9 #include "FairGeoSet.h"
double fBarBoxZDown
Bar box down stream coordinate [cm].
double fPDrop
[cm] drop of the prism - inner side
double fEVoffset
[cm] offset of the EV - outer radius
double fBarBoxGap
Gap between neighboring bar boxes [cm].
double fMCPgap
[cm] gap between MCPs
double fPipehAngle
Half of the phi angle taken by the target pipe [degrees].
double fGlueLayer
Thickness of the glue layer [cm].
double fGreaseLayer
Thickness of the layer of optical grease [cm].
double fBoxThick
Bar box thickness [cm].
double fBarBoxNum
Total number of bar boxes in the barrel.
double fPOffset
[cm] offset of the prism - outer side
double fBarHalfThick
Radiator bars half thickness [cm].
double fPAngle
[degrees] opening angle of the prism
double fPixelSize
[cm] size of one pixel
double fRoughness
Quartz bar surface roughness [nm] = 10A.
double fPhLength
[cm] half length of the prism
double fEVbackAngle
[degrees] angle btw PDplane and global Z axis
double fBarBoxZUp
Bar box up stream coordinate [cm].
double fBoxGap
Gap between bar and bar box [cm].
double fMCPsize
[cm] total size of one MCP
double fBarWidth
Radiator width [cm].
const char * getEleName(Int_t)
double fBarhGap
Half gap between bars [cm].
double fBarNum
Number of bars per barbox.
double fEVdrop
[cm] drop of the EV - inner radius
double fMCPactiveArea
[cm] size of the active area of one MCP
double fDeadTime
[ns] dead time of the photon detector
double fEVlength
Length of Expansion Volume [cm].
double fBarBoxAngle
Angle between centers of the neighboring bar boxes [degrees].
double fRadius
Barrel radius [cm] (middle of radiator)
const char * getModuleName(Int_t)
double fSigmaCharge
[cm] sigma of the charge sharing
int fNpix
total number of pixels for one MCP (8 x 8 pixels)