29 #include "TClonesArray.h"
75 void Draw3D(
TString opt =
"", TCanvas* extCan = 0, Int_t pad = 0);
78 void DrawEvent(
bool tracks =
false, TCanvas* extCan = 0);
79 void DrawTopVolume(TCanvas* extCan = 0, Int_t pad = 0,
const char* opt =
80 void DrawHisxy(TCanvas* extCan = 0, Int_t pad = 0);
81 void DrawHisrz(TCanvas* extCan = 0, Int_t pad = 0);
82 void DrawHistoVec(std::vector<TH1*> *
vec, TCanvas* extCan = 0, Int_t pad = 0)
83 void DrawHisto(TH1* histo, TCanvas* extCan = 0, Int_t pad = 0)
void DrawRecoHisto(TString detName, TCanvas *extCan=0, Int_t pad=0)
std::vector< Int_t > GetHitPerCluster(PndSdsCluster *clusterCand)
std::map< TString, TH1 * > fRecoHistos
TVector3 CalcMeanHitPos(std::vector< Int_t > points)
std::vector< TH1 * > fDigiHistoVec
void DrawHisxy(TCanvas *extCan=0, Int_t pad=0)
TClonesArray * fDigiArray
ClassDef(PndMvdAllDataEventAna, 1)
TClonesArray * fRecoArray
PndSdsCalcFePixel * fPixelCon
std::vector< TString > GetModulesHit()
TH1 * fAllHitPerClusterHistos
void DrawHitPerCluster(TCanvas *extCan=0, Int_t pad=0)
Class to store the Digis which belong to one cluster This class holds the information which Digi belo...
PndEventDisplay * fGeoList
void DrawHitHisto(TString detName, TCanvas *extCan=0, Int_t pad=0)
void DrawDigiHisto(TString detName, TCanvas *extCan=0, Int_t pad=0)
virtual void InitHistos()
virtual void ClearHistos()
TGeoVolume * fRecoTopVolume
display of hits inside the gGeoManager
virtual void Init(TString filename)
TClonesArray * fGeoTrackArray
std::map< TString, TH1 * > fClusterHistos
void Draw3D(TString opt="", TCanvas *extCan=0, Int_t pad=0)
std::vector< TH1 * > fSimHisxy
TVector3 GetLocalHitPoints(TString detName, TVector3 input)
void DrawHitTracks(TCanvas *extCan=0, Int_t pad=0)
std::map< TString, TH1 * > fHitPerClusterHistos
void DrawHistoVec(std::vector< TH1 * > *vec, TCanvas *extCan=0, Int_t pad=0) const
virtual void InitBranch()
TClonesArray * fClusterArray
void DrawClusterHisto(TString detName, TCanvas *extCan=0, Int_t pad=0)
void DrawAllHistos(TString detName, TCanvas *extCan=0)
void ClearHistoVector(std::vector< TH1 * > *myVectors) const
std::vector< TH1 * > fClusterHistoVec
std::vector< TH1 * > fRecoHistoVec
virtual ~PndMvdAllDataEventAna()
void DrawAllTracks(TCanvas *extCan=0, Int_t pad=0)
TGeoVolume * fMvdTopVolume
std::vector< TH1 * > fRecoHisrz
TH1 * fAllHitResolutionHistos
std::vector< TH1 * > fRecoHisxy
void DrawHisto(TH1 *histo, TCanvas *extCan=0, Int_t pad=0) const
void DrawEvent(bool tracks=false, TCanvas *extCan=0)
void FillHitResolutionHistos()
void DrawTopVolume(TCanvas *extCan=0, Int_t pad=0, const char *opt="")
std::map< TString, TH1 * > fHitResolutionHistos
std::map< TString, TH1 * > fDigiHistos
void DrawHisrz(TCanvas *extCan=0, Int_t pad=0)
std::vector< TH1 * > fSimHisrz
void DrawResolution(TCanvas *extCan=0, Int_t pad=0)
Class to calculate the position of digis on a front-end from the digis on a sensor.
void FillHitPerClusterHistos()
TClonesArray * fTrackFArray
std::vector< TH1 * > fHitHistoVec
void ClearHistoMaps(std::map< TString, TH1 * > *myHistos) const
virtual void BeginOfEventAction()
virtual void EndOfEventAction()