging purposes).
const PndFtsHit * GetFtsHit(UInt_t hitId) const
Returns pointer to the hit with index hitId in the FTS hit array.
Double_t equationLineZxOrZy(Double_t thetaRad, Double_t hitZShifted, Double_t hitXLabSys)
Int_t getHitIdFromHS(UInt_t index) const
cout<<"will loop over "<< t-> GetEntries()
Definition: root2ascii.C:17
Double_t fOnlyUseHitsUpToZ
std::vector< PndFtsHoughTracklet > FindAllPeaksScanPathsMergeBinsCalculatingPaths(const UInt_t minHeight)
Finds all peaks that satisfy the minimum height requirement minHeight.
Helper class for Hough space containing binning. Created: 09.02.2015.
HitIdxPathMap fHitThetaYIdxPath
Int_t GetSkewed() const
Definition: PndFtsHit.h:75
Class for saving a FTS track cand. for Hough transform based FTS PR.
h1 Fill(hit_theta-point_theta)
void AddHitToHS(UInt_t hitId, Double_t rho)
void addBin(Int_t binNumber, Int_t hitIdx)
void PrintFoundTracklets(const std::vector< PndFtsHoughTracklet > &tracklets) const
const PndFtsHit * getHitFromHS(UInt_t index) const
std::map< Int_t, IdxPath > HitIdxPathMap
PndFtsHoughTrackerTask * fTrackerTask
std::pair< Int_t, IdxPath > HitIdxPathPair
TString GetDebugOutName(TString title="", Int_t param=-1) const
For writing out debugging histograms.
void FillHoughSpace()
Fills the Hough space using the equation which corresponds to the name of the Hough space...