Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* Copyright 2008-2010, Technische Universitaet Muenchen,
2  Authors: Christian Hoeppner & Sebastian Neubert & Johannes Rauch
4  This file is part of GENFIT.
6  GENFIT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
8  by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
11  GENFIT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
16  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
17  along with GENFIT. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18 */
23 #ifndef genfit_AbsTrackRep_h
24 #define genfit_AbsTrackRep_h
26 #include "SharedPlanePtr.h"
27 //#include "MaterialInfo.h"
28 #include "MaterialProperties.h"
30 #include <TVector3.h>
31 #include <TObject.h>
32 #include <TVectorD.h>
33 #include <TMatrixD.h>
34 #include <TMatrixDSym.h>
37 namespace genfit {
42 struct MatStep {
44  double stepSize_;
46  MatStep() {
47  stepSize_ = 0;
48  }
50 };
52 class StateOnPlane;
53 class MeasuredStateOnPlane;
54 class AbsMeasurement;
66 class AbsTrackRep : public TObject {
68  public:
70  AbsTrackRep();
71  AbsTrackRep(int pdgCode, char propDir = 0);
73  virtual ~AbsTrackRep() {;}
76  virtual AbsTrackRep* clone() const = 0;
87  virtual double extrapolateToPlane(
88  StateOnPlane& state,
89  const genfit::SharedPlanePtr& plane,
90  bool stopAtBoundary = false,
91  bool calcJacobianNoise = false) const = 0;
102  virtual double extrapolateToLine(StateOnPlane& state,
103  const TVector3& linePoint,
104  const TVector3& lineDirection,
105  bool stopAtBoundary = false,
106  bool calcJacobianNoise = false) const = 0;
120  virtual double extrapolateToLine(StateOnPlane& state,
121  const TVector3& point1,
122  const TVector3& point2,
123  TVector3& poca,
124  TVector3& dirInPoca,
125  TVector3& poca_onwire,
126  bool stopAtBoundary = false,
127  bool calcJacobianNoise = false) const {
128  TVector3 wireDir(point2 - point1);
129  wireDir.Unit();
130  double retval = this->extrapolateToLine(state, point1, wireDir, stopAtBoundary, calcJacobianNoise);
131  poca = this->getPos(state);
132  dirInPoca = this->getMom(state);
133  dirInPoca.Unit();
135  poca_onwire = point1 + wireDir*((poca - point1)*wireDir);
137  return retval;
138  }
149  virtual double extrapolateToPoint(StateOnPlane& state,
150  const TVector3& point,
151  bool stopAtBoundary = false,
152  bool calcJacobianNoise = false) const = 0;
163  virtual double extrapolateToPoint(StateOnPlane& state,
164  const TVector3& point,
165  const TMatrixDSym& G, // weight matrix (metric)
166  bool stopAtBoundary = false,
167  bool calcJacobianNoise = false) const = 0;
178  virtual double extrapolateToCylinder(StateOnPlane& state,
179  double radius,
180  const TVector3& linePoint = TVector3(0.,0.,0.),
181  const TVector3& lineDirection = TVector3(0.,0.,1.),
182  bool stopAtBoundary = false,
183  bool calcJacobianNoise = false) const = 0;
194  virtual double extrapolateToSphere(StateOnPlane& state,
195  double radius,
196  const TVector3& point = TVector3(0.,0.,0.),
197  bool stopAtBoundary = false,
198  bool calcJacobianNoise = false) const = 0;
209  virtual double extrapolateBy(StateOnPlane& state,
210  double step,
211  bool stopAtBoundary = false,
212  bool calcJacobianNoise = false) const = 0;
216  const AbsMeasurement* measurement,
217  bool stopAtBoundary = false,
218  bool calcJacobianNoise = false) const;
221  virtual unsigned int getDim() const = 0;
224  virtual TVector3 getPos(const StateOnPlane& state) const = 0;
227  virtual TVector3 getMom(const StateOnPlane& state) const = 0;
230  TVector3 getDir(const StateOnPlane& state) const {return getMom(state).Unit();}
233  virtual void getPosMom(const StateOnPlane& state, TVector3& pos, TVector3& mom) const = 0;
236  void getPosDir(const StateOnPlane& state, TVector3& pos, TVector3& dir) const {getPosMom(state, pos, dir); dir.SetMag(1.);}
239  virtual TVectorD get6DState(const StateOnPlane& state) const;
242  virtual TMatrixDSym get6DCov(const MeasuredStateOnPlane& state) const = 0;
245  virtual void getPosMomCov(const MeasuredStateOnPlane& state, TVector3& pos, TVector3& mom, TMatrixDSym& cov) const = 0;
248  virtual void get6DStateCov(const MeasuredStateOnPlane& state, TVectorD& stateVec, TMatrixDSym& cov) const;
251  virtual double getMomMag(const StateOnPlane& state) const = 0;
253  virtual double getMomVar(const MeasuredStateOnPlane& state) const = 0;
256  int getPDG() const {return pdgCode_;}
259  double getPDGCharge() const;
265  virtual double getCharge(const StateOnPlane& state) const = 0;
267  virtual double getQop(const StateOnPlane& state) const = 0;
269  double getMass(const StateOnPlane& state) const;
272  char getPropDir() const {return propDir_;}
275  virtual void getForwardJacobianAndNoise(TMatrixD& jacobian, TMatrixDSym& noise, TVectorD& deltaState) const = 0;
278  virtual void getBackwardJacobianAndNoise(TMatrixD& jacobian, TMatrixDSym& noise, TVectorD& deltaState) const = 0;
281  virtual std::vector<genfit::MatStep> getSteps() const = 0;
284  virtual double getRadiationLenght() const = 0;
287  // should keep this up to date with the time of flight.
288  virtual double getTime(const StateOnPlane&) const = 0;
294  void calcJacobianNumerically(const genfit::StateOnPlane& origState,
295  const genfit::SharedPlanePtr destPlane,
296  TMatrixD& jacobian) const;
299  bool switchPDGSign();
302  virtual void setPosMom(StateOnPlane& state, const TVector3& pos, const TVector3& mom) const = 0;
304  virtual void setPosMom(StateOnPlane& state, const TVectorD& state6) const = 0;
306  virtual void setPosMomErr(MeasuredStateOnPlane& state, const TVector3& pos, const TVector3& mom, const TVector3& posErr, const TVector3& momErr) const = 0;
308  virtual void setPosMomCov(MeasuredStateOnPlane& state, const TVector3& pos, const TVector3& mom, const TMatrixDSym& cov6x6) const = 0;
310  virtual void setPosMomCov(MeasuredStateOnPlane& state, const TVectorD& state6, const TMatrixDSym& cov6x6) const = 0;
313  virtual void setChargeSign(StateOnPlane& state, double charge) const = 0;
315  virtual void setQop(StateOnPlane& state, double qop) const = 0;
317  virtual void setTime(StateOnPlane& state, double time) const = 0;
320  void setPropDir(int dir) {
321  if (dir>0) propDir_ = 1;
322  else if (dir<0) propDir_ = -1;
323  else propDir_ = 0;
324  };
330  virtual bool isSameType(const AbsTrackRep* other) = 0;
333  virtual bool isSame(const AbsTrackRep* other) = 0;
335  virtual void setDebugLvl(unsigned int lvl = 1) {debugLvl_ = lvl;}
337  virtual void Print(const Option_t* = "") const;
339  protected:
342  AbsTrackRep(const AbsTrackRep&);
348  int pdgCode_;
350  char propDir_;
352  unsigned int debugLvl_;
354  public:
355  ClassDef(AbsTrackRep,1)
357 };
359 } /* End of namespace genfit */
362 #endif // genfit_AbsTrackRep_h
virtual void setTime(StateOnPlane &state, double time) const =0
Set time at which the state was defined.
TVector3 pos
int getPDG() const
Get the pdg code.
Definition: AbsTrackRep.h:256
boost::shared_ptr< genfit::DetPlane > SharedPlanePtr
Shared Pointer to a DetPlane.
unsigned int debugLvl_
Definition: AbsTrackRep.h:352
double extrapolateToMeasurement(StateOnPlane &state, const AbsMeasurement *measurement, bool stopAtBoundary=false, bool calcJacobianNoise=false) const
extrapolate to an AbsMeasurement
virtual ~AbsTrackRep()
Definition: AbsTrackRep.h:73
virtual std::vector< genfit::MatStep > getSteps() const =0
Get stepsizes and material properties of crossed materials of the last extrapolation.
virtual void Print(const Option_t *="") const
virtual double extrapolateToLine(StateOnPlane &state, const TVector3 &point1, const TVector3 &point2, TVector3 &poca, TVector3 &dirInPoca, TVector3 &poca_onwire, bool stopAtBoundary=false, bool calcJacobianNoise=false) const
Resembles the interface of GFAbsTrackRep in old versions of genfit.
Definition: AbsTrackRep.h:120
virtual double extrapolateToSphere(StateOnPlane &state, double radius, const TVector3 &point=TVector3(0., 0., 0.), bool stopAtBoundary=false, bool calcJacobianNoise=false) const =0
Extrapolates the state to the sphere surface, and returns the extrapolation length and...
virtual unsigned int getDim() const =0
Get the dimension of the state vector used by the track representation.
Simple struct containing MaterialProperties and stepsize in the material.
Definition: AbsTrackRep.h:42
virtual bool isSameType(const AbsTrackRep *other)=0
check if other is of same type (e.g. RKTrackRep).
virtual TVectorD get6DState(const StateOnPlane &state) const
Get the 6D state vector (x, y, z, p_x, p_y, p_z).
void setPropDir(int dir)
Set propagation direction. (-1, 0, 1) -> (backward, auto, forward).
Definition: AbsTrackRep.h:320
virtual double getMomMag(const StateOnPlane &state) const =0
get the magnitude of the momentum in GeV.
Abstract base class for a track representation.
Definition: AbsTrackRep.h:66
virtual double getQop(const StateOnPlane &state) const =0
Get charge over momentum.
virtual void get6DStateCov(const MeasuredStateOnPlane &state, TVectorD &stateVec, TMatrixDSym &cov) const
Translates MeasuredStateOnPlane into 6D state vector (x, y, z, p_x, p_y, p_z) and 6x6 covariance...
void switchPropDir()
Switch propagation direction. Has no effect if propDir_ is set to 0.
Definition: AbsTrackRep.h:327
StateOnPlane with additional covariance matrix.
Material properties needed e.g. for material effects calculation.
void getPosDir(const StateOnPlane &state, TVector3 &pos, TVector3 &dir) const
Get cartesian position and direction vector of a state.
Definition: AbsTrackRep.h:236
Double_t mom
Definition: plot_dirc.C:14
virtual void getPosMomCov(const MeasuredStateOnPlane &state, TVector3 &pos, TVector3 &mom, TMatrixDSym &cov) const =0
Translates MeasuredStateOnPlane into 3D position, momentum and 6x6 covariance.
virtual void setDebugLvl(unsigned int lvl=1)
Definition: AbsTrackRep.h:335
MaterialProperties materialProperties_
Definition: AbsTrackRep.h:43
double stepSize_
Definition: AbsTrackRep.h:44
virtual bool isSame(const AbsTrackRep *other)=0
check if other is of same type (e.g. RKTrackRep) and has same pdg code.
void calcJacobianNumerically(const genfit::StateOnPlane &origState, const genfit::SharedPlanePtr destPlane, TMatrixD &jacobian) const
Calculate Jacobian of transportation numerically. Slow but accurate. Can be used to validate (semi)an...
virtual double getTime(const StateOnPlane &) const =0
Get the time corresponding to the StateOnPlane. Extrapolation.
AbsTrackRep & operator=(const AbsTrackRep &)
protect from calling assignment operator from outside the class. Use clone() instead! ...
bool switchPDGSign()
try to multiply pdg code with -1. (Switch from particle to anti-particle and vice versa)...
virtual double extrapolateToCylinder(StateOnPlane &state, double radius, const TVector3 &linePoint=TVector3(0., 0., 0.), const TVector3 &lineDirection=TVector3(0., 0., 1.), bool stopAtBoundary=false, bool calcJacobianNoise=false) const =0
Extrapolates the state to the cylinder surface, and returns the extrapolation length and...
virtual double getRadiationLenght() const =0
Get the accumulated X/X0 (path / radiation length) of the material crossed in the last extrapolation...
double getPDGCharge() const
Get the charge of the particle of the pdg code.
char propDir_
propagation direction (-1, 0, 1) -> (backward, auto, forward)
Definition: AbsTrackRep.h:350
virtual void setChargeSign(StateOnPlane &state, double charge) const =0
Set the sign of the charge according to charge.
A state with arbitrary dimension defined in a DetPlane.
Definition: StateOnPlane.h:45
virtual void setPosMomErr(MeasuredStateOnPlane &state, const TVector3 &pos, const TVector3 &mom, const TVector3 &posErr, const TVector3 &momErr) const =0
Set position and momentum and error of state.
virtual AbsTrackRep * clone() const =0
Clone the trackRep.
char getPropDir() const
Get propagation direction. (-1, 0, 1) -> (backward, auto, forward).
Definition: AbsTrackRep.h:272
TClonesArray * point
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:29
virtual double getCharge(const StateOnPlane &state) const =0
Get the (fitted) charge of a state. This is not always equal the pdg charge (e.g. if the charge sign ...
virtual double extrapolateBy(StateOnPlane &state, double step, bool stopAtBoundary=false, bool calcJacobianNoise=false) const =0
Extrapolates the state by step (cm) and returns the extrapolation length and, via reference...
virtual void setPosMomCov(MeasuredStateOnPlane &state, const TVector3 &pos, const TVector3 &mom, const TMatrixDSym &cov6x6) const =0
Set position, momentum and covariance of state.
virtual TVector3 getPos(const StateOnPlane &state) const =0
Get the cartesian position of a state.
virtual void getForwardJacobianAndNoise(TMatrixD &jacobian, TMatrixDSym &noise, TVectorD &deltaState) const =0
Get the jacobian and noise matrix of the last extrapolation.
virtual TVector3 getMom(const StateOnPlane &state) const =0
Get the cartesian momentum vector of a state.
virtual void getPosMom(const StateOnPlane &state, TVector3 &pos, TVector3 &mom) const =0
Get cartesian position and momentum vector of a state.
virtual void getBackwardJacobianAndNoise(TMatrixD &jacobian, TMatrixDSym &noise, TVectorD &deltaState) const =0
Get the jacobian and noise matrix of the last extrapolation if it would have been done in opposite di...
int pdgCode_
Particle code.
Definition: AbsTrackRep.h:348
Contains the measurement and covariance in raw detector coordinates.
double getMass(const StateOnPlane &state) const
Get tha particle mass in GeV/c^2.
virtual double extrapolateToLine(StateOnPlane &state, const TVector3 &linePoint, const TVector3 &lineDirection, bool stopAtBoundary=false, bool calcJacobianNoise=false) const =0
Extrapolates the state to the POCA to a line, and returns the extrapolation length and...
virtual double getMomVar(const MeasuredStateOnPlane &state) const =0
get the variance of the absolute value of the momentum .
virtual double extrapolateToPoint(StateOnPlane &state, const TVector3 &point, bool stopAtBoundary=false, bool calcJacobianNoise=false) const =0
Extrapolates the state to the POCA to a point, and returns the extrapolation length and...
virtual TMatrixDSym get6DCov(const MeasuredStateOnPlane &state) const =0
Get the 6D covariance.
virtual double extrapolateToPlane(StateOnPlane &state, const genfit::SharedPlanePtr &plane, bool stopAtBoundary=false, bool calcJacobianNoise=false) const =0
Extrapolates the state to plane, and returns the extrapolation length and, via reference, the extrapolated state.
virtual void setQop(StateOnPlane &state, double qop) const =0
Set charge/momentum.
double noise
TVector3 getDir(const StateOnPlane &state) const
Get the direction vector of a state.
Definition: AbsTrackRep.h:230
TMatrixT< double > TMatrixD
Definition: PndLmdDim.h:52
Matrix inversion tools.
Definition: AbsBField.h:29
virtual void setPosMom(StateOnPlane &state, const TVector3 &pos, const TVector3 &mom) const =0
Set position and momentum of state.