Functions | Variables
run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C File Reference

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gROOT LoadMacro ("$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/rootlogon.C")
 rootlogon ()
gROOT LoadMacro ("../Tools.C")
 LoadPandaStyle ()
timer Start ()
picture ReplaceAll (".root",".ps")
t AddFriend ("pndsim", digiFile.c_str())
t AddFriend ("pndsim", recoFile.c_str())
t SetBranchAddress ("MVDPoint",&mc_array)
t SetBranchAddress ("MVDPixelDigis",&digiPixel_array)
t SetBranchAddress ("MVDStripDigis",&digiStrip_array)
hisStripChargeBot SetLineColor (kRed)
 if (verbose)
gROOT SetStyle ("Plain")
can1 Divide (a, b)
can1 cd (2)
can1 Print (picture.Data())
timer Stop ()


bool verbose = false
TStopwatch timer
std::string inFile = "llbar_sim_evtgen.root"
std::string digiFile = "llbar_digi_evtgen.root"
std::string recoFile = "llbar_reco_evtgen.root"
TString picture = "digi_complete.root"
TFile * f = new TFile(inFile.c_str())
TTree * t =(TTree *) f->Get("pndsim")
TClonesArray * mc_array =new TClonesArray("PndSdsMCPoint")
TClonesArray * digiPixel_array =new TClonesArray("PndSdsDigiPixel")
TClonesArray * digiStrip_array =new TClonesArray("PndSdsDigiStrip")
TH1I * hNumberTrackPointsLambda = new TH1I("hNumberTrackPointsLambda","", 10, -0.5, 9.5)
TH1I * hNumberTrackPointsLambdaBar = new TH1I("hNumberTrackPointsLambdaBar","", 10, -0.5, 9.5)
TH1F * fHChgMC = new TH1F("hchgmc",";#DeltaC/e^{-} MC;",150,0.,1e4)
TH1F * fHChgFake = new TH1F("hchgfake",";#DeltaC/e^{-} fake;",150,0.,1e4)
TH1F * fHChgMCPix = new TH1F("hchgmcPix",";#DeltaC/e^{-} MC;",150,0.,1e4)
TH1F * fHChgFakePix = new TH1F("hchgfakePix",";#DeltaC/e^{-} fake;",150,0.,1e4)
TVector3 vecmc
TVector3 mommc
Double_t tmpx
Double_t tmpy
Double_t tmpz
TVector2 locals
TVector2 localmc
TVector2 localdiff
int col = pixeldigi->GetPixelColumn()
int row = pixeldigi->GetPixelRow()
int fe = pixeldigi->GetFE()
double x
double y
Int_t a = 2
Int_t b = 2
Int_t res =475
TCanvas * can1 = new TCanvas("MvdTestPlot","MCHit view in MVD",0,0,a*res,b*res)
TPad * mypad =0
Double_t rtime = timer.RealTime()
Double_t ctime = timer.CpuTime()

Function Documentation

t AddFriend ( "pndsim"  ,
digiFile.  c_str() 
t AddFriend ( "pndsim"  ,
recoFile.  c_str() 
can1 cd ( )
can1 Divide ( a  ,
if ( verbose  )

Definition at line 130 of file run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C.

References i, and point.

134  {
135  if(verbose) cout<<"Point No "<<i<<endl;
137  // vecmc.SetXYZ(point->GetX(),point->GetY(),point->GetZ());
138  // mommc.SetXYZ(point->GetPx(),point->GetPy(),point->GetPz());
139  // hisxy->Fill(vecmc.x(),vecmc.y());
140  // if(vecmc.y() > 0.) hisrz->Fill(vecmc.z(),vecmc.Perp());
141  // else hisrz->Fill(vecmc.z(),-1.*vecmc.Perp());
142  // hisde->Fill(point->GetEnergyLoss());
143  // hismom->Fill(mommc.Mag());
144  }
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
#define verbose
TClonesArray * mc_array
Definition: anaLmdCluster.C:25
PndSdsMCPoint * point
Definition: anaLmdCluster.C:72
gROOT LoadMacro ( "$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/rootlogon.C )
gROOT LoadMacro ( "../Tools.C"  )
LoadPandaStyle ( )
can1 Print ( picture.  Data())
picture ReplaceAll ( ".root"  ,
rootlogon ( )

Definition at line 1 of file outdated/mpiTools/macros/emc/rootlogon.C.

2 {
3  gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$VMCWORKDIR/emc");
4  gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$VMCWORKDIR/emc/EmcDigi");
5  gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$VMCWORKDIR/emc/EmcMC");
6  gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$VMCWORKDIR/emc/EmcTools");
7  gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$VMCWORKDIR/emc/EmcReco");
8  gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$VMCWORKDIR/emc/EmcData");
9  gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$VMCWORKDIR/pnddata");
10  gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$VMCWORKDIR/base");
11  gROOT->LoadMacro("$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/basiclibs.C");
12  basiclibs();
14  gSystem->Load("libDpmEvtGen.so");
15  gSystem->Load("libGeoBase");
16  gSystem->Load("libParBase");
17  gSystem->Load("libBase");
18  gSystem->Load("libTrkBase");
19  gSystem->Load("libPndData");
20  gSystem->Load("libField");
21  gSystem->Load("libPassive");
22  gSystem->Load("libGen");
23  gSystem->Load("libPGen");
24  gSystem->Load("libEmc");
26  delete gRandom;
27  gRandom=new TRandom3(0);
28 }
t SetBranchAddress ( "MVDPoint"  ,
t SetBranchAddress ( "MVDPixelDigis"  ,
t SetBranchAddress ( "MVDStripDigis"  ,
hisStripChargeBot SetLineColor ( kRed  )
gROOT SetStyle ( "Plain"  )
timer Start ( )
timer Stop ( )

Variable Documentation

Int_t a = 2

Definition at line 221 of file run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C.

Int_t b = 2

Definition at line 221 of file run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C.

TCanvas* can1 = new TCanvas("MvdTestPlot","MCHit view in MVD",0,0,a*res,b*res)

Definition at line 222 of file run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C.

col = pixeldigi->GetPixelColumn()

Definition at line 117 of file run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C.

Double_t ctime = timer.CpuTime()

Definition at line 278 of file run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C.

std::string digiFile = "llbar_digi_evtgen.root"

Definition at line 25 of file run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C.

TClonesArray* digiPixel_array =new TClonesArray("PndSdsDigiPixel")

Definition at line 39 of file run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C.

TClonesArray* digiStrip_array =new TClonesArray("PndSdsDigiStrip")

Definition at line 42 of file run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C.

TFile* f = new TFile(inFile.c_str())

Definition at line 31 of file run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C.

fe = pixeldigi->GetFE()

Definition at line 117 of file run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C.

TH1F* fHChgFake = new TH1F("hchgfake",";#DeltaC/e^{-} fake;",150,0.,1e4)

Definition at line 106 of file run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C.

TH1F* fHChgFakePix = new TH1F("hchgfakePix",";#DeltaC/e^{-} fake;",150,0.,1e4)

Definition at line 108 of file run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C.

TH1F* fHChgMC = new TH1F("hchgmc",";#DeltaC/e^{-} MC;",150,0.,1e4)

Definition at line 105 of file run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C.

TH1F* fHChgMCPix = new TH1F("hchgmcPix",";#DeltaC/e^{-} MC;",150,0.,1e4)

Definition at line 107 of file run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C.

TH1I* hNumberTrackPointsLambda = new TH1I("hNumberTrackPointsLambda","", 10, -0.5, 9.5)

Definition at line 56 of file run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C.

TH1I* hNumberTrackPointsLambdaBar = new TH1I("hNumberTrackPointsLambdaBar","", 10, -0.5, 9.5)

Definition at line 57 of file run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C.

std::string inFile = "llbar_sim_evtgen.root"

Definition at line 24 of file run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C.

TVector2 localdiff

Definition at line 116 of file run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C.

TVector2 localmc

Definition at line 116 of file run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C.

TVector2 locals

Definition at line 116 of file run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C.

TClonesArray* mc_array =new TClonesArray("PndSdsMCPoint")

Definition at line 36 of file run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C.

TVector3 mommc

Definition at line 114 of file run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C.

TPad* mypad =0

Definition at line 224 of file run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C.

TString picture = "digi_complete.root"

Definition at line 27 of file run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C.

std::string recoFile = "llbar_reco_evtgen.root"
Int_t res =475

Definition at line 221 of file run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C.

row = pixeldigi->GetPixelRow()

Definition at line 117 of file run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C.

Double_t rtime = timer.RealTime()

Definition at line 277 of file run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C.

TTree* t =(TTree *) f->Get("pndsim")

Definition at line 32 of file run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C.

TStopwatch timer

Definition at line 13 of file run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C.

Double_t tmpx

Definition at line 115 of file run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C.

Double_t tmpy

Definition at line 115 of file run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C.

Double_t tmpz

Definition at line 115 of file run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C.

TVector3 vecmc

Definition at line 114 of file run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C.

bool verbose = false

Definition at line 4 of file run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C.

double x

Definition at line 118 of file run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C.

double y

Definition at line 118 of file run_ana_llbar_evtgen.C.