74 void SetIPTruth (
const TLorentzVector& inVtx ) ;
const TLorentzVector & CmFrame() const
const TVector3 * MCImpactPoint() const
RhoVector3Err * fPrimaryVertex
The beam spot w/ error matrix.
const RhoEventShape * EventShape() const
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &o, const PndEventInfo &a)
RhoVector3Err fBeamSpot
The MC interaction point.
TVector3 * fMCIP
The CMS frame.
void SetPrimaryVertex(RhoVector3Err *inVtx)
void SetCmFrame(const TLorentzVector &cmf)
void SetIPTruth(const TLorentzVector &inVtx)
void SetBeamSpot(const RhoVector3Err &inVtx)
const RhoVector3Err & BeamSpot() const
const RhoVector3Err PrimaryVertex() const
void SetEventShape(RhoEventShape *eventShape)
virtual void PrintOn(std::ostream &o=std::cout) const
const RhoVector3Err * PrimaryVtx() const
RhoEventShape * fEventShape
The primary vertex.