Functions | Variables
reco_analys4.C File Reference

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gROOT LoadMacro ("$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/basiclibs.C")
 rootlogon ()
 basiclibs ()
t SetBranchAddress ("EmcBump",&bump_array)
tsim SetBranchAddress ("MCTrack",&mctrack_array)
 if (bump_energy >0.1)
c1 Divide (1, 2)
c1 cd (1)
h1 SetTitle ("Cluster energy of 1 GeV photon")
h1 GetXaxis () -> SetTitle("Energy, GeV")
h1 Draw ()
c1 cd (2)
h2 SetTitle ("Cluster energy of 1 GeV photon (corrected)")


TFile * f = new TFile("full_emc.root")
TTree * t =(TTree *) f->Get("pndsim")
TClonesArray * bump_array =new TClonesArray("PndEmcBump")
TFile * fsim = new TFile("sim_emc.root")
TTree * tsim =(TTree *) fsim->Get("pndsim")
TClonesArray * mctrack_array =new TClonesArray("PndMCTrack")
double bump_energy =bump->energy()
double bump_energy_corrected =bump->GetEnergyCorrected()
TH1F * h1 = new TH1F("h1","Cluster energy",100,0.0,1.10)
TH1F * h2 = new TH1F("h2","Cluster energy corrected",100,0.0,1.10)
TCanvas * c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "Cluster Energy", 100, 100, 800, 800)

Function Documentation

basiclibs ( )
c1 cd ( )
c1 cd ( )
c1 Divide ( ,
h1 Draw ( )

Definition at line 64 of file NHitsPerEvent.C.

64  {
66  std::cout << "mvdHitArray: " << mvdHitArray->GetEntries() << " projectedHitArray " << mvdProjectedArray->GetEntries() << std::endl;
68 // gHitPoints->Clear();
71  //if (gHitPoints->GetN() != x.size()) gHitPoints->Expand(x.size());
73  std::cout << "NHits: " << gHitPoints->GetN() << std::endl;
74  gHitPoints->Draw("apl");
75  gProjections->Draw("pl");
76 }
void ExtractData(TClonesArray *array, TGraph *g)
Definition: NHitsPerEvent.C:78
TGraph * gHitPoints
Definition: NHitsPerEvent.C:15
TClonesArray * mvdHitArray
Definition: NHitsPerEvent.C:12
TClonesArray * mvdProjectedArray
Definition: NHitsPerEvent.C:13
TGraph * gProjections
Definition: NHitsPerEvent.C:16
h1 GetXaxis ( ) -> SetTitle("Energy, GeV")

Definition at line 653 of file anal_hit_digi_cluster_fwendcap.C.

653 {Reconstructed}-#theta_{MC} (#circ)");
if ( bump_energy  ,
0.  1 

Definition at line 38 of file reco_analys4.C.

38  {
39  h1->Fill(bump_energy);
41  }
double bump_energy
Definition: reco_analys4.C:21
double bump_energy_corrected
Definition: reco_analys4.C:22
gROOT LoadMacro ( "$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/basiclibs.C )
rootlogon ( )

Definition at line 1 of file outdated/mpiTools/macros/emc/rootlogon.C.

2 {
3  gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$VMCWORKDIR/emc");
4  gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$VMCWORKDIR/emc/EmcDigi");
5  gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$VMCWORKDIR/emc/EmcMC");
6  gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$VMCWORKDIR/emc/EmcTools");
7  gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$VMCWORKDIR/emc/EmcReco");
8  gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$VMCWORKDIR/emc/EmcData");
9  gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$VMCWORKDIR/pnddata");
10  gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$VMCWORKDIR/base");
11  gROOT->LoadMacro("$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/basiclibs.C");
12  basiclibs();
14  gSystem->Load("libDpmEvtGen.so");
15  gSystem->Load("libGeoBase");
16  gSystem->Load("libParBase");
17  gSystem->Load("libBase");
18  gSystem->Load("libTrkBase");
19  gSystem->Load("libPndData");
20  gSystem->Load("libField");
21  gSystem->Load("libPassive");
22  gSystem->Load("libGen");
23  gSystem->Load("libPGen");
24  gSystem->Load("libEmc");
26  delete gRandom;
27  gRandom=new TRandom3(0);
28 }
t SetBranchAddress ( "EmcBump"  ,
tsim SetBranchAddress ( "MCTrack"  ,
h1 SetTitle ( "Cluster energy of 1 GeV photon"  )
h2 SetTitle ( "Cluster energy of 1 GeV photon (corrected)"  )

Variable Documentation

TClonesArray* bump_array =new TClonesArray("PndEmcBump")

Definition at line 11 of file reco_analys4.C.

bump_energy =bump->energy()

Definition at line 21 of file reco_analys4.C.

bump_energy_corrected =bump->GetEnergyCorrected()

Definition at line 22 of file reco_analys4.C.

TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "Cluster Energy", 100, 100, 800, 800)

Definition at line 45 of file reco_analys4.C.

TFile* f = new TFile("full_emc.root")

Definition at line 9 of file reco_analys4.C.

TFile* fsim = new TFile("sim_emc.root")

Definition at line 14 of file reco_analys4.C.

TH1F* h1 = new TH1F("h1","Cluster energy",100,0.0,1.10)

Definition at line 24 of file reco_analys4.C.

TH1F* h2 = new TH1F("h2","Cluster energy corrected",100,0.0,1.10)

Definition at line 25 of file reco_analys4.C.

TClonesArray* mctrack_array =new TClonesArray("PndMCTrack")

Definition at line 18 of file reco_analys4.C.

TTree* t =(TTree *) f->Get("pndsim")

Definition at line 10 of file reco_analys4.C.

TTree* tsim =(TTree *) fsim->Get("pndsim")

Definition at line 15 of file reco_analys4.C.