42 virtual InitStatus
43 virtual void Exec(Option_t* opt);
53 std::cerr <<
"-E- in PndEmcFWEndcapDigi::SetPSAAlgorithms: PSA must be a PndEmcPSAFPGASampleAnalyser. External PSA setting has no effect" << std::endl;
60 std::cerr <<
"-E- in PndEmcFWEndcapDigi::SetCrystalCalibrator: Calibrator must be a PndEmcSimCrystalCalibrator. External Calibrator setting has no effect" << std::endl;
virtual void Exec(Option_t *opt)
Runs the task.
virtual InitStatus Init()
Init Task.
void SetPSAAlgorithms(PndEmcAbsPSA *highgain, PndEmcAbsPSA *lowgain)
Double_t val[nBoxes][nFEBox]
Wrapping class to manage two independent PSAs for high, resp. low gain.
stores crystal index coordinates (x,y) or (theta,phi)
PndEmcFWEndcapDigi(Int_t verbose=0, Bool_t storedigis=kTRUE)
Task to create digis from waveforms.
PndEmcFWEndcapDigiPar * fDigiPar
Digitisation parameter container.
virtual void SetParContainers()
parameter set for the FWEndcap variant of waveform simulation
PndEmcPSAFPGASampleAnalyser * fLowgainPSA
Double_t fEmcDigiPositionDepthShashlyk
virtual void SetCrystalCalibrator(PndEmcAbsCrystalCalibrator *Cal)
PndEmcHighLowPSA fHighLowPSA
Class to simulate a Calibration.
TClonesArray * fWaveformArray
Baseclass for pulseshapeanalysis ( featureextraction )
represents the deposited energy of one emc crystal from simulation
Double_t fEnergyDigiThreshold
Double_t fEmcDigiPositionDepthPWO
Double_t fEmcDigiRescaleFactor
PndEmcRecoPar * fRecoPar
Reconstruction parameter container.
virtual ~PndEmcFWEndcapDigi()
Abstract interface for a emc calibrator.
ClassDef(PndEmcFWEndcapDigi, 1)
PndEmcPSAFPGASampleAnalyser * fHighgainPSA
Parameter set for Emc Reco.
TClonesArray * fDigiArray
PndEmcSimCrystalCalibrator * fCalibrator
void SetStorageOfData(Bool_t val)
PndEmcGeoPar * fGeoPar
Digitisation parameter container.
PndEmcFWEndcapDigi & operator=(const PndEmcFWEndcapDigi &)
Bool_t fTimeOrderedDigi
set to kTRUE to use the time ordering of the output data.