lmd/geo/createRootGeometry_beampipe.C File Reference
#include <TROOT.h>
#include <FairGeoLoader.h>
#include <FairGeoInterface.h>
#include <FairGeoBuilder.h>
#include <FairGeoPcon.h>
#include <FairGeoMedia.h>
#include <TGeoCompositeShape.h>
#include <TGeoMatrix.h>
#include <TGeoVolume.h>
#include <TGeoTube.h>
#include <TSystem.h>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TGeoPcon.h>
#include <TGeoManager.h>
#include <TGeoTorus.h>
#include <TGeoCone.h>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <TApplication.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


int createRootGeometry_beampipe ()
int main ()

Function Documentation

int createRootGeometry_beampipe ( )

Definition at line 46 of file lmd/geo/createRootGeometry_beampipe.C.

References cave, cos(), Double_t, FairMediumAir, fGeoFile, fi, geoBuild, geoFace, geoLoad, geoMedia, gGeoManager, R, r1, r2, s, sin(), trc1, trc2, trc3, TString, and z0.

46  {
48  // basic constants concerning the path of the beam pipe
49  // downstream of the target
50  const double bend_begin = 360.; // where bending has to start
51  const double bend_radius = 5750.; // bending radius
52  const double bend_angle = 40.068e-3; // bending angle
53  const double bend_end = bend_begin+sin(bend_angle)*bend_radius; // z position of the bend end
55  gROOT->Macro("$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/rootlogon.C");
56  TString vmcWorkdir = gSystem->Getenv("VMCWORKDIR");
58  // if you do not want sensors in your beam pipe,
59  // so a simple beam pipe only, set it to false
60  bool create_sensors = false;
61  // key z positions are stored in the following vector
62  std::vector< double > sensor_positions;
64  // materials and media
65  FairGeoLoader* geoLoad = new FairGeoLoader("TGeo", "FairGeoLoader");
66  FairGeoInterface* geoFace = geoLoad->getGeoInterface();
67  geoFace->setMediaFile(vmcWorkdir + "/geometry/media_pnd.geo");
68  geoFace->readMedia();
69  geoFace->print();
70  FairGeoMedia* geoMedia = geoFace->getMedia();
71  FairGeoBuilder* geoBuild = geoLoad->getGeoBuilder();
73  std::string str_ti = "Aluminum"; // "titanium" is in Panda software not yet implemented
74  FairGeoMedium* FairMediumAir = geoMedia->getMedium("air");
75  FairGeoMedium* FairMediumSteel = geoMedia->getMedium("steel");
76  FairGeoMedium* FairMediumTi = geoMedia->getMedium(str_ti.c_str()); //titanium"); not found in media_pnd.geo !
77  FairGeoMedium* FairMediumKapton = geoMedia->getMedium("mylar"); // mylar properties are nearly the same as for the non existing Kapton
79  if (!FairMediumAir || !FairMediumSteel || !FairMediumTi || !FairMediumKapton) {
80  std::cout << " warning: not all media found " << std::endl;
81  }
83  geoBuild->createMedium(FairMediumAir);
84  geoBuild->createMedium(FairMediumSteel);
85  geoBuild->createMedium(FairMediumTi);
86  geoBuild->createMedium(FairMediumKapton);
87  std::cout << " done " << std::endl;
88  // open output file
89  TString fGeoFile = Form("geo/beampipe_201210.root");
90  TFile* fi = new TFile(fGeoFile, "RECREATE");
92  // define cave
93  /*
94  TGeoVolume* cave;
95  TGeoBBox* lTop = new TGeoBBox(200, 200, 300);
96  cave = new TGeoVolume("BeamPipe", lTop, gGeoManager->GetMedium("air"));
97  gGeoManager->SetTopVolume(cave);
98  */
99  TGeoVolume *cave = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("pipeassembly");//gGeoManager->GetTopVolume();
100  gGeoManager->SetTopVolume(cave);
101  //cave->AddNode(beamPipe, 1);
103  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
104  // the full geometry is built-up by adding volumes starting from the most
105  // upstream position, variable currentz is continuously updated and always
106  // contains the z-coordinate of the most down-stream point of the geometry
107  Double_t currentz = 0.0;
109  // z-position of very first point
110  Double_t z0 = -459.9328; // with this z0 the target is at z = 0.
112  // Definition of some constants, dummy shapes, transformations
113  Double_t const rad = 3.1415926 / 180.;
114  Double_t const delta = 1.E-6;
116  TGeoRotation* r1 = new TGeoRotation("r1", 0., 0., 0.); // no rotation
117  TGeoRotation* r2 = new TGeoRotation("r2", 0., 90., 180.); // 90 deg about x-axis and 180 deg about y axis
118  TGeoRotation* r3 = new TGeoRotation("r3", 0., -90., 0); // -90 deg about x-axis
119  TGeoRotation* r4 = new TGeoRotation("r4", 90., 0., 0); // 90 deg about z-axis
121  TGeoCombiTrans* tr0 = new TGeoCombiTrans("tra0", 0., 0., z0, r1);
122  tr0->RegisterYourself();
124  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
125  // define valves and pumps which are used at different places
127  TGeoCombiTrans* trv1 = new TGeoCombiTrans("trv1", 0., 0., 1.075, r1);
128  trv1->RegisterYourself();
129  TGeoCombiTrans* trv2 = new TGeoCombiTrans("trv2", 0., 0., 3.53875, r1);
130  trv2->RegisterYourself();
131  TGeoCombiTrans* trv3 = new TGeoCombiTrans("trv3", 0., 0., 6.0075, r1);
132  trv3->RegisterYourself();
134  // VAT -Gate Valve CF63
135  // width in z is 7.
136  Double_t ov1[3] = { 0., 5.7, 0. };
137  TGeoBBox* VATvalve63a = new TGeoBBox("VATvalve63a", 5.6, 12.45, 1.35, ov1);
138  TGeoTube* VATvalve63b = new TGeoTube("VATvalve63b", 3.5, 6.5, 1.075);
139  TGeoTube* tv1 = new TGeoTube("tv1", 0., 3.5, 1.35 + delta);
141  TGeoCompositeShape *SVATvalve630 = new TGeoCompositeShape("VATvalve630",
142  "VATvalve63a-tv1");
143  TGeoCompositeShape *SVATvalve63 = new TGeoCompositeShape("VATvalve63",
144  "VATvalve63b:trv1+VATvalve630:trv2+VATvalve63b:trv3");
146  // VAT -Gate Valve CF100
147  // width in z is 7.
148  Double_t ov2[3] = { 0., 7.3, 0. };
149  TGeoBBox* VATvalve100a = new TGeoBBox("VATvalve100a", 7.2, 16.0, 1.35, ov2);
150  TGeoTube* VATvalve100b = new TGeoTube("VATvalve100b", 5.0, 8.25, 1.075);
151  TGeoTube* tv2 = new TGeoTube("tv2", 0., 5.0, 1.35 + delta);
153  TGeoCompositeShape *SVATvalve1000 = new TGeoCompositeShape("VATvalve1000",
154  "VATvalve100a-tv2");
155  TGeoCompositeShape *SVATvalve100 = new TGeoCompositeShape("VATvalve100",
156  "VATvalve100b:trv1+VATvalve1000:trv2+VATvalve100b:trv3");
158  // VAT -Gate Valve CF160
159  // width in z is 7.
160  Double_t ov3[3] = { 0., 9.9, 0. };
161  TGeoBBox* VATvalve160a =
162  new TGeoBBox("VATvalve160a", 9.1, 21.75, 1.35, ov3);
163  TGeoTube* VATvalve160b = new TGeoTube("VATvalve160b", 7.5, 11.25, 1.075);
164  TGeoTube* tv3 = new TGeoTube("tv3", 0., 7.5, 1.35 + delta);
166  TGeoCompositeShape *SVATvalve1600 = new TGeoCompositeShape("VATvalve1600",
167  "VATvalve160a-tv3");
168  TGeoCompositeShape *SVATvalve160 = new TGeoCompositeShape("VATvalve160",
169  "VATvalve160b:trv1+VATvalve1600:trv2+VATvalve160b:trv3");
171  // Turbovac_SL700_CF160
172  Double_t psv1[27] = { 0., 360., 8, .0, 6.0, 10.85, 7.6, 6.0, 10.85, 7.6,
173  6.0, 10.15, 16.6, 6.0, 10.15, 16.6, 6.0, 9.0, 24.0, 6.0, 9.0, 24.0,
174  0., 9.0, 24.2, 0., 9.0 };
175  TGeoPcon* TVP700 = new TGeoPcon("TVP700", 0., 360., 8);
176  TVP700->SetDimensions(psv1);
178  // Turbovac_1000C_CF160
179  Double_t psv2[39] = { 0., 360., 12, 0.0, 7.5, 11.25, 2.45, 7.5, 11.25,
180  2.45, 7.5, 7.965, 3.45, 7.5, 7.965, 6.45, 7.5, 12.9, 8.45, 0.,
181  12.9, 8.45, 0., 12.05, 24.00, 0., 12.05, 24.00, 0., 12.9, 26.00,
182  0., 12.9, 26.00, 0., 7.5, 36.85, 0., 7.5 };
183  TGeoPcon* TVP1000 = new TGeoPcon("TVP1000", 0., 360., 12);
184  TVP1000->SetDimensions(psv2);
186  // Ion getter pump 1000l/s
187  // is approximated as a cylinder
188  Double_t psv3[21] = { 0., 360., 6, 0., 7.5, 10.125, 2.0, 7.5, 10.125, 2.0,
189  7.5, 7.7, 10.0, 7.5, 7.7, 10.0, 0., 20.0, 60.7, 0., 20.0 };
190  TGeoPcon* IGP1000 = new TGeoPcon("IGP1000", 0., 360., 6);
191  IGP1000->SetDimensions(psv3);
193  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
194  // Definition of the volumes from up- to down-stream
195  // The naming of the shapes and volumes follows the naming in the CATIA
196  // drawing
197  //
198  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
199  // a - GV to HESR (GV to HESR.1)
201  // VAT -Gate Valve CF100
202  TGeoVolume *Vgvhesr = new TGeoVolume("gvhesr", SVATvalve100,
203  gGeoManager->GetMedium("steel"));
204  Vgvhesr->SetLineColor(30);
206  // last z-position: 7.
207  currentz += 7.;
208  fprintf(stderr, "currentz a: %f\n", currentz);
210  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
211  // b - pipe upstream (pipe upstream.1)
213  Double_t psb1[27] = { 0., 360., 8, 0., 4.35, 7.58, 2.0, 4.35, 7.58, 2.0,
214  4.35, 4.45, 20.0, 4.35, 4.45, 31.3328, 7.50, 7.60, 156.0328, 7.50,
215  7.60, 156.0328, 7.50, 10.125, 158.2328, 7.50, 10.125 };
216  TGeoPcon* pipeup = new TGeoPcon("pipeup", 0., 360., 8);
217  pipeup->SetDimensions(psb1);
219  TGeoCombiTrans* trb1 =
220  new TGeoCombiTrans("trb1", 0., 0., z0 + currentz, r1);
221  trb1->RegisterYourself();
222  //sensor_positions.push_back(z0 + currentz);
224  TGeoVolume *Vpipeup = new TGeoVolume("pipeup", pipeup,
225  gGeoManager->GetMedium("steel"));
226  Vpipeup->SetLineColor(31);
228  // last z-position: 165.2328
229  currentz += 158.2328;
230  fprintf(stderr, "currentz b: %f\n", currentz);
232  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
233  // c - KreuzTMpump (KreuzTMpump.1)
235  // horizontal/vertical bar of the cross
236  Double_t psc1[21] = { 0., 360., 6, -16.7, 7.50, 10.125, -14.5, 7.50,
237  10.125, -14.5, 7.50, 7.70, 14.5, 7.50, 7.70, 14.5, 7.50, 10.125,
238  16.7, 7.50, 10.125 };
239  TGeoPcon* ktmpump0 = new TGeoPcon("ktmpump0", 0., 360., 6);
240  ktmpump0->SetDimensions(psc1);
241  TGeoTube* tc1 = new TGeoTube("tc1", 0., 7.7, 7.7);
243  TGeoCombiTrans* trc1 = new TGeoCombiTrans("trc1", 0., 0., 0, r2);
244  trc1->RegisterYourself();
245  TGeoCombiTrans* trc2 = new TGeoCombiTrans("trc2", 0., 0.,
246  z0 + currentz + 16.7, r1);
247  trc2->RegisterYourself();
249  TGeoCompositeShape *csc1 = new TGeoCompositeShape("csc1",
250  "(ktmpump0-tc1:trc1)");
251  TGeoCompositeShape *Sktmpump = new TGeoCompositeShape("ktmpump",
252  "csc1+(csc1:trc1)");
254  TGeoVolume *Vktmpump = new TGeoVolume("ktmpump", Sktmpump,
255  gGeoManager->GetMedium("steel"));
256  Vktmpump->SetLineColor(32);
258  //sensor_positions.push_back(z0 + currentz);
259  // last z-position: 181.932800
260  currentz += 16.7;
261  fprintf(stderr, "currentz c1: %f\n", currentz);
263  // ...........................................................................
265  // add Turbovac_1000C_CF160 and GV_CF160
266  TGeoCombiTrans* trc3 = new TGeoCombiTrans("trc3", 0., 0., 7.0, r1);
267  trc3->RegisterYourself();
268  TGeoCombiTrans* trc4 = new TGeoCombiTrans("trc4", 0., -16.7, currentz, r2);
269  trc4->RegisterYourself();
270  TGeoCombiTrans* trc5 = new TGeoCombiTrans("trc5", 0., 16.7, currentz, r3);
271  trc5->RegisterYourself();
273  TGeoCompositeShape *STVPwValve = new TGeoCompositeShape("TVPwValve",
274  "(VATvalve160+TVP1000:trc3)");
275  TGeoCompositeShape *STpumps = new TGeoCompositeShape("Tpumps",
276  "TVPwValve:trc4+TVPwValve:trc5");
278  TGeoVolume *VTpumps = new TGeoVolume("Tpump", STpumps,
279  gGeoManager->GetMedium("steel"));
280  VTpumps->SetLineColor(33);
282  //sensor_positions.push_back(z0 + currentz);
283  // last z-position: 198.6328
284  currentz += 16.7;
285  fprintf(stderr, "currentz c2: %f\n", currentz);
287  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
288  // d - pipeTSup.1, special_flange.1, coneExtensionUpstreamSteel.1
290  Double_t psd1[27] = { 0., 360., 8, 0.0, 7.5, 10.125, 2.20, 7.5, 10.125,
291  2.20, 7.5, 7.70, 148.80, 7.5, 7.70, 148.80, 7.5, 10.125, 153.80,
292  7.5, 10.125, 153.80, 7.5, 7.70, 231.30, 7.5, 7.70 };
293  TGeoPcon* pipeTSup = new TGeoPcon("pipeTSup", 0., 360., 8);
294  pipeTSup->SetDimensions(psd1);
296  TGeoCombiTrans* trd1 =
297  new TGeoCombiTrans("trd1", 0., 0., z0 + currentz, r1);
298  trd1->RegisterYourself();
300  TGeoVolume *VpipeTSup = new TGeoVolume("pipeTSup", pipeTSup,
301  gGeoManager->GetMedium("steel"));
302  VpipeTSup->SetLineColor(34);
304  //sensor_positions.push_back(z0 + currentz);
305  // last z-position: 429.9328
306  currentz += 231.3;
307  fprintf(stderr, "currentz d: %f\n", currentz);
309  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
310  // e - TargetKreuz.1
312  // target position
313  Double_t tz = 30.0;
314  fprintf(stderr, "Target position: 0 / 0 / %f\n", z0 + currentz + tz);
316  // target cross - horizontal
317  Double_t pse1[24] = { 0., 360., 7, 0., 7.5, 7.55, 10.45, 7.5, 7.55, 26.8,
318  1.25, 1.30, 26.8, 1.25, 1.27, 29.98, 1.25, 1.27, 29.98, 0., 1.27,
319  tz, 0., 1.27 };
320  TGeoPcon* Tcross1 = new TGeoPcon("Tcross1", 0., 360., 7);
321  Tcross1->SetDimensions(pse1);
323  TGeoTube* Tcross2 = new TGeoTube("Tcross2", 1.0, 1.02, 11.5);
325  // target cross vertical
326  Double_t pse2[63] = { 0., 360., 20, -182.0, 7.5, 7.7, -135.5, 7.5, 7.7,
327  -125.5, 4.5, 4.6, -95.5, 4.5, 4.6, -95.5, 3.0, 3.1, -54.0, 3.0,
328  3.1, -54.0, 2.0, 2.1, -42.1, 2.0, 2.1, -17.0, 2.0, 2.1, -17.0, 1.0,
329  1.02, 17.0, 1.0, 1.02, 17.0, 2.0, 2.1, 42.1, 2.0, 2.1, 54.0, 2.0,
330  2.1, 54.0, 3.0, 3.1, 95.5, 3.0, 3.1, 95.5, 4.5, 4.6, 133.5, 4.5,
331  4.6, 143.5, 7.85, 7.95, 168.69, 7.85, 7.95,
333  };
334  TGeoPcon* Tcross3 = new TGeoPcon("Tcross3", 0., 360., 20);
335  Tcross3->SetDimensions(pse2);
337  TGeoTube* te1 = new TGeoTube("te1", 0., 1.25, 0.51 + delta);
338  TGeoTube* te2 = new TGeoTube("te2", 0., 1.00, 0.51 + delta);
339  TGeoTube* te3 = new TGeoTube("te3", 0., 1.00, 1.27 + delta);
340  TGeoTube* te4 = new TGeoTube("te4", 0., 1.00, 1.02 + delta);
342  TGeoCombiTrans* tre1 = new TGeoCombiTrans("tre1", 0., 0., tz, r2);
343  tre1->RegisterYourself();
344  TGeoCombiTrans* tre2 = new TGeoCombiTrans("tre2", 0., 0., -11.5, r2);
345  tre2->RegisterYourself();
346  TGeoCombiTrans* tre3 = new TGeoCombiTrans("tre3", 0., 0., 0., r2);
347  tre3->RegisterYourself();
348  TGeoCombiTrans* tre4 = new TGeoCombiTrans("tre4", 0., 0., -0.51, r1);
349  tre4->RegisterYourself();
350  TGeoCombiTrans* tre5 = new TGeoCombiTrans("tre5", 0., 0., 0.51, r1);
351  tre5->RegisterYourself();
352  TGeoCombiTrans* tre6 = new TGeoCombiTrans("tre6", 0., 0., 41.5, r1);
353  tre6->RegisterYourself();
354  TGeoCombiTrans* tre7 = new TGeoCombiTrans("tre7", 0., 0., tz, r1);
355  tre7->RegisterYourself();
356  TGeoCombiTrans* tre8 = new TGeoCombiTrans("tre8", 0., -175.0, tz, r3);
357  tre8->RegisterYourself();
359  TGeoCombiTrans* tre9 =
360  new TGeoCombiTrans("tre9", 0., 0., z0 + currentz, r1);
361  tre9->RegisterYourself();
363  TGeoCompositeShape *STcross0a = new TGeoCompositeShape("Tcross0a",
364  "Tcross1-te3:tre1");
365  TGeoCompositeShape *STcross0b = new TGeoCompositeShape("Tcross0b",
366  "Tcross2-te4:tre2");
367  TGeoCompositeShape *STcross0c = new TGeoCompositeShape("Tcross0c",
368  "Tcross3:tre3-te1:tre4-te2:tre5");
370  TGeoCompositeShape *STcross = new TGeoCompositeShape("Tcross",
371  "Tcross0a+Tcross0b:tre6+Tcross0c:tre7+VATvalve160:tre8");
373  TGeoVolume *VTcross = new TGeoVolume("Tcross", STcross,
374  gGeoManager->GetMedium(str_ti.c_str()));
375  VTcross->SetLineColor(35);
377  //sensor_positions.push_back(z0 + currentz);
378  // last z-position: 482.9328
379  currentz += 53.0;
380  fprintf(stderr, "currentz e: %f\n", currentz);
382  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
383  // f - pipeTSdown
385  Double_t psf1[51] = { 0., 360., 16, 0.000, 1.0, 1.02, 3.7321, 2.0, 2.02,
386  3.7321, 2.0, 2.05, 93.0000, 2.0, 2.05, 97.4785, 3.2, 3.25,
387  101.0000, 3.2, 3.25, 101.0000, 3.2, 3.4, 106.0225, 3.2, 3.4,
388  106.0225, 3.2, 3.27, 241.8225, 3.2, 3.27, 241.8225, 3.2, 3.35,
389  244.8225, 3.2, 3.35, 244.8225, 3.2, 3.27, 261.0725, 3.2, 3.27,
390  261.0725, 3.2, 5.675, 262.8225, 3.2, 5.675 };
391  TGeoPcon* pipeTSdown = new TGeoPcon("pipeTSdown", 0., 360., 16);
392  pipeTSdown->SetDimensions(psf1);
394  TGeoCombiTrans* trf1 =
395  new TGeoCombiTrans("trf1", 0., 0., z0 + currentz, r1);
396  trf1->RegisterYourself();
398  TGeoVolume *VpipeTSdown = new TGeoVolume("pipeTSdown", pipeTSdown,
399  gGeoManager->GetMedium(str_ti.c_str()));
400  VpipeTSdown->SetLineColor(36);
402  //sensor_positions.push_back(z0 + currentz);
403  // last z-position: 745.7553
404  currentz += 262.8225;
405  fprintf(stderr, "currentz f: %f\n", currentz);
407  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
408  // g - cross_TS_TMPs
410  // horizontal part
411  Double_t psg1[27] = { 0., 360., 8, 0.000, 3.2, 5.675, 1.7200, 3.2, 5.675,
412  1.7200, 3.2, 3.27, 3.3653, 3.2, 3.27, 10.0830, 5.0, 5.07, 51.0,
413  5.0, 5.07, 51.0, 5.0, 7.60, 53.0, 5.0, 7.60 };
414  TGeoPcon* crossTS1 = new TGeoPcon("crossTS1", 0., 360., 8);
415  crossTS1->SetDimensions(psg1);
417  TGeoTube* tg1 = new TGeoTube("tg1", 0., 6.07, 5.07 + delta);
418  TGeoCombiTrans* trg1 = new TGeoCombiTrans("trg1", 0., 0., 26.0, r2);
419  trg1->RegisterYourself();
420  TGeoCompositeShape *ScrossTSa = new TGeoCompositeShape("crossTSa",
421  "crossTS1-tg1:trg1");
423  // pipe perpendicular
424  Double_t psg2[21] = { 0., 360., 6, -55.0, 6.0, 10.125, -52.8, 6.0, 10.125,
425  -52.8, 6.0, 6.07, 52.8, 6.0, 6.07, 52.8, 6.0, 10.125, 55.0, 6.0,
426  10.125 };
427  TGeoPcon* crossTS2 = new TGeoPcon("crossTS2", 0., 360., 22);
428  crossTS2->SetDimensions(psg2);
430  TGeoTube* tg2 = new TGeoTube("tg2", 0., 5.07, 6.07 + delta);
431  TGeoCombiTrans* trg2 = new TGeoCombiTrans("trg2", 0., -55.0, 0., r2);
432  trg2->RegisterYourself();
433  TGeoCombiTrans* trg3 = new TGeoCombiTrans("trg3", 0., 55.0, 0., r3);
434  trg3->RegisterYourself();
435  TGeoCombiTrans* trg4 = new TGeoCombiTrans("trg4", 0., 0., 7.0775, r1);
436  trg4->RegisterYourself();
437  TGeoCombiTrans* trg5 = new TGeoCombiTrans("trg5", 0., 0., 33.0775, r1);
438  trg5->RegisterYourself();
440  // put it together
441  TGeoCompositeShape *ScrossTSb = new TGeoCompositeShape("crossTSb",
442  "crossTS2:r2-tg2+TVP700:trg2+TVP700:trg3");
443  TGeoCompositeShape *ScrossTS = new TGeoCompositeShape("crossTS",
444  "crossTSa:trg4+crossTSb:trg5");
446  TGeoCombiTrans* trg6 = new TGeoCombiTrans("trg6", 0., 0., 60.0775, r1);
447  trg6->RegisterYourself();
448  TGeoCombiTrans* trg7 =
449  new TGeoCombiTrans("trg7", 0., 0., z0 + currentz, r1);
450  trg7->RegisterYourself();
452  TGeoCompositeShape *ScrossTSTMPs = new TGeoCompositeShape("crossTSTMPs",
453  "VATvalve63+crossTS+VATvalve100:trg6");
455  TGeoVolume *VcrossTSTMPs = new TGeoVolume("crossTSTMPs", ScrossTSTMPs,
456  gGeoManager->GetMedium("steel"));
457  VcrossTSTMPs->SetLineColor(37);
459  //sensor_positions.push_back(z0 + currentz);
460  // last z-position: 812.9103
461  currentz += 67.155;
462  fprintf(stderr, "currentz g: %f\n", currentz);
464  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
465  // h - BeamPipe Dipole
466  // The dipole pipe is bent with a radius of 60 m. All elements downstream of this
467  // element need to be rotated and shifted accordingly in the xz-plane.
468  //Double_t R = 6000.0; // bending radius of the pipe
469  Double_t R = bend_radius; // fit results (P.Jasinski) with fixed deflection angle
470  //Double_t dz0 = 241.1985; // this is the length of the pipe along z
471  Double_t dz0 = bend_end-bend_begin; // fit results (P.Jasinski)
472  Double_t dphi = asin(dz0 / R); // what is indeed bend_radius, as it should be
473  Double_t dx0 = R * (1. - cos(dphi));
474  TGeoRotation *dipolerot = new TGeoRotation("dipolerot", 90., dphi / rad,
475  -90.); // rotation to accout for bendig
476  fprintf(stderr, "Rotation due to dipole magnet: %f\n", dphi / rad);
478  // shifts need to be computed individually
479  // dz = dz0 + s*cos(dphi) where dx,dz0 is the point where the bended pipe ends
480  // dx = dx0 - s*sin(dphi) s is the length of the added elements
481  // combined transformations are then defined with ...
482  // TGeoCombiTrans* trpr = new TGeoCombiTrans("trpr", dx, 0., dz, dipolerot); trpr->RegisterYourself();
483  Double_t s = 0.;
485  // horizontal pipe, first part
486  Double_t psh1[15] = { 0., 360., 4, 0., 5.0, 7.6, 2.0, 5.0, 7.6, 2.0, 5.0,
487  5.2, 7.1225, 5.0, 5.2, };
488  TGeoPcon* Dippip1 = new TGeoPcon("Dippip1", 0., 360., 4);
489  Dippip1->SetDimensions(psh1);
491  // horizontal pipe, bent part
492  TGeoTorus *Dippip2 = new TGeoTorus("Dippip2", R, 5.0, 5.2, 0., dphi / rad);
493  Double_t psh2[24] = { 0., 360., 7, 0., 5.0, 5.2, 5.0225, 5.0, 5.2, 19.3385,
494  9.0, 9.2, 19.3385, 9.0, 9.3, 439.3572 + 11.1, 9.0, 9.3, 439.3572 + 11.1, 9.0,
495  12.65, 441.7572 + 11.1, 9.0, 12.65, }; // + 11.1 cm needed with the fit radius by P.Jasinski
497  // horizontal pipe, third part
498  TGeoPcon* Dippip3 = new TGeoPcon("Dippip3", 0., 360., 7);
499  Dippip3->SetDimensions(psh2);
501  TGeoCombiTrans* trh1 = new TGeoCombiTrans("trh1", R, 0., 7.1225,
502  new TGeoRotation("a", 0., -90., 180.));
503  trh1->RegisterYourself();
504  TGeoCombiTrans* trh2 = new TGeoCombiTrans("trh2", dx0, .0, 7.1225 + dz0,
505  dipolerot);
506  //sensor_positions.push_back(7.1225 + dz0);
507  trh2->RegisterYourself();
508  s = s + 7.0775;
509  TGeoCombiTrans* trh3 = new TGeoCombiTrans("trh3", dx0 + s * sin(dphi), 0.,
510  7.1225 + dz0 + s * cos(dphi), dipolerot);
511  trh3->RegisterYourself();
512  s = s + 441.7572 + 11.1; // 11.1 cm needed with the fit radius by P.Jasinski
513  TGeoCombiTrans* trh4 =
514  new TGeoCombiTrans("trh4", 0., 0., z0 + currentz, r1);
515  trh4->RegisterYourself();
517  // put it together including VATvalve100
518  TGeoCompositeShape *SDippip = new TGeoCompositeShape("Dippip",
519  "Dippip1+Dippip2:trh1+VATvalve100:trh2+Dippip3:trh3");
521  TGeoVolume *VDipolePip = new TGeoVolume("DipolePip", SDippip,
522  gGeoManager->GetMedium("steel"));
523  VDipolePip->SetLineColor(38);
525  // last z-position: 1498.836617 was 1509.7031905 (s = 448.83470)
526  currentz += 7.1225 + dz0 + s * cos(dphi);
527  fprintf(stderr, "currentz/s h: %f %f\n", currentz, s);
528  std::cout << " luminosity monitor starts at " << currentz + z0 << std::endl;
530  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
531  // i - Luminosity monitor
533  TGeoTube* lmd_beampipe_upstr = new TGeoTube(
534  "lmd_beampipe_upstr", 9., 9.2, 25.);
535  TGeoCombiTrans* lmd_trans_b_up = new TGeoCombiTrans("lmd_trans_b_up", 0., 0., 25.+delta, r1);
536  lmd_trans_b_up->RegisterYourself();
537  TGeoTube* lmd_flange_upstr = new TGeoTube(
538  "lmd_flange_upstr", 9.2, 25.3/2., 1.2);
539  TGeoCombiTrans* lmd_trans_fl_up = new TGeoCombiTrans("lmd_trans_fl_up", 0., 0., 1.2+delta, r1);
540  lmd_trans_fl_up->RegisterYourself();
541  // upstream flange holding the kapton cone
542  TGeoTube* lmd_cone_flange_upstr = new TGeoTube(
543  "lmd_cone_flange_upstr", 9.2, 25.3/2., 1.5);
544  TGeoCombiTrans* lmd_trans_co_fl_up = new TGeoCombiTrans("lmd_trans_co_fl_up", 0., 0., -1.5+50.-delta, r1);
545  lmd_trans_co_fl_up->RegisterYourself();
547  // 20 mu thick kapton foil cone
548  TGeoCone* lmd_capton_cone = new TGeoCone("lmd_capton_cone", 23.386/2., 20.4/2., 20.4/2.+0.002/2., 7./2., 7./2.+0.002/2.);
549  TGeoCombiTrans* lmd_trans_cap_co = new TGeoCombiTrans("lmd_trans_cap_co", 0., 0., 50.+23.386/2., r1);
550  lmd_trans_cap_co->RegisterYourself();
552  // flange holding the kapton cone downstream
553  TGeoCone* lmd_cone_flange_downstr = new TGeoCone("lmd_cone_flange_downstr", 3.12/2., 3.1, 8.6/2., 3.1, 3.2);
554  TGeoCombiTrans* lmd_trans_co_fl_do = new TGeoCombiTrans("lmd_trans_co_fl_do", 0., 0., 50.+23.386+3.12/2., r1);
555  lmd_trans_co_fl_do->RegisterYourself();
556  // beam pipe to shield the sensors
557  TGeoTube* lmd_beam_pipe = new TGeoTube("lmd_beam_pipe", 3.5, 3.6, 50./2.);
558  TGeoCombiTrans* lmd_trans_p = new TGeoCombiTrans("lmd_trans_p", 0., 0., 50.+23.386+50./2., r1);
559  lmd_trans_p->RegisterYourself();
560  // beam pipe cone downstream
561  TGeoCone* lmd_cone_downstr = new TGeoCone("lmd_cone_downstr", 20./2., 3.5, 3.7, 9./2., 9.2/2.);
562  TGeoCombiTrans* lmd_trans_co_do = new TGeoCombiTrans("lmd_trans_co_do", 0., 0., 50.+23.386+50.+20./2., r1);
563  lmd_trans_co_do->RegisterYourself();
564  // beam pipe downstream
565  TGeoTube* lmd_beam_pipe_downstream = new TGeoTube("lmd_beam_pipe_downstream", 9./2., 9.2/2., 56./2.);
566  TGeoCombiTrans* lmd_trans_p_down = new TGeoCombiTrans("lmd_trans_p_down", 0., 0., 50.+23.386+50.+20.+56./2., r1);
567  lmd_trans_p_down->RegisterYourself();
568  // main body
569  //Double_t psi1[33] = { 0., 360., 10, 0., 9.0, 12.65, 2.4, 9.0, 12.65, 2.4,
570  // 9.0, 9.2, 4.4343, 9.0, 9.2, 17.5, 12.5, 12.7, 177.0, 12.5, 12.7,
571  // 195.66, 7.5, 7.7, 198.0, 7.5, 7.7, 198.0, 7.5, 10.125, 200.0, 7.5,
572  // 10.125 };
573  //TGeoPcon* LumMon0 = new TGeoPcon("LumMon0", 0., 360., 10);
574  //LumMon0->SetDimensions(psi1);
576  // nozzle
577  //Double_t psi2[21] = { 0., 360., 6, -27.0, 5.2, 7.6, -25.0, 5.2, 7.6, -25.0,
578  // 5.2, 5.4, 25.0, 5.2, 5.4, 25.0, 5.2, 7.6, 27.0, 5.2, 7.6 };
579  //TGeoPcon* nozzle0 = new TGeoPcon("nozzle0", 0., 360., 6);
580  //nozzle0->SetDimensions(psi2);
582  //TGeoTube* ti1 = new TGeoTube("ti1", 0., 12.7, 5.4 + delta);
583  //TGeoTube* ti2 = new TGeoTube("ti2", 0., 5.0, 12.7 + delta);
585  //TGeoCombiTrans* tri1 = new TGeoCombiTrans("tri1", 0., 0., 77.8, r2);
586  //tri1->RegisterYourself();
587  //TGeoCombiTrans* tri2 = new TGeoCombiTrans("tri2", 0., 0., 97.8, r2);
588  //tri2->RegisterYourself();
589  //TGeoCombiTrans* tri3 = new TGeoCombiTrans("tri3", 0., 0., 117.8, r2);
590  //tri3->RegisterYourself();
591  //TGeoCombiTrans* tri4 = new TGeoCombiTrans("tri4", 0., 0., 137.8, r2);
592  //tri4->RegisterYourself();
593  //TGeoCombiTrans* tri5 = new TGeoCombiTrans("tri5", 0., 0., 0., r4);
594  //tri5->RegisterYourself();
596  // put it together
597  //TGeoCompositeShape *Snozzle1 = new TGeoCompositeShape("nozzle1",
598  // "(nozzle0-ti1:r2)");
599  //TGeoCompositeShape *Snozzles = new TGeoCompositeShape("nozzles",
600  // "nozzle1:tri1+nozzle1:tri2+nozzle1:tri3+nozzle1:tri4");
601  //TGeoCompositeShape *Sholes = new TGeoCompositeShape("holes",
602  // "ti1:tri1+ti1:tri2+ti1:tri3+ti1:tri4");
603  //TGeoCompositeShape *SLumMon1 = new TGeoCompositeShape("LumMon1",
604  // "LumMon0-holes-(holes:tri5)");
605  TGeoCompositeShape *slum_beampipe_upstream = new TGeoCompositeShape("slum_beampipe_upstream",
606  "lmd_flange_upstr:lmd_trans_fl_up+lmd_beampipe_upstr:lmd_trans_b_up+lmd_cone_flange_upstr:lmd_trans_co_fl_up");
607  TGeoCompositeShape *slum_CaptonCone = new TGeoCompositeShape("slum_CaptonCone", "lmd_capton_cone:lmd_trans_cap_co-lmd_cone_flange_downstr:lmd_trans_co_fl_do-lmd_cone_flange_upstr:lmd_trans_co_fl_up");
608  TGeoCompositeShape *slum_beampipe_downstream = new TGeoCompositeShape("slum_beampipe_downstream",
609  "lmd_beam_pipe:lmd_trans_p+lmd_cone_downstr:lmd_trans_co_do+lmd_beam_pipe_downstream:lmd_trans_p_down");/*+lmd_cone_flange_downstr:lmd_trans_co_fl_do*/
610  // "nozzles+(nozzles:tri5)");
612  TGeoCombiTrans* tri6 = new TGeoCombiTrans("tri6", dx0 + s * sin(dphi), 0.,
613  z0 + currentz, dipolerot);
615  //std::cout << " rotation for the lumi monitor is " << std::endl;
616  //tri6->Print();
618  tri6->RegisterYourself();
619  s = s + 200.00;
621  TGeoVolume *vlum_beampipe_upstream = new TGeoVolume("vlum_beampipe_upstream", slum_beampipe_upstream,
622  gGeoManager->GetMedium("steel"));
623  vlum_beampipe_upstream->SetLineColor(39);//39);
624  TGeoVolume *vlum_CaptonCone = new TGeoVolume("vlum_CaptonCone", slum_CaptonCone,
625  gGeoManager->GetMedium("mylar"));
626  vlum_CaptonCone->SetLineColor(kRed);//39);
627  TGeoVolume *vlum_beampipe_downstream = new TGeoVolume("vlum_beampipe_downstream", slum_beampipe_downstream,
628  gGeoManager->GetMedium("steel"));
629  vlum_beampipe_downstream->SetLineColor(39);//39);
631  //sensor_positions.push_back(z0 + currentz);
632  // last z-position: 1709.5415231 (s = 648.83470)
633  currentz += 200.00 * cos(dphi);
634  fprintf(stderr, "currentz/s i: %f %f\n", currentz, s);
636  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
637  // j - end cross
639  // horizontal pipe, first part
640  Double_t psj1[15] = { 0., 360., 4, 0., 7.5, 10.125, 2.0, 7.5, 10.125, 2.0,
641  7.5, 7.7, 16.7, 7.5, 7.7 };
642  TGeoPcon* EndCross0a = new TGeoPcon("EndCross0a", 0., 360., 4);
643  EndCross0a->SetDimensions(psj1);
645  // horizontal pipe, second part
646  Double_t psj2[15] = { 0., 360., 4, 16.7, 4.5, 4.7, 34.7, 4.5, 4.7, 34.7,
647  4.5, 7.6, 36.7, 4.5, 7.6 };
648  TGeoPcon* EndCross0b = new TGeoPcon("EndCross0b", 0., 360., 4);
649  EndCross0b->SetDimensions(psj2);
651  // vertical pipe
652  Double_t psj3[21] = { 0., 360., 6, -16.7, 7.5, 10.125, -14.7, 7.5, 10.125,
653  -14.7, 7.5, 7.7, 14.7, 7.5, 7.7, 14.7, 7.5, 10.125, 16.7, 7.5,
654  10.125 };
655  TGeoPcon* EndCross1 = new TGeoPcon("EndCross1", 0., 360., 6);
656  EndCross1->SetDimensions(psj3);
658  TGeoTube* tj1 = new TGeoTube("tj1", 0., 7.7, 10.125 + delta);
659  TGeoTube* tj2 = new TGeoTube("tj2", 0., 7.7, 3.85 + delta);
660  TGeoTube* tj3 = new TGeoTube("tj3", 0., 4.7, 3.85 + delta);
662  TGeoCombiTrans* trj1 = new TGeoCombiTrans("trj1", 0., 0., 16.7, r2);
663  trj1->RegisterYourself();
664  TGeoCombiTrans* trj2 =
665  new TGeoCombiTrans("trj2", 0., 0., 12.85 - delta, r1);
666  trj2->RegisterYourself();
667  TGeoCombiTrans* trj3 =
668  new TGeoCombiTrans("trj3", 0., 0., 20.55 + delta, r1);
669  trj3->RegisterYourself();
670  TGeoCombiTrans* trj4 = new TGeoCombiTrans("trj4", 0., 0., 36.7, r1);
671  trj4->RegisterYourself();
672  TGeoCombiTrans* trj5 = new TGeoCombiTrans("trj5", 0., 16.7, 16.7, r3);
673  trj5->RegisterYourself();
674  TGeoCombiTrans* trj6 = new TGeoCombiTrans("trj6", 0., -23.7, 16.7, r3);
675  trj6->RegisterYourself();
676  TGeoCombiTrans* trj7 = new TGeoCombiTrans("trj7", 0., -23.7, 16.7, r2); // here was a typo
677  trj7->RegisterYourself();
679  // adding valves and pumps
680  TGeoCompositeShape *EndCross2 = new TGeoCompositeShape("EndCross2",
681  "EndCross0a+EndCross0b-tj1:trj1");
682  TGeoCompositeShape *EndCross3 = new TGeoCompositeShape("EndCross3",
683  "EndCross1:trj1-tj2:trj2-tj3:trj3");
684  TGeoCompositeShape *EndCross4 = new TGeoCompositeShape("EndCross4",
685  "TVPwValve:trj5+VATvalve160:trj6+IGP1000:trj7");
686  TGeoCompositeShape *EndCross = new TGeoCompositeShape("EndCross",
687  "EndCross2+EndCross3+EndCross4+VATvalve100:trj4");
689  TGeoCombiTrans* trj8 = new TGeoCombiTrans("trj8", dx0 + s * sin(dphi), 0.,
690  z0 + currentz, dipolerot);
691  trj8->RegisterYourself();
692  s = s + 43.7;
694  TGeoVolume *VEndCross = new TGeoVolume("EndCross", EndCross,
695  gGeoManager->GetMedium("steel"));
696  VEndCross->SetLineColor(40);
698  //sensor_positions.push_back(z0 + currentz);
699  // last z-position: 1753.2061988 (s = 692.53470)
700  currentz += 43.7 * cos(dphi);
701  fprintf(stderr, "currentz/s j: %f %f\n", currentz, s);
702  //sensor_positions.push_back(z0 + currentz);
704  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
705  // put all volumes together -> beamPipe
706  TGeoVolume *beamPipe = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("BeamPipe");
707  //gGeoManager->SetTopVolume(beamPipe);
708  beamPipe->AddNode(Vgvhesr, 0, tr0); // a
709  beamPipe->AddNode(Vpipeup, 0, trb1); // b
710  beamPipe->AddNode(Vktmpump, 0, trc2); // c1
711  beamPipe->AddNode(VTpumps, 0, tr0); // c2
712  beamPipe->AddNode(VpipeTSup, 0, trd1); // d
713  beamPipe->AddNode(VTcross, 0, tre9); // e
714  beamPipe->AddNode(VpipeTSdown, 0, trf1); // f
715  beamPipe->AddNode(VcrossTSTMPs, 0, trg7); // g
716  beamPipe->AddNode(VDipolePip, 0, trh4); // h
717  //beamPipe->AddNode(VLumMon, 0, tri6); // i
718  //beamPipe->AddNode(vlum_beampipe_upstream, 0, tri6); // i
719  //beamPipe->AddNode(vlum_CaptonCone, 0, tri6); // i
720  //beamPipe->AddNode(vlum_beampipe_downstream, 0, tri6); // i
721  //beamPipe->AddNode(VEndCross, 0, trj8); // j
723  // create an array of z positions for the sensors in 10 cm distances
724  for (int iposz = 0; iposz < 1200; iposz+=10) sensor_positions.push_back(iposz);
725  // construct the sensors
726  if (create_sensors){
727  for (unsigned int isensor = 0; isensor < sensor_positions.size(); isensor++){
728  std::stringstream volume_name;
729  volume_name << "_" << isensor;
730  // create a sensor with a radius of 40 cm
731  TGeoTube* disc = new TGeoTube(("disc"+volume_name.str()).c_str(), 0., 40., 0.0000001);
732  TGeoVolume* Vdisc = new TGeoVolume(("LumActive_pipe_sensor_"+volume_name.str()).c_str(), disc,
733  gGeoManager->GetMedium("mylar"));
734  TGeoCombiTrans* tre_disc =
735  new TGeoCombiTrans(("tre_"+volume_name.str()).c_str(), 0., 0., sensor_positions[isensor], r1);
736  tre_disc->RegisterYourself();
737  Vdisc->SetLineColor(2);
738  beamPipe->AddNode(Vdisc, 0, tre_disc);
739  }
740  }
742  /*
743  TGeoVolume *VTest = new TGeoVolume("VTest", SDippip,
744  gGeoManager->GetMedium("steel"));
745  VTest->SetLineColor(37);
746  */
748  // add pipe to cave
749  cave->AddNode(beamPipe, 1);
750  //beamPipe->AddNode(VTest, 0, trv1);
751  gGeoManager->CloseGeometry();
753  // check geometry
754  //cave->CheckOverlaps(0.1, "");
755  //gGeoManager->CheckOverlaps(0.001); // [cm]
756  //gGeoManager->CheckGeometryFull();
758  // save geometry
760  //cave->Write();
761  cave->Write();
762  fi->Close();
764  // plot geometry
765  cave->Draw("ogl");
766  //cave->Draw("ogl");
768  // done
769  fprintf(stderr, "\n");
770  fprintf(stderr, "<I> Geometry of PANDA beam pipe written to %s\n",
771  fGeoFile.Data());
772  fprintf(stderr, "\n");
774  return 0;
775 }
Double_t z0
Definition: checkhelixhit.C:62
friend F32vec4 cos(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:112
FairGeoLoader * geoLoad
friend F32vec4 sin(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:111
TLorentzVector s
Definition: Pnd2DStar.C:50
double r1
TGeoManager * gGeoManager
FairGeoMedium * FairMediumAir
#define cave
Definition: createSTT.C:62
FairGeoMedia * geoMedia
TFile * fi
TGeoCombiTrans * trc3
TGeoCombiTrans * trc1
FairGeoInterface * geoFace
TString fGeoFile
TGeoCombiTrans * trc2
Double_t R
Definition: checkhelixhit.C:61
double r2
FairGeoBuilder * geoBuild
int main ( void  )

Definition at line 779 of file lmd/geo/createRootGeometry_beampipe.C.

References createRootGeometry_beampipe().

779  {
780  TApplication myapp("myapp",0,0);
782  myapp.Run();
783  return 0;
784 }
int createRootGeometry_beampipe()