15 #ifndef PndEmcMakeDigi_H
16 #define PndEmcMakeDigi_H
45 virtual InitStatus
46 virtual void Exec(Option_t* opt);
PndEmcRecoPar * fRecoPar
Reconstruction parameter container.
represents the reconstructed hit of one emc crystal
Double_t fSensitiveAreaAPD
Double_t fEmcDigiPositionDepthShashlyk
const std::string & GetDigiPosMethod() const
virtual InitStatus Init()
Init Task.
Double_t val[nBoxes][nFEBox]
virtual ~PndEmcMakeDigi()
Double_t fExcessNoiseFactorVPT
Double_t fNPhotoElectronsPerMeVAPDBWD
Double_t fQuantumEfficiencyAPD
Double_t fEmcDigiRescaleFactor
stores crystal index coordinates (x,y) or (theta,phi)
PndEmcDigiPar * fDigiPar
Digitisation parameter container.
ClassDef(PndEmcMakeDigi, 1)
virtual void Exec(Option_t *opt)
Runs the task.
PndEmcMakeDigi(Bool_t storedigis=kTRUE)
TClonesArray * fDigiArray
Double_t fIncoherent_elec_noise_width_GeV_APD
PndEmcMakeDigi & operator=(const PndEmcMakeDigi &)
std::string fDigiPosMethod
PndEmcGeoPar * fGeoPar
Geometry parameter container.
void SetDigiPosMethod(const std::string &digiPosMethod)
parameter set of Emc digitisation
Double_t fIncoherent_elec_noise_width_GeV_VPT
Double_t fDetectedPhotonsPerMeV
void SetStorageOfData(Bool_t val)
Method to specify whether digis are stored or not.
Double_t fSensitiveAreaVPT
Double_t fNPhotoElectronsPerMeVAPDBarrel
Double_t fQuantumEfficiencyVPT
represents the deposited energy of one emc crystal from simulation
virtual void SetParContainers()
Double_t fEmcDigiPositionDepthPWO
Int_t fUseDigiEffectiveSmearing
Double_t fExcessNoiseFactorAPD
Double_t fNPhotoElectronsPerMeVVPT
Task to create PndEmcDigi from PndEmcHit.
Parameter set for Emc Reco.
PndEmcDigi * AddDigi(Int_t trackID, Int_t detID, Float_t energy, Float_t time, Int_t hitIndex)
Adds a PndEmcDigi to to fDigiArray and returns it.