Functions | Variables
plot_correlation.C File Reference

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gStyle SetFillColor (0)
gStyle SetTitleOffset (.85,"X")
gStyle SetTitleOffset (.85,"Y")
gStyle SetTitleSize (.05,"X")
gStyle SetTitleSize (.05,"Y")
gStyle SetLabelSize (.05,"X")
gStyle SetLabelSize (.05,"Y")
gStyle SetHistFillColor (0)
gStyle SetHistLineWidth (2)
c1 Divide (4, 3)
c1 cd (1)
emcCorr Draw ("track_z-emc_z>>emcz(100,-20,20)","emc_mod<3")
emcz GetXaxis () -> SetTitle("Z_


TFile * inFile = TFile::Open("pidcorrelator.root")
TCanvas * c1 = new TCanvas("LHETRACK Correlation - Barrel", "LHETRACK Correlation - Barrel", 100, 100, 1200, 800)
TCanvas * c2 = new TCanvas("LHETRACK Correlation - Forward Endcap", "LHETRACK Correlation - Forward Endcap", 100, 100, 1200, 800)

Function Documentation

c1 cd ( )
c1 Divide ( ,
emcCorr Draw ( "track_z-emc_z>>emcz(100,-20,20)"  )
emcz GetXaxis ( ) -> SetTitle("Z_

Definition at line 16 of file plot_correlation.C.

16 {LHE} - Z_{EMC} [cm]");
Double_t const cm
gStyle SetFillColor ( )
gStyle SetHistFillColor ( )
gStyle SetHistLineWidth ( )
gStyle SetLabelSize ( 05,
gStyle SetLabelSize ( 05,
gStyle SetTitleOffset ( 85,
gStyle SetTitleOffset ( 85,
gStyle SetTitleSize ( 05,
gStyle SetTitleSize ( 05,

Variable Documentation

TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("LHETRACK Correlation - Barrel", "LHETRACK Correlation - Barrel", 100, 100, 1200, 800)

Definition at line 11 of file plot_correlation.C.

TCanvas* c2 = new TCanvas("LHETRACK Correlation - Forward Endcap", "LHETRACK Correlation - Forward Endcap", 100, 100, 1200, 800)

Definition at line 12 of file plot_correlation.C.

TFile* inFile = TFile::Open("pidcorrelator.root")

Definition at line 9 of file plot_correlation.C.