Functions | Variables
runrecoMix.C File Reference

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gROOT Macro ("$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/rootlogon.C")
 rootlogon ()
gSystem Load ("libSttMvdTracking")
std::cout<< "MCFile : "
<< MCFile.Data()<< std::endl;std::cout
<< "DigiFile: "
<< DigiFile.Data()<< std::endl;std::cout
<< "RecoFile: "<< outFile.Data()
<< std::endl;TStopwatch timer;timer.Start();FairRunAna
*fRun=new FairRunAna();fRun-> 
SetInputFile (MCFile)
fRun AddFriend (DigiFile)
fRun SetOutputFile (outFile)
parInput1 open (parFile.Data(),"UPDATE")
rtdb setFirstInput (parInput1)
mvdmccls SetVerbose (iVerbose)
fRun AddTask (mvdmccls)
mix SetInputBkgFilesName ("../dpm/MvdStt_Test_digi.root")
fRun AddTask (mix)
mvdTrackFinder AddHitBranch ("MVDHitsPixelMix")
mvdTrackFinder AddHitBranch ("MVDHitsStripMix")
mvdTrackFinder SetMaxDist (0.05)
fRun AddTask (mvdTrackFinder)
sttFindTracks AddHitCollectionName ("STTHitMix","STTPoint")
fRun AddTask (sttFindTracks)
sttmvd SetInputBranchName ("STTHitMix","MVDHitsPixelMix","MVDHitsStripMix")
fRun AddTask (sttmvd)
rtdb setOutput (parInput1)
fRun Init ()
fRun Run (0, nEvents)
rtdb saveOutput ()
rtdb print ()
timer Stop ()


TString MCFile = "MvdStt_Test.root"
TString parFile = "MvdStt_Params.root"
Int_t nEvents = 0
TString DigiFile = "MvdStt_Test_digi.root"
TString outFile = "MvdStt_Test_reco.root"
FairRuntimeDb * rtdb = fRun->GetRuntimeDb()
FairParRootFileIo * parInput1 = new FairParRootFileIo(kTRUE)
Bool_t kParameterMerged =kTRUE
PndMvdClusterTaskmvdmccls = new PndMvdClusterTask()
PndMixBackgroundEventsmix = new PndMixBackgroundEvents(0)
PndMvdRiemannTrackFinderTaskmvdTrackFinder = new PndMvdRiemannTrackFinderTask()
PndSttTrackFinderRealsttTrackFinder = new PndSttTrackFinderReal(0,false,true)
PndSttFindTrackssttFindTracks = new PndSttFindTracks("Track Finder", "FairTask", sttTrackFinder, iVerbose)
PndSttMvdTracking * sttmvd = new PndSttMvdTracking(0,false,false)
Double_t rtime = timer.RealTime()
Double_t ctime = timer.CpuTime()

Function Documentation

fRun AddFriend ( DigiFile  )
mvdTrackFinder AddHitBranch ( "MVDHitsPixelMix"  )
mvdTrackFinder AddHitBranch ( "MVDHitsStripMix"  )
sttFindTracks AddHitCollectionName ( "STTHitMix"  ,
fRun AddTask ( mvdmccls  )
fRun AddTask ( mix  )
fRun AddTask ( mvdTrackFinder  )
fRun AddTask ( sttFindTracks  )
fRun AddTask ( sttmvd  )
fRun Init ( )

Initialize the session

Definition at line 20 of file NHitsPerEvent.C.

21 {
22  TFile* f = new TFile("2014-10-27-00-06-02_50_MHz_Filtered_PosCorrected_Event.root", "READ");
23  t = (TTree*)f->Get("pndsim");
24 // t->AddFriend("pndsim", "2014-10-27-00-06-02_50_MHz_Filtered_PosCorrected_Residuals.root");
25 // t->AddFriend("pndsim", "2014-10-27-00-06-02_50_MHz_Filtered_PosCorrected_Track.root");
26 // t->AddFriend("pndsim", "2014-10-27-00-06-02_50_MHz_Filtered_TimeCorrectedSorted_Event.root");
27  t->StartViewer();
29  t->SetBranchAddress("MVDHitsPixelPosCorrected", &mvdHitArray);
30 // t->SetBranchAddress("MvdProjectedHit", &mvdProjectedArray);
31 // t->SetBranchAddress("MvdTrack", &trackArray);
33  gHitPoints->SetLineColor(kRed);
34  gHitPoints->SetMarkerStyle(2);
35  gHitPoints->SetMarkerColor(kRed);
37  gProjections->SetLineColor(kBlue);
38  gProjections->SetMarkerStyle(5);
39  gProjections->SetMarkerColor(kBlue);
42 // mg->Add(gProjections, "Projected");
43  mg->Add(gHitPoints, "Hits");
44  t->GetEntry(0);
45 }
TMultiGraph * mg
Definition: NHitsPerEvent.C:17
TGraph * gHitPoints
Definition: NHitsPerEvent.C:15
TClonesArray * mvdHitArray
Definition: NHitsPerEvent.C:12
TFile * f
Definition: bump_analys.C:12
TTree * t
Definition: bump_analys.C:13
TGraph * gProjections
Definition: NHitsPerEvent.C:16
gSystem Load ( "libSttMvdTracking"  )
gROOT Macro ( "$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/rootlogon.C )
parInput1 open ( parFile.  Data(),
rtdb print ( )
rootlogon ( )

Definition at line 1 of file outdated/mpiTools/macros/emc/rootlogon.C.

2 {
3  gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$VMCWORKDIR/emc");
4  gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$VMCWORKDIR/emc/EmcDigi");
5  gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$VMCWORKDIR/emc/EmcMC");
6  gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$VMCWORKDIR/emc/EmcTools");
7  gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$VMCWORKDIR/emc/EmcReco");
8  gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$VMCWORKDIR/emc/EmcData");
9  gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$VMCWORKDIR/pnddata");
10  gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$VMCWORKDIR/base");
11  gROOT->LoadMacro("$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/basiclibs.C");
12  basiclibs();
14  gSystem->Load("libDpmEvtGen.so");
15  gSystem->Load("libGeoBase");
16  gSystem->Load("libParBase");
17  gSystem->Load("libBase");
18  gSystem->Load("libTrkBase");
19  gSystem->Load("libPndData");
20  gSystem->Load("libField");
21  gSystem->Load("libPassive");
22  gSystem->Load("libGen");
23  gSystem->Load("libPGen");
24  gSystem->Load("libEmc");
26  delete gRandom;
27  gRandom=new TRandom3(0);
28 }
fRun Run ( ,
rtdb saveOutput ( )
rtdb setFirstInput ( parInput1  )
mix SetInputBkgFilesName ( "../dpm/MvdStt_Test_digi.root"  )
sttmvd SetInputBranchName ( "STTHitMix"  ,
"MVDHitsPixelMix"  ,
std::cout<< "MCFile : " << MCFile.Data()<< std::endl; std::cout << "DigiFile: " << DigiFile.Data()<< std::endl; std::cout << "RecoFile: " << outFile.Data()<< std::endl; TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); FairRunAna *fRun= new FairRunAna(); fRun-> SetInputFile ( MCFile  )
mvdTrackFinder SetMaxDist ( 0.  05)
rtdb setOutput ( parInput1  )
fRun SetOutputFile ( outFile  )
mvdmccls SetVerbose ( iVerbose  )
timer Stop ( )

Variable Documentation

Double_t ctime = timer.CpuTime()

Definition at line 140 of file runrecoMix.C.

TString DigiFile = "MvdStt_Test_digi.root"

Definition at line 21 of file runrecoMix.C.

Bool_t kParameterMerged =kTRUE

Definition at line 48 of file runrecoMix.C.

TString MCFile = "MvdStt_Test.root"

Definition at line 11 of file runrecoMix.C.

Definition at line 67 of file runrecoMix.C.

Referenced by MeanExcEnergy_get(), and PndPidCorrelator::SetMixMode().

Definition at line 54 of file runrecoMix.C.

Definition at line 87 of file runrecoMix.C.

Int_t nEvents = 0

Definition at line 13 of file runrecoMix.C.

TString outFile = "MvdStt_Test_reco.root"

Definition at line 22 of file runrecoMix.C.

TString parFile = "MvdStt_Params.root"

Definition at line 12 of file runrecoMix.C.

FairParRootFileIo* parInput1 = new FairParRootFileIo(kTRUE)

Definition at line 44 of file runrecoMix.C.

FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = fRun->GetRuntimeDb()

Definition at line 43 of file runrecoMix.C.

Double_t rtime = timer.RealTime()

Definition at line 139 of file runrecoMix.C.

PndSttFindTracks* sttFindTracks = new PndSttFindTracks("Track Finder", "FairTask", sttTrackFinder, iVerbose)

Definition at line 103 of file runrecoMix.C.

PndSttMvdTracking* sttmvd = new PndSttMvdTracking(0,false,false)

Definition at line 114 of file runrecoMix.C.

Referenced by PndSttMvdGemTracking::Exec().

PndSttTrackFinderReal* sttTrackFinder = new PndSttTrackFinderReal(0,false,true)

Definition at line 101 of file runrecoMix.C.