5 gROOT->LoadMacro(
9 TFile *fout =
new TFile(outputfile,
12 TChain mych(
29 mych.Add(
34 Long64_t nentries = (Long64_t)mych.GetEntries();
47 cout <<
"we have " << nentries <<
" events" << endl;
49 TClonesArray *fRadMapPoint =
new TClonesArray(
51 mych.SetBranchAddress(
58 TH2D *histo =
new TH2D(
60 TH2D *his2 =
new TH2D(
62 TH2D *his3 =
new TH2D(
64 TH2D *his4 =
new TH2D(
66 TH2D *spezial =
new TH2D(
68 TH2D *his5 =
new TH2D(
80 cout <<
"you requested " << nevreq <<
" events" << endl;
88 if(nevents>nentries) nevents=nentries;
94 for (Long64_t
i++) {
96 cout <<
"event " <<
i << endl;
109 npoints = fRadMapPoint->GetEntries();
116 for (Int_t ii=0; ii <
npoints; ii++) {
120 FairRadMapPoint *
p= (FairRadMapPoint *) fRadMapPoint->At(ii);
125 dSL = p->GetDoseSL();
126 if(dose<=0)
129 VolID=p->GetDetectorID();
135 r=
139 histo->Fill(z,r,dose);
140 his2->Fill(z,r,dose);
141 his4->Fill(z,r,dose);
148 spezial->Fill(z,r,dose);
151 his3->Fill(z,r,dose);
166 spezial->Scale(scale);
170 fout->Write(
175 fout->Write(
177 cout <<
"total no. of points: " << sumofpoints << endl;
friend F32vec4 sqrt(const F32vec4 &a)
int plot_radmap(Long64_t nevreq, TString outputfile="RadMap_Out.root")