9 #include "FairMCPoint.h"
31 PndDskCerenkov(Int_t trackID, Int_t detectorID, TVector3 position, TVector3 momentum,
33 Int_t motherTrackID, Int_t motherPdgCode,
TString motherPdgName);
45 virtual void Print(
const Option_t* opt)
101 #endif // PNDDSKCERENKOV_H
void SetFinalValues(Int_t detNumber, Short_t detType, Double_t detTime, TVector3 detMomentum, Double_t length, Double_t primaryHitAngle, Double_t primaryAngleToCerenkov)
TVector3 fDetMomentum
Momentum when detected [eV].
Int_t fNofReflections
Number of total reflections the Cerenkov did in the radiator.
virtual void Print(const Option_t *opt) const
Int_t fDetNumber
Detector number that finally registered the photon.
Int_t GetMotherPdgCode() const
Double_t fWavelength
Vacuum wavelength hc/energy [nm].
Double_t GetPrimaryAngleToCerenkov() const
Double_t fPWay
Projected Way [cm].
Double_t fPrimaryHitAngle
Angle to the z-Axis when first registered.
Short_t fDetType
Detector type.
TString fMotherPdgName
PDG Name of particle that emitted the Cerenkov.
Int_t GetDetNumber() const
Double_t fEnergy
Energy of Cerenkov when created [eV].
void Set5RefPosition(TVector3 pos)
Double_t GetPrimaryHitAngle() const
TVector3 Get5RefPosition() const
void AddPWay(TVector3 pos)
void SetTotalRefAngle(Double_t angle)
Double_t GetDetTime() const
TVector3 GetLastPosition() const
virtual ~PndDskCerenkov()
TString GetMotherPdgName() const
Double_t fTotalRefAngle
Total reflection angle.
Double_t GetTotalRefAngle() const
TVector3 f5RefPosition
Just for debug. Stores position afer 5 refelctions.
TVector3 GetDetMomentum() const
Int_t GetMotherTrackID() const
Double_t GetNofReflections() const
Double_t GetWavelength() const
Double_t GetEnergy() const
Double_t fPrimaryAngleToCerenkov
Angle between momentum of eachs first appearance.
Short_t GetDetType() const
Int_t fMotherPdgCode
PDG Code of particle that emitted the Cerenkov.
Double_t fDetTime
Global time when detected [ns].
Int_t fMotherTrackID
The Last known position of the Cerenkov - needed to calculate the fPWay.