Go to the documentation of this file.
1  // This macro creates the Forward EndCap geometry of the EMC detector for PANDA.
2  //it contains the crystals as well as the alveoles. Alveoles are added in two lines; if you don't need them in the geometry, just comment these two lines as follows:
3  //(1) SubunitVol->AddNode(AlveoleVol_subunit,0,0);
4  //(2) BoxVol->AddNode(AlveoleVol_box,0,0);
6  // The tapered crystals with the size of
7  // 24.375 x 24.375 x 200 mm^3 (front side) and
8  // 26.0 x 26.0 x 200 mm^3 (back side) are introduced.
9  //
10  // in the Henk's geometry, target is 2037 mm away from the front of the crystals. The thicknes of the top assembly in this code is around 230 mm (measured in the geometry).
11  // Thus, the distance from the target point to the center of thetop assembly will be around 2037+230/2=2152 mm.
12  // This is the number which should be inserted for the FwEndCap module distance in the PndEmc.cxx
13  // (subunits are more or less oriented toward the off-point, which is 963 mm away from the target point.)
14  //
15  // Author: Hossein Moeini, KVI (2011)
17  //-----------------------------
18  // 4*24.374+0.36+2*(0.6+0.18+0.24+0.24)=100.376 mm (Henk geometry of a Subunit made using UGS NX 5)
19  //
20 #include <string>
23 {
24  TH1F *HISTOsubunitTheta = new TH1F("HISTOsubunitTheta","Subunit #theta",1250,4.5,17.);//0.01 degree resolution of the histogram
25  TH1F *HISTOoffpointToCrystalMidpointAlongBeam_calculatedForEachSubunit = new TH1F("HISTOoffpointToCrystalMidpointAlongBeam_calculatedForEachSubunit","Along-the-beam prjection of the distance between offpoint and the crystal midpoint",640,316.5,322.9);//cm
26  TH1F *HISTOoffpointToFwEndCap_calculatedForEachSubunit = new TH1F("HISTOoffpointToFwEndCap_calculatedForEachSubunit","Distance between offpoint and the midpoint of the FwEndCap",640,316.5,322.9);//0.1 mm resolution of the histogram
27  TH2F *HISTOsubunitTheta_offpointToFwEndCap = new TH2F("HISTOsubunitTheta_offpointToFwEndCap","Distance between offpoint and the midpoint of the FwEndCap vs subunit #theta ",1250,4.5,17.,640,316.5,322.9);
29  Double_t kSpaceInBox = 0.06; // Space in Box (cm)
30  Double_t kSpaceInSub = 0.024; // Space in Subunit (cm)
31  Double_t kSpaceSubGlue = 0.036; // Thickness of glued alveole between Boxes in Subunit (cm)
32  Double_t kAlveoleThickness = 0.018;// Thickness of alveole between Subunits (cm)
34  Double_t aa = 2.4375; // size of the crystal's front side in cm
35  Double_t bb = 2.6; // size of the crystal's back side in cm
36  Double_t tr = 2.51875; // size of the crystal's profile at its center in cm ----> (aa+bb)/2
38  Double_t b1 = bb-tr/2.;
39  Double_t b2 = aa-tr/2.;
41  Double_t vert[16],vertBox[16],vertSub[16],vertSub_Subtracted[16],vertHalfSub[16],vertHalfSub_Subtracted[16]; // x-y coordinates of the 8 vertices for TGeoArb8 shapes of Crystal, Box, Subunit, and half Subunit
42  Double_t dz = 10.0; //half length of crystals in cm
44  // first four vertices (back-face)
45  vert[0] = -tr/2.;
46  vert[1] = -tr/2.;
47  vert[2] = -tr/2.;
48  vert[3] = +b1;
49  vert[4] = +b1;
50  vert[5] = +b1;
51  vert[6] = +b1;
52  vert[7] = -tr/2.;
53  // second four vertices (front-face)
54  vert[8] = -tr/2.;
55  vert[9] = -tr/2.;
56  vert[10] = -tr/2.;
57  vert[11] = +b2;
58  vert[12] = +b2;
59  vert[13] = +b2;
60  vert[14] = +b2;
61  vert[15] = -tr/2.;
63  // creating a SIZE for the BOX (4 crystals) shape
64  for (Int_t i=0; i< 16; i++){ //setting x and y components of the box vertices (with respect to the center of the box) starting from the lower left vertex of the back-face
65  Double_t spaces = kSpaceInBox/2.;
66  if (i==0 || i==1 || i==2 || i==7)
67  vertBox[i] = (-bb - spaces);
68  else if (i==8 || i==9 || i==10 || i==15)
69  vertBox[i] = (-aa - spaces);
70  else if (i==3 || i==4 || i==5 || i==6)
71  vertBox[i] = (bb + spaces);
72  else if (i==11 || i==12 || i==13 || i==14)
73  vertBox[i] = (aa + spaces);
74  }
76  // creating a SIZE for the SUBUNIT (16 crystals, 4 boxes) shape
77  Double_t spacesSub = kSpaceSubGlue/2. + kAlveoleThickness + 2*kSpaceInSub;
78  for (Int_t i=0; i< 16; i++){
79  if (i==0 || i==1 || i==2 || i==7 || i==8 || i==9 || i==10 || i==15) {
80  vertSub[i] = (vertBox[i]*2 - spacesSub);
81  vertSub_Subtracted[i] = vertSub[i] + kAlveoleThickness;
82  }
83  else {
84  vertSub[i] = (vertBox[i]*2 + spacesSub);
85  vertSub_Subtracted[i] = vertSub[i] - kAlveoleThickness;
86  }
87  }
89  // creating a SIZE for the half SUBUNIT (8 crystals, 2 boxes) shape
90  for (Int_t i=0; i< 16; i++){
91  Double_t spacesHalfSub = kSpaceInBox/2. + kAlveoleThickness + kSpaceInSub;
92  if (i==0 || i==2 || i==8 || i==10) {
93  vertHalfSub[i] = (2*vertBox[i] - spacesSub);
94  vertHalfSub_Subtracted[i] = vertHalfSub[i] + kAlveoleThickness;
95  }
96  else if (i==4 || i==6 || i==12 || i==14) {
97  vertHalfSub[i] = (2*vertBox[i] + spacesSub);
98  vertHalfSub_Subtracted[i] = vertHalfSub[i] - kAlveoleThickness;
99  }
100  else if (i==1 || i==7) {
101  vertHalfSub[i] = (-bb - spacesHalfSub);
102  vertHalfSub_Subtracted[i] = vertHalfSub[i] + kAlveoleThickness;
103  }
104  else if (i==3 || i==5) {
105  vertHalfSub[i] = (bb + spacesHalfSub);
106  vertHalfSub_Subtracted[i] = vertHalfSub[i] - kAlveoleThickness;
107  }
108  else if (i==9 || i==15) {
109  vertHalfSub[i] = (-aa - spacesHalfSub);
110  vertHalfSub_Subtracted[i] = vertHalfSub[i] + kAlveoleThickness;
111  }
112  else {
113  vertHalfSub[i] = (aa + spacesHalfSub);
114  vertHalfSub_Subtracted[i] = vertHalfSub[i] - kAlveoleThickness;
115  }
116  }
118  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
119  gROOT->Macro("$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/rootlogon.C");
121  // Get env variable value (VMC working directory)
122  std::string vmcWorkdir = getenv("VMCWORKDIR");
124  // Open the output file, to write geometry
125  TFile* fi = new TFile( (vmcWorkdir + "/geometry/emc_module3_2011_new.root").c_str(),
126  "RECREATE");
128  FairGeoLoader* geoLoad = new FairGeoLoader("TGeo","FairGeoLoader");
129  FairGeoInterface *geoFace = geoLoad->getGeoInterface();
130  geoFace->setMediaFile( (vmcWorkdir + "/geometry/media_pnd.geo").c_str());
131  geoFace->readMedia();
132  geoFace->print();
134  FairGeoMedia *Media = geoFace->getMedia();
135  FairGeoBuilder *geobuild=geoLoad->getGeoBuilder();
137  FairGeoMedium *CbmMediumAir = Media->getMedium("air");
138  FairGeoMedium *CbmMediumPWO = Media->getMedium("PWO");
139  FairGeoMedium *CbmMediumCarbon = Media->getMedium("carbon");
140  //FairGeoMedium *CbmMediumAluminium = Media->getMedium("aluminium");
141  Int_t nmed=geobuild->createMedium(CbmMediumAir);
142  nmed=geobuild->createMedium(CbmMediumPWO);
143  nmed=geobuild->createMedium(CbmMediumCarbon);
144  //nmed=geobuild->createMedium(CbmMediumAluminium);
146  //TGeoVolume *top = gGeoMan->MakeTube("top",gGeoMan->GetMedium("air"),0,98,22.5);
147  TGeoVolume *top = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("Emc3");
148  TGeoManager* gGeoMan = (TGeoManager*)gROOT->FindObject("FAIRGeom");
149  gGeoMan->SetTopVolume(top);
151  TGeoTranslation trSub;
152  TGeoTranslation trHalfSub;
153  TGeoTranslation trBox;
154  TGeoTranslation trCrystal;
155  TGeoTranslation trMiddleColumnSubunit;
157  TGeoRotation rotSub;
158  TGeoRotation rotHalfSub;
159  TGeoRotation rotBox;
160  TGeoRotation rotCrystal;
161  TGeoRotation rotMiddleColumnSubunit;
165  // ========== SUBUNIT (16 crystals) ============
166  name = "SubunitShape";
167  TGeoShape* SubunitShape = new TGeoArb8(name,dz,vertSub);
169  medium="air";
170  name = "SubunitVolFwEndCap";
171  //SubunitVol[q] = new TGeoVolume(name,SubunitShape,gGeoMan->GetMedium(medium));
172  TGeoVolume* SubunitVol = new TGeoVolumeAssembly(name);
174  // ========== half SUBUNIT (8 crystals) ============
175  name = "HalfSubunitShape";
176  TGeoShape* HalfSubunitShape = new TGeoArb8(name,dz,vertHalfSub);
178  name = "HalfSubunitVolFwEndCap";
179  //HalfSubunitVol[q] = new TGeoVolume(name,HalfSubunitShape,gGeoMan->GetMedium(medium));
180  TGeoVolume* HalfSubunitVol = new TGeoVolumeAssembly(name);
182  // ========== BOX (4 crystals) =============
183  name = "BoxShape";
184  TGeoShape* BoxShape = new TGeoArb8(name,dz,vertBox);
186  name="BoxVol";
187  TGeoVolume* BoxVol = new TGeoVolume(name,BoxShape,gGeoMan->GetMedium(medium));
188  //BoxVol[q] = new TGeoVolumeAssembly(name);
190  // ========== Alveole package =============
191  TGeoShape* Subunit_Subtracted = new TGeoArb8("Subunit_Subtracted",dz,vertSub_Subtracted);
192  TGeoShape* MiddleWall_subunit = new TGeoTrd1("MiddleWall_subunit",fabs(vertSub_Subtracted[0]),fabs(vertSub_Subtracted[8]),kSpaceSubGlue/2.,dz);
193  TGeoRotation* rotSubunitWall = new TGeoRotation("rotSubunitWall");
194  rotSubunitWall->RotateZ(90.);
195  rotSubunitWall->RegisterYourself();
196  TGeoCompositeShape* AlveoleShape_subunit = new TGeoCompositeShape("AlveoleShape_subunit","(SubunitShape - Subunit_Subtracted) + (MiddleWall_subunit) + (MiddleWall_subunit:rotSubunitWall)");
197  TGeoVolume* AlveoleVol_subunit = new TGeoVolume("AlveoleVol_subunit",AlveoleShape_subunit,gGeoMan->GetMedium("carbon"));
198  AlveoleVol_subunit->SetLineColor(6);
200  TGeoShape* HalfSubunit_Subtracted = new TGeoArb8("HalfSubunit_Subtracted",dz,vertHalfSub_Subtracted);
201  TGeoShape* MiddleWall_halfsubunit = new TGeoTrd1("MiddleWall_halfsubunit",fabs(vertHalfSub_Subtracted[1]),fabs(vertHalfSub_Subtracted[9]),kSpaceSubGlue/2.,dz);
202  TGeoCompositeShape* AlveoleShape_halfsubunit = new TGeoCompositeShape("AlveoleShape_halfsubunit","(HalfSubunitShape - HalfSubunit_Subtracted) + (MiddleWall_halfsubunit:rotSubunitWall)");
203  TGeoVolume* AlveoleVol_halfsubunit = new TGeoVolume("AlveoleVol_halfsubunit",AlveoleShape_halfsubunit,gGeoMan->GetMedium("carbon"));
204  AlveoleVol_halfsubunit->SetLineColor(6);
206  TGeoShape* MiddleWall_box = new TGeoTrd1("MiddleWall_box",fabs(vertBox[0])+kSpaceInSub,fabs(vertBox[8])+kSpaceInSub,kAlveoleThickness/2.,dz);
207  TGeoCompositeShape* AlveoleShape_box = new TGeoCompositeShape("AlveoleShape_box","(MiddleWall_box) + (MiddleWall_box:rotSubunitWall)");
208  TGeoVolume* AlveoleVol_box = new TGeoVolume("AlveoleVol_box",AlveoleShape_box,gGeoMan->GetMedium("carbon"));
209  AlveoleVol_box->SetLineColor(6);
211 // making the subunits; translations and rotations for Boxes are with respect to the coordinate system in the center of the Subunit:
212  Double_t boxRotAngle = 0.465518;// = atan[24.375/3000] (deg.)----> atan[24.375/320]==0.436424
213  Double_t boxShiftInSubunit = (tr+kSpaceInSub+kSpaceSubGlue/2.+kSpaceInBox/2.)*cos(boxRotAngle*TMath::Pi()/180);
214  cout << " " << endl;
215  trBox = new TGeoTranslation(boxShiftInSubunit,boxShiftInSubunit, 0.);
216  rotBox = new TGeoRotation();
217  rotBox.RotateX(boxRotAngle); // rotation in "up" direction
218  rotBox.RotateY(-boxRotAngle); // rotation in "right" direction
219  TGeoCombiTrans* trrotBox= new TGeoCombiTrans(trBox,rotBox);
220  name="BoxVol";
221  name+=1;
222  trrotBox->SetName(name);
223  trrotBox->RegisterYourself();
224  SubunitVol->AddNode(BoxVol,1,trrotBox);
226  trBox = new TGeoTranslation(-boxShiftInSubunit,-boxShiftInSubunit, 0.);
227  rotBox = new TGeoRotation();
228  rotBox.RotateX(-boxRotAngle); // rotation in "down" direction
229  rotBox.RotateY(boxRotAngle); // rotation in "left" direction
230  TGeoCombiTrans* trrotBox= new TGeoCombiTrans(trBox,rotBox);
231  name="BoxVol";
232  name+=2;
233  trrotBox->SetName(name);
234  trrotBox->RegisterYourself();
235  SubunitVol->AddNode(BoxVol,2,trrotBox);
237  trBox = new TGeoTranslation(boxShiftInSubunit,-boxShiftInSubunit, 0.);
238  rotBox = new TGeoRotation();
239  rotBox.RotateX(-boxRotAngle); // rotation in "down" direction
240  rotBox.RotateY(-boxRotAngle); // rotation in "right" direction
241  TGeoCombiTrans* trrotBox= new TGeoCombiTrans(trBox,rotBox);
242  name="BoxVol";
243  name+=3;
244  trrotBox->SetName(name);
245  trrotBox->RegisterYourself();
246  SubunitVol->AddNode(BoxVol,3,trrotBox);
248  trBox = new TGeoTranslation(-boxShiftInSubunit,boxShiftInSubunit, 0.);
249  rotBox = new TGeoRotation();
250  rotBox.RotateX(boxRotAngle); // rotation in "up" direction
251  rotBox.RotateY(boxRotAngle); // rotation in "left" direction
252  TGeoCombiTrans* trrotBox= new TGeoCombiTrans(trBox,rotBox);
253  name="BoxVol";
254  name+=4;
255  trrotBox->SetName(name);
256  trrotBox->RegisterYourself();
257  SubunitVol->AddNode(BoxVol,4,trrotBox);
259  SubunitVol->AddNode(AlveoleVol_subunit,0,0);
262 // making the half Subunit:
263  trBox = new TGeoTranslation(boxShiftInSubunit, 0., 0.);
264  rotBox = new TGeoRotation();
265  rotBox.RotateY(-boxRotAngle); // rotation in "right" direction
266  TGeoCombiTrans* trrotBox= new TGeoCombiTrans(trBox,rotBox);
267  name="BoxVol";
268  name+=1;
269  trrotBox->SetName(name);
270  trrotBox->RegisterYourself();
271  HalfSubunitVol->AddNode(BoxVol,1,trrotBox);
273  trBox = new TGeoTranslation(-boxShiftInSubunit, 0., 0.);
274  rotBox = new TGeoRotation();
275  rotBox.RotateY(boxRotAngle); // rotation in "left" direction
276  TGeoCombiTrans* trrotBox= new TGeoCombiTrans(trBox,rotBox);
277  name="BoxVol";
278  name+=2;
279  trrotBox->SetName(name);
280  trrotBox->RegisterYourself();
281  HalfSubunitVol->AddNode(BoxVol,2,trrotBox);
283  //HalfSubunitVol->AddNode(AlveoleVol_halfsubunit,0,0);
285  // ========== CRYSTAL (TGeoArb8 shape)=================
286  name = "CrystalShape";
287  TGeoShape* CrystalShape = new TGeoArb8(name,dz,vert);
288  medium="PWO";
289  name = "CrystalVol";
290  TGeoVolume* CrystalVol = new TGeoVolume(name,CrystalShape,gGeoMan->GetMedium(medium));
291  CrystalVol->SetLineColor(4);
293 // making the Box out of 4 crystals:
294  cout << " " << endl;
295  trCrystal = new TGeoTranslation(tr/2.+kSpaceInBox/2.,tr/2.+kSpaceInBox/2.,0.);
296  rotCrystal = new TGeoRotation() ; // "right-upper" Crystal
297  TGeoCombiTrans* trrotCrystal= new TGeoCombiTrans(trCrystal,rotCrystal);
298  name = "CrystalVol";
299  name+=1;
300  trrotCrystal->SetName(name);
301  trrotCrystal->RegisterYourself();
302  BoxVol->AddNode(CrystalVol,1,trrotCrystal);
304  trCrystal= new TGeoTranslation(-tr/2.-kSpaceInBox/2.,-tr/2.-kSpaceInBox/2.,0.);
305  rotCrystal = new TGeoRotation(); // "left-lower" Crystal
306  rotCrystal.RotateZ(180.);
307  TGeoCombiTrans* trrotCrystal= new TGeoCombiTrans(trCrystal,rotCrystal);
308  name = "CrystalVol";
309  name+=2;
310  trrotCrystal->SetName(name);
311  trrotCrystal->RegisterYourself();
312  BoxVol->AddNode(CrystalVol,2,trrotCrystal);
314  trCrystal= new TGeoTranslation(-tr/2.-kSpaceInBox/2.,tr/2.+kSpaceInBox/2.,0.);
315  rotCrystal = new TGeoRotation(); // "left-upper" Crystal
316  rotCrystal.RotateZ(90.);
317  TGeoCombiTrans* trrotCrystal= new TGeoCombiTrans(trCrystal,rotCrystal);
318  name = "CrystalVol";
319  name+=3;
320  trrotCrystal->SetName(name);
321  trrotCrystal->RegisterYourself();
322  BoxVol->AddNode(CrystalVol,3,trrotCrystal);
324  trCrystal= new TGeoTranslation(tr/2.+kSpaceInBox/2.,-tr/2.-kSpaceInBox/2.,0.);
325  rotCrystal = new TGeoRotation() ; // "right-lower" Crystal
326  rotCrystal.RotateZ(270.);
327  TGeoCombiTrans* trrotCrystal= new TGeoCombiTrans(trCrystal,rotCrystal);
328  name = "CrystalVol";
329  name+=4;
330  trrotCrystal->SetName(name);
331  trrotCrystal->RegisterYourself();
332  BoxVol->AddNode(CrystalVol,4,trrotCrystal);
334  BoxVol->AddNode(AlveoleVol_box,0,0);
336  //Double_t sizeOfQuar = 96.192; // size of one Quarter (back side) in X and Y directions in cm
337  // size of one Subunit (back side): 10.688*9 = 96.192 (cm) & 4*2.6+0.288=10.688, in which 0.288=0.036+2*(0.06+0.018+0.024+0.024)
338  // size of one Subunit (front side): 10.038*9 = 90.342 (cm) & 4*2.4375+0.288=10.038
339  //Double_t kSubShift=10.363; // size of 1 Subunit in its half Z-distance = (10.688+10.038)/2 cm
340  //Double_t FrontFaceToOffPoint=295; // Off_point to front face of crystals (cm)
342  Double_t SubRots_x[10] = {0, 1.397, 3.259, 5.121, 6.983, 8.845, 10.707, 12.569, 14.431, 16.293}; // in degrees
343  Double_t SubRots_y[9] = {0, 1.862, 3.724, 5.586, 7.448, 9.310, 11.172, 13.034, 14.896}; // in degrees
345  Double_t SubShifts_x[9][10],SubShifts_y[9][10],SubShifts_z[9][10];
346  // below: ri=(xi,yi,zi) are the positions of the center of the full subunits located at i-th column. The dimention of ri indicates the # of full subunits in the i-th column.
347  Double_t x0[7] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};// cm
348  Double_t y0[7] = {28.8265117778573, 39.3493990842636, 49.9182059980705, 60.5427138182193, 71.2329503536249, 81.9992433988977, 92.8522777922782};// cm
349  Double_t z0[7] = {20.8922266939356, 20.7643907501524, 20.647680715811, 20.542219840098, 20.4481194927622, 20.3654790465039, 20.2943857720353};// cm
350  Double_t x1[7] = {10.4561465784774, 10.457980770291, 10.4587432590363, 10.4584210182162, 10.4569949523523, 10.4544395865992, 10.4507226619133};// cm
351  Double_t y1[7] = {28.8415506036169, 39.3698737009689, 49.9440943683685, 60.5739911406306, 71.269589122811, 82.0412134694661, 92.8995464471194};// cm
352  Double_t z1[7] = {20.7353467228561, 20.608097645279, 20.4921269616535, 20.3875570856334, 20.2944985110308, 20.2130496945219, 20.1432969499363};// cm
353  Double_t x2[6] = {20.9321821237215, 20.9358595992309, 20.9373981752432, 20.9367717976619, 20.9339422773645, 20.9288586697734};// cm
354  Double_t y2[6] = {28.8575314144401, 39.3916128487797, 49.9715678752264, 60.6071778753597, 71.3084709234057, 82.0857752642087};// cm
355  Double_t z2[6] = {20.5895321756643, 20.4629244166279, 20.3477101063494, 20.2440107183219, 20.1519360485205, 20.0715840968625};// cm
356  Double_t x3[7] = {31.435, 31.4374657965934, 31.443004685364, 31.445346474863, 31.4444520826492, 31.4402642313971, 31.4327065190925};// cm
357  Double_t y3[7] = {18.37, 28.8744010011301, 39.4145444804275, 50.0005359941237, 60.642165433689, 71.3494695656328, 82.1327855036172};// cm
358  Double_t z3[7] = {20.56, 20.4549342199356, 20.3290191826595, 20.2145744178588, 20.111720383633, 20.0205663879042, 19.9412104670771};// cm
359  Double_t x4[8] = {41.9539813282223, 41.9698288739971, 41.9814693214709, 41.9888966825685, 41.9920821980654, 41.9909737596839, 41.9854950144576, 41.9755441265108};// cm
360  Double_t y4[8] = {7.89830880167419, 18.3818329576968, 28.8921116541933, 39.4386040325354, 50.0309175849214, 60.6788563819023, 71.3924716114887, 82.1821150419249};// cm
361  Double_t z4[8] = {20.6160360262256, 20.4682450405479, 20.3316930634579, 20.2065198113991, 20.0928548902714, 19.9908176835001, 19.9005172334079, 19.8220521159127};// cm
362  Double_t x5[7] = {52.5394297215891, 52.5592393983295, 52.5738238277316, 52.5831754879774, 52.587258416773, 52.5860074900363, 52.5793273040347};// cm
363  Double_t y5[7] = {7.90341507861587, 18.3936742404941, 28.9106213388012, 39.4637346600652, 50.0626411828193, 60.7171647853164, 71.437376767925};// cm
364  Double_t z5[7] = {20.5027092994528, 20.3557018043881, 20.2199378244604, 20.0955538082943, 19.9826771540363, 19.8814261134414, 19.7919096791188};// cm
365  Double_t x6[6] = {63.1830462065919, 63.2068179821323, 63.2243685753296, 63.2356889146366, 63.2407358379524, 63.239431228515};// cm
366  Double_t y6[6] = {7.90874065384292, 18.4060125259458, 28.9298938377538, 39.4898874292926, 50.0956452405859, 60.7570164991038};// cm
367  Double_t z6[6] = {20.4007777494568, 20.2546771228153, 20.1197864051635, 19.9962381996988, 19.8841573722027, 19.7836609746115};// cm
368  Double_t x7[5] = {73.8949255128963, 73.9226591547656, 73.9432021341159, 73.9565438187476, 73.9626338624611};// cm
369  Double_t y7[5] = {7.91427699482984, 18.4188282598441, 28.949898861872, 39.5170214685491, 50.1298783211089};// cm
370  Double_t z7[5] = {20.3103490711865, 20.1652779875055, 20.0313453686846, 19.9086794119197, 19.7974021224738};// cm
371  Double_t x8[4] = {84.6854762517226, 84.7171712230529, 84.7407366383712, 84.7561603031881};// cm
372  Double_t y8[4] = {7.92001718048636, 18.4321056920017, 28.9706121273752, 39.5451040760829};// cm
373  Double_t z8[4] = {20.2315188788966, 20.0875994791296, 19.9547098194095, 19.8329731459031};// cm
375  for (Int_t j=3; j<=9; j++) { //range of j indicates the # of full subunits in the i-th column (in this for loop, columns 0 and 1)
376  SubShifts_x[0][j] = x0[j-3];
377  SubShifts_y[0][j] = y0[j-3];
378  SubShifts_z[0][j] = z0[j-3];
379  SubShifts_x[1][j] = x1[j-3];
380  SubShifts_y[1][j] = y1[j-3];
381  SubShifts_z[1][j] = z1[j-3];
382  }
383  for (Int_t j=3; j<=8; j++) { //(in this for loop, column 2)
384  SubShifts_x[2][j] = x2[j-3];
385  SubShifts_y[2][j] = y2[j-3];
386  SubShifts_z[2][j] = z2[j-3];
387  }
388  for (Int_t j=2; j<=8; j++) { //(in this for loop, column 3)
389  SubShifts_x[3][j] = x3[j-2];
390  SubShifts_y[3][j] = y3[j-2];
391  SubShifts_z[3][j] = z3[j-2];
392  }
393  for (Int_t j=1; j<=8; j++) { //(in this for loop, column 4)
394  SubShifts_x[4][j] = x4[j-1];
395  SubShifts_y[4][j] = y4[j-1];
396  SubShifts_z[4][j] = z4[j-1];
397  }
398  for (Int_t j=1; j<=7; j++) { //(in this for loop, column 5)
399  SubShifts_x[5][j] = x5[j-1];
400  SubShifts_y[5][j] = y5[j-1];
401  SubShifts_z[5][j] = z5[j-1];
402  }
403  for (Int_t j=1; j<=6; j++) { //(in this for loop, column 6)
404  SubShifts_x[6][j] = x6[j-1];
405  SubShifts_y[6][j] = y6[j-1];
406  SubShifts_z[6][j] = z6[j-1];
407  }
408  for (Int_t j=1; j<=5; j++) { //(in this for loop, column 7)
409  SubShifts_x[7][j] = x7[j-1];
410  SubShifts_y[7][j] = y7[j-1];
411  SubShifts_z[7][j] = z7[j-1];
412  }
413  for (Int_t j=1; j<=4; j++) { //(in this for loop, column 8)
414  SubShifts_x[8][j] = x8[j-1];
415  SubShifts_y[8][j] = y8[j-1];
416  SubShifts_z[8][j] = z8[j-1];
417  }
420  for(Int_t q=0; q<4; q++){ //making the Subunits of the 4 quarters (50 Subunits per quarter)
422  Int_t jj=0; // counter running on the number of Subunits
423  for (Int_t row=1; row<=9; row++)
424  {
425  for (Int_t col=1; col<=8; col++)
426  {
427  Int_t flag=1; // indicating the presence of a Subunit
429  if (row<3 && col<3) flag=0; // not having a Subunit
430  else if (col==3 && row<2) flag=0;
431  else if (col>7 && row>4) flag=0;
432  else if (col>6 && row>5) flag=0;
433  else if (col>5 && row>6) flag=0;
434  else if (col>4 && row>7) flag=0;
435  else if (col>1 && row>8) flag=0;
437  if (flag){
439  jj++;
440  cout<< "QuarterNo " << q+1<< " ....SubunitNo " << jj <<endl;
442  Double_t trSub_x, trSub_y, trSub_z, rotSub_x, rotSub_y;
443  if (q==0){ // first quarter (top right)
444  trSub_x = SubShifts_x[col][row];
445  trSub_y = SubShifts_y[col][row];
446  trSub_z = SubShifts_z[col][row];
447  rotSub_x = SubRots_x[row];
448  rotSub_y = -SubRots_y[col];
449  }
450  else if (q==1){ // second quarter (bottom right)
451  trSub_x = SubShifts_x[col][row];
452  trSub_y = -SubShifts_y[col][row];
453  trSub_z = SubShifts_z[col][row];
454  rotSub_x = -SubRots_x[row];
455  rotSub_y = -SubRots_y[col];
456  }
457  else if (q==2){ // third quarter (bottom left)
458  trSub_x = -SubShifts_x[col][row];
459  trSub_y = -SubShifts_y[col][row];
460  trSub_z = SubShifts_z[col][row];
461  rotSub_x = -SubRots_x[row];
462  rotSub_y = SubRots_y[col];
463  }
464  else if (q==3){ // fourth quarter (top left)
465  trSub_x = -SubShifts_x[col][row];
466  trSub_y = SubShifts_y[col][row];
467  trSub_z = SubShifts_z[col][row];
468  rotSub_x = SubRots_x[row];
469  rotSub_y = SubRots_y[col];
470  }
472  rotSub = new TGeoRotation();
473  rotSub.RotateX(rotSub_x);
474  rotSub.RotateY(rotSub_y);
475  trSub = new TGeoTranslation(trSub_x, trSub_y, trSub_z-20.);//the -20 subtraction is done in order to make the z-position of the crystals around 0 in the top assembly volume,
476  //this way shifting the top volume in the PANDA geometry (done in PndEmc.cxx) would be straightforward,
477  //assuming that the center of the top volume coincides more or less with the center of mass of the crystals.
478  TGeoCombiTrans *trrotSub= new TGeoCombiTrans(trSub,rotSub);
479  name="SubunitVolFwEndCap";
480  name+= 100*(q+1)+jj;
481  trrotSub->SetName(name);
482  trrotSub->RegisterYourself();
484  top->AddNode(SubunitVol,100*(q+1)+jj,trrotSub);// copy numbering of Subunits from 101 to 150, 201 to 250, 301 to 350, and 401 to 450
486  //deriving the orientation of the full subunits and draw the angle and off-point of them
487  Double_t theta1, phi1, theta2, phi2, theta3, phi3;
488  rotSub.GetAngles(theta1, phi1, theta2, phi2, theta3, phi3);
489  if (q==0) {
490  HISTOsubunitTheta->Fill(theta3);
491  HISTOoffpointToCrystalMidpointAlongBeam_calculatedForEachSubunit->Fill(sqrt((SubShifts_x[col][row]*SubShifts_x[col][row])+(SubShifts_y[col][row]*SubShifts_y[col][row]))/tan(theta3*TMath::DegToRad()));
492  HISTOoffpointToFwEndCap_calculatedForEachSubunit->Fill(sqrt((SubShifts_x[col][row]*SubShifts_x[col][row])+(SubShifts_y[col][row]*SubShifts_y[col][row]))/tan(theta3*TMath::DegToRad()) + (trSub_z-20.));
493  HISTOsubunitTheta_offpointToFwEndCap->Fill(theta3, sqrt((SubShifts_x[col][row]*SubShifts_x[col][row])+(SubShifts_y[col][row]*SubShifts_y[col][row]))/tan(theta3*TMath::DegToRad()) + (trSub_z-20.));
494  }
495  }
496  }
497  }
498  }
500 //making the middle-column Subunits
501  for (Int_t index = 1; index <= 2; index++)
502  {Int_t coeff = 1;
503  if (index == 2)
504  coeff = -1;
505  for (Int_t middleSubunits = 3; middleSubunits<=9; middleSubunits++)
506  {
507  trMiddleColumnSubunit = new TGeoTranslation(SubShifts_x[0][middleSubunits], coeff*SubShifts_y[0][middleSubunits], SubShifts_z[0][middleSubunits]-20.);
508  rotMiddleColumnSubunit = new TGeoRotation();
509  rotMiddleColumnSubunit.RotateX(coeff*SubRots_x[middleSubunits]);
510  TGeoCombiTrans* trrotMiddleColumnSubunit = new TGeoCombiTrans(trMiddleColumnSubunit,rotMiddleColumnSubunit);
512  name="SubunitVolFwEndCap";
513  name+= 7*(index-1)+(60 + middleSubunits-2);
514  trrotSub->SetName(name);
515  trrotSub->RegisterYourself();
517  top->AddNode(SubunitVol,7*(index-1)+(60 + middleSubunits-2),trrotMiddleColumnSubunit);//copy numbering from 61 to 74
519  //deriving the orientation of the full subunits and draw the angle and off-point of them
520  Double_t theta1, phi1, theta2, phi2, theta3, phi3;
521  rotMiddleColumnSubunit.GetAngles(theta1, phi1, theta2, phi2, theta3, phi3);
522  if (index == 1) {
523  HISTOsubunitTheta->Fill(theta3);
524  HISTOoffpointToCrystalMidpointAlongBeam_calculatedForEachSubunit->Fill(sqrt((SubShifts_x[0][middleSubunits]*SubShifts_x[0][middleSubunits])+(SubShifts_y[0][middleSubunits]*SubShifts_y[0][middleSubunits]))/tan(theta3*TMath::DegToRad()));
525  HISTOoffpointToFwEndCap_calculatedForEachSubunit->Fill(sqrt((SubShifts_x[0][middleSubunits]*SubShifts_x[0][middleSubunits])+(SubShifts_y[0][middleSubunits]*SubShifts_y[0][middleSubunits]))/tan(theta3*TMath::DegToRad()) +(SubShifts_z[0][middleSubunits]-20.));
526  HISTOsubunitTheta_offpointToFwEndCap->Fill(theta3, sqrt((SubShifts_x[0][middleSubunits]*SubShifts_x[0][middleSubunits])+(SubShifts_y[0][middleSubunits]*SubShifts_y[0][middleSubunits]))/tan(theta3*TMath::DegToRad()) +(SubShifts_z[0][middleSubunits]-20.));
527  }
529  }
530  }
532 //making the middle-region half Subunits
533  Double_t middleHalfSubRots_x[9] = {3.724, 3.724, 3.724, 3.724, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; // in degrees
534  Double_t middleHalfSubRots_y[9] = {0, 1.862, 3.724, 5.586, 7.448, 9.310, 11.172, 13.034, 14.896}; // in degrees
535  Double_t HalfSubShifts_x[58] = {-84.6563520970098, -73.8693906775208, -63.1611211867801, -52.521132074127, -41.9393256755252, //corresponding to copy numbers 1-5 (cm)
536  41.9393256755252, 52.521132074127, 63.1611211867801, 73.8693906775208, 84.6563520970098, //corresponding to copy numbers 6-10
537  99999, //corresponding to copy number 11 which we don't have in the geometry and that's why it's set to a big number (it's not ganna be used anyway)
538  -20.9174269458209, -10.4487681185361, 0, 10.4487681185361, 20.9174269458209, //corresponding to copy numbers 12-16
539  99999, //corresponding to copy number 17 which we don't have in the geometry and that's why it's set to a big number (it's not ganna be used anyway)
540  99999, //corresponding to copy number 18 which we don't have in the geometry and that's why it's set to a big number (it's not ganna be used anyway)
541  -20.9174269458209, -10.4487681185361, 0, 10.4487681185361, 20.9174269458209, //corresponding to copy numbers 19-23
542  99999, //corresponding to copy number 24 which we don't have in the geometry and that's why it's set to a big number (it's not ganna be used anyway)
543  -92.6747786463306, -92.7160730719282, -92.7485342040102, -81.9829059977037, -71.2396466047239, //corresponding to copy numbers 25-29
544  -63.1300146020203, -52.4697812081315, -31.355563839864, -20.8773507855441, 20.8773507855441, 31.355563839864, //corresponding to copy numbers 30-35
545  52.4697812081315, 63.1300146020203, 71.2396466047239, 81.9829059977037, 92.7485342040102, //corresponding to copy numbers 36-40
546  92.7160730719282, 92.6747786463306, 92.7160730719282, 92.7485342040102, 81.9829059977037, //corresponding to copy numbers 41-45
547  71.2396466047239, 63.1300146020203, 52.4697812081315, 31.355563839864, 20.8773507855441, -20.8773507855441, //corresponding to copy numbers 46-51
548  -31.355563839864, -52.4697812081315, -63.1300146020203, -71.2396466047239, -81.9829059977037, -92.7485342040102, -92.7160730719282};
550  Double_t HalfSubShifts_y[58] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //corresponding to copy numbers 1-5
551  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, //corresponding to copy numbers 6-10
552  99999, //corresponding to copy number 11 which we don't have in the geometry and that's why it's set to a big number (it's not ganna be used anyway)
553  20.8885295181039, 20.876851374154, 20.8658909883895, 20.876851374154, 20.8885295181039, //corresponding to copy numbers 12-16
554  99999, //corresponding to copy number 17 which we don't have in the geometry and that's why it's set to a big number (it's not ganna be used anyway)
555  99999, //corresponding to copy number 18 which we don't have in the geometry and that's why it's set to a big number (it's not ganna be used anyway)
556  -20.8885295181039, -20.876851374154, -20.8658909883895, -20.876851374154, -20.8885295181039, //corresponding to copy numbers 19-23
557  99999, //corresponding to copy number 24 which we don't have in the geometry and that's why it's set to a big number (it's not ganna be used anyway)
558  0, 10.4475848056181, 20.9494917954074, 50.0632009767915, 60.6888391507159, //corresponding to copy numbers 25-29
559  68.7741496062525, 79.4684133522537, 90.1738532457449, 90.1213466966609, 90.1213466966609, 90.1738532457449, //corresponding to copy numbers 30-35
560  79.4684133522537, 68.7741496062525, 60.6888391507159, 50.0632009767915, 20.9494917954074, //corresponding to copy numbers 36-40
561  10.4475848056181, 0, -10.4475848056181, -20.9494917954074, -50.0632009767915, //corresponding to copy numbers 41-45
562  -60.6888391507159, -68.7741496062525, -79.4684133522537, -90.1738532457449, -90.1213466966609, -90.1213466966609, //corresponding to copy numbers 46-51
563  -90.1738532457449, -79.4684133522537, -68.7741496062525, -60.6888391507159, -50.0632009767915, -20.9494917954074, -10.4475848056181};
565  Double_t HalfSubShifts_z[58] = {20.3466200388019, 20.4263813988843, 20.517625616103, 20.6202563339138, 20.7341651712972, //corresponding to copy numbers 1-5
566  20.7341651712972, 20.6202563339138, 20.517625616103, 20.4263813988843, 20.3466200388019, //corresponding to copy numbers 6-10
567  99999, //corresponding to copy number 11 which we don't have in the geometry and that's why it's set to a big number (it's not ganna be used anyway)
568  20.8544382200522, 21.0009144090997, 21.1582196313325, 21.0009144090997, 20.8544382200522, //corresponding to copy numbers 12-16
569  99999, //corresponding to copy number 17 which we don't have in the geometry and that's why it's set to a big number (it's not ganna be used anyway)
570  99999, //corresponding to copy number 18 which we don't have in the geometry and that's why it's set to a big number (it's not ganna be used anyway)
571  20.8544382200522, 21.0009144090997, 21.1582196313325, 21.0009144090997, 20.8544382200522, //corresponding to copy numbers 19-23
572  99999, //corresponding to copy number 24 which we don't have in the geometry and that's why it's set to a big number (it's not ganna be used anyway)
573  20.9979827713258, 20.8465516574732, 20.7052688946296, 20.3581441163706, 20.2547272198587, //corresponding to copy numbers 25-29
574  20.2322699798398, 20.3302699346598, 20.570496344343, 20.701744222906, 20.701744222906, 20.570496344343, //corresponding to copy numbers 30-35
575  20.3302699346598, 20.2322699798398, 20.2547272198587, 20.3581441163706, 20.7052688946296, //corresponding to copy numbers 36-40
576  20.8465516574732, 20.9979827713258, 20.8465516574732, 20.7052688946296, 20.3581441163706, //corresponding to copy numbers 41-45
577  20.2547272198587, 20.2322699798398, 20.3302699346598, 20.570496344343, 20.701744222906, 20.701744222906, //corresponding to copy numbers 46-51
578  20.570496344343, 20.3302699346598, 20.2322699798398, 20.2547272198587, 20.3581441163706, 20.7052688946296, 20.8465516574732};
581  for (Int_t col=4; col<=8; col++){ //in total 10 horizontal middle-region (equator) half Subunits
582  rotHalfSub = new TGeoRotation();
583  rotHalfSub.RotateX(middleHalfSubRots_x[col]);
584  rotHalfSub.RotateY(-middleHalfSubRots_y[col]);
585  trHalfSub = new TGeoTranslation(HalfSubShifts_x[col+1], HalfSubShifts_y[col+1], HalfSubShifts_z[col+1] - 20.);//the -20 subtraction is done in order to make the z-position
586  //of the crystals around 0 in the top assembly volume,
587  TGeoCombiTrans *trrotHalfSub= new TGeoCombiTrans(trHalfSub,rotHalfSub);
588  name="HalfSubunitVolFwEndCap";
589  name+= (6+col-4);
590  trrotSub->SetName(name);
591  trrotSub->RegisterYourself();
592  top->AddNode(HalfSubunitVol,6+col-4,trrotHalfSub);// copy numbering from 6 to 10
594  rotHalfSub = new TGeoRotation();
595  rotHalfSub.RotateX(middleHalfSubRots_x[12-col]);
596  rotHalfSub.RotateY(middleHalfSubRots_y[12-col]);
597  trHalfSub = new TGeoTranslation(HalfSubShifts_x[col-4], HalfSubShifts_y[col-4], HalfSubShifts_z[col-4] - 20.);
598  TGeoCombiTrans *trrotHalfSub= new TGeoCombiTrans(trHalfSub,rotHalfSub);
599  name="HalfSubunitVolFwEndCap";
600  name+= (9-col);
601  trrotSub->SetName(name);
602  trrotSub->RegisterYourself();
603  top->AddNode(HalfSubunitVol,9-col,trrotHalfSub);// copy numbering from 5 to 1
604  }
606  for (Int_t col=1; col<=5; col++){ //in total 10 horizontal middle-region half Subunits
607  rotHalfSub = new TGeoRotation();
608  rotHalfSub.RotateX(middleHalfSubRots_x[0]);
609  if (col<=2) { //copy numbering from 12 to 13
610  rotHalfSub.RotateY(middleHalfSubRots_y[3-col]);
611  trHalfSub = new TGeoTranslation(HalfSubShifts_x[10+col], HalfSubShifts_y[10+col], HalfSubShifts_z[10+col] - 20.);
612  }
613  else { //copy numbering from 14 to 16
614  rotHalfSub.RotateY(-middleHalfSubRots_y[col-3]);
615  trHalfSub = new TGeoTranslation(HalfSubShifts_x[10+col], HalfSubShifts_y[10+col], HalfSubShifts_z[10+col] - 20.);
616  }
617  TGeoCombiTrans *trrotHalfSub= new TGeoCombiTrans(trHalfSub,rotHalfSub);
618  name="HalfSubunitVolFwEndCap";
619  name+= (col+11);
620  trrotSub->SetName(name);
621  trrotSub->RegisterYourself();
622  top->AddNode(HalfSubunitVol,col+11,trrotHalfSub);// copy numbering from 12 to 16
624  rotHalfSub = new TGeoRotation();
625  rotHalfSub.RotateX(-middleHalfSubRots_x[0]);
626  if (col<=2) { // copy numbering from 19 to 20
627  rotHalfSub.RotateY(middleHalfSubRots_y[3-col]);
628  trHalfSub = new TGeoTranslation(HalfSubShifts_x[17+col], HalfSubShifts_y[17+col], HalfSubShifts_z[17+col] - 20.);
629  }
630  else { // copy numbering from 21 to 23
631  rotHalfSub.RotateY(-middleHalfSubRots_y[col-3]);
632  trHalfSub = new TGeoTranslation(HalfSubShifts_x[17+col], HalfSubShifts_y[17+col], HalfSubShifts_z[17+col] - 20.);
633  }
634  TGeoCombiTrans *trrotHalfSub= new TGeoCombiTrans(trHalfSub,rotHalfSub);
635  name="HalfSubunitVolFwEndCap";
636  name+= (18+col);
637  trrotSub->SetName(name);
638  trrotSub->RegisterYourself();
639  top->AddNode(HalfSubunitVol,18+col,trrotHalfSub);// copy numbering from 19 to 23
640  }
642 //making the peripheral half Subunits
643  Double_t peripheralHalfSubRots_x[9] = {0, 1.862, 3.724, 8.845, 10.707, 12.103, 13.965, 15.827, 15.827}; // in degrees
644  Double_t peripheralHalfSubRots_y[9] = {16.293, 16.293, 16.293, 14.431, 12.569, 11.172, 9.310, 5.586, 3.724}; // in degrees
645  for (Int_t index=0; index<=8; index++){ //in total 18 upper peripheral half Subunits
646  rotHalfSub = new TGeoRotation();
647  if (index<=4)
648  rotHalfSub.RotateZ(90);
649  rotHalfSub.RotateX(peripheralHalfSubRots_x[index]);
650  rotHalfSub.RotateY(peripheralHalfSubRots_y[index]);
651  trHalfSub = new TGeoTranslation(HalfSubShifts_x[24+index], HalfSubShifts_y[24+index], HalfSubShifts_z[24+index] - 20.);
652  TGeoCombiTrans *trrotHalfSub= new TGeoCombiTrans(trHalfSub,rotHalfSub);
653  name="HalfSubunitVolFwEndCap";
654  name+= (25+index);
655  trrotSub->SetName(name);
656  trrotSub->RegisterYourself();
657  top->AddNode(HalfSubunitVol,25+index,trrotHalfSub);// copy numbering from 25 to 33 (top left part)
659  rotHalfSub = new TGeoRotation();
660  if (index<=4)
661  rotHalfSub.RotateZ(90);
662  rotHalfSub.RotateX(peripheralHalfSubRots_x[index]);
663  rotHalfSub.RotateY(-peripheralHalfSubRots_y[index]);
664  trHalfSub = new TGeoTranslation(HalfSubShifts_x[41-index], HalfSubShifts_y[41-index], HalfSubShifts_z[41-index] - 20.);
665  TGeoCombiTrans *trrotHalfSub= new TGeoCombiTrans(trHalfSub,rotHalfSub);
666  name="HalfSubunitVolFwEndCap";
667  name+= (42-index);
668  trrotSub->SetName(name);
669  trrotSub->RegisterYourself();
670  top->AddNode(HalfSubunitVol,42-index,trrotHalfSub);// copy numbering from 42 to 34 (top right part)
671  }
673  for (Int_t index=1; index<=8; index++){ //in total 16 lower peripheral half Subunits
674  rotHalfSub = new TGeoRotation();
675  if (index<=4)
676  rotHalfSub.RotateZ(90);
677  rotHalfSub.RotateX(-peripheralHalfSubRots_x[index]);
678  rotHalfSub.RotateY(-peripheralHalfSubRots_y[index]);
679  trHalfSub = new TGeoTranslation(HalfSubShifts_x[41+index], HalfSubShifts_y[41+index], HalfSubShifts_z[41+index] - 20.);
680  TGeoCombiTrans *trrotHalfSub= new TGeoCombiTrans(trHalfSub,rotHalfSub);
681  name="HalfSubunitVolFwEndCap";
682  name+= (42+index);
683  trrotSub->SetName(name);
684  trrotSub->RegisterYourself();
685  top->AddNode(HalfSubunitVol,42+index,trrotHalfSub);// copy numbering from 43 to 50 (bottom right part)
687  rotHalfSub = new TGeoRotation();
688  if (index<=4)
689  rotHalfSub.RotateZ(90);
690  rotHalfSub.RotateX(-peripheralHalfSubRots_x[index]);
691  rotHalfSub.RotateY(peripheralHalfSubRots_y[index]);
692  trHalfSub = new TGeoTranslation(HalfSubShifts_x[58-index], HalfSubShifts_y[58-index], HalfSubShifts_z[58-index] - 20.);
693  TGeoCombiTrans *trrotHalfSub= new TGeoCombiTrans(trHalfSub,rotHalfSub);
694  name="HalfSubunitVolFwEndCap";
695  name+= (59-index);
696  trrotSub->SetName(name);
697  trrotSub->RegisterYourself();
698  top->AddNode(HalfSubunitVol,59-index,trrotHalfSub);// copy numbering from 58 to 51 (bottom left part)
699  }
702 //overlap checking:
703  TGeoNode* myNode = SubunitVol->GetNode(0);//allowed arguments for SubunitVol: 0-4, 4 being for Alveole
704  gGeoManager->CheckOverlaps(0.001);// myNode->CheckOverlaps(0.001)
705  //cout <<"Overlaps: "<<gGeoManager->PrintOverlaps()<<endl ;
707 //finally:
708  gGeoMan->CloseGeometry();
709  top->Write();
710  fi->Close();
711  top->Draw();
713  TCanvas* c0 = new TCanvas("c0","", 10, 20, 1200, 900);
714  gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
715  c0->SetFillColor(10);
716  c0->SetFrameFillColor(10);
717  c0->Divide(2,2);
718  c0->cd(1);
719  HISTOsubunitTheta->Draw();
720  c0->cd(3);
721  HISTOsubunitTheta_offpointToFwEndCap->Draw();
722  c0->cd(2);
723  HISTOoffpointToCrystalMidpointAlongBeam_calculatedForEachSubunit->Draw();
724  c0->cd(4);
725  HISTOoffpointToFwEndCap_calculatedForEachSubunit->Draw();
727  return 0;
728 }
int row
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:67
Double_t z0
Definition: checkhelixhit.C:62
Double_t x0
Definition: checkhelixhit.C:70
friend F32vec4 cos(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:112
const Double_t kSpaceInSub
FairGeoLoader * geoLoad
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
FairGeoMedia * Media
TGeoShape * CrystalShape
TGeoTranslation trCrystal
const Double_t kSpaceSubGlue
TGeoManager * gGeoMan
FairGeoMedium * CbmMediumCarbon
friend F32vec4 sqrt(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:29
int col
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:67
TGeoTranslation trSub
Double_t vertBox[20]
TGeoManager * gGeoManager
TGeoVolume * top
TGeoVolume * SubunitVol
TGeoRotation rotBox
Double_t vertSub[20]
FairGeoBuilder * geobuild
TFile * fi
TString medium
Double_t vert[20]
Double_t y0
Definition: checkhelixhit.C:71
TGeoVolume * BoxVol
TGeoShape * BoxShape
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
TString name
FairGeoMedium * CbmMediumAir
const Double_t kAlveoleThickness
TGeoVolume * CrystalVol
TGeoRotation rotCrystal
TGeoRotation rotSub
TGeoShape * SubunitShape
int createRootGeoFileFwEndCap_2011()
FairGeoMedium * CbmMediumPWO
FairGeoInterface * geoFace
TGeoTranslation trBox
Double_t Pi