Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | List of all members
PndSttTrackFitterQATask Class Reference

#include <PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h>

Inheritance diagram for PndSttTrackFitterQATask:

Public Member Functions

 PndSttTrackFitterQATask ()
 PndSttTrackFitterQATask (Int_t verbose)
 ~PndSttTrackFitterQATask ()
virtual InitStatus Init ()
virtual void Exec (Option_t *opt)
void WriteHistograms ()
void SetParContainers ()

Private Member Functions

 ClassDef (PndSttTrackFitterQATask, 1)

Private Attributes

TClonesArray * fPointArray
TClonesArray * fHitArray
TClonesArray * fTrackArray
TClonesArray * fFoundTrackArray
TClonesArray * fTrackCandArray
TClonesArray * fMCTrackArray
TClonesArray * fHelixHitArray
TClonesArray * fTubeArray
TH1F * hptfit
TH1F * hplfit
TH1F * hptotfit
TH1F * hptfound
TH1F * hplfound
TH1F * hptotfound
TH1F * hptfit_perc
TH1F * hplfit_perc
TH1F * hptotfit_perc
TH1F * hptfound_perc
TH1F * hplfound_perc
TH1F * hptotfound_perc
TH1F * hresx
TH1F * hresy
TH1F * hresz
TH1F * hx
TH1F * hy
TH1F * hz
TH1F * hxs
TH1F * hys
TH1F * hzs
TH1F * hDist
TH1F * hRad
TH1F * hPhi
TH1F * hTanL
TH1F * hZ
TH1F * hpxfit
TH1F * hpyfit
TH1F * hpzfit
TH1F * hQ

Detailed Description

Definition at line 16 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PndSttTrackFitterQATask::PndSttTrackFitterQATask ( )

Default constructor

Definition at line 34 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.cxx.

34  :
35  FairTask("")
36 {
38 }
PndSttTrackFitterQATask::PndSttTrackFitterQATask ( Int_t  verbose)

Definition at line 41 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.cxx.

References fVerbose, and verbose.

41  :
42  FairTask("")
43 {
44  fVerbose = verbose;
45 }
int fVerbose
Definition: poormantracks.C:24
#define verbose
PndSttTrackFitterQATask::~PndSttTrackFitterQATask ( )


Definition at line 49 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.cxx.

50 {
51 }

Member Function Documentation

PndSttTrackFitterQATask::ClassDef ( PndSttTrackFitterQATask  ,
void PndSttTrackFitterQATask::Exec ( Option_t *  opt)

Virtual method Exec

Definition at line 187 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.cxx.

References alpha, CAMath::ATan2(), atan2(), CAMath::Cos(), cos(), d0, Double_t, fFoundTrackArray, fHelixHitArray, fHitArray, fMCTrackArray, fPointArray, fTrackArray, fTrackCandArray, fTubeArray, PndSttTrack::GetCharge(), PndSttTrack::GetDist(), PndSttTrack::GetFlag(), PndSttTrack::GetHelixHitIndex(), PndSttHelixHit::GetHitIndex(), PndTrackCand::getMcTrackId(), PndMCTrack::GetMomentum(), PndSttTrack::GetNofHelixHits(), PndTrack::GetParamFirst(), PndMCTrack::GetPdgCode(), PndSttTrack::GetPhi(), PndSttTrack::GetRad(), PndTrack::GetRefIndex(), PndMCTrack::GetStartVertex(), PndSttTrack::GetTanL(), PndSttTrack::GetTrackCandIndex(), PndSttHit::GetTubeID(), PndSttTube::GetWireDirection(), h, hDist, hit, hPhi, hplfit, hplfit_perc, hplfound, hplfound_perc, hptfit, hptfit_perc, hptfound, hptfound_perc, hptotfit, hptotfit_perc, hptotfound, hpxfit, hpyfit, hpzfit, hQ, hRad, hresx, hresy, hresz, hTanL, hx, hxs, hy, hys, hz, hzs, phi0, Pi, plong, point, ptot, ptran, CAMath::Sin(), sin(), sqrt(), CAMath::Sqrt(), and vec.

188 {
189  // Declare some variables
190  PndSttTrack* pTrack = NULL;
191  PndTrackCand* pTrackCand = NULL;
192  PndTrack* pFoundTrack = NULL;
193  PndMCTrack * mcTrack = NULL;
195  if ( ! fTrackArray ) Fatal("Exec", "No fTrackArray");
197  // Loop over fitted tracks
198  Int_t nTracks = fTrackArray->GetEntriesFast();
200  for (Int_t j = 0; j < nTracks; j++) {
201  pTrack = (PndSttTrack *) fTrackArray->At(j);
202  if(!pTrack) continue;
203  Int_t trackCandID = pTrack->GetTrackCandIndex();
204  pTrackCand = (PndTrackCand *) fTrackCandArray->At(trackCandID);
205  if(!pTrackCand) continue;
207  bool foundtrack = false;
208  for(int k = 0; k < fFoundTrackArray->GetEntriesFast(); k++) {
209  pFoundTrack = (PndTrack*) fFoundTrackArray->At(k);
210  if(!pFoundTrack) continue;
211  if(pFoundTrack->GetRefIndex() == trackCandID) {
212  foundtrack = true;
213  break;
214  }
215  }
216  if(foundtrack == false) continue;
218  // ================= momentum residual ========================
219  if(pTrack->GetFlag() < 3) continue; // only prefit-fit-zfit CHECK
220  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
221  // FITTED track
222  // xy
223  Int_t h = -(Int_t) pTrack->GetCharge();
224  Double_t d0 = pTrack->GetDist();
225  Double_t phi0 = pTrack->GetPhi();
226  Double_t Rad = pTrack->GetRad();
227  // z
228  //Double_t z0 = pTrack->GetZ(); //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
229  Double_t zslope = pTrack->GetTanL();
230  // center of curvature of helix
231  TVector2 vec((d0+Rad)*cos(phi0), (d0+Rad)*sin(phi0));
233  Double_t ptran = 0.003 * 2 * Rad;
234  Double_t plong = ptran * zslope;
235  Double_t ptot = sqrt(plong*plong + ptran*ptran);
237  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
238  // FOUND track
239  TVector3 foundMom = pFoundTrack->GetParamFirst().GetMomentum();
240  //Double_t momMag = foundMom.Mag(); //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
242  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
243  // MC track
244  Int_t mcIndex = pTrackCand->getMcTrackId();
245  mcTrack = (PndMCTrack *) fMCTrackArray->At(mcIndex);
246  if(!mcTrack) continue;
247  // if(mcTrack->GetMotherID() != -1) continue;
248  TVector3 mcmom = mcTrack->GetMomentum();
249  TVector3 vertex = mcTrack->GetStartVertex();
251  int mcQ = (int)((TDatabasePDG::Instance())->GetParticle(mcTrack->GetPdgCode())->Charge()/3.);
252  hQ->Fill(- h + mcQ);
255  hptfit->Fill(ptran - mcmom.Perp());
256  hplfit->Fill(plong - mcmom.Z());
257  hptotfit->Fill(ptot - mcmom.Mag());
259  hptfound->Fill(foundMom.Perp() - mcmom.Perp());
260  hplfound->Fill(foundMom.Z() - mcmom.Z());
261  hptotfound->Fill(foundMom.Mag() - mcmom.Mag());
263  hptfit_perc->Fill((ptran - mcmom.Perp())/ mcmom.Perp());
264  hplfit_perc->Fill((plong - mcmom.Z())/ mcmom.Z());
265  hptotfit_perc->Fill((ptot - mcmom.Mag())/ mcmom.Mag());
267  hptfound_perc->Fill((foundMom.Perp() - mcmom.Perp())/ mcmom.Perp());
268  hplfound_perc->Fill((foundMom.Z() - mcmom.Z())/ mcmom.Z());
269  hptotfound->Fill((foundMom.Mag() - mcmom.Mag()) / mcmom.Mag());
272 // cout << "PT : " << mcmom.Perp() << " " << foundMom.Perp() << " " << ptran << endl;
273 // cout << "PL : " << mcmom.Z() << " " << foundMom.Z() << " " << plong << endl;
274 // cout << "PTOT : " << mcmom.Mag() << " " << foundMom.Mag() << " " << ptot << endl;
275 // cout << "--------------------------------------------------" << endl;
277  // === momentum coordinates ===
278  TVector3 fitmom(ptran * TMath::Cos(phi0 - h * TMath::Pi()/2.),
279  ptran * TMath::Sin(phi0 - h * TMath::Pi()/2.),
280  plong);
282  hpxfit->Fill(fitmom.X() - mcmom.X());
283  hpyfit->Fill(fitmom.Y() - mcmom.Y());
284  hpzfit->Fill(fitmom.Z() - mcmom.Z());
287  // ================= parameters residual ========================
288  double mcRad = mcmom.Perp()/0.006;
290  // track from tangent ---------------------
291  //double mc_m1 = mcmom.Y() / mcmom.X(); //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
292  //double mc_q1 = vertex.Y() - vertex.X() * mc_m1; //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
293  //double mc_m2 = -1./mc_m1; //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
294  //double mc_q2 = vertex.Y() - vertex.X() * mc_m2; //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
296  double alpha = TMath::ATan2(mcmom.X(), mcmom.Y());
297  double mcX0, mcY0;
298  if(-h > 0) {
299  mcX0 = vertex.X() + mcRad * TMath::Cos(alpha);
300  mcY0 = vertex.Y() - mcRad * TMath::Sin(alpha);
301  }
302  else {
303  mcX0 = vertex.X() - mcRad * TMath::Cos(alpha);
304  mcY0 = vertex.Y() + mcRad * TMath::Sin(alpha);
305  }
307  Double_t mcDist, mcPhi;
309  mcDist = TMath::Sqrt(mcX0 * mcX0 + mcY0 * mcY0) - mcRad;
310  mcPhi = atan2(mcY0, mcX0);
312  Double_t mcTanL; //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?//, mcZ;
313  mcTanL = mcmom.Z()/mcmom.Perp();
315  // mcZ = ??
317  if(pTrack->GetFlag() >= 2) hDist->Fill(d0 - mcDist);
318  if(pTrack->GetFlag() >= 2) hRad->Fill(Rad - mcRad);
319  if(pTrack->GetFlag() >= 2) hPhi->Fill(phi0 - mcPhi);
320  if(pTrack->GetFlag() >= 3) hTanL->Fill(zslope - mcTanL);
321  // if(pTrack->GetFlag() >= 3) hZ->Fill(z0 - mcZ); // ??
324  // ========================= helix hits ==============================
325  Int_t hitcounter = pTrack->GetNofHelixHits();
326  TVector2 point; // point
328  for (Int_t k = 0; k < hitcounter; k++) {
329  Int_t iHHit = pTrack->GetHelixHitIndex(k);
330  PndSttHelixHit *helixhit = (PndSttHelixHit*) fHelixHitArray->At(iHHit);
331  Int_t hitindex = helixhit->GetHitIndex();
332  PndSttHit* hit = (PndSttHit*) fHitArray->At(hitindex);
334  // tubeID CHECK added
335  Int_t tubeID = hit->GetTubeID();
336  PndSttTube *tube = (PndSttTube*) fTubeArray->At(tubeID);
338  PndSttPoint *mcpoint = (PndSttPoint*) fPointArray->At(hit->GetRefIndex());
340  hresx->Fill(helixhit->GetX() - mcpoint->GetX());
341  hresy->Fill(helixhit->GetY() - mcpoint->GetY());
342  hresz->Fill(helixhit->GetZ() - mcpoint->GetZ());
344  if(tube->GetWireDirection() == TVector3(0, 0, 1)) {
345  hx->Fill(helixhit->GetX() - mcpoint->GetX());
346  hy->Fill(helixhit->GetY() - mcpoint->GetY());
347  hz->Fill(helixhit->GetZ() - mcpoint->GetZ());
348  }
349  else {
350  hxs->Fill(helixhit->GetX() - mcpoint->GetX());
351  hys->Fill(helixhit->GetY() - mcpoint->GetY());
352  hzs->Fill(helixhit->GetZ() - mcpoint->GetZ());
353  }
355  }
356  }
357 }
friend F32vec4 cos(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:112
Double_t GetTanL()
Definition: PndSttTrack.h:60
Int_t GetHitIndex()
Int_t GetNofHelixHits() const
Definition: PndSttTrack.h:48
int getMcTrackId() const
Definition: PndTrackCand.h:60
friend F32vec4 sqrt(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:29
Int_t GetTrackCandIndex()
Definition: PndSttTrack.h:45
static T Sqrt(const T &x)
Definition: PndCAMath.h:37
Int_t GetPdgCode() const
Definition: PndMCTrack.h:73
friend F32vec4 sin(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:111
static T Sin(const T &x)
Definition: PndCAMath.h:42
Double_t ptot
Definition: checkhelixhit.C:68
TVector3 GetMomentum() const
Definition: PndMCTrack.h:78
static T Cos(const T &x)
Definition: PndCAMath.h:43
Double_t GetDist()
Definition: PndSttTrack.h:57
Double_t d0
Definition: checkhelixhit.C:59
Double_t GetRad()
Definition: PndSttTrack.h:59
Double_t GetPhi()
Definition: PndSttTrack.h:58
Double_t phi0
Definition: checkhelixhit.C:60
static T ATan2(const T &y, const T &x)
Int_t GetTubeID() const
Definition: PndSttHit.h:75
Int_t GetCharge()
Definition: PndSttTrack.h:63
Double_t ptran
Definition: checkhelixhit.C:65
friend F32vec4 atan2(const F32vec4 &y, const F32vec4 &x)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:117
Int_t GetHelixHitIndex(Int_t iHit) const
Definition: PndSttTrack.h:49
PndSdsMCPoint * hit
Definition: anasim.C:70
Int_t GetRefIndex() const
Definition: PndTrack.h:36
double alpha
Definition: f_Init.h:9
TVector3 GetStartVertex() const
Definition: PndMCTrack.h:76
Double_t Pi
Int_t GetFlag() const
Definition: PndSttTrack.h:51
dble_vec_t vec[12]
Definition: ranlxd.cxx:380
TVector3 GetWireDirection()
Definition: PndSttTube.cxx:107
FairTrackParP GetParamFirst()
Definition: PndTrack.h:49
Double_t plong
Definition: checkhelixhit.C:67
PndSdsMCPoint * point
Definition: anaLmdCluster.C:72
InitStatus PndSttTrackFitterQATask::Init ( )

Virtual method Init

Definition at line 57 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.cxx.

References fFoundTrackArray, fHelixHitArray, fHitArray, PndSttMapCreator::FillTubeArray(), fMCTrackArray, fPointArray, fSttParameters, fTrackArray, fTrackCandArray, fTubeArray, hDist, hPhi, hplfit, hplfit_perc, hplfound, hplfound_perc, hptfit, hptfit_perc, hptfound, hptfound_perc, hptotfit, hptotfit_perc, hptotfound, hptotfound_perc, hpxfit, hpyfit, hpzfit, hQ, hRad, hresx, hresy, hresz, hTanL, hx, hxs, hy, hys, hz, hZ, and hzs.

58 {
60  hptfit = new TH1F("hptfit", "pt fit: reco - mc", 100, -0.3, 0.3);
61  hplfit = new TH1F("hplfit", "pl fit: reco - mc", 100, -0.4, 0.4);
62  hptotfit = new TH1F("hptotfit", "ptot fit: reco - mc", 100, -0.3, 0.3);
64  hptfit_perc = new TH1F("hptfit_perc", "pt fit: (reco - mc) / mc", 100, -0.3, 0.3);
65  hplfit_perc = new TH1F("hplfit_perc", "pl fit: (reco - mc) / mc", 100, -0.4, 0.4);
66  hptotfit_perc = new TH1F("hptotfit_perc", "ptot fit: (reco - mc) / mc", 100, -0.3, 0.3);
68  hDist = new TH1F("hDist", "Dist fit: reco - mc", 100, -1., 1.);
69  hRad = new TH1F("hRad", "Rad fit: reco - mc", 100, -15., 15.);
70  hPhi = new TH1F("hPhi", "Phi fit: reco - mc", 100, -0.1, 0.1);
71  hTanL = new TH1F("hTanL", "TanL fit: reco - mc", 100, -0.2, 0.2);
72  hZ = new TH1F("hZ", "Z fit: reco - mc", 100, -0.3, 0.3);
74  hQ = new TH1F("hQ", "Q fit: mc + reco", 6, -3, 3);
76  hptfound = new TH1F("hptfound", "pt found: reco - mc", 100, -0.3, 0.3);
77  hplfound = new TH1F("hplfound", "pl found: reco - mc", 100, -0.4, 0.4);
78  hptotfound = new TH1F("hptotfound", "ptot found: reco - mc", 100, -0.3, 0.3);
80  hptfound_perc = new TH1F("hptfound_perc", "pt found: (reco - mc) / mc", 100, -0.3, 0.3);
81  hplfound_perc = new TH1F("hplfound_perc", "pl found: (reco - mc) / mc", 100, -0.4, 0.4);
82  hptotfound_perc = new TH1F("hptotfound_perc", "ptot found: (reco - mc) / mc", 100, -0.3, 0.3);
84  hpxfit = new TH1F("hpxfit", "px fit: reco - mc", 100, -0.3, 0.3);
85  hpyfit = new TH1F("hpyfit", "py fit: reco - mc", 100, -0.3, 0.3);
86  hpzfit = new TH1F("hpzfit", "pz fit: reco - mc", 100, -0.4, 0.4);
88  hresx = new TH1F("hresx", "x: reco - mc", 100, -0.2, 0.2);
89  hresy = new TH1F("hresy", "y: reco - mc", 100, -0.2, 0.2);
90  hresz = new TH1F("hresz", "z: reco - mc", 100, -3, 3);
92  hx = new TH1F("hx", "x no skewed: reco - mc", 100, -0.2, 0.2);
93  hy = new TH1F("hy", "y no skewed: reco - mc", 100, -0.2, 0.2);
94  hz = new TH1F("hz", "z no skewed: reco - mc", 100, -3, 3);
96  hxs = new TH1F("hxs", "x skewed: reco - mc", 100, -0.2, 0.2);
97  hys = new TH1F("hys", "y skewed: reco - mc", 100, -0.2, 0.2);
98  hzs = new TH1F("hzs", "z skewed: reco - mc", 100, -3, 3);
100  // Get RootManager
101  FairRootManager* ioman = FairRootManager::Instance();
102  if ( ! ioman ) {
103  cout << "-E- PndSttHelixHitProducer::Init: "
104  << "RootManager not instantiated!" << endl;
105  return kFATAL;
106  }
108  // Get MCTrack array
109  fMCTrackArray = (TClonesArray*) ioman->GetObject("MCTrack");
110  if ( ! fMCTrackArray)
111  {
112  cout << "-E- PndSttTrackFitterQATask::Init: No MCTrack array!"
113  << endl;
114  return kERROR;
115  }
117  // Get SttTrack array
118  fTrackArray = (TClonesArray*) ioman->GetObject("STTTrack");
119  if ( ! fTrackArray)
120  {
121  cout << "-E- PndSttTrackFitterQATask::Init: No SttTrack array!"
122  << endl;
123  return kERROR;
124  }
126  // Get SttFoundTrack array
127  fFoundTrackArray = (TClonesArray*) ioman->GetObject("STTFoundTrack");
128  if ( ! fFoundTrackArray)
129  {
130  cout << "-E- PndSttTrackFitterQATask::Init: No SttFoundTrack array!"
131  << endl;
132  return kERROR;
133  }
136  // Get SttTrackCand array
137  fTrackCandArray = (TClonesArray*) ioman->GetObject("STTTrackCand");
138  if ( ! fTrackCandArray)
139  {
140  cout << "-E- PndSttTrackFitterQATask::Init: No SttTrack Cand array!"
141  << endl;
142  return kERROR;
143  }
145  // MC points
146  fPointArray = (TClonesArray*) ioman->GetObject("STTPoint");
147  if ( ! fPointArray ) {
148  cout << "-W- PndSttTrackFitterQATask::Init: "
149  << "No STTPoint array!" << endl;
150  return kERROR;
151  }
153  // hits
154  fHitArray = (TClonesArray*) ioman->GetObject("STTHit");
155  if ( ! fHitArray ) {
156  cout << "-W- PndSttTrackFitterQATask::Init: "
157  << "No STTHit array!" << endl;
158  return kERROR;
159  }
161  // helix hits
162  fHelixHitArray = (TClonesArray*) ioman->GetObject("SttHelixHit");
163  if ( ! fHelixHitArray ) {
164  cout << "-W- PndSttTrackFitterQATask::Init: "
165  << "No SttHelixHit array!" << endl;
166  return kERROR;
167  }
169  // CHECK added
171  fTubeArray = mapper->FillTubeArray();
173  cout << "-I- PndSttTrackFitterQATask: Intialization successfull" << endl;
175  return kSUCCESS;
177 }
TClonesArray * FillTubeArray()
void PndSttTrackFitterQATask::SetParContainers ( )

Definition at line 181 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.cxx.

References fSttParameters, and rtdb.

181  {
182  FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = FairRunAna::Instance()->GetRuntimeDb();
183  fSttParameters = (PndGeoSttPar*) rtdb->getContainer("PndGeoSttPar");
184 }
FairRuntimeDb * rtdb
Definition: hit_dirc.C:66
void PndSttTrackFitterQATask::WriteHistograms ( )

Definition at line 361 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.cxx.

References file, hDist, hPhi, hplfit, hplfit_perc, hplfound, hplfound_perc, hptfit, hptfit_perc, hptfound, hptfound_perc, hptotfit, hptotfit_perc, hptotfound, hptotfound_perc, hpxfit, hpyfit, hpzfit, hQ, hRad, hresx, hresy, hresz, hTanL, hx, hxs, hy, hys, hz, hZ, and hzs.

362 {
363  TFile* file = FairRootManager::Instance()->GetOutFile();
364  file->cd();
365  file->mkdir("SttFitterQATask");
366  file->cd("SttFitterQATask");
368  hptfit->Write();
369  delete hptfit;
370  hplfit->Write();
371  delete hplfit;
372  hptotfit->Write();
373  delete hptotfit;
375  hptfit_perc->Write();
376  delete hptfit_perc;
377  hplfit_perc->Write();
378  delete hplfit_perc;
379  hptotfit_perc->Write();
380  delete hptotfit_perc;
382  hpxfit->Write();
383  delete hpxfit;
384  hpyfit->Write();
385  delete hpyfit;
386  hpzfit->Write();
387  delete hpzfit;
389  hDist->Write();
390  delete hDist;
391  hRad->Write();
392  delete hRad;
393  hPhi->Write();
394  delete hPhi;
395  hTanL->Write();
396  delete hTanL;
397  hZ->Write();
398  delete hZ;
399  hQ->Write();
400  delete hQ;
403  hptfound->Write();
404  delete hptfound;
405  hplfound->Write();
406  delete hplfound;
407  hptotfound->Write();
408  delete hptotfound;
410  hptfound_perc->Write();
411  delete hptfound_perc;
412  hplfound_perc->Write();
413  delete hplfound_perc;
414  hptotfound_perc->Write();
415  delete hptotfound_perc;
417  hresx->Write();
418  delete hresx;
419  hresy->Write();
420  delete hresy;
421  hresz->Write();
422  delete hresz;
424  hx->Write();
425  delete hx;
426  hy->Write();
427  delete hy;
428  hz->Write();
429  delete hz;
431  hxs->Write();
432  delete hxs;
433  hys->Write();
434  delete hys;
435  hzs->Write();
436  delete hzs;
438 }
TFile * file

Member Data Documentation

TClonesArray* PndSttTrackFitterQATask::fFoundTrackArray

Input array of PndTracks

Definition at line 52 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), and Init().

TClonesArray* PndSttTrackFitterQATask::fHelixHitArray

Output array of PndSttHelixHits

Definition at line 58 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), and Init().

TClonesArray* PndSttTrackFitterQATask::fHitArray

Input array of PndSttHits

Definition at line 48 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), and Init().

TClonesArray* PndSttTrackFitterQATask::fMCTrackArray

Input array of MCTracks

Definition at line 56 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), and Init().

TClonesArray* PndSttTrackFitterQATask::fPointArray

Input array of PndSttPoints

Definition at line 46 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), and Init().

PndGeoSttPar* PndSttTrackFitterQATask::fSttParameters

Definition at line 66 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Init(), and SetParContainers().

TClonesArray* PndSttTrackFitterQATask::fTrackArray

Input array of PndSttTracks

Definition at line 50 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), and Init().

TClonesArray* PndSttTrackFitterQATask::fTrackCandArray

Input array of PndTrackCands

Definition at line 54 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), and Init().

TClonesArray* PndSttTrackFitterQATask::fTubeArray

from parameters array of PndSttTube

Definition at line 61 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), and Init().

TH1F * PndSttTrackFitterQATask::hDist

Definition at line 64 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Init(), and WriteHistograms().

TH1F * PndSttTrackFitterQATask::hPhi

Definition at line 64 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Init(), and WriteHistograms().

TH1F * PndSttTrackFitterQATask::hplfit

Definition at line 64 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Init(), and WriteHistograms().

TH1F * PndSttTrackFitterQATask::hplfit_perc

Definition at line 64 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Init(), and WriteHistograms().

TH1F * PndSttTrackFitterQATask::hplfound

Definition at line 64 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Init(), and WriteHistograms().

TH1F * PndSttTrackFitterQATask::hplfound_perc

Definition at line 64 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Init(), and WriteHistograms().

TH1F* PndSttTrackFitterQATask::hptfit

Definition at line 64 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Init(), and WriteHistograms().

TH1F * PndSttTrackFitterQATask::hptfit_perc

Definition at line 64 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Init(), and WriteHistograms().

TH1F * PndSttTrackFitterQATask::hptfound

Definition at line 64 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Init(), and WriteHistograms().

TH1F * PndSttTrackFitterQATask::hptfound_perc

Definition at line 64 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Init(), and WriteHistograms().

TH1F * PndSttTrackFitterQATask::hptotfit

Definition at line 64 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Init(), and WriteHistograms().

TH1F * PndSttTrackFitterQATask::hptotfit_perc

Definition at line 64 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Init(), and WriteHistograms().

TH1F * PndSttTrackFitterQATask::hptotfound

Definition at line 64 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Init(), and WriteHistograms().

TH1F * PndSttTrackFitterQATask::hptotfound_perc

Definition at line 64 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Init(), and WriteHistograms().

TH1F * PndSttTrackFitterQATask::hpxfit

Definition at line 64 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Init(), and WriteHistograms().

TH1F * PndSttTrackFitterQATask::hpyfit

Definition at line 64 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Init(), and WriteHistograms().

TH1F * PndSttTrackFitterQATask::hpzfit

Definition at line 64 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Init(), and WriteHistograms().

TH1F * PndSttTrackFitterQATask::hQ

Definition at line 64 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Init(), and WriteHistograms().

TH1F * PndSttTrackFitterQATask::hRad

Definition at line 64 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Init(), and WriteHistograms().

TH1F * PndSttTrackFitterQATask::hresx

Definition at line 64 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Init(), and WriteHistograms().

TH1F * PndSttTrackFitterQATask::hresy

Definition at line 64 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Init(), and WriteHistograms().

TH1F * PndSttTrackFitterQATask::hresz

Definition at line 64 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Init(), and WriteHistograms().

TH1F * PndSttTrackFitterQATask::hTanL

Definition at line 64 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Init(), and WriteHistograms().

TH1F * PndSttTrackFitterQATask::hx

Definition at line 64 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Init(), and WriteHistograms().

TH1F * PndSttTrackFitterQATask::hxs

Definition at line 64 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Init(), and WriteHistograms().

TH1F * PndSttTrackFitterQATask::hy

Definition at line 64 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Init(), and WriteHistograms().

TH1F * PndSttTrackFitterQATask::hys

Definition at line 64 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Init(), and WriteHistograms().

TH1F * PndSttTrackFitterQATask::hz

Definition at line 64 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Init(), and WriteHistograms().

TH1F * PndSttTrackFitterQATask::hZ

Definition at line 64 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Init(), and WriteHistograms().

TH1F * PndSttTrackFitterQATask::hzs

Definition at line 64 of file PndSttTrackFitterQATask.h.

Referenced by Exec(), Init(), and WriteHistograms().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: