30 class MeasurementFactory;
63 virtual InitStatus
65 virtual void Exec(Option_t* opt);
PndRecoDafFit2 * fDafFitter
Standard Kalman Filter class.
void SetPropagateToIP(Bool_t opt=kTRUE)
ClassDef(PndRecoKalmanTask2, 1)
Skip too busy events with more tracks.
TString fTrackInBranchName
Output TCA for track.
TClonesArray * fMCTrackArray
Input TCA for PndTrack.
void SetParticleHypo(TString s)
Bool_t fPropagateToIP
Flag to use Deterministic Annealing.
TDatabasePDG * pdg
Deterministic Annealing class.
TString fTrackOutBranchName
Name of the input TCA.
void SetTrackInBranchName(const TString &name)
Bool_t fPerpPlane
Distance in [cm] to back-propagate the parameters, negative number means no backpropagation.
TClonesArray * fTrackArray
Bool_t fSmoothing
Flag to use Geane.
Bool_t fUseGeane
Particle DB.
void SetMvdBranchName(const TString &name)
void SetPropagateDistance(Float_t opt=-1.)
Float_t fPropagateDistance
Flag to propagate the parameters to the interaction point (kTRUE)
Int_t fBusyCut
Int_t fNumIt
Flag to use as initial plane the one perpendicular to the track (kFALSE)
TString fMvdBranchName
Name of the output TCA.
virtual InitStatus Init()
void SetCentralTrackerBranchName(const TString &name)
void SetTrackOutBranchName(const TString &name)
PndRecoKalmanFit2 * fFitter
Name of the TCA for central tracker.
Bool_t fIdealHyp
Flag to set on smoothing (not used)
void SetDaf(Bool_t opt=kTRUE)
PndRecoKalmanTask2(const char *name="Genfit", Int_t iVerbose=0)
void SetNumIterations(Int_t num)
Int_t fPDGHyp
Number of iterations.
void SetGeane(Bool_t opt=kTRUE)
void SetPerpPlane(Bool_t opt=kTRUE)
TClonesArray * fFitTrackArray
Input TCA for PndMCTrack.
virtual void Exec(Option_t *opt)
TString fCentralTrackerBranchName
Name of the TCA for MVD.
Bool_t fDaf
Flag to use MC particle hypothesis.
void SetIdealHyp(Bool_t opt=kTRUE)