Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //
3 // PndSttMvdGemTracking (a.k.a. "the GEM extension")
4 //
5 // Class for extending the SttMvdTrack to the GEM stations
6 //
7 // authors: Lia Lavezzi - INFN Pavia (2011)
8 //
11 #include "PndSttMvdGemTracking.h"
13 // pandaroot
14 #include "PndSttMapCreator.h"
15 #include "PndSttTube.h"
16 #include "PndTrack.h"
17 #include "PndTrackID.h"
18 #include "PndTrackCand.h"
19 #include "PndGemHit.h"
20 #include "PndGemMCPoint.h"
21 #include "PndMCTrack.h"
22 #include "PndSttHit.h"
23 #include "PndSdsHit.h"
25 // fairroot
26 #include "FairRootManager.h"
27 #include "FairRunAna.h"
28 #include "FairRuntimeDb.h"
29 #include "FairGeanePro.h"
30 #include "FairGeaneUtil.h"
31 #include "FairTrackParP.h"
33 // ROOT
34 #include "TDatabasePDG.h"
35 #include "TArc.h"
36 #include "TMarker.h"
37 #include "TF1.h"
38 #include "TClonesArray.h"
40 // general
41 #include <iostream>
42 #include <cmath>
44 // using GEM ideal digi?
45 #define IDEAL false // CHECKING
47 // if you want not to consider mcIndex == -1 or non primary tracks (from MC)
48 #define THROWAWAY false
51 // 0 no combinatorial taken into account
52 // 1 combi taken into account only after whole procedure
53 // 2 combi not allow during assignment
54 #define CHECKCOMBI 2
57 using namespace std;
59 // ----- Default constructor -------------------------------------------
61  PndPersistencyTask("MVD-STT-GEM tracking") {
62  fVerbose = 1;
63  fEvaluate = kTRUE;
64  fDisplayOn = false;
65  fTimes = 5;
66  fTurn = 1;
67  fMaxDistance = -1;
68  fUseMC = kFALSE;
69  fCombiDistance = 1.;
70  fDefaultPdgCode = -13;
71  fPdgFromMC = kFALSE;
73  fMvdPixelBranchName = "MVDHitsPixel";
74  fMvdStripBranchName = "MVDHitsStrip";
75  fSttBranchName = "STTHit";
76  fGemBranchName = "GEMHit";
78  fStartTrackBranchName = "SttMvdTrack";
79  fStartTrackCandBranchName = "SttMvdTrackCand";
80  fStartTrackIDBranchName = "SttMvdTrackID";
82  SetPersistency(kTRUE);
84 }
85 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
88  PndPersistencyTask("MVD-STT-GEM tracking") {
89  SetPersistency(kTRUE);
90  fVerbose = verbose;
91  if(verbose > 0) fEvaluate = kTRUE;
92  else fEvaluate = kFALSE;
93  fDisplayOn = false;
94  fTimes = 5;
95  fTurn = 1;
96  fMaxDistance = -1;
97  fUseMC = kFALSE;
98  fCombiDistance = 1.;
99  fDefaultPdgCode = -13;
100  fPdgFromMC = kFALSE;
102  fMvdPixelBranchName = "MVDHitsPixel";
103  fMvdStripBranchName = "MVDHitsStrip";
104  fSttBranchName = "STTHit";
105  fGemBranchName = "GEMHit";
107  fStartTrackBranchName = "SttMvdTrack";
108  fStartTrackCandBranchName = "SttMvdTrackCand";
109  fStartTrackIDBranchName = "SttMvdTrackID";
111 }
112 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
115 // ----- Destructor ----------------------------------------------------
117 }
118 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
120 // ----- Public method Init --------------------------------------------
123  evt = 0;
124  countgood = 0; // correct association
125  countbad = 0; // wrong association
126  countdoubt = 0; // doubt in ref index CHECK (temporary)
127  countprinotassigned = 0; // not assigned hits from primary tracks
128  countsecnotassigned = 0; // not assigned hits from secondary tracks
129  countreconstructablehit = 0; // n of hits which belong to a mctrack which has mvd + stt candidate
130  for(int iplane = 0; iplane < 8; iplane++) {
131  countplane[iplane] = 0;
132  countprop[0][iplane] = 0;
133  countprop[1][iplane] = 0;
134  countnohitonplane[iplane] = 0;
136  }
137  countsttmvd = 0;
138  countsttmvdusable = 0;
140  FairRootManager *ioman = FairRootManager::Instance();
142  cout << "-I- -------------------" << endl;
143  cout << "-I- PndSttMvdGemTracking: using branches "
144  << fMvdPixelBranchName << " "
145  << fMvdStripBranchName << " "
146  << fSttBranchName << " "
147  << fGemBranchName << endl;
148  cout << "-I- to change one or more of these use PndSttMvdGemTracking:SetBranchName( TStrings ); the order of TStrings is mvd pixel name, mvd strip name, stt name, gem name" << endl;
149  cout << "starting track for extrapolation " << fStartTrackBranchName << " " << fStartTrackCandBranchName << endl;
150  if(fPdgFromMC) cout << "starting trackid for extrapolation " << fStartTrackIDBranchName << endl;
151  cout << "-I- -------------------" << endl;
154  if (!ioman)
155  {
156  cout << "-E- PndSttMvdGemTracking: "
157  << "RootManager not instantised!" << endl;
158  return kFATAL;
159  }
161  // open SttMvdTrackCand array
162  fTrackCandArray=(TClonesArray*) ioman->GetObject(fStartTrackCandBranchName);
163  if(fTrackCandArray==0){
164  cout << "fStartTrackCandBranchName " << fStartTrackCandBranchName << " not found" << endl;
165  Error("PndSttMvdGemTracking:Init","stt + mvd trackcand - array not found!");
166  return kERROR;
167  }
169  // open SttMvdTrack array
170  fTrackArray = (TClonesArray*) ioman->GetObject(fStartTrackBranchName);
171  if(!fTrackArray) {
172  Error("PndSttMvdGemTracking:Init","stt + mvd track - array not found!");
173  return kERROR;
174  }
176  // open SttMvdTrack array
177  if(fPdgFromMC) {
178  fTrackIDArray = (TClonesArray*) ioman->GetObject(fStartTrackIDBranchName);
179  if(!fTrackIDArray) {
180  Error("PndSttMvdGemTracking:Init","stt + mvd trackID - array not found!");
181  return kERROR;
182  }
183  }
185  // open GEM hit array
186  fGemHitArray = (TClonesArray*) ioman->GetObject(fGemBranchName);
187  if(!fGemHitArray) {
188  Error("PndSttMvdGemTracking:Init","gem hit - array not found!");
189  return kERROR;
190  }
192  // open GEM point array
193  fGemPointArray = (TClonesArray*) ioman->GetObject("GEMPoint");
194  if(!fGemPointArray) {
195  Error("PndSttMvdGemTracking:Init","gem point - array not found!");
196  return kERROR;
197  }
199  // open MC track array CHECK to be deleted for real data
200  fMCTrackArray = (TClonesArray*) ioman->GetObject("MCTrack");
201  if(!fMCTrackArray) {
202  Error("PndSttMvdGemTracking:Init","mctrack - array not found!");
203  return kERROR;
204  }
206  // open MVD pixel hit array
207  fMvdPixelHitArray = (TClonesArray*) ioman->GetObject(fMvdPixelBranchName);
208  if(!fMvdPixelHitArray) {
209  Error("PndSttMvdGemTracking:Init","mvd pixel hit - array not found!");
210  return kERROR;
211  }
213  // open MVD strip hit array
214  fMvdStripHitArray = (TClonesArray*) ioman->GetObject(fMvdStripBranchName);
215  if(!fMvdStripHitArray) {
216  Error("PndSttMvdGemTracking:Init","mvd strip hit - array not found!");
217  return kERROR;
218  }
220  // open STT hit array
221  fSttHitArray = (TClonesArray*) ioman->GetObject(fSttBranchName);
222  if(!fSttHitArray) {
223  Error("PndSttMvdGemTracking:Init","stt hit - array not found!");
224  return kERROR;
225  }
227  // open MVD point array
228  fMvdPointArray = (TClonesArray*) ioman->GetObject("MVDPoint");
229  if(!fMvdPointArray) {
230  Error("PndSttMvdGemTracking:Init","mvd point - array not found!");
231  return kERROR;
232  }
234  // open STT point array
235  fSttPointArray = (TClonesArray*) ioman->GetObject("STTPoint");
236  if(!fSttPointArray) {
237  Error("PndSttMvdGemTracking:Init","stt point - array not found!");
238  return kERROR;
239  }
241  // Create and register PndTrack array
242  fCompleteTrackCandArray = new TClonesArray("PndTrackCand", 100);
243  ioman->Register("SttMvdGemTrackCand", "SttMvdGem", fCompleteTrackCandArray, GetPersistency());
245  fCompleteTrackArray = new TClonesArray("PndTrack", 100);
246  ioman->Register("SttMvdGemTrack", "SttMvdGem", fCompleteTrackArray, GetPersistency());
248  // GEANE propagation to volume
249  fPro = new FairGeanePro();
250  if (fVerbose==0) fPro->SetPrintErrors(kFALSE);
253  // STT mapper
255  fTubeArray = mapper->FillTubeArray();
257  // set up geometry of GEMs;
258  SetupGEMPlanes();
260  if(fPdgFromMC) cout << "-I- PndSttMvdGemTracking: Taking PDG from MC (keeping backup default opt = " << fDefaultPdgCode << ")" << endl;
261  else cout << "-I- PndSttMvdGemTracking: using default PDG " << fDefaultPdgCode << endl;
263  cout << "-I- PndSttMvdGemTracking: Intialisation successfull" << endl;
264  return kSUCCESS;
265 }
266 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
270  FairRuntimeDb* rtdb = FairRun::Instance()->GetRuntimeDb();
272  // get STT parameters
273  fSttParameters = (PndGeoSttPar*) rtdb->getContainer("PndGeoSttPar");
275  // get GEM parameters
276  fGemParameters = (PndGemDigiPar*) rtdb->getContainer("PndGemDetectors");
279 }
284  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "********* SPndSttMvdGemTracking::SetupGEMPlanes ************" << endl;
286  // geometry of GEM stations
287  Int_t nstations = fGemParameters->GetNStations();
288  Int_t nsensors = 0;
289  Int_t posindex = 0;
291  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "NSTAT " << nstations << endl;
293  if(nstations == 0) cerr << "PndSttMvdGemTracking::SetupGEMPlanes: NO GEOMETRY FOR GEMs!" << endl;
295  // position of the planes
296  fSensPositions = new TClonesArray("TVector3", 100);
298  // order of the sensors:
299  // stat = 1, sens = 1 ==> posindex = 11 ==> ordering = 0
300  // stat = 1, sens = 2 ==> posindex = 12 ==> ordering = 1
301  // stat = 2, sens = 1 ==> posindex = 21 ==> ordering = 2
302  // stat = 2, sens = 2 ==> posindex = 22 ==> ordering = 3
303  // ...
305  // count sensors and stations and fill the sensor positions
306  for(int istat = 0; istat < nstations; istat++) {
307  PndGemStation *station = fGemParameters->GetStation(istat);
308  for(int isens = 0; isens < station->GetNSensors(); isens++) {
309  PndGemSensor *sensor = station->GetSensor(isens);
310  nsensors++;
311  posindex = (istat + 1) * 10 + (isens + 1);
312  fOrdering.push_back(posindex);
313  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "istat/isens/posindex/ordering " << istat + 1 << " " << isens + 1 << " " << posindex << " " << fOrdering.size() << " " << fOrdering[fOrdering.size() - 1] << endl;
315  // fill the TClonesArray with the origin
316  // of the planes corresponding to each
317  // sensor of GEM
318  int size = fOrdering.size() - 1;
319  TClonesArray& clref = *fSensPositions;
320  new(clref[size]) TVector3(sensor->GetX0(), sensor->GetY0(), sensor->GetZ0());
322  }
323  }
325  // the sensor planes are parallel to xy // CHECK is this true?
326  fDj.SetXYZ(1., 0., 0.);
327  fDk.SetXYZ(0., 1., 0.);
329  // CHECK delete this ---
330  if(fVerbose > 0) {
331  cout << "entries " << fSensPositions->GetEntriesFast() << endl;
332  for(int i = 0; i < fSensPositions->GetEntriesFast(); i++) {
333  TVector3 *a = (TVector3*) fSensPositions->At(i);
334  cout << i << endl;
335  if(!a) continue;
336  a->Print();
337  }
338  }
339  // ---
342  fNPositions = nsensors; // * nstations;
343  for(int ipos = 0; ipos < fNPositions; ipos++) {
344  TString hname = "hdist"; hname += ipos;
345  hdist[ipos] = new TH1F(hname, hname, 200, 0, 100);
346  hname += " turn 2";
347  hdist2[ipos] = new TH1F(hname, hname, 200, 0, 100);
348  hname = "hsigma"; hname += ipos;
349  hsigma[ipos] = new TH1F(hname, hname, 200, 0, 20);
350  hname += " turn 2";
351  hsigma2[ipos] = new TH1F(hname, hname, 200, 0, 20);
352  hname = "hchosen"; hname += ipos;
353  hchosen[ipos] = new TH1F(hname, hname, 200, 0, 100);
354  hname += " turn 2";
355  hchosen2[ipos] = new TH1F(hname, hname, 200, 0, 100);
356  hname = "hmcdist"; hname += ipos;
357  hmcdist[ipos] = new TH1F(hname, hname, 200, 0, 100);
358  hname = "hmcx"; hname += ipos;
359  hmcx[ipos] = new TH1F(hname, hname, 200, 0, 100);
360  hname = "hmcy"; hname += ipos;
361  hmcy[ipos] = new TH1F(hname, hname, 200, 0, 100);
363  }
365  // resize hitcounter
366  hitcounter.ResizeTo(fNPositions, 1);
368 }
371 void PndSttMvdGemTracking::Reset(Int_t nhits, Int_t ntracks) {
373  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "******* PndSttMvdGemTracking::Reset *******" << endl;
374  if(fDisplayOn) {
375  char goOnChar;
376  cout << "press any key" << endl;
377  cin >> goOnChar;
378  cout << "GOING ON" << endl;
380  display = new TCanvas("display", "display", 0, 0, 800, 500);
381  display->Divide(3, 2); // fNPositions/2, 2);
382  // GEM
383  int ipos = 0;
384  Int_t nstations = fGemParameters->GetNStations();
385  for(int istat = 0; istat < nstations; istat++) {
386  PndGemStation *station = fGemParameters->GetStation(istat);
387  for(int isens = 0; isens < station->GetNSensors(); isens++) {
388  PndGemSensor *sensor = station->GetSensor(isens);
389  TString iposname = "hipos"; TString ipostitle = "position ";
390  iposname += ipos; ipostitle += ipos;
392  h[ipos] = new TH2F(iposname, ipostitle, 100, -sensor->GetOuterRadius(), sensor->GetOuterRadius(),
393  100, -sensor->GetOuterRadius(), sensor->GetOuterRadius());
394  display->cd(ipos + 1); h[ipos]->Draw();
395  display->Update();
396  display->Modified();
397  ipos++;
398  }
399  }
400  }
402  hitmap.ResizeTo(fNPositions, nhits);
403  distancemap.ResizeTo(ntracks, nhits);
405  notassignedhits.clear();
406  for(int ihit = 0; ihit < nhits; ihit++) {
407  for(int itrk = 0; itrk < ntracks; itrk++) distancemap[itrk][ihit] = -1;
408  notassignedhits.push_back(ihit);
409  }
410  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "not assig " << nhits << " " << notassignedhits.size() << endl;
412  for(int ipos = 0; ipos < fNPositions; ipos++) {
413  towhichplane[ipos] = false;
415  // initialize all to 0
416  hitcounter(ipos, 0) = 0;
418  for(int ihit = 0; ihit < nhits; ihit++) hitmap(ipos, ihit) = -1;
419  }
421  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "npositions/nhits " << fNPositions << " " << nhits << endl;
422  trackvector.clear();
423  usabletracks.clear(); // CHECK 4 PERFORMANCE delete this!
424  trackindexes.clear();
426  // initialize the combimap to all combinatorials
427  fCombiMap.clear();
428  for(int ihit = 0; ihit < nhits; ihit++) fCombiMap[ihit] = 1;
429 }
432  if(nhits == 0) return;
434  // loop on GEM hits to fill hitcounter
435  // and hitmap and be able to order them
436  for(int ihit = 0; ihit < nhits; ihit++) {
437  PndGemHit *hit = (PndGemHit*) fGemHitArray->At(ihit);
438  if(!hit) continue;
439  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "hit "
440  << ihit << " @ "
441  << hit->GetX() << " "
442  << hit->GetY() << " "
443  << hit->GetZ() << " "
444  << hit->GetStationNr() << " "
445  << hit->GetSensorNr() << " "
446  << endl;
448  // translate posindex to index in ordering
449  // 11 ==> 0
450  // 12 ==> 1
451  // ...
452  int posindex = GetPosIndex(hit);
456  fOrderingIterator = find(fOrdering.begin(), fOrdering.end(), posindex);
457  int index = fOrderingIterator - fOrdering.begin();
458  int idx = (int) hitcounter(index, 0);
459  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << posindex << " " << idx << " " << index << endl;
462  if(fDisplayOn) {
463  TMarker *gmrk = new TMarker(hit->GetX(), hit->GetY(), 7);
464  display->cd(index + 1);
465  gmrk->Draw("SAME");
466  display->Update();
467  display->Modified();
468  }
473  hitmap(index, idx) = ihit; // CHECK how to make a TMatrixT of int
474  hitcounter(index, 0)++;
475  // set the corresponding position in towhichplane to true
476  towhichplane[index] = true;
477  }
478  // hitmap.Print();
479  // hitcounter.Print();
481  if(fVerbose > 0) for(int ipos = 0; ipos < fNPositions; ipos++) cout << "pos " << ipos << " " << towhichplane[ipos] << endl; // CHECK delete it
483 }
486 // ----- Public method Exec --------------------------------------------
487 void PndSttMvdGemTracking::Exec(Option_t*) {
488  if(fVerbose > 0) {
489  cout << "==================== EVENT " << evt << endl;
490  cout << "detId " << FairRootManager::Instance()->GetBranchId(fMvdPixelBranchName)
491  << " " << FairRootManager::Instance()->GetBranchId(fMvdStripBranchName)
492  << " " << FairRootManager::Instance()->GetBranchId(fGemBranchName)
493  << " " << FairRootManager::Instance()->GetBranchId(fSttBranchName) << endl;
494  }
497  evt++;
498  fTurn = 1;
499  fCompleteTrackCandArray->Delete();
500  fCompleteTrackArray->Delete();
502  Int_t nhits = fGemHitArray->GetEntriesFast();
503  Int_t ntracks = fTrackArray->GetEntriesFast();
505  if(fVerbose > 0) {
506  cout << "stt + mvd track array " << ntracks << endl;
507  cout << "gem hits " << nhits << endl;
508  }
510  // if(nhits == 0) return; // if there is no GEM hit, there is no need to waste time! CHECK this has to be changed
511  if(ntracks == 0) return; // if there is no track, there is no need to waste time!
512  countsttmvd += ntracks;
514  PndTrack *sttmvd = NULL;
515  PndTrackCand *sttmvdCand = NULL;
516  PndTrackCand *completeCand = NULL;
517  PndTrack *completeTrack = NULL;
519  // RESET all the maps and counters for this event
520  Reset(nhits, ntracks);
522  // Order GEM hits
523  OrderGemHits(nhits);
524  Int_t flag[ntracks];
528  // list of tracks which can/cannot be propagated
529  fProTracks.clear();
532  // loop on the tracks found in mvd + stt ************
533  for (Int_t itrk = 0; itrk < ntracks; itrk++)
534  {
535  fProTracks[itrk] = false;
537  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "----------- TRACK " << itrk << "------------" << endl;
539  flag[itrk] = 0;
540  sttmvd = (PndTrack*) fTrackArray->At(itrk);
541  if (!sttmvd)
542  {
543  cout << "-W- PndSttMvdGemTracking::Exec: Empty PndTrack at " << itrk << endl;
544  continue;
545  }
546  sttmvdCand = sttmvd->GetTrackCandPtr();
547  if (!sttmvdCand)
548  {
549  cout << "-W- PndSttMvdGemTracking::Exec: Empty PndTrackCand at " << itrk << endl;
550  continue;
551  }
553  if(fDisplayOn) {
554  char goOnChar;
555  cout << "press any key" << endl;
556  cin >> goOnChar;
557  cout << "GOING ON, nex track" << endl;
558  }
560  // ------------------------------------------------- CHECK this has to be changed
561  Copy(completeCand, completeTrack, sttmvdCand, sttmvd);
562  trackindexes.push_back(itrk);
563  // -------------------------------------------------
565  if(nhits == 0) { flag[itrk] = -1; continue; } // CHECK
567  // cout << "copied completeCand from sttmvdCand @ " << itrk << " has hits " << completeCand->GetNHits() << endl;
568  //
569  FairTrackParP lastpar = sttmvd->GetParamLast();
570  if(lastpar.GetMomentum().Z() > 999990.) { flag[itrk] = -2; continue; } // CHECK
571  FairTrackParP *gempar = new FairTrackParP();
573  if(fabs(lastpar.GetPosition().X()) > 42. || fabs(lastpar.GetPosition().Y()) > 42.) { flag[itrk] = -3; continue; } // CHECK 4 PERFORMANCE delete this!!!!
574  if(lastpar.GetMomentum().Mag() < 0.15) {
575  if(fVerbose > 0) {
576  cout << "TOO LOW MOMENTUM " << itrk << endl;
577  lastpar.GetPosition().Print();
578  lastpar.GetMomentum().Print();
579  }
580  flag[itrk] = 1;
582  // continue; // CHECK 4 PERFORMANCE delete this!!!!
583  }
585  // last z position
586  // get 1st sensor in 1st station
587  PndGemStation *station = fGemParameters->GetStation(0);
588  PndGemSensor *sensor = station->GetSensor(0);
589  if(lastpar.GetPosition().Z() > sensor->GetZ0()) {
590  if(fVerbose > 0) {
591  cout << "Z OUT OF BOUNDS" << endl;
592  lastpar.GetPosition().Print();
593  lastpar.GetMomentum().Print();
594  }
595  flag[itrk] = 2;
597  // continue; // CHECK 4 PERFORMANCE delete this!!!!
599  }
601  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "SetParameters for track " << itrk << endl;
602  FairTrackParP tmppar = SetStartParameters(sttmvd, sttmvdCand);
604  if (fabs(tmppar.GetMomentum().Z()) < 1.e-5) {
605  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << " CANNOT PROPAGATE because z mom == 0" << endl;
606  flag[itrk] = -7;
607  continue;
608  }
610  // =========== test of prop on 1st plane
611  FairTrackParP *gempartest = new FairTrackParP();
612  if(PropagateToGemPlaneAsHelix(sttmvd, gempartest, 0) == kFALSE) {
613  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << " CANNOT PROPAGATE " << endl;
614  delete gempartest;
615  flag[itrk] = -6;
616  continue;
617  }
619  // ===========
621  int charge = tmppar.GetQ();
622  // fPdgCode = -13 * charge;
623  if(fPdgFromMC) fPdgCode = GetChargeCorrectedPdgFromMC(itrk, charge);
624  else fPdgCode = fDefaultPdgCode * charge;
626 // cout << "START MOM " << lastpar.GetMomentum().Mag() << " " << tmppar.GetMomentum().Mag() << endl;
628  // **************
629  if(fEvaluate) {
630  int mcIndex = sttmvdCand->getMcTrackId();
631  if(mcIndex == -1) {
632  flag[itrk] = -4;
633  if(THROWAWAY) continue;
634  } // CHECK 4 PERFORMANCE delete this!!!!
635  else {
636  // cout << "FROM MC " << mcIndex << endl;
637  PndMCTrack *mctrk = (PndMCTrack*) fMCTrackArray->At(mcIndex);
638  if(mctrk) {
639  // cout << "PDG " << mctrk->GetPdgCode() << " MOTHERID " << mctrk->GetMotherID() << endl;
640  int mccharge = (int) TMath::Sign(1., TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle(mctrk->GetPdgCode())->Charge()/3.);
641  if(mccharge != charge && fVerbose > 0) cout << "WRONG CHARGE " << charge << " " << mccharge << " " << mctrk->GetPdgCode() << endl;
644  if(mctrk->GetMotherID() != -1) {
645  flag[itrk] = -5;
646  if(THROWAWAY) continue;
647  } // CHECK 4 PERFORMANCE delete this!!!!
648  }
649  }
650  // **************
652  usabletracks.push_back(mcIndex); // CHECK 4 PERFORMANCE delete this!!!!
653  }
655  fProTracks[itrk] = true;
657  Int_t closestonfirst = -1;
658  Double_t closestdistance = -1;
659  // loop over the GEM hits from the closest to 0, 0, 0 to the most external
660  // and
661  // propagate to track from mvd + stt to each of them
662  for(int ipos = 0; ipos < fNPositions; ipos++) {
663  // if no hit then continue
664  if(towhichplane[ipos] == false) { countnohitonplane[ipos]++; continue; }
666  // ...else propagate here
667  Bool_t prop = PropagateToGemPlane(&tmppar, gempar, ipos);
668  if(prop == kFALSE) prop = PropagateToGemPlaneAsHelix(sttmvd, gempar, ipos);
670  if (prop == kFALSE) {
671  countprop[fTurn-1][ipos]++;
672  continue; // CHECK (continue or break?)
673  }
674  countplane[ipos]++;
676  // if the propagation was successful ...
677  // assign the hits to track itrk, extrapolated to gempar on ipos
678  std::vector<int> assignedhits = AssignHits(itrk, gempar, ipos);
679  for(size_t ihit = 0; ihit < assignedhits.size(); ihit++) AddHitToTrack(assignedhits[ihit], itrk);
681  if(closestonfirst == -1) closestonfirst = GetClosestOnFirst(gempar, ipos, closestdistance);
683  Double_t covMat[15]; gempar->GetCov(covMat); // CHECK
684  tmppar.SetTrackPar(gempar->GetX(), gempar->GetY(), gempar->GetZ(),
685  gempar->GetPx(), gempar->GetPy(), gempar->GetPz(), gempar->GetQ(),
686  covMat,
687  gempar->GetOrigin(), gempar->GetIVer(), gempar->GetJVer(), gempar->GetKVer());
688  }
690  // use closest on first CHECK with more tracks
691  if(GetHitsAssociatedToTrack(itrk).size() == 0 && closestonfirst != -1) {
692  // cout << "CLOSEST HIT " << closestonfirst << " " << closestdistance << endl;
693  distancemap[itrk][closestonfirst] = closestdistance;
694  AddHitToTrack(closestonfirst, itrk);
695  }
698  }
700  if(nhits == 0) return;
702  if(fVerbose > 0 && CountTracks() != fCompleteTrackCandArray->GetEntriesFast()) cout << "ERROR!!! " << CountTracks() << " " << fCompleteTrackCandArray->GetEntriesFast() << endl;
704  // CLEANUP =================================
705  if(CHECKCOMBI == 1) CheckCombinatorial(nhits, ntracks);
706  ForbidMultiAssignedHits(nhits, ntracks);
707  OnlyOneHitToEachTrack(nhits, ntracks);
708  AddRemainingHits(ntracks);
709  fTurn = 2;
710  Retrack();
713  // CHECK to test
714  if(fVerbose > 0) {
715  cout << "N OF TRACKS " << CountTracks() << endl;
716  for(int i = 0; i < CountTracks(); i++) {
717  int itrk = GetTrackIndex(i);
718  Int_t nofhits = CountHitsInTrack(itrk);
719  cout << "track " << itrk << " has " << nofhits << endl;
720  std::vector<int> hitsoftrack;
721  hitsoftrack = GetHitsAssociatedToTrack(itrk);
722  for(int ihit = 0; ihit < nofhits; ihit++) cout << " " << hitsoftrack[ihit];
723  cout << endl;
724  }
725  }
726  // ----------------------------------
729  PndGemHit *gemhit = NULL;
730  for(Int_t i = 0; i < CountTracks(); i++) {
731  int itrk = GetTrackIndex(i);
732  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << i << " ACTUALLY ASSIGNING TRACK " << itrk << endl;
733  completeCand = (PndTrackCand* ) fCompleteTrackCandArray->At(itrk);
734  std::vector<int> thistrackhits = GetHitsAssociatedToTrack(itrk);
736  for(size_t j = 0; j < thistrackhits.size(); j++) {
737  int ihit = thistrackhits[j];
738  gemhit = (PndGemHit*) fGemHitArray->At(ihit);
739  if(!gemhit) continue;
740  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "ACTUALLY add hit " << ihit << " to track " << itrk << endl;
741  completeCand->AddHit(FairRootManager::Instance()->GetBranchId(fGemBranchName), ihit, gemhit->GetPosition().Mag()); // CHECK rho and kGemHit
743  }
745  completeTrack = (PndTrack*) fCompleteTrackArray->At(itrk);
746  if(fVerbose > 0 && completeTrack->GetRefIndex() != itrk) cout << "************** ERROR ****************" << endl;
747  completeTrack->SetTrackCand(*completeCand);
748  completeTrack->SetFlag(flag[itrk]);
749  // cout << "track " << itrk << " has flag " << flag[itrk] << endl;
750  }
753  // performance
754  if(fEvaluate) EvaluatePerformances(nhits, ntracks);
756 }
759 void PndSttMvdGemTracking::Copy(PndTrackCand *completeCand, PndTrack *completeTrack,
760  PndTrackCand *sttmvdCand, PndTrack *sttmvd) {
762  // ------------------------------------------------- CHECK this has to be changed
763  // completeCand = sttmvdCand; // CHECK!
764  // CHECK ref index, to assign completeCand to sttmvdCand (itrk) URGENT
766  // copy to the complete track (CHECK will be probably changed)
767  TClonesArray& clref = *fCompleteTrackCandArray;
768  Int_t size = clref.GetEntriesFast();
769  completeCand = new(clref[size]) PndTrackCand();
773  completeCand->setMcTrackId(sttmvdCand->getMcTrackId());
775  std::vector<PndTrackCandHit> sttmvdhits = sttmvdCand->GetSortedHits();
776  for(size_t ihit = 0; ihit < sttmvdCand->GetNHits(); ihit++) {
777  completeCand->AddHit(sttmvdCand->GetSortedHit(ihit).GetDetId(),
778  sttmvdCand->GetSortedHit(ihit).GetHitId(),
779  sttmvdCand->GetSortedHit(ihit).GetRho());
782  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "STT + MVD iHit " << sttmvdCand->GetSortedHit(ihit).GetHitId() << " detId " << sttmvdCand->GetSortedHit(ihit).GetDetId() << endl;
784  }
786  TClonesArray& clref2 = *fCompleteTrackArray;
787  Int_t size2 = clref2.GetEntriesFast();
788  completeTrack = new(clref2[size2]) PndTrack(sttmvd->GetParamFirst(),
789  sttmvd->GetParamLast(),
790  *completeCand);
791  completeTrack->SetRefIndex("SttMvdGemTrackCand", size); // CHECK size or size2?
792  completeTrack->SetFlag(sttmvd->GetFlag());
793 }
797  // CHECK
799  for(int itrk = 0; itrk < fCompleteTrackCandArray->GetEntriesFast(); itrk++) {
800  PndTrackCand *completeCand = (PndTrackCand* ) fCompleteTrackCandArray->At(itrk);
801  if(!completeCand) continue;
802  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "complete cand " << itrk << " has nhits " << completeCand->GetNHits() << endl;
804  // UpdateMCTrackId(completeCand);
806  for (size_t ihit = 0; ihit < completeCand->GetNHits(); ihit++) {
807  PndTrackCandHit candhit = completeCand->GetSortedHit(ihit);
808  Int_t iHit = candhit.GetHitId();
809  Int_t detId = candhit.GetDetId();
810  // if(fVerbose != 0) // CHECK
811  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "iHit " << iHit << " detId " << detId << "(" << FairRootManager::Instance()->GetBranchId(fGemBranchName) << ")" << endl;
812  if(detId != FairRootManager::Instance()->GetBranchId(fGemBranchName)) continue;
814  PndGemHit *gemhit = (PndGemHit*) fGemHitArray->At(iHit);
815  if(!gemhit) continue;
817  // only for test.. will be deleted for real events ........CHECK
818  Int_t refIndex = gemhit->GetRefIndex();
819  if(refIndex == -1) {
820  countbad++; // background hit
821  if(fDisplayOn) {
822  TMarker *g2mrkb = new TMarker(gemhit->GetX(), gemhit->GetY(), 30);
823  int posindex = GetPosIndex(gemhit);
824  fOrderingIterator = find(fOrdering.begin(), fOrdering.end(), posindex);
825  int index = fOrderingIterator - fOrdering.begin();
826  display->cd(index + 1);
827  g2mrkb->SetMarkerSize(2);
828  g2mrkb->SetMarkerColor(1);
829  g2mrkb->Draw("SAME");
830  display->Update();
831  display->Modified();
832  }
833  continue;
834  }
837  PndGemMCPoint *gempnt = (PndGemMCPoint*) fGemPointArray->At(refIndex);
839  Int_t mcIndex = gempnt->GetTrackID();
841  if(mcIndex == -1 || completeCand->getMcTrackId() == -1) countdoubt++;
842  else if(mcIndex == completeCand->getMcTrackId()) countgood++;
843  else if (mcIndex != completeCand->getMcTrackId()) countbad++;
845  if(fDisplayOn) {
846  TMarker *g2mrk = new TMarker(gemhit->GetX(), gemhit->GetY(), 30);
848  int posindex = GetPosIndex(gemhit);
850  fOrderingIterator = find(fOrdering.begin(), fOrdering.end(), posindex);
851  int index = fOrderingIterator - fOrdering.begin();
852  display->cd(index + 1);
853  g2mrk->SetMarkerSize(2);
854  if(mcIndex == completeCand->getMcTrackId()) g2mrk->SetMarkerColor(2); // red
855  else if (mcIndex != completeCand->getMcTrackId()) g2mrk->SetMarkerColor(1); // black
856  g2mrk->Draw("SAME");
857  display->Update();
858  display->Modified();
859  }
861  }
862  }
864  std::vector<int> recoTrack;
865  // the left hits have not been assigned
866  for(int itrk = 0; itrk < ntracks; itrk++) {
867  PndTrackCand *completeCand = (PndTrackCand* ) fCompleteTrackCandArray->At(itrk);
868  if(!completeCand) continue;
869  recoTrack.push_back(completeCand->getMcTrackId());
870  }
872  for(int ihit = 0; ihit < nhits; ihit++) {
873  PndGemHit *gemhit = (PndGemHit*) fGemHitArray->At(ihit);
874  if(!gemhit) continue;
875  Int_t refIndex = gemhit->GetRefIndex();
876  if(refIndex == -1) continue;
877  PndGemMCPoint *gempnt = (PndGemMCPoint*) fGemPointArray->At(refIndex);
878  if(!gempnt) continue;
880  Int_t mcIndex = gempnt->GetTrackID();
881  if(mcIndex == -1) continue; // CHECK THIS
882  std::vector<int>::iterator recoTrackIter;
883  recoTrackIter = find(recoTrack.begin(), recoTrack.end(), mcIndex);
884  Int_t where= recoTrackIter - recoTrack.begin();
886  // take only real hits: no combinatories CHECK
887  std::vector<int> truepoints;
888  if(fabs(gempnt->GetX() - gemhit->GetX()) < 1 && // CHECK if 1 is ok as distance mcpoint to hit
889  fabs(gempnt->GetY() - gemhit->GetY()) < 1) {
890  std::vector<int>::iterator iter;
891  iter = find(truepoints.begin(), truepoints.end(), refIndex);
892  Int_t where2 = iter - truepoints.begin();
895  // CHECK 4 PERFORMACE delete these .....
896  std::vector<int>::iterator iter3;
897  iter3 = find(usabletracks.begin(), usabletracks.end(), mcIndex);
898  Int_t where3 = iter3 - usabletracks.begin();
899  if(where != (int)recoTrack.size() && where2 == (int)truepoints.size() && where3 != (int)usabletracks.size()) {
900  // .............. and uncomment this
901  // if(where != recoTrack.size() && where2 == truepoints.size()) {
904  truepoints.push_back(refIndex);
906  if(fDisplayOn) {
907  int posindex = GetPosIndex(gemhit);
908  fOrderingIterator = find(fOrdering.begin(), fOrdering.end(), posindex);
909  int ipos = fOrderingIterator - fOrdering.begin();
911  TMarker *gpntmrk = new TMarker(gempnt->GetX(), gempnt->GetY(), 7);
912  gpntmrk->SetMarkerColor(5); //
913  display->cd(1 + ipos);
914  gpntmrk->Draw("SAME");
915  display->Update();
916  display->Modified();
917  }
918  }
919  }
921  if(where != (int)recoTrack.size()) countreconstructablehit++; // if the hit is found
923  if(GetTracksAssociatedToHit(ihit).size() != 0) continue;
924  PndMCTrack *mctrk = (PndMCTrack*) fMCTrackArray->At(mcIndex);
925  if(!mctrk) continue;
926  if(mctrk->GetMotherID() == -1) countprinotassigned++;
927  else countsecnotassigned++;
928  }
930  for(size_t i = 0; i < notassignedhits.size(); i++) {
931  if(fVerbose != 0) cout << "hit " << notassignedhits[i] << "NOT ASSIGNED" << endl;
932  }
938  // draw ALL the MC points
939  for(int ipnt = 0; ipnt < fGemPointArray->GetEntriesFast(); ipnt++) {
941  if(!pnt) continue;
942  double x0 = pnt->GetX();
943  double y0 = pnt->GetY();
944  double z0 = pnt->GetZ();
945  int ipos = -1;
946  if(fDisplayOn) { // CHECK
947  if(z0 < 116.5) ipos = 0;
948  else if(z0 < 118.) ipos = 1;
949  else if(z0 < 152.4) ipos = 2;
950  else if(z0 < 154) ipos = 3;
951  else if(z0 < 188.4) ipos = 4;
952  else if(z0 < 190) ipos = 5;
954  cout << "MC POINT " << x0 << " " << y0 << " " << z0 << " " << pnt->GetTrackID() << endl;
956  TMarker *gpntmrk = new TMarker(x0, y0, 3);
957  gpntmrk->SetMarkerColor(7); //
958  display->cd(1 + ipos);
959  // cout << "DRAWING" << endl;
960  gpntmrk->Draw("SAME");
961  display->Update();
962  display->Modified();
963  }
964  }
966  if(fVerbose > 0) {
967  cout << "SUMMARY OF EVENT" << endl;
968  cout << "mvd + stt tracks " << fTrackArray->GetEntriesFast() << endl;
969  cout << "gem hits " << fGemHitArray->GetEntriesFast() << endl;
970  cout << "complete track cands " << fCompleteTrackCandArray->GetEntriesFast() << endl;
971  }
972  cout << "COUNTERS " << countgood << " " << countbad << " " << countdoubt << " "
975  cout << "STTMVD " << countsttmvd << " of which usable " << countsttmvdusable << endl;
977  cout << "planes: ";
978  for(int iplane = 0; iplane < 8; iplane++) cout << countplane[iplane] << " ";
979  cout << endl;
980  cout << "nohit on plane: ";
981  for(int iplane = 0; iplane < 8; iplane++) cout << countnohitonplane[iplane] << " ";
982  cout << endl;
983  cout << "prop 1 turn: ";
984  for(int iplane = 0; iplane < 8; iplane++) cout << countprop[0][iplane] << " ";
985  cout << endl;
986  cout << "prop 2 turn: ";
987  for(int iplane = 0; iplane < 8; iplane++) cout << countprop[1][iplane] << " ";
988  cout << endl;
990 }
992 Bool_t PndSttMvdGemTracking::PropagateToGemPlane(FairTrackParP *tmppar, FairTrackParP *gempar, Int_t ipos) {
994  TVector3 *sensorpos = (TVector3*) fSensPositions->At(ipos);
995  TVector3 dj = tmppar->GetJVer();
996  TVector3 dk = tmppar->GetKVer();
997  fPro->PropagateFromPlane(dj, dk);
998 // fPro->PropagateFromPlane(fDj, fDk);
999  fPro->PropagateToPlane(*sensorpos, fDj, fDk);
1001  if(fVerbose > 0) {
1002  cout << "propagation from " << endl;
1003  tmppar->GetPosition().Print();
1004  tmppar->GetMomentum().Print();
1005  }
1007  // last z position
1008  // get 1st sensor in 1st station
1009  //PndGemStation *station = fGemParameters->GetStation(0); //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
1010  //PndGemSensor *sensor = station->GetSensor(0); //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
1011  if(tmppar->GetPosition().Z() > sensorpos->Z()) {
1012  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "-> Z OUT OF BOUNDS: backpropagation" << endl;
1013  fPro->setBackProp();
1014  }
1017  Bool_t prop = fPro->Propagate(tmppar, gempar, fPdgCode);
1018  if(fVerbose > 0) {
1019  cout << "propagation to " << prop << endl;
1020  gempar->GetPosition().Print();
1021  gempar->GetMomentum().Print();
1022  }
1023  return prop;
1024 }
1026 // CHECK :-)GOOD!
1029  TVector3 *sensorpos = (TVector3*) fSensPositions->At(ipos);
1030  Double_t z = sensorpos->Z();
1032  Double_t xc, yc, radius, fitm, fitp;
1033  GetInitialParams(sttmvd, xc, yc, radius, fitm, fitp);
1034  Int_t charge = sttmvd->GetParamFirst().GetQ();
1036  // z = fitp + scos * fitm
1037  if(fitm == 0) return kFALSE;
1038  Double_t scos = (z - fitp) / fitm; // CHECK :-)GOOD!
1039  double Fi = - charge * scos / radius; // CHECK :-)GOOD!
1040  // cout << "z1 " << z << " " << scos << " " << fitm << " " << fitp << endl;
1042  // x0 y0
1043  Double_t d = TMath::Sqrt(xc * xc + yc * yc) - radius;
1044  Double_t phi = TMath::ATan2(yc, xc);
1046  Double_t x0 = d * TMath::Cos(phi);
1047  Double_t y0 = d * TMath::Sin(phi);
1048  Double_t Phi0 = TMath::ATan2((y0 - yc),(x0 - xc));
1050  Double_t x = x0 + radius * (TMath::Cos(Phi0 + Fi) - TMath::Cos(Phi0));
1051  Double_t y = y0 + radius * (TMath::Sin(Phi0 + Fi) - TMath::Sin(Phi0));
1053  // ---
1054  // count sensors and stations and fill the sensor positions
1055  Int_t nstations = fGemParameters->GetNStations();
1056  Int_t nsensors = 0;
1057  double sens_rad = -1;
1058  Int_t posindex = 0;
1059  for(int istat = 0; istat < nstations; istat++) {
1060  PndGemStation *station = fGemParameters->GetStation(istat);
1061  for(int isens = 0; isens < station->GetNSensors(); isens++) {
1062  PndGemSensor *sensor = station->GetSensor(isens);
1063  nsensors++;
1064  posindex = (istat + 1) * 10 + (isens + 1);
1065  fOrderingIterator = find(fOrdering.begin(), fOrdering.end(), posindex);
1066  int jpos = fOrderingIterator - fOrdering.begin();
1067  if(ipos == jpos) {
1068  sens_rad = sensor->GetOuterRadius();
1069  break;
1070  }
1071  }
1072  }
1073  if(fabs(x) > sens_rad || fabs(y) > sens_rad) {
1074  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "OUT OF SENSOR " << x << " " << y << " " << sens_rad << endl;
1075  return kFALSE;
1076  }
1078  // ---
1080  TVector2 v(x0 - xc, y0 - yc);
1081  Double_t alpha = TMath::ATan2(y - y0 + radius * TMath::Sin(Phi0), x - x0 + radius * TMath::Cos(Phi0));
1082  TVector2 p(x - xc, y - yc);
1083  Fi = CalculatePhi(v, p, alpha, Phi0, charge);
1084  scos = - charge * Fi * radius; // CHECK :-)GOOD!
1085  z = fitm * scos + fitp; // CHECK
1087  // cout << "z2 " << z << " " << scos << " " << fitm << " " << fitp << endl;
1089  double versor[2];
1090  versor[0] = xc - x;
1091  versor[1] = yc - y;
1093  Double_t Distance = TMath::Sqrt(versor[0] * versor[0] + versor[1] * versor[1]);
1094  versor[0] /= Distance;
1095  versor[1] /= Distance;
1097  double px = - charge * radius * 0.006 * versor[1];
1098  double py = charge * radius * 0.006 * versor[0];
1099  double pz = TMath::Sqrt(px * px + py * py) * fitm; // CHECK ?
1101  // error approx
1102  Double_t covMat[15];
1103  sttmvd->GetParamLast().GetCov(covMat); // CHECK it is not propagated
1105  gempar->SetTrackPar(x, y, z,
1106  px, py, pz,
1107  charge,
1108  covMat,
1109  *sensorpos, fDj.Cross(fDk), fDj, fDk);
1112 // cout << "x0, y0 " << x0 << " " << y0 << endl;
1113 // cout << "x y z px py pz " << endl;
1114 // cout << x << " " << y << " " << z << endl;
1115 // cout << px << " " << py << " " << pz << endl;
1118  return kTRUE;
1119 }
1121 // assign each it to at most one track! CHECK CHECK CHECK
1122 void PndSttMvdGemTracking::ForbidMultiAssignedHits(Int_t nhits, Int_t ) // ntracks //[R.K.03/2017] unused variable(s)
1123 {
1124  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "FORBID MULTI ASSIGNED HITS : DELETING HITS" << endl;
1125  // ... use distancemap[itrk][ihit]
1126  for(int ihit = 0; ihit < nhits; ihit++) {
1127  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "hit " << ihit << " associated to " << GetTracksAssociatedToHit(ihit).size() << " tracks" << endl;
1128  // if it is assigned to no track (0) or one track (1) we are done
1129  if(GetTracksAssociatedToHit(ihit).size() <= 1) continue;
1131  // else pick the right track
1132  Double_t tmpdistance = 1000; // CHECK set this to maxdistance
1133  Int_t trkcounter = 0;
1134  Int_t tmptrack = -1;
1136  int tracksassociated = GetTracksAssociatedToHit(ihit).size();
1138  // loop over the tracks
1139  for(int jtrk = 0; jtrk < tracksassociated; jtrk++) {
1140  Int_t itrk = GetTracksAssociatedToHit(ihit)[trkcounter];
1141  // cout << "track " << itrk << " distant " << distancemap[itrk][ihit] << " is " << trkcounter << endl;
1142  trkcounter++;
1143  if(distancemap[itrk][ihit] < tmpdistance) { // ... substitute this trk to tmp trk
1144  if(tmptrack != -1) {
1145  DeleteHitFromTrack(ihit, tmptrack);
1146  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "hit " << ihit << " deleted from track " << tmptrack << endl;
1147  trkcounter--;
1148  }
1149  tmpdistance = distancemap[itrk][ihit];
1150  tmptrack = itrk;
1151  }
1152  else { // ... remove this hit definitively
1153  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "hit " << ihit << " deleted from track " << itrk << endl;
1154  DeleteHitFromTrack(ihit, itrk);
1155  trkcounter--;
1156  }
1157  }
1158  }
1159 }
1161 // assign to each track ONLY one hit on each gem plane! CHECK CHECK CHECK
1162 void PndSttMvdGemTracking::OnlyOneHitToEachTrack(Int_t , Int_t ) //nhits ntracks//[R.K.03/2017] unused variable(s)
1163 {
1164  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "ONLY ONE HIT FOR EACH TRACK : DELETING HITS" << endl;
1166  for(Int_t i = 0; i < CountTracks(); i++) {
1167  int itrk = GetTrackIndex(i);
1168  if(fProTracks[itrk] == false) continue;
1169  std::vector<int> thistrackhits = GetHitsAssociatedToTrack(itrk);
1171  std::vector<double> tmpposdistance; // CHECK needs init?
1172  std::vector<int> tmpposhitindex; // CHECK needs init?
1174  for(Int_t ipos = 0; ipos < fNPositions; ipos++) {
1175  tmpposdistance.push_back(-1);
1176  tmpposhitindex.push_back(-1);
1177  }
1179  for(size_t j = 0; j < thistrackhits.size(); j++) {
1180  int ihit = thistrackhits[j];
1182  PndGemHit *gemhit = (PndGemHit*) fGemHitArray->At(ihit);
1183  if(!gemhit) continue;
1185  int posindex = GetPosIndex(gemhit);
1187  fOrderingIterator = find(fOrdering.begin(), fOrdering.end(), posindex);
1188  int index = fOrderingIterator - fOrdering.begin();
1190  if(tmpposdistance[index] == -1){
1191  tmpposdistance[index] = distancemap[itrk][ihit]; // CHECK
1192  tmpposhitindex[index] = ihit;
1193  }
1194  else {
1195  // if more than one hit on the same plane
1196  // is assigned to the same track, choose!
1197  if(fVerbose > 0){
1198  cout << "hit " << ihit << " and " << tmpposhitindex[index] << " on the same plane" << endl;
1199  cout << "distance " << ihit << " " << distancemap[itrk][ihit] << endl;
1200  cout << "distance " << tmpposhitindex[index] << " " << tmpposdistance[index] << endl;
1201  }
1202  // if this distance is better...
1203  if(distancemap[itrk][ihit] < tmpposdistance[index]) {
1204  // ... delete the old hit and...
1205  DeleteHitFromTrack(tmpposhitindex[index], itrk); // CHECK
1206  // ... update
1207  tmpposdistance[index] = distancemap[itrk][ihit]; // CHECK
1208  tmpposhitindex[index] = ihit;
1209  }
1210  else {
1211  // otherwise, delete this hit!
1212  DeleteHitFromTrack(ihit, itrk);
1213  }
1214  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << tmpposhitindex[index] << " wins" << endl;
1216  }
1217  }
1218  }
1219 }
1223  // probably this was wrong
1224 // int counter = -1;
1225 // int tmptrack = -1;
1226 // std::vector< std::pair<int, int> >::iterator iter;
1227 // for(iter = trackvector.begin(); iter != trackvector.end(); iter++) {
1228 // std::pair<int, int> thispair = *iter;
1229 // if(thispair.first != tmptrack) {
1230 // tmptrack = thispair.first;
1231 // counter++;
1232 // cout << i << " " << counter << " " << tmptrack << " " << trackvector[i].first << endl;
1233 // if(counter == i) { cout << "TRACK INDEX " << tmptrack << endl; return tmptrack; }
1234 // }
1235 // }
1237  if(i < (int)trackindexes.size()) return trackindexes[i];
1238  cout << "PndSttMvdGemTracking::GetTrackIndex " << i << " Out Of Bounds" << endl;
1239  return -1;
1240 }
1243 Int_t PndSttMvdGemTracking::GetHitIndex(int i) { // CHECK THIS HAS TO BE TESTED!!
1244  int counter = -1;
1245  int tmphit = -1;
1246  std::vector< std::pair<int, int> >::iterator iter;
1247  for(iter = trackvector.begin(); iter != trackvector.end(); iter++) {
1248  std::pair<int, int> thispair = *iter;
1249  if(thispair.second != tmphit) {
1250  tmphit = thispair.second;
1251  counter++;
1252  // cout << i << " " << counter << " " << tmphit << " " << trackvector[i].second << endl;
1253  if(counter == i) return tmphit;
1254  }
1255  }
1256  cout << "PndSttMvdGemTracking::GetTrackIndex " << i << " Out Of Bounds" << endl;
1257  return -1;
1258 }
1261  // probably this was wrong
1262  // int counter = 0;
1263 // std::vector< std::pair<int, int> >::iterator iter;
1264 // std::vector<int> counttracks;
1265 // std::vector<int>::iterator iter2;
1266 // for(iter = trackvector.begin(); iter != trackvector.end(); iter++) {
1267 // std::pair<int, int> thispair = *iter;
1268 // iter2 = find(counttracks.begin(), counttracks.end(), thispair.first);
1269 // Int_t where = iter2 - counttracks.begin();
1270 // if(where == counttracks.size()) {
1271 // counter++;
1272 // counttracks.push_back(thispair.first);
1273 // }
1274 // }
1275 // return counter;
1277  return trackindexes.size();
1278 }
1282  int counter = 0;
1283  std::vector< std::pair<int, int> >::iterator iter;
1284  for(iter = trackvector.begin(); iter != trackvector.end(); iter++) {
1285  std::pair<int, int> thispair = *iter;
1286  if(thispair.first == itrk) counter++;
1287  }
1288  if(fVerbose > 0) std::cout << "track " << itrk << " has " << counter << " hits" << std::endl;
1289  return counter;
1290 }
1292 void PndSttMvdGemTracking::AddHitToTrack(Int_t ihit, Int_t itrk) {
1293  std::pair<int, int> thispair(itrk, ihit);
1294  trackvector.push_back(thispair);
1295  std::vector<int>::iterator iter;
1296  iter = std::find(notassignedhits.begin(), notassignedhits.end(), ihit);
1297  int where = iter - notassignedhits.begin();
1298  if(where != (int)notassignedhits.size()) notassignedhits.erase(iter); // remove from not assigned list
1299  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "ADD HIT " << ihit << " TO TRK " << itrk << endl;
1300 }
1303 void PndSttMvdGemTracking::DeleteHitFromTrack(Int_t ihit, Int_t itrk) {
1304  std::pair<int, int> thispair(itrk, ihit);
1305  std::vector< std::pair<int, int> >::iterator iter;
1306  iter = std::find(trackvector.begin(), trackvector.end(), thispair);
1307  int where = iter - trackvector.begin();
1308  if(fVerbose != 0) std::cout << "where " << where << std::endl;
1309  trackvector.erase(iter);
1310  std::vector<int>::iterator iter2;
1311  iter2 = std::find(notassignedhits.begin(), notassignedhits.end(), ihit);
1312  int where2 = iter2 - notassignedhits.begin();
1313  if(where2 != (int)notassignedhits.size()) notassignedhits.push_back(ihit); // put it in not assigned list
1314  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "DELETE HIT " << ihit << " FROM TRK " << itrk << endl;
1316 }
1319  // which track/s does hit # belong to
1320  std::vector<int> thishittracks;
1321  std::vector< std::pair<int, int> >::iterator iter;
1322  for(iter = trackvector.begin(); iter != trackvector.end(); iter++) {
1323  std::pair<int, int> thispair = *iter;
1324  if(thispair.second == ihit) thishittracks.push_back(thispair.first);
1325  }
1326  if(fVerbose != 0) {
1327  std::cout << "hit " << ihit << " belongs to " << thishittracks.size() << " tracks: " ;
1328  for(size_t j = 0; j < thishittracks.size(); j++) std::cout << thishittracks[j] << " ";
1329  std::cout << std::endl;
1330  }
1331  return thishittracks;
1332 }
1335  std::vector<int> thistrackhits;
1336  std::vector< std::pair<int, int> >::iterator iter;
1337  for(iter = trackvector.begin(); iter != trackvector.end(); iter++) {
1338  std::pair<int, int> thispair = *iter;
1339  if(thispair.first == itrk) thistrackhits.push_back(thispair.second);
1340  }
1341  if(fVerbose != 0) {
1342  std::cout << "track " << itrk << " has " << thistrackhits.size() << " hits: " ;
1343  for(size_t j = 0; j < thistrackhits.size(); j++) std::cout << thistrackhits[j] << " ";
1344  std::cout << std::endl;
1345  }
1346  return thistrackhits;
1347 }
1349 std::vector<int> PndSttMvdGemTracking::GetHitsAssociatedToTrackOnPlane(Int_t itrk, Int_t ipos) {
1350  // cout << "GetHitsAssociatedToTrackOnPlane " << itrk << " " << ipos << endl;
1351  int hitonsensor = (int) hitcounter(ipos, 0);
1352  std::vector<int> thistrackhitsonplane = GetHitsAssociatedToTrack(itrk);
1353  // cout << "total associated hits " << thistrackhitsonplane.size() << endl;
1354  std::vector<int>::iterator iter;
1355  for(iter = thistrackhitsonplane.begin(); iter != thistrackhitsonplane.end(); iter++) {
1356  Int_t ihit = *iter;
1357  // cout << "loop on " << hitonsensor << " hits" << endl;
1358  Bool_t hitfound = kFALSE;
1359  for(int jhit = 0; jhit < hitonsensor; jhit++) {
1360  Int_t hitindex = (int) hitmap(ipos, jhit);
1361  // cout << "ihit: ipos, jhit, hitmap " << ihit << " " << ipos << " " << jhit << " " << hitindex << endl;
1362  if(hitindex == ihit) hitfound = kTRUE;
1363  }
1364  if(hitfound == kFALSE) {
1365  // cout << "erase " << ihit << endl;
1366  thistrackhitsonplane.erase(iter);
1367  iter--;
1368  }
1369  }
1370  return thistrackhitsonplane;
1371 }
1376  int istat = hit->GetStationNr();
1377  int isens = hit->GetSensorNr();
1379  // translate posindex to index in ordering
1380  // 11 ==> 0
1381  // 12 ==> 1
1382  // ...
1383  int posindex = istat * 10 + isens;
1385  // CHECK delete this, works only for ideal GEM hit prod *********
1386  if(IDEAL == true) {
1387  if(hit->GetZ() < 117) posindex = 11;
1388  else if(hit->GetZ() < 118) posindex = 12;
1389  else if(hit->GetZ() < 153) posindex = 21;
1390  else if(hit->GetZ() < 154) posindex = 22;
1391  else if(hit->GetZ() < 189) posindex = 31;
1392  else if(hit->GetZ() < 190) posindex = 32;
1393  }
1394  // *****************************************************************
1396  return posindex;
1397 }
1400 void PndSttMvdGemTracking::AddRemainingHits(Int_t ) { // ntracks //[R.K.03/2017] unused variable(s)
1402  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "ADD REMAINING HITS to " << CountTracks() << " tracks " << endl;
1404  for(Int_t k = 0; k < CountTracks(); k++) {
1405  int itrk = GetTrackIndex(k);
1406  if(fProTracks[itrk] == false) continue;
1407  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << k << " ITRK " << itrk << endl;
1409  std::vector<int> hitvector = GetHitsAssociatedToTrack(itrk);
1410  Int_t nhitinthistrack = hitvector.size();
1412  // if all the positions are filled then continue
1413  if(nhitinthistrack == fNPositions) { if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "all pos filled" << endl; continue; }
1415  // create a vector of all the positions and
1416  // initialize it as all full
1417  std::vector<int> missingpositions;
1418  for(int ipos = 0; ipos < fNPositions; ipos++) missingpositions.push_back(ipos);
1420  // run over the track hits and delete from
1421  // the list the positions already filled
1422  std::vector<int>::iterator iter;
1423  for(size_t i = 0; i < hitvector.size(); i++) {
1424  PndGemHit *gemhit =(PndGemHit*) fGemHitArray->At(hitvector[i]);
1425  if(!gemhit) continue;
1427  fOrderingIterator = find(fOrdering.begin(), fOrdering.end(), GetPosIndex(gemhit));
1428  int ipos = fOrderingIterator - fOrdering.begin();
1429  iter = std::find(missingpositions.begin(), missingpositions.end(), ipos);
1430  Int_t where = iter - missingpositions.begin();
1431  if(where != (int)missingpositions.size()) {
1432  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "here" << endl; // CHECK delete it
1433  missingpositions.erase(iter);
1434  }
1435  }
1437  // for each missing pos check
1438  // whether there are hits there
1439  // or not
1440  for(size_t i = 0; i < missingpositions.size(); i++) {
1441  Int_t ipos = missingpositions[i];
1442  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "missing position " << ipos << endl;
1443  // if there are not hits continue
1444  if(towhichplane[ipos] == false) continue;
1446  // if there are, run over them and pick the closest
1447  // if it is below limit distance
1448  Double_t tmpdist = 1000;
1449  Int_t tmphitindex = -1;
1450  for(Int_t ihit = 0; ihit < hitcounter(ipos, 0); ihit++) {
1451  int hitindex = (int) hitmap(ipos, ihit);
1452  if(GetTracksAssociatedToHit(hitindex).size() != 0) continue;
1453  PndGemHit *gemhit = (PndGemHit*) fGemHitArray->At(hitindex);
1454  if(!gemhit) continue;
1455  if(CHECKCOMBI > 0) if(fCombiMap[hitindex] != 0) continue;
1456  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "distance " << distancemap[itrk][hitindex] << endl;
1457  if(distancemap[itrk][hitindex] == -1) continue;
1458  if(distancemap[itrk][hitindex] < tmpdist) {
1459  tmpdist = distancemap[itrk][hitindex];
1460  tmphitindex = hitindex;
1461  }
1462  }
1463  if(tmphitindex != -1) {
1464  AddHitToTrack(tmphitindex, itrk);
1465  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "ADDED " << tmphitindex << " TO TRK " << itrk << " at distance " << tmpdist << endl;
1466  }
1467  }
1468  }
1470 }
1474  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "RETRACKING" << endl;
1476  for(Int_t k = 0; k < CountTracks(); k++) {
1477  int itrk = GetTrackIndex(k);
1478  if(fProTracks[itrk] == false) continue;
1480  std::vector<int> alreadyassociatedhits = GetHitsAssociatedToTrack(itrk);
1481  if(fVerbose > 0) {
1482  cout << "TRK " << itrk << " has hits ";
1483  for(size_t ihit = 0; ihit < alreadyassociatedhits.size(); ihit++) cout << " " << alreadyassociatedhits[ihit];
1484  cout << endl;
1485  }
1487  std::vector<int> hitvector = GetHitsAssociatedToTrack(itrk);
1488  //Int_t nhitinthistrack = hitvector.size(); //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
1490  PndTrack* completeTrack = (PndTrack*) fCompleteTrackArray->At(itrk);
1491  if(!completeTrack) continue;
1493  // parameters on last stt
1494  FairTrackParP par = completeTrack->GetParamLast();
1496  FairTrackParP *gempar = new FairTrackParP();
1498  FairTrackParP tmppar = SetStartParameters(completeTrack, completeTrack->GetTrackCandPtr());
1500  for(int ipos = 0; ipos < fNPositions; ipos++) {
1501  // if no hit then continue
1502  if(towhichplane[ipos] == false) continue;
1503  std::vector<int> alreadyassociatedhitsonplane = GetHitsAssociatedToTrackOnPlane(itrk, ipos);
1504  if(alreadyassociatedhitsonplane.size() > 1) cout << "ERROR!! more than 1 hit on a plane assigned! " << alreadyassociatedhitsonplane.size() << endl; // CHECK delete this
1506  // ...else propagate here
1507  Bool_t prop = PropagateToGemPlane(&tmppar, gempar, ipos);
1509  if (prop == kFALSE) {
1510  countprop[fTurn-1][ipos]++;
1511  continue; // CHECK (continue or break?)
1512  }
1515  // cout << "propagation successful" << endl;
1517  // if the propagation was successful ...
1518  // assign the hits to track itrk, extrapolated to gempar on ipos
1519  std::vector<int> assignedhits = AssignHits(itrk, gempar, ipos);
1521  // cout << "on plane " << ipos << " there are " << assignedhits.size() << "(there were " << alreadyassociatedhitsonplane.size() << ")" << endl;
1522  // if there is no associated hit, continue
1523  if(assignedhits.size() == 0) {
1524  // if there was no hit associated before,
1525  // continue, since no kalman is possible
1526  if(alreadyassociatedhitsonplane.size() == 0) continue;
1527  else { // if there was a hit, delete it!
1528  int oldhit = alreadyassociatedhitsonplane[0];
1529  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "delete old hit " << oldhit << endl;
1530  DeleteHitFromTrack(oldhit, itrk);
1531  continue;
1532  }
1533  }
1535  // if there is more than one hit, take the
1536  // minimum distance
1537  if(assignedhits.size() > 1) {
1539  std::vector<int>::iterator iter;
1540  Int_t tmphit = -1;
1541  Double_t tmpdistance = 1000;
1543  // loop over the hits
1544  for(iter = assignedhits.begin(); iter != assignedhits.end(); iter++) {
1545  std::vector<int>::iterator iter2;
1546  Int_t ihit = *iter;
1547  if(CHECKCOMBI > 0 && fCombiMap[ihit] != 0) { assignedhits.erase(iter); iter--; continue; }
1548  if(distancemap[itrk][ihit] < tmpdistance) {
1549  iter2 = std::find(assignedhits.begin(), assignedhits.end(), tmphit);
1550  int where = iter2 - assignedhits.begin();
1551  if(where != (int)assignedhits.size()) {
1552  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "deleting old " << *iter2 << endl;
1553  assignedhits.erase(iter2); // remove from assigned list
1554  iter--;
1555  }
1556  tmpdistance = distancemap[itrk][ihit];
1557  tmphit = ihit;
1558  }
1559  else {
1560  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "deleting new " << *iter << endl;
1561  assignedhits.erase(iter); // remove from assigned list
1562  iter--;
1563  }
1564  }
1565  }
1566  if(assignedhits.size() > 1) cout << "ERROR!! still more than 1 hit assigned!" << endl; // CHECK delete this
1568  // now we have only one hit assigned:
1569  // is it the one already assigned?
1570  std::vector<int>::iterator iter;
1571  iter = std::find(alreadyassociatedhits.begin(), alreadyassociatedhits.end(), assignedhits[0]);
1572  int where = iter - alreadyassociatedhits.begin();
1574  // if not...
1575  if(where == (int)alreadyassociatedhits.size()) {
1576  // if there was a previosly assigned hit
1577  // here, then make the substitution
1578  if(alreadyassociatedhitsonplane.size() > 0) {
1579  // there is only one hit on this plane
1580  int oldhit = alreadyassociatedhitsonplane[0];
1581  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "deleting old hit2 " << oldhit << endl;
1582  DeleteHitFromTrack(oldhit, itrk);
1583  }
1584  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "adding " << assignedhits[0] << " to track " << itrk << endl;
1585  AddHitToTrack(assignedhits[0], itrk);
1586  }
1588  if(GetHitsAssociatedToTrackOnPlane(itrk, ipos).size() == 0) continue;
1589  // retrieve hit
1590  Int_t finalhit = GetHitsAssociatedToTrackOnPlane(itrk, ipos)[0];
1592  PndGemHit *gemhit = (PndGemHit*) fGemHitArray->At(finalhit);
1593  if(!gemhit) continue;
1595  // kalman filter ----------------------
1597  // extrapolated point
1598  TMatrixT<double> extrap(5, 1);
1599  extrap[0][0] = gempar->GetQp();
1600  extrap[1][0] = gempar->GetTV();
1601  extrap[2][0] = gempar->GetTW();
1602  extrap[3][0] = gempar->GetV();
1603  extrap[4][0] = gempar->GetW();
1605  TMatrixT<double> extrap_cov(5, 5);
1606  Double_t covMat[15], covMat55[5][5];
1607  gempar->GetCov(covMat); // CHECK
1608  FairGeaneUtil util;
1609  util.FromVec15ToMat25(covMat, covMat55);
1610  for(int icov = 0; icov < 5; icov++) for(int jcov = 0; jcov < 5; jcov++) extrap_cov(icov, jcov) = covMat55[icov][jcov];
1612  // measurement matrix
1613  TMatrixT<double> H(2, 5);
1614  H[0][0] = 0.;
1615  H[0][1] = 0.;
1616  H[0][2] = 0.;
1617  H[0][3] = 1.;
1618  H[0][4] = 0.;
1620  H[1][0] = 0.;
1621  H[1][1] = 0.;
1622  H[1][2] = 0.;
1623  H[1][3] = 0.;
1624  H[1][4] = 1.;
1626  TMatrixT<double> measurement(2, 1);
1627  measurement[0][0] = gemhit->GetX();
1628  measurement[1][0] = gemhit->GetY();
1630  Double_t phi = TMath::ATan2(gemhit->GetY(), gemhit->GetX());
1631  Double_t sinp = TMath::Sin(phi);
1632  Double_t cosp = TMath::Cos(phi);
1633  //Double_t raddist = gemhit->GetPosition().Perp(); //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
1634  Double_t dR, dP;
1635  if(IDEAL == true) {
1636  dR = 0.01;
1637  dP = 0.08;
1638  }
1639  else {
1640  dR = gemhit->GetDr();
1641  dP = gemhit->GetDp();
1642  }
1643  Double_t dPhi = dP; // / raddist;
1644  Double_t errx = TMath::Sqrt(cosp * cosp * dR * dR + sinp * sinp * dPhi * dPhi);
1645  Double_t erry = TMath::Sqrt(sinp * sinp * dR * dR + cosp * cosp * dPhi * dPhi);
1647  // CHECK covariances??
1648  TMatrixT<double> measurement_cov(2, 2);
1649  measurement_cov[0][0] = errx * errx;
1650  measurement_cov[1][1] = erry * erry;
1652  TMatrixT<double> kalman(5, 1);
1653  TMatrixT<double> kalman_cov(5, 5);
1655  // kalman
1656  Kalman(extrap, measurement, H, extrap_cov, measurement_cov, kalman, kalman_cov);
1658  Double_t kalmanCov15[15], kalmanCov55[5][5];
1659  for(int icov = 0; icov < 5; icov++) for(int jcov = 0; jcov < 5; jcov++) kalmanCov55[icov][jcov] = kalman_cov(icov, jcov);
1660  util.FromMat25ToVec15(kalmanCov55, kalmanCov15);
1662  tmppar.SetTrackPar(kalman[3][0], kalman[4][0],
1663  kalman[1][0], kalman[2][0], kalman[0][0],
1664  // covMat,
1665  kalmanCov15, // CHECK NOW
1666  gempar->GetOrigin(), gempar->GetIVer(), gempar->GetJVer(), gempar->GetKVer(),
1667  gempar->GetSPU()); // CHECK recalculate spu
1670  }
1671  }
1672 }
1675 Double_t PndSttMvdGemTracking::IsAssignable(FairTrackParP *gempar, PndGemHit *gemhit) {
1677  TVector3 gemErr(gempar->GetDV(),
1678  gempar->GetDW(),
1679  0.0); // gempar->GetDZ());
1681  // error of gemhit
1682  // dr = radial
1683  // dp = perpendicular to radius
1684  // dp ~ dl = dphi * R --> dphi ~ dp / R
1685  Double_t phi = TMath::ATan2(gemhit->GetY(), gemhit->GetX());
1686  Double_t sinp = TMath::Sin(phi);
1687  Double_t cosp = TMath::Cos(phi);
1688  //Double_t raddist = gemhit->GetPosition().Perp(); //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
1689  Double_t dR, dP;
1690  if(IDEAL == true) {
1691  dR = 0.01;
1692  dP = 0.08;
1693  }
1694  else {
1695  dR = gemhit->GetDr();
1696  dP = gemhit->GetDp();
1697  }
1698  Double_t dPhi = dP; // / raddist;
1699  Double_t errx = TMath::Sqrt(cosp * cosp * dR * dR + sinp * sinp * dPhi * dPhi);
1700  Double_t erry = TMath::Sqrt(sinp * sinp * dR * dR + cosp * cosp * dPhi * dPhi);
1703  TVector3 hitErr(errx, erry, 0.0); // CHECK
1704  if(fVerbose > 0) {
1705  cout << "errors " << endl;
1706  gemErr.Print();
1707  hitErr.Print();
1708  }
1709  TVector3 distVec = gempar->GetPosition() - gemhit->GetPosition();
1710  double distance = distVec.Perp(); // CHECK using xy distance ON plane
1711  // error on distance: sqrt((x - x0)**2 * (sigx**2 + sigx0**2) +
1712  // ... (y) ...) / distance
1713  // with x, y, z = extrap pos/err
1714  // x0, y0, z0 = gem hit pos/err
1715  double distErr = (1./distance) * TMath::Sqrt((distVec.X() * distVec.X()) *
1716  (gemErr.X() * gemErr.X() +
1717  hitErr.X() * hitErr.X()) +
1718  (distVec.Y() * distVec.Y()) *
1719  (gemErr.Y() * gemErr.Y() +
1720  hitErr.Y() * hitErr.Y()) ); // CHECK if distance == 0
1722  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "distance " << distance << " err " << distErr << endl;
1724  // maximum distance **************************
1725  double maxdistance = 0;
1726  if(fMaxDistance != -1) maxdistance = fMaxDistance;
1727  else {
1728  maxdistance = fTimes * distErr; // distErr; // CHECK if it has to be distErr ; // CHECK put this as a parameter and tune it
1729  if(maxdistance < 1) maxdistance = 1;
1730  if(maxdistance > 10) maxdistance = 10;
1731  }
1732  if(fTurn == 2 && gempar->GetMomentum().Mag() >= 0.5) maxdistance = 5; // CHECK NOW
1735  // cout << "-> " << fTimes << " " << fTurn << " " << maxdistance << endl;
1737  int posindex = GetPosIndex(gemhit);
1738  fOrderingIterator = find(fOrdering.begin(), fOrdering.end(), posindex);
1739  int ipos = fOrderingIterator - fOrdering.begin();
1740  if(fTurn == 1) {
1741  hdist[ipos]->Fill(distance);
1742  hsigma[ipos]->Fill(maxdistance);
1743  }
1744  else if(fTurn == 2) {
1745  hdist2[ipos]->Fill(distance);
1746  hsigma2[ipos]->Fill(maxdistance);
1747  }
1749  if(fDisplayOn) {
1750  // int posindex = GetPosIndex(gemhit);
1751 // fOrderingIterator = find(fOrdering.begin(), fOrdering.end(), posindex);
1752 // int ipos = fOrderingIterator - fOrdering.begin();
1754  TArc *earc = new TArc(gempar->GetPosition().X(), gempar->GetPosition().Y(), maxdistance);
1755  earc->SetFillStyle(0);
1756  if(fTurn == 1) earc->SetLineColor(3); // green
1757  else if(fTurn == 2) earc->SetLineColor(2); // red
1758  display->cd(ipos + 1);
1759  earc->Draw("SAME");
1760  display->Update();
1761  display->Modified();
1762  }
1767  if(distance <= maxdistance) {
1768  if(fTurn == 1) hchosen[ipos]->Fill(distance);
1769  else if(fTurn == 2) hchosen2[ipos]->Fill(distance);
1770  return distance;
1771  }
1772  return -1;
1774 }
1777 std::vector<int> PndSttMvdGemTracking::AssignHits(Int_t itrk, FairTrackParP *gempar, Int_t ipos) {
1778  std::vector<int> assignedhits; // CHECK need init?
1779  // compare the position with each *******************************
1780  // GEM hit on THIS sensor
1781  int hitonsensor = (int) hitcounter(ipos, 0);
1782  for(int ihit = 0; ihit < hitonsensor; ihit++) {
1783  int hitindex = (int) hitmap(ipos, ihit);
1784  PndGemHit *gemhit = (PndGemHit*) fGemHitArray->At(hitindex);
1785  if(!gemhit) continue;
1786  if(CHECKCOMBI == 2 && fCombiMap[hitindex] != 0) continue;
1787  Double_t distance = IsAssignable(gempar, gemhit);
1788  // if the track to hit distance is below threshold
1789  // "distance" is filled (-1 otherwise)
1790  if(distance >= 0.) {
1791  // the separate coordinates are not working at all ****
1792  // if((distVec.X()/ TMath::Sqrt(hitErr.X() * hitErr.X() + gemErr.X() * gemErr.X())) <= 5 && (distVec.Y()/ TMath::Sqrt(hitErr.Y() * hitErr.Y() + gemErr.Y() * gemErr.Y())) <= 5) { // CHECK delete this and do not use it!
1793  // COUNTERS 167 0 0 210 43 43 0
1794  // COUNTERS 740 627 16 1101 -266 234 2
1795  // COUNTERS 241 385 8 359 -267 64 0
1797  // COUNTERS 189 0 0 215 26 26 4
1798  // COUNTERS 729 318 32 770 -277 87 3
1799  // COUNTERS 87 66 0 91 -62 1 0
1801  // COUNTERS 205 1 0 211 5 6 7
1802  // COUNTERS 806 300 13 838 -268 53 14
1803  // COUNTERS 1209 1087 0 1281 -1015 31 2
1804  // ****************************************************
1806  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "this hit " << hitindex << " BELONGS to this track " << itrk << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
1807  // fill the distancemap: for each track compute its
1808  // distance from each hit and put it in the map
1809  distancemap[itrk][hitindex] = distance;
1811  // assign it to all the tracks it might belong to (for now)
1812  // completeCand->AddHit(FairRootManager::Instance()->GetBranchId(fGemBranchName), hitindex, gemhit->GetPosition().Mag()); // CHECK rho and kGemHit
1813  if(fVerbose != 0) cout << "assign " << hitindex << " to track " << itrk << endl;
1814  // AddHitToTrack(hitindex, itrk);
1815  assignedhits.push_back(hitindex);
1817  if(fDisplayOn) {
1818  TMarker *g1mrk = new TMarker(gemhit->GetX(), gemhit->GetY(), 7);
1819  g1mrk->SetMarkerColor(4); // blue
1820  display->cd(1 + ipos);
1821  g1mrk->Draw("SAME");
1822  display->Update();
1823  display->Modified();
1824  }
1825  }
1826  else if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "this hit " << hitindex << " DOES NOT BELONG to this track " << itrk << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!" << endl;
1827  }
1829  return assignedhits;
1830 }
1832 void PndSttMvdGemTracking::Kalman(TMatrixT<double> extrap, TMatrixT<double> measurement,
1833  TMatrixT<double> H,
1834  TMatrixT<double> extrap_cov, TMatrixT<double> measurement_cov,
1835  TMatrixT<double> &kalman, TMatrixT<double> &kalman_cov)
1836  {
1839  // gain
1840  // calculate sum of covariances = sum_cov = m_cov + H e_cov HT
1841  TMatrixT<double> extrapHT_cov(extrap_cov, TMatrixT<double>::kMultTranspose, H);
1842  TMatrixT<double> HextrapHT_cov(H, TMatrixT<double>::kMult, extrapHT_cov);
1843  TMatrixT<double> sum_cov = measurement_cov + HextrapHT_cov;
1844  //double det = 0; // CHECK fill it //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
1845  sum_cov.Invert();
1846  // calculate gain
1847  TMatrixT<double> Hsum_cov(H, TMatrixT<double>::kTransposeMult, sum_cov);
1848  TMatrixT<double> gain(extrap_cov, TMatrixT<double>::kMult, Hsum_cov);
1850  // kalman state
1851  // extrap + gain * (measurement - H extrap)
1852  TMatrixT<double> Hextrap(H, TMatrixT<double>::kMult, extrap);
1853  TMatrixT<double> meas_Hextrap = measurement - Hextrap;
1854  TMatrixT<double> gainmeas_Hextrap(gain, TMatrixT<double>::kMult, meas_Hextrap);
1855  kalman = extrap + gainmeas_Hextrap;
1857  // kalman cov matrix
1858  // kalman_cov = (identity - gain H) extrap_cov
1859  TMatrixT<double> gainH(gain, TMatrixT<double>::kMult, H);
1860  TMatrixT<double> I(5, 5);
1861  for(int imat = 0; imat < 5; imat++) {
1862  for(int jmat = 0; jmat < 5; jmat++) {
1863  I[imat][jmat] = 0;
1864  if(imat == jmat) I[imat][jmat] = 1;
1865  }
1866  }
1867  TMatrixT<double> I_gainH = I - gainH;
1868  kalman_cov = TMatrixT<double>(I_gainH, TMatrixT<double>::kMult, extrap_cov);
1870  // kalman
1871  // cout << "kalman" << endl;
1872  // kalman.Print();
1873  // kalman_cov.Print();
1874 }
1878  // in the following cuts, if it does not work, return this!
1879  FairTrackParP lastpar = sttmvd->GetParamLast();
1881  if(fVerbose > 0) {
1882  cout << "start from " << endl;
1883  lastpar.GetPosition().Print();
1884  cout << "lastpar error " << lastpar.GetDX() << " " << lastpar.GetDY() << " " << lastpar.GetDZ() << endl;
1885  // lastpar.GetMomentum().Print();
1886  }
1888  FairTrackParP startpar;
1889  if(fUseMC) {
1890  // --------------------------------------------------
1891  Int_t mcIndex = sttmvdCand->getMcTrackId();
1892  if(mcIndex == -1) return lastpar;
1893  PndMCTrack *mctrk = (PndMCTrack*) fMCTrackArray->At(mcIndex);
1894  // FairTrackParP tmppar(mctrk->GetStartVertex(), mctrk->GetMomentum(),
1895  // TVector3(0.1, 0.1, 0.1), TVector3(0.1, 0.1, 0.1),
1896  // TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle(mctrk->GetPdgCode())->Charge()/3.,
1897  // mctrk->GetStartVertex(), TVector3(1., 0., 0.), TVector3(0., 1., 0.));
1899  // start from MC last point on STT
1900  Int_t nsttmvdhits = sttmvdCand->GetNHits();
1901  PndTrackCandHit candhit = sttmvdCand->GetSortedHit(nsttmvdhits - 1);
1902  Int_t iHit = candhit.GetHitId();
1903  Int_t detId = candhit.GetDetId();
1904  FairHit *fhit = NULL;
1905  FairMCPoint *fpnt = NULL;
1907 // cout << "LAST HIT " << detId
1908 // << " " << FairRootManager::Instance()->GetBranchId(fMvdStripBranchName)
1909 // << " " << FairRootManager::Instance()->GetBranchId(fMvdPixelBranchName)
1910 // << " " << FairRootManager::Instance()->GetBranchId(fSttBranchName)
1911 // << endl;
1913  if(detId != FairRootManager::Instance()->GetBranchId(fSttBranchName)) return lastpar;
1915  if(detId == FairRootManager::Instance()->GetBranchId(fMvdStripBranchName))
1916  {
1917  fhit = (FairHit*) fMvdStripHitArray->At(iHit);
1918  if(!fhit) return lastpar;
1919  fpnt = (FairMCPoint*) fMvdPointArray->At(fhit->GetRefIndex());
1920  if(!fpnt) return lastpar;
1921  }
1922  else if(detId == FairRootManager::Instance()->GetBranchId(fMvdPixelBranchName)) {
1923  fhit = (FairHit*) fMvdPixelHitArray->At(iHit);
1924  if(!fhit) return lastpar;
1925  fpnt = (FairMCPoint*) fMvdPointArray->At(fhit->GetRefIndex());
1926  if(!fpnt) return lastpar;
1927  }
1928  else if(detId == FairRootManager::Instance()->GetBranchId(fSttBranchName)) {
1929  fhit = (FairHit*) fSttHitArray->At(iHit);
1930  if(!fhit) return lastpar;
1931  fpnt = (FairMCPoint*) fSttPointArray->At(fhit->GetRefIndex());
1932  if(!fpnt) return lastpar;
1934  }
1936  startpar = FairTrackParP(TVector3(fpnt->GetX(), fpnt->GetY(), fpnt->GetZ()),
1937  TVector3(fpnt->GetPx(), fpnt->GetPy(), fpnt->GetPz()),
1938  TVector3(0.1, 0.1, 0.1), TVector3(0.1, 0.1, 0.1),
1939  (int) TMath::Sign(1., TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle(mctrk->GetPdgCode())->Charge()/3.),
1940  TVector3(fpnt->GetX(), fpnt->GetY(), fpnt->GetZ()),
1941  TVector3(1., 0., 0.), TVector3(0., 1., 0.));
1942  }
1943  else {
1944  // startpar = lastpar;
1945  // cout << "from PR " << endl;
1946  // lastpar.GetPosition().Print();
1947  // lastpar.GetMomentum().Print();
1949  bool startpoint = false;
1950  //PndGemStation *station = fGemParameters->GetStation(0); //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
1951  //PndGemSensor *sensor = station->GetSensor(0); //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
1952  TVector3 position;
1953  TVector3 momentum;
1954  // if(fabs(lastpar.GetPosition().X()) > 42. || fabs(lastpar.GetPosition().Y()) > 42. ||
1955  // lastpar.GetMomentum().Mag() < 0.15 ||
1956  // lastpar.GetPosition().Z() > sensor->GetZ0())
1957  {
1958  startpoint = Prefit(sttmvd, sttmvdCand, position, momentum);
1959  }
1961  if(startpoint == true) {
1962  // find plane orthogonal to mom
1963  TVector3 iver = momentum; iver.SetMag(1.);
1964  TVector3 jver = momentum.Orthogonal(); jver.SetMag(1.);
1965  TVector3 kver = iver.Cross(jver); kver.SetMag(1.);
1966  // by hand
1967  startpar = FairTrackParP(position,
1968  momentum,
1969  TVector3(lastpar.GetDX(), lastpar.GetDY(), 3.),
1970  TVector3(lastpar.GetDPx(), lastpar.GetDPy(), lastpar.GetDPz()),
1971  lastpar.GetQ(),
1972  position, jver, kver);
1973  }
1974  else {
1975  // by hand
1976  startpar = FairTrackParP(lastpar.GetPosition(),
1977  lastpar.GetMomentum(),
1978  TVector3(lastpar.GetDX(), lastpar.GetDY(), 3.),
1979  TVector3(lastpar.GetDPx(), lastpar.GetDPy(), lastpar.GetDPz()),
1980  lastpar.GetQ(),
1981  lastpar.GetOrigin(), lastpar.GetJVer(), lastpar.GetKVer());
1982  }
1984  // kalman filter between the lastpar and the last hit
1986  // Int_t nsttmvdhits = sttmvdCand->GetNHits();
1987  // PndTrackCandHit candhit = sttmvdCand->GetSortedHit(nsttmvdhits - 1);
1988  // Int_t iHit = candhit.GetHitId();
1989  // Int_t detId = candhit.GetDetId();
1991  // // CHECK
1992  // if(detId != FairRootManager::Instance()->GetBranchId(fSttBranchName)) return lastpar;
1994  // PndSttHit *stthit = (PndSttHit*) fSttHitArray->At(iHit);
1995  // if(!stthit) return lastpar;
1997  // // extrapolated point
1998  // TMatrixT<double> extrap(5, 1);
1999  // extrap[0][0] = lastpar.GetQp();
2000  // extrap[1][0] = lastpar.GetTV();
2001  // extrap[2][0] = lastpar.GetTW();
2002  // extrap[3][0] = lastpar.GetV();
2003  // extrap[4][0] = lastpar.GetW();
2005  // TMatrixT<double> extrap_cov(5, 5);
2006  // Double_t covMat[15], covMat55[5][5];
2007  // lastpar.GetCov(covMat); // CHECK
2008  // FairGeaneUtil util;
2009  // util.FromVec15ToMat25(covMat, covMat55);
2010  // for(int icov = 0; icov < 5; icov++) for(int jcov = 0; jcov < 5; jcov++) extrap_cov(icov, jcov) = covMat55[icov][jcov];
2012  // // measurement matrix
2013  // TMatrixT<double> H(1, 5);
2014  // H[0][0] = 0.;
2015  // H[0][1] = 0.;
2016  // H[0][2] = 0.;
2017  // H[0][3] = 1.;
2018  // H[0][4] = 0.;
2020  // TMatrixT<double> measurement(1, 1);
2021  // measurement[0][0] = stthit->GetIsochrone();
2023  // TMatrixT<double> measurement_cov(1, 1);
2024  // measurement_cov[0][0] = stthit->GetIsochroneError() * stthit->GetIsochroneError();
2026  // TMatrixT<double> kalman(5, 1);
2027  // TMatrixT<double> kalman_cov(5, 5);
2029  // // kalman
2030  // Kalman(extrap, measurement, H, extrap_cov, measurement_cov, kalman, kalman_cov);
2032  // Double_t kalmanCov15[15], kalmanCov55[5][5];
2033  // for(int icov = 0; icov < 5; icov++) for(int jcov = 0; jcov < 5; jcov++) kalmanCov55[icov][jcov] = kalman_cov(icov, jcov);
2034  // util.FromMat25ToVec15(kalmanCov55, kalmanCov15);
2037  // startpar.SetTrackPar(kalman[3][0], kalman[4][0],
2038  // kalman[1][0], kalman[2][0], kalman[0][0],
2039  // kalmanCov15, // CHECK!!
2040  // lastpar.GetOrigin(), lastpar.GetIVer(), lastpar.GetJVer(), lastpar.GetKVer(),
2041  // lastpar.GetSPU()); // CHECK recalculate spu
2042  // cout << "from prefit " << endl;
2043  // startpar.GetPosition().Print();
2044  // startpar.GetMomentum().Print();
2046  }
2048  if(fVerbose) {
2049  cout << "from prefit " << endl;
2050  startpar.GetPosition().Print();
2051  startpar.GetMomentum().Print();
2052  }
2054  return startpar;
2055 }
2059  FairTrackParP first = sttmvd->GetParamFirst();
2060  FairTrackParP last = sttmvd->GetParamLast();
2062  // first plane
2063  // TVector3 o1 = firs.GetOrigin();
2064  TVector3 dj1 = first.GetJVer();
2065  TVector3 dk1 = first.GetKVer();
2067  // last plane
2068  TVector3 o2 = last.GetOrigin();
2069  TVector3 dj2 = last.GetJVer();
2070  TVector3 dk2 = last.GetKVer();
2072  fPro->PropagateFromPlane(dj1,dk1);
2073  fPro->PropagateToPlane(o2, dj2, dk2);
2075  FairTrackParP *propag = new FairTrackParP();
2076  Bool_t prop = kFALSE;
2077  int charge = first.GetQ();
2078  int pdg[5] = {-11 * charge, -13 * charge, 211 * charge, 321 * charge, 2212 * charge};
2079  int tmppdg = 0;
2080  double tmpdistance = 100000;
2081  for(int ipdg = 0; ipdg < 5; ipdg++) {
2082  prop = fPro->Propagate(&first, propag, pdg[ipdg]);
2083  if(prop) {
2084  TVector3 proppos = propag->GetPosition();
2085  TVector3 lastpos = last.GetPosition();
2086  double distance = (lastpos - proppos).Mag();
2087  cout << "this pdg " << pdg[ipdg] << " " << distance << endl;
2089  if(distance < tmpdistance) {
2090  tmpdistance = distance;
2091  tmppdg = pdg[ipdg];
2092  }
2093  }
2094  }
2095  cout << "CHOSEN PDG " << tmppdg << " " << tmpdistance << endl;
2096  return tmppdg;
2097 }
2101  TFile* file = FairRootManager::Instance()->GetOutFile();
2102  file->cd();
2103  file->mkdir("PndSttMvdGemTracking");
2104  file->cd("PndSttMvdGemTracking");
2105  for(int ipos = 0; ipos < fNPositions; ipos++) {
2106  hdist[ipos]->Write();
2107  delete hdist[ipos];
2108  hdist2[ipos]->Write();
2109  delete hdist2[ipos];
2110  hsigma[ipos]->Write();
2111  delete hsigma[ipos];
2112  hsigma2[ipos]->Write();
2113  delete hsigma2[ipos];
2114  hchosen[ipos]->SetFillColor(3);
2115  hchosen[ipos]->Write();
2116  delete hchosen[ipos];
2117  hchosen2[ipos]->SetFillColor(2);
2118  hchosen2[ipos]->Write();
2119  delete hchosen2[ipos];
2120  hmcdist[ipos]->SetFillColor(4);
2121  hmcdist[ipos]->Write();
2122  delete hmcdist[ipos];
2123  hmcx[ipos]->SetFillColor(4);
2124  hmcx[ipos]->Write();
2125  delete hmcx[ipos];
2126  hmcy[ipos]->SetFillColor(4);
2127  hmcy[ipos]->Write();
2128  delete hmcy[ipos]; }
2131 }
2135  // loop on tracks
2136  // cout << "FOUND TRACKS " << fTrackArray->GetEntriesFast() << endl;
2137  for(Int_t itrk = 0; itrk < fTrackArray->GetEntriesFast(); itrk++) {
2138  PndTrack* sttmvdTrack = (PndTrack*) fTrackArray->At(itrk);
2139  if(!sttmvdTrack) continue;
2140  PndTrackCand *sttmvdCand = sttmvdTrack->GetTrackCandPtr();
2141  if(!sttmvdCand) continue;
2142  if(fProTracks[itrk] == kFALSE) continue;
2143  Int_t mcIndex = sttmvdCand->getMcTrackId();
2144  // cout << "TRACK " << itrk << " HAS MC " << mcIndex << endl;
2145  if(mcIndex == -1) continue;
2146  PndMCTrack *mctrk = (PndMCTrack*) fMCTrackArray->At(mcIndex);
2147  if(mctrk) {
2148  //int pdgcode = mctrk->GetPdgCode(); //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
2149  //int motherid = mctrk->GetMotherID(); //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
2150  TVector3 vertex = mctrk->GetStartVertex();
2151  TVector3 vtxmomentum = mctrk->GetMomentum();
2152  // cout << "PDG " << pdgcode << " MOTHID " << motherid << " VTX POS " << vertex.Mag() << " MOM " << vtxmomentum.Mag() << endl;
2154  // start from MC last point on STT
2155  Int_t nsttmvdhits = sttmvdCand->GetNHits();
2156  PndTrackCandHit candhit = sttmvdCand->GetSortedHit(nsttmvdhits - 1);
2157  Int_t iHit = candhit.GetHitId();
2158  Int_t detId = candhit.GetDetId();
2159  FairHit *fhit = NULL;
2160  FairMCPoint *fpnt = NULL;
2161  // cout << "HIT " << iHit << " FOR " << detId << endl;
2162  if(detId == FairRootManager::Instance()->GetBranchId(fMvdStripBranchName)) { // CHECK
2163  // if(detId == 26) {
2164  fhit = (FairHit*) fMvdStripHitArray->At(iHit);
2165  if(fhit->GetRefIndex() != -1 && fhit) fpnt = (FairMCPoint*) fMvdPointArray->At(fhit->GetRefIndex());
2166  }
2167  else if(detId == FairRootManager::Instance()->GetBranchId(fMvdPixelBranchName)) { // CHECK
2168  // else if(detId == 24) {
2169  fhit = (FairHit*) fMvdPixelHitArray->At(iHit);
2170  if(fhit->GetRefIndex() != -1 && fhit) fpnt = (FairMCPoint*) fMvdPointArray->At(fhit->GetRefIndex());
2171  }
2172  else if(detId == FairRootManager::Instance()->GetBranchId(fSttBranchName)) {
2173  fhit = (FairHit*) fSttHitArray->At(iHit);
2174  if(fhit->GetRefIndex() != -1 && fhit) fpnt = (FairMCPoint*) fSttPointArray->At(fhit->GetRefIndex());
2175  }
2176  if(fpnt) {
2177  TVector3 position(fpnt->GetX(), fpnt->GetY(), fpnt->GetZ());
2178  TVector3 momentum(fpnt->GetPx(), fpnt->GetPy(), fpnt->GetPz());
2180 // cout << "MC/PR POS" << endl;
2181 // position.Print();
2182 // sttmvdTrack->GetParamLast().GetPosition().Print();
2183 // cout << "MC/PR MOM" << endl;
2184 // momentum.Print();
2185 // sttmvdTrack->GetParamLast().GetMomentum().Print();
2186  }
2187  }
2188  FairTrackParP *gempar = new FairTrackParP();
2189  FairTrackParP tmppar = SetStartParameters(sttmvdTrack, sttmvdCand);
2190  int charge = tmppar.GetQ();
2191  // fPdgCode = -13 * charge;
2192  if(fPdgFromMC) fPdgCode = GetChargeCorrectedPdgFromMC(itrk, charge);
2193  else fPdgCode = fDefaultPdgCode * charge;
2195  // extrapolate each track on each plane
2196  for(int ipos = 0; ipos < fNPositions; ipos++) {
2198  Bool_t prop = PropagateToGemPlane(&tmppar, gempar, ipos);
2199  if(prop == kFALSE) prop = PropagateToGemPlaneAsHelix(sttmvdTrack, gempar, ipos);
2200  if (prop == kFALSE) continue; // CHECK (continue or break?)
2201  TVector3 extrappos = gempar->GetPosition();
2203  // loop on MC points
2204  for(int ipnt = 0; ipnt < fGemPointArray->GetEntriesFast(); ipnt++) {
2205  PndGemMCPoint *gempnt = (PndGemMCPoint*) fGemPointArray->At(ipnt);
2206  if(!gempnt) continue;
2207  Int_t pntMcIndex = gempnt->GetTrackID();
2208  // if the point belongs to the mctrack
2209  if(pntMcIndex != mcIndex) continue;
2210  TVector3 gempos(gempnt->GetX(), gempnt->GetY(), gempnt->GetZ());
2211  // if they are on the same plane
2212  if(fabs(gempos.Z() - extrappos.Z()) < 0.1) {
2213  double distance = (gempos - extrappos).Perp();
2214  hmcdist[ipos]->Fill(distance);
2215  hmcx[ipos]->Fill(gempos.X() - extrappos.X());
2216  hmcy[ipos]->Fill(gempos.Y() - extrappos.Y());
2217  // cout << "POINT " << ipnt << " TO TRACK " << itrk << "(MC " << mcIndex << ") distance " << distance << endl;
2218  }
2219  }
2220  }
2221  }
2222 }
2224 Int_t PndSttMvdGemTracking::GetClosestOnFirst(FairTrackParP* gempar, Int_t ipos, Double_t &closestdistance) {
2225  int hitonsensor = (int) hitcounter(ipos, 0);
2226  Int_t tmphit = -1;
2227  Double_t tmpdistance = 10000;
2228  for(int ihit = 0; ihit < hitonsensor; ihit++) {
2229  int hitindex = (int) hitmap(ipos, ihit);
2230  PndGemHit *gemhit = (PndGemHit*) fGemHitArray->At(hitindex);
2231  if(!gemhit) continue;
2232  if(CHECKCOMBI == 2 && fCombiMap[hitindex] != 0) continue;
2233  TVector3 gemhitpos = gemhit->GetPosition();
2234  TVector3 extrapos = gempar->GetPosition();
2236  Double_t distance = (gemhitpos - extrapos).Perp();
2237  if(distance < tmpdistance) {
2238  tmpdistance = distance;
2239  tmphit = hitindex;
2240  }
2241  }
2242  closestdistance = tmpdistance;
2244  if(closestdistance < 0) return -1;
2245  return tmphit;
2246 }
2251 // CHECK :-)GOOD!
2252 // -------------- Prefit --------------------------------------
2253 Bool_t PndSttMvdGemTracking::Prefit(PndTrack *sttmvdTrack, PndTrackCand *sttmvdCand, TVector3 &lastpos, TVector3 &lastmom)
2254 {
2256  Int_t nhits = sttmvdCand->GetNHits();
2257  // 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
2258  // hitId | detid | x | y | z | dx | dy | dz | iso | isoerr | useforfit (0 = only xy, 1 = only z, 2 = both)
2259  TMatrixT<double> points(nhits, 11);
2260  Double_t xc, yc, radius, fitm, fitp;
2262  GetInitialParams(sttmvdTrack, xc, yc, radius, fitm, fitp);
2263  // cout << " PR " << xc << " " << yc << " " << radius << " " << fitm << " " << fitp << endl;
2265  Int_t charge = sttmvdTrack->GetParamFirst().GetQ();
2266  Int_t firsthitid = -1, lasthitid = -1;
2267  for(int ihit = 0; ihit < nhits; ihit++)
2268  {
2269  // get hit
2270  PndTrackCandHit candhit = sttmvdCand->GetSortedHit(ihit);
2271  Int_t hitId = candhit.GetHitId();
2272  Int_t detId = candhit.GetDetId();
2274  points[ihit][0] = -1;
2275  points[ihit][1] = detId;
2276  points[ihit][2] = 0;
2277  points[ihit][3] = 0;
2278  points[ihit][4] = 0;
2279  points[ihit][5] = 0;
2280  points[ihit][6] = 0;
2281  points[ihit][7] = 0;
2282  points[ihit][8] = 0;
2283  points[ihit][9] = 0;
2284  points[ihit][10] = -1;
2286  if(detId == FairRootManager::Instance()->GetBranchId(fGemBranchName)) continue;
2287  else if(detId == FairRootManager::Instance()->GetBranchId(fMvdPixelBranchName) || detId == FairRootManager::Instance()->GetBranchId(fMvdStripBranchName)) {
2288  PndSdsHit *mvdhit;
2289  if(detId == FairRootManager::Instance()->GetBranchId(fMvdPixelBranchName)) mvdhit = (PndSdsHit*) fMvdPixelHitArray->At(hitId);
2290  else mvdhit = (PndSdsHit*) fMvdStripHitArray->At(hitId);
2291  if(!mvdhit) { cout << "mvd hit " << ihit << " " << hitId << " does not exist" << endl; continue;}
2292  points[ihit][0] = hitId;
2293  points[ihit][2] = mvdhit->GetX();
2294  points[ihit][3] = mvdhit->GetY();
2295  points[ihit][4] = mvdhit->GetZ();
2296  points[ihit][5] = TMath::Sqrt(mvdhit->GetCov()[0][0]);
2297  points[ihit][6] = TMath::Sqrt(mvdhit->GetCov()[1][1]);
2298  points[ihit][7] = TMath::Sqrt(mvdhit->GetCov()[2][2]);
2299  points[ihit][10] = 2;
2301  lasthitid = ihit;
2302  if(firsthitid == -1) firsthitid = ihit;
2303  // cout << "MVD " << ihit << " " << hitId << " " << points[ihit][2] << " " << points[ihit][3] << " " << points[ihit][4] << endl;
2305  }
2306  else if(detId == FairRootManager::Instance()->GetBranchId(fSttBranchName)) {
2307  PndSttHit *stthit = (PndSttHit*) fSttHitArray->At(hitId);
2308  if(!stthit) { cout << "stt hit " << ihit << " " << hitId << " does not exist" << endl; continue; }
2309  TVector3 xyz(0, 0, 0);
2310  TVector3 dxyz(0, 0, 0);
2312  Int_t tubeID = stthit->GetTubeID();
2313  PndSttTube *tube = (PndSttTube* ) fTubeArray->At(tubeID);
2315  TVector3 wireDirection = tube->GetWireDirection();
2316  if(wireDirection == TVector3(0., 0., 1.)) { // is parallel
2317  Bool_t intfin = IntersectionFinder(xc, yc, radius, stthit, xyz, dxyz);
2318  if(intfin == false) {
2319  // cout << "intfin false" << endl;
2320  continue;
2321  }
2323  // CHECK get only parallel tubes?
2324  lasthitid = ihit;
2325  if(firsthitid == -1) firsthitid = ihit;
2326  // cout << "STT " << ihit << " " << hitId << " " << points[ihit][2] << " " << points[ihit][3] << " " << points[ihit][4] << "iso " << points[ihit][8] << endl;
2328  points[ihit][10] = 0;
2329  }
2330  else { // is skewed
2331  // continue;
2332  xyz = tube->GetPosition();
2333  points[ihit][10] = 1;
2334  }
2336  points[ihit][0] = hitId;
2337  points[ihit][2] = xyz.X();
2338  points[ihit][3] = xyz.Y();
2339  points[ihit][4] = xyz.Z();
2340  points[ihit][5] = dxyz.X();
2341  points[ihit][6] = dxyz.Y();
2342  points[ihit][7] = dxyz.Z();
2343  points[ihit][8] = stthit->GetIsochrone();
2344  points[ihit][9] = stthit->GetIsochroneError();
2346  }
2347  }
2350  for(int iteration = 0; iteration < 1; iteration++) {
2351  Bool_t fitting = Fit(points, xc, yc, radius);
2352  if(fitting == false) {
2353  // cout << "fit false" << endl;
2354  break;
2355  }
2356  // cout << "FIT " << iteration << " " << xc << " " << yc << " " << radius << endl;
2358  for(int ihit = 0; ihit < nhits; ihit++) {
2360  Int_t hitId = (Int_t) points[ihit][0];
2361  Int_t detId = (Int_t) points[ihit][1];
2363  if(hitId == -1) continue;
2364  Int_t fitflag = (Int_t) points[ihit][10];
2365  if(fitflag != 0) continue;
2366  if(detId != FairRootManager::Instance()->GetBranchId(fSttBranchName)) continue;
2367  PndSttHit *stthit = (PndSttHit*) fSttHitArray->At(hitId);
2368  if(!stthit) continue;
2370  TVector3 xyz(0, 0, 0);
2371  TVector3 dxyz(0, 0, 0);
2372  Bool_t intfin = IntersectionFinder(xc, yc, radius, stthit, xyz, dxyz);
2373  if(intfin == false) {
2374  // cout << "intfin false2" << endl;
2375  continue;
2376  }
2377  points[ihit][2] = xyz.X();
2378  points[ihit][3] = xyz.Y();
2379  points[ihit][4] = xyz.Z();
2380  points[ihit][5] = dxyz.X();
2381  points[ihit][6] = dxyz.Y();
2382  points[ihit][7] = dxyz.Z();
2383  points[ihit][8] = stthit->GetIsochrone();
2384  points[ihit][9] = stthit->GetIsochroneError();
2385  lasthitid = ihit;
2386  if(firsthitid == -1) firsthitid = ihit;
2389  }
2390  }
2392  // z ---------------
2393  // ZFind(nhits, points, xc, yc, radius); // CHECK // to use zfinder
2396  Bool_t zfitting = ZFit(points, charge, xc, yc, radius, fitm, fitp);
2397  if(zfitting == false) {
2398  // cout << "zfit false " << endl;
2399  return false;
2400  }
2403  // cout << "ZFIT " << fitm << " " << fitp << endl;
2404  if(firsthitid == -1 || lasthitid == -1) return kFALSE; // CHECK
2406  // x0 y0
2407  Double_t d = TMath::Sqrt(xc * xc + yc * yc) - radius;
2408  Double_t phi = TMath::ATan2(yc, xc);
2410  Double_t x0 = d * TMath::Cos(phi);
2411  Double_t y0 = d * TMath::Sin(phi);
2413  // z
2414  Double_t Phi0 = TMath::ATan2((y0 - yc),(x0 - xc));
2416  TVector2 v(x0 - xc, y0 - yc);
2417  Double_t alpha1 = TMath::ATan2(points[firsthitid][3] - y0 + radius * TMath::Sin(Phi0), points[firsthitid][2] - x0 + radius * TMath::Cos(Phi0));
2418  TVector2 p1(points[firsthitid][2] - xc, points[firsthitid][3] - yc);
2419  Double_t Fi1 = CalculatePhi(v, p1, alpha1, Phi0, charge);
2421  Double_t alpha2 = TMath::ATan2(points[lasthitid][3] - y0 + radius * TMath::Sin(Phi0), points[lasthitid][2] - x0 + radius * TMath::Cos(Phi0));
2422  TVector2 p2(points[lasthitid][2] - xc, points[lasthitid][3] - yc);
2423  Double_t Fi2 = CalculatePhi(v, p2, alpha2, Phi0, charge);
2424  Fi2 = CompareToPreviousPhi(Fi2, Fi1, charge);
2426  Double_t scos = - charge * radius * Fi2; // scos = -q * R * phi CHECK :-)GOOD!
2428  double z = (fitm * scos + fitp);
2430  double versor[2];
2431  versor[0] = xc - points[lasthitid][2];
2432  versor[1] = yc - points[lasthitid][3];
2434  Double_t Distance = TMath::Sqrt(versor[0] * versor[0] + versor[1] * versor[1]);
2435  versor[0] /= Distance;
2436  versor[1] /= Distance;
2438  double px = - charge * radius * 0.006 * versor[1];
2439  double py = charge * radius * 0.006 * versor[0];
2440  double pz = TMath::Sqrt(px * px + py * py) * fitm; // CHECK :-)GOOD!
2442  lastpos.SetXYZ(points[lasthitid][2], points[lasthitid][3], z);
2443  lastmom.SetXYZ(px, py, pz);
2445 // cout << "PREFIT " << endl;
2446 // lastpos.Print();
2447 // lastmom.Print();
2449  return kTRUE;
2450 }
2452 Bool_t PndSttMvdGemTracking::IntersectionFinder(Double_t xc, Double_t yc, Double_t radius, PndSttHit* stthit, TVector3 &xyz, TVector3 &dxyz)
2453  {
2455  // tubeID CHECK added
2456  Int_t tubeID = stthit->GetTubeID();
2457  PndSttTube *tube = (PndSttTube*) fTubeArray->At(tubeID);
2458  TVector3 wiredirection = tube->GetWireDirection();
2460  if(wiredirection != TVector3(0.,0.,1.)) {
2461  // cout << "wire skewed" << endl;
2462  return false;
2463  }
2465  // [xp, yp] point = coordinates xy of the centre of the firing tube
2466  TVector2 point;
2467  point.Set(tube->GetPosition().X(), tube->GetPosition().Y());
2468  Double_t isochrone = stthit->GetIsochrone();
2470  // the coordinates of the point are taken from the intersection
2471  // between the circumference from the drift time and the R radius of
2472  // curvature. -------------------------------------------------------
2473  // 2. find the intersection between the little circle and the line // R
2474  // 2.a
2475  // find the line passing throught [xc, yc] (centre of curvature) and [xp, yp] (first wire)
2476  // y = mx + q
2477  Double_t m = (point.Y() - yc)/(point.X() - xc);
2478  Double_t q = point.Y() - m*point.X();
2480  // cut on radius CHECK
2481  // if the simulated radius is too small, the stthit
2482  // is not used because rouning errors may occur
2483  // if(isochrone < 0.7e-3) { cout << "isochrone < 0.7e-3" << endl; return false; } // CHECK
2485  Double_t x1 = 0, y1 = 0,
2486  x2 = 0, y2 = 0,
2487  xb1 = 0, yb1 = 0,
2488  xb2 = 0, yb2 = 0;
2490  // CHECK the vertical track
2491  if(fabs(point.X() - xc) < 1e-6) {
2493  // 2.b
2494  // intersection little circle and line --> [x1, y1]
2495  // + and - refer to the 2 possible intersections
2496  // +
2497  x1 = point.X();
2498  y1 = point.Y() + sqrt(isochrone * isochrone - (x1 - point.X()) * (x1 - point.X()));
2499  // -
2500  x2 = x1;
2501  y2 = point.Y() - sqrt(isochrone * isochrone - (x2 - point.X()) * (x2 - point.X()));
2503  // 2.c intersection between line and circle
2504  // +
2505  xb1 = xc;
2506  yb1 = yc + sqrt(radius * radius - (xb1 - xc) * (xb1 - xc));
2507  // -
2508  xb2 = xb1;
2509  yb2 = yc - sqrt(radius * radius - (xb2 - xc) * (xb2 - xc));
2511  } // END CHECK
2512  else {
2514  // 2.b
2515  // intersection little circle and line --> [x1, y1]
2516  // + and - refer to the 2 possible intersections
2517  // +
2519  if(((m*(q - point.Y()) - point.X())*(m*(q - point.Y()) - point.X()) - (m*m + 1)*((q - point.Y())*(q - point.Y()) + point.X()*point.X() - isochrone*isochrone)) < 0.) { if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "IntersectionFinder round errors: " << isochrone << endl;
2520  return false; }
2522  x1 = (-(m*(q - point.Y()) - point.X()) + sqrt((m*(q - point.Y()) - point.X())*(m*(q - point.Y()) - point.X()) - (m*m + 1)*((q - point.Y())*(q - point.Y()) + point.X()*point.X() - isochrone*isochrone))) / (m*m + 1);
2523  y1 = m*x1 + q;
2524  // -
2525  x2 = (-(m*(q - point.Y()) - point.X()) - sqrt((m*(q - point.Y()) - point.X())*(m*(q - point.Y()) - point.X()) - (m*m + 1)*((q - point.Y())*(q - point.Y()) + point.X()*point.X() - isochrone*isochrone))) / (m*m + 1);
2526  y2 = m*x2 + q;
2528  // 2.c intersection between line and circle
2529  // +
2530  xb1 = (-(m*(q - yc) - xc) + sqrt((m*(q - yc) - xc)*(m*(q - yc) - xc) - (m*m + 1)*((q - yc)*(q - yc) + xc*xc - (radius) *(radius) ))) / (m*m + 1);
2531  yb1 = m*xb1 + q;
2532  // -
2533  xb2 = (-(m*(q - yc) - xc) - sqrt((m*(q - yc) - xc)*(m*(q - yc) - xc) - (m*m + 1)*((q - yc)*(q - yc) + xc*xc - (radius) *(radius)))) / (m*m + 1);
2534  yb2 = m*xb2 + q;
2535  }
2537  // calculation of the distance between [xb, yb] and [xp, yp]
2538  Double_t distb1 = sqrt((yb1 - point.Y())*(yb1 - point.Y()) + (xb1 - point.X())*(xb1 - point.X()));
2539  Double_t distb2 = sqrt((yb2 - point.Y())*(yb2 - point.Y()) + (xb2 - point.X())*(xb2 - point.X()));
2541  // choice of [xb, yb]
2542  TVector2 xyb;
2543  if(distb1 > distb2) xyb.Set(xb2, yb2);
2544  else xyb.Set(xb1, yb1);
2546  // calculation of the distance between [x, y] and [xb. yb]
2547  Double_t dist1 = sqrt((xyb.Y() - y1)*(xyb.Y() - y1) + (xyb.X() - x1)*(xyb.X() - x1));
2548  Double_t dist2 = sqrt((xyb.Y() - y2)*(xyb.Y() - y2) + (xyb.X() - x2)*(xyb.X() - x2));
2550  // choice of [x, y]
2551  if(dist1 > dist2) xyz.SetXYZ(x2, y2, stthit->GetZ());
2552  else xyz.SetXYZ(x1, y1, stthit->GetZ()); // <========= THIS IS THE NEW POINT to be used for the fit
2554  Double_t sigr = stthit->GetIsochroneError();
2555  Double_t sigx = sigr; // fabs(sigr * TMath::Cos(m));
2556  Double_t sigy = sigr; // fabs(sigr * TMath::Sin(m));
2557  dxyz.SetXYZ(sigx, sigy, 0);
2559  return kTRUE;
2560 }
2562  Bool_t PndSttMvdGemTracking::Fit(TMatrixT<double> points, Double_t &outxc, Double_t &outyc, Double_t &outradius)
2563 {
2565  Int_t nhits = points.GetRowUpb() + 1;
2566  int lasthitid = -1, firsthitid = -1;
2567  for(int ihit = 0; ihit < nhits; ihit++) {
2568  if(points[ihit][0] != -1 && points[ihit][10] != -1 && points[ihit][10] != 1) {
2569  if(firsthitid == -1) firsthitid = ihit;
2570  lasthitid = ihit;
2571  }
2572  }
2574  if(firsthitid == -1 || lasthitid == -1) return kFALSE; // CHECK
2576  Double_t trasl[2] = {points[firsthitid][2], points[firsthitid][3]};
2578  // cout << "first/last " << firsthitid << " " << lasthitid << endl;
2579  if(firsthitid >= lasthitid) return false;
2580  Double_t alpha = TMath::ATan2(points[lasthitid][3] - points[firsthitid][3],
2581  points[lasthitid][2] - points[firsthitid][2]);
2582  Double_t Suu, Su, Sv, Suv, S1, Suuu, Suuv, Suuuu;
2584  Su = 0.;
2585  Sv = 0.;
2586  Suu = 0.;
2587  Suv = 0.;
2588  Suuu = 0.;
2589  S1 = 0.;
2590  Suuv = 0.;
2591  Suuuu = 0.;
2592  Double_t s = 0.001; // CHECK
2593  // ..............................................
2595  TVector3 fitpoint;
2596  for(int ihit = 0; ihit < nhits; ihit++)
2597  {
2598  Int_t hitId = (Int_t) points[ihit][0];
2599  Int_t detId = (Int_t) points[ihit][1];
2600  if(hitId == -1) continue;
2601  Int_t fitflag = (Int_t) points[ihit][10];
2602  if(fitflag == 1 || fitflag == -1) continue;
2603  if(detId == FairRootManager::Instance()->GetBranchId(fSttBranchName) && points[ihit][8] < 0.1) continue;
2604  fitpoint.SetXYZ(points[ihit][2], points[ihit][3], points[ihit][4]);
2605  Double_t sigx = points[ihit][5];
2606  Double_t sigy = points[ihit][6];
2607 // cout << "fitpoint" << endl;
2608 // fitpoint.Print();
2609  // to the fit ================================
2610  Double_t xtrasl, ytrasl;
2611  // traslation
2612  xtrasl = fitpoint.X() - trasl[0];
2613  ytrasl = fitpoint.Y() - trasl[1];
2615  Double_t xrot, yrot;
2616  // rotation
2617  xrot = TMath::Cos(alpha)*xtrasl + TMath::Sin(alpha)*ytrasl;
2618  yrot = -TMath::Sin(alpha)*xtrasl + TMath::Cos(alpha)*ytrasl;
2620  // re-traslation
2621  xtrasl = xrot + s;
2622  ytrasl = yrot;
2624  // change coordinate
2625  Double_t u, v, sigv2; //, sigu2; //[R.K.02/2017] Unused variable?
2626  u = xtrasl / (xtrasl*xtrasl + ytrasl*ytrasl);
2627  v = ytrasl / (xtrasl*xtrasl + ytrasl*ytrasl);
2629  Double_t dvdx = (-2 * xtrasl * ytrasl)/pow((xtrasl*xtrasl + ytrasl*ytrasl),2);
2630  Double_t dvdy = (xtrasl*xtrasl - ytrasl*ytrasl) / pow((xtrasl*xtrasl + ytrasl*ytrasl),2);
2631  //Double_t dudx = (ytrasl*ytrasl - xtrasl*xtrasl) / pow((xtrasl*xtrasl + ytrasl*ytrasl),2); //[R.K.02/2017] Unused variable?
2632  //Double_t dudy = (-2 * xtrasl * ytrasl)/pow((xtrasl*xtrasl + ytrasl*ytrasl),2); //[R.K.02/2017] Unused variable?
2634  //sigu2 = dudx * dudx * sigx * sigx + dudy * dudy * sigy * sigy + 2 * dudx * dudy * sigx * sigy; //[R.K.02/2017] Unused variable?
2635  sigv2 = dvdx * dvdx * sigx * sigx + dvdy * dvdy * sigy * sigy + 2 * dvdx * dvdy * sigx * sigy;
2637  if(sigv2 == 0) sigv2 = 1e-5; // CHECK MVD covariance
2639  Su = Su + (u/sigv2);
2640  Sv = Sv + (v/sigv2);
2642  Suv = Suv + ((u*v)/sigv2);
2643  Suu = Suu + ((u*u)/sigv2);
2645  Suuu = Suuu + ((u*u*u)/sigv2);
2646  Suuv = Suuv + ((u*u*v)/sigv2);
2648  Suuuu = Suuuu + ((u*u*u*u)/sigv2);
2650  S1 = S1 + 1/sigv2;
2651  }
2654  TMatrixT<double> matrix(3,3);
2655  matrix[0][0] = S1;
2656  matrix[0][1] = Su;
2657  matrix[0][2] = Suu;
2659  matrix[1][0] = Su;
2660  matrix[1][1] = Suu;
2661  matrix[1][2] = Suuu;
2663  matrix[2][0] = Suu;
2664  matrix[2][1] = Suuu;
2665  matrix[2][2] = Suuuu;
2667  Double_t determ;
2669  determ = matrix.Determinant();
2671  if (determ != 0) {
2672  matrix.Invert();
2673  }
2674  else {
2675  // cout << "DET 0" << endl; // CHECK what to do
2676  return false;
2677  }
2679  TMatrixT<double> column(3,1);
2680  column[0][0] = Sv;
2681  column[1][0] = Suv;
2682  column[2][0] = Suuv;
2684  TMatrixT<double> column2(3,1);
2685  column2.Mult(matrix, column);
2687  Double_t a, b, c;
2688  a = column2[0][0];
2689  b = column2[1][0];
2690  c = column2[2][0];
2692  if(fabs(a)<0.000001) {
2693  // cout << "A < 1e-**" << endl;
2694  return kFALSE;
2695  }
2697  // center and radius
2698  Double_t xcrot, ycrot, xc, yc, epsilon, R;
2699  ycrot = 1/(2*a);
2700  xcrot = -b/(2*a);
2701  epsilon = -c*pow((1+(b*b)), -3/2);
2702  R = epsilon + sqrt((xcrot*xcrot)+(ycrot*ycrot));
2704  // re-rotation and re-traslation of xc and yc
2705  // translation
2706  xcrot = xcrot - s;
2707  // rotation
2708  xc = TMath::Cos(alpha)*xcrot - TMath::Sin(alpha)*ycrot;
2709  yc = TMath::Sin(alpha)*xcrot + TMath::Cos(alpha)*ycrot;
2710  // traslation
2711  xc = xc + trasl[0];
2712  yc = yc + trasl[1];
2713  //Double_t phi = TMath::ATan2(yc, xc); //[R.K.02/2017] Unused variable?
2714  //Double_t d; //[R.K.02/2017] Unused variable?
2715  //d = ((xc + yc) - R*(TMath::Cos(phi) + TMath::Sin(phi)))/(TMath::Cos(phi) + TMath::Sin(phi)); //[R.K.02/2017] Unused variable?
2717  // cout << "REFITTED FIT: " << xc << " " << yc << endl;
2718  // cout << "RAGGIO: " << R << endl;
2720  outxc = xc;
2721  outyc = yc;
2722  outradius = R;
2723  return true;
2724 }
2726 // CHECK :-)GOOD!
2727 Bool_t PndSttMvdGemTracking::ZFit(TMatrixT<double> points, Int_t charge, Double_t xc, Double_t yc, Double_t radius, Double_t &fitm, Double_t &fitp)
2728 {
2730  // recalculate z - s fit only from MVD
2731  Double_t Sxx, Sx, Sz, Sxz, S1z;
2732  Double_t Detz = 0.;
2734  Sx = 0.;
2735  Sz = 0.;
2736  Sxx = 0.;
2737  Sxz = 0.;
2738  S1z = 0.;
2740  // x0 y0
2741  Double_t d = TMath::Sqrt(xc * xc + yc * yc) - radius;
2742  Double_t phi = TMath::ATan2(yc, xc);
2744  Double_t x0 = d * TMath::Cos(phi);
2745  Double_t y0 = d * TMath::Sin(phi);
2747  Double_t Phi0 = TMath::ATan2((y0 - yc),(x0 - xc));
2748  Double_t scos = 0;
2750  Int_t nhits = points.GetRowUpb() + 1;
2752  Double_t Fi_pre = 0.;
2753  int zcounter = 0;
2754  for(int ihit = 0; ihit < nhits; ihit++)
2755  {
2756  Int_t detId = (Int_t) points[ihit][1];
2757  Int_t hitId = (Int_t) points[ihit][0];
2758  // cout << "hitId " << hitId << " detId " << detId << endl;
2759  if(hitId == -1) continue;
2760  Int_t fitflag = (Int_t) points[ihit][10];
2761  // if(fitflag == 0 || fitflag == -1) continue; // CHECK // to use zfinder
2762  if(fitflag != 2) continue; // CHECK // to use zfinder
2765  if(detId == FairRootManager::Instance()->GetBranchId(fSttBranchName) ||
2766  detId == FairRootManager::Instance()->GetBranchId(fGemBranchName)) continue;
2768  TVector2 v(x0 - xc, y0 - yc);
2769  Double_t alpha = TMath::ATan2(points[ihit][3] - y0 + radius * TMath::Sin(Phi0), points[ihit][2] - x0 + radius * TMath::Cos(Phi0));
2770  TVector2 p(points[ihit][2] - xc, points[ihit][3] - yc);
2771  Double_t Fi = CalculatePhi(v, p, alpha, Phi0, charge);
2772  if(ihit > 0) Fi = CompareToPreviousPhi(Fi, Fi_pre, charge);
2773  Fi_pre = Fi;
2774  scos = - charge * radius * Fi; // scos = -q * R * phi CHECK :-)GOOD!
2775  // cout << charge << " zfit " << scos << endl;
2778  Double_t sigz2 = points[ihit][7] * points[ihit][7]; // CHECK
2780  if(sigz2 == 0) sigz2 = 1e-5; // CHECK MVD covariance
2781  // cout << "scosl " << scos << " " << points[ihit][4] << " " << sigz2 << " " << points[ihit][7] << endl;
2782  zcounter++;
2783  Sx = Sx + (scos /(sigz2));
2784  Sz = Sz + (points[ihit][4]/(sigz2));
2785  Sxz = Sxz + ((scos * points[ihit][4])/(sigz2));
2786  Sxx = Sxx + ((scos * scos)/(sigz2));
2787  S1z = S1z + 1/(sigz2);
2789  }
2791  if(zcounter <= 1) return kFALSE; // CHECK
2792  Detz = S1z*Sxx - Sx*Sx;
2793  if(Detz == 0) {
2794  cout << "DET Z = 0" << endl;
2795  return kFALSE; } // CHECK
2796  fitp = (1/Detz)*(Sxx*Sz - Sx*Sxz);
2797  fitm = (1/Detz)*(S1z*Sxz - Sx*Sz);
2798  // cout << "z fit " << fitm << " " << fitp << endl;
2801  return true;
2802 }
2804 // CHECK :-)GOOD!
2806 {
2807  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "GET INITIAL PARAMS" << endl;
2808  FairTrackParP recopar = sttmvd->GetParamFirst();
2809  TVector3 recomom = recopar.GetMomentum();
2810  TVector3 recopos = recopar.GetPosition();
2811  Int_t charge = recopar.GetQ();
2813  radius = recomom.Perp()/0.006;
2814  Double_t beta;
2816  if(fabs(recomom.X()) > 1e-10) {
2817  // track from tangent ---------------------
2818  //double reco_m1 = recomom.Y() / recomom.X(); //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
2819  //double reco_q1 = recopos.Y() - recopos.X() * reco_m1; //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
2820  //double reco_m2 = -1./reco_m1; //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
2821  //double reco_q2 = recopos.Y() - recopos.X() * reco_m2; //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
2822  beta = TMath::ATan2(recomom.X(), recomom.Y());
2823  }
2824  else beta = TMath::Sign(1., recomom.Y()) * TMath::Pi();
2825  //double recoX0, recoY0; //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
2826  if(charge > 0) {
2827  xc = recopos.X() + radius * TMath::Cos(beta);
2828  yc = recopos.Y() - radius * TMath::Sin(beta);
2829  }
2830  else {
2831  xc = recopos.X() - radius * TMath::Cos(beta);
2832  yc = recopos.Y() + radius * TMath::Sin(beta);
2833  }
2835  // vector calculation (alternative): tested, it works!
2836  // TVector2 direction(recomom.X(), recomom.Y());
2837  // direction = direction.Unit();
2838  // TVector2 rad(charge * direction.Y() * R, - charge * direction.X() * R);
2840  // TVector2 center = recopos.XYvector() + rad;
2841  // xc = center.X();
2842  // yc = center.Y();
2845  // ---------------------------------------------------
2846  FairTrackParP recoparlast = sttmvd->GetParamLast();
2847  TVector3 recoposlast = recoparlast.GetPosition();
2850  if(fVerbose > 0) {
2851  cout << "charge/xc/yc/radius " << charge << " " << xc << " " << yc << " " << radius << endl;
2852  recomom.Print();
2853  recopos.Print();
2854  recoparlast.GetMomentum().Print();
2855  recoposlast.Print();
2856  }
2859  fitm = recomom.Z() / recomom.Perp(); // CHECK fitm = pz / pt :-)GOOD!
2861  // x0 y0
2862  Double_t d = TMath::Sqrt(xc * xc + yc * yc) - radius;
2863  Double_t phi = TMath::ATan2(yc, xc);
2865  Double_t x0 = d * TMath::Cos(phi);
2866  Double_t y0 = d * TMath::Sin(phi);
2868  Double_t Phi0 = TMath::ATan2((y0 - yc),(x0 - xc));
2869  Double_t scosfirst = 0, scoslast = 0.;
2871  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "Phi0 " << Phi0 * TMath::RadToDeg() << endl;
2872  // CHECK :-)GOOD! ...
2873  TVector2 v(x0 - xc, y0 - yc);
2874  double alpha1 = TMath::ATan2(recopos.Y() - y0 + radius * TMath::Sin(Phi0), recopos.X() - x0 + radius * TMath::Cos(Phi0));
2875  TVector2 p1(recopos.X() - xc, recopos.Y() - yc);
2876  Double_t Fi1 = CalculatePhi(v, p1, alpha1, Phi0, charge);
2878  if(fVerbose > 0) {
2879  cout << "alpha1, Fi1 " << alpha1 * TMath::RadToDeg() << " " << Fi1 * TMath::RadToDeg() << endl;
2880  p1.Print();
2881  }
2883  double alpha2 = TMath::ATan2(recoposlast.Y() - y0 + radius * TMath::Sin(Phi0), recoposlast.X() - x0 + radius * TMath::Cos(Phi0));
2884  TVector2 p2(recoposlast.X() - xc, recoposlast.Y() - yc);
2885  Double_t Fi2 = CalculatePhi(v, p2, alpha2, Phi0, charge);
2886  Fi2 = CompareToPreviousPhi(Fi2, Fi1, charge); // CHECK this!
2888  if(fVerbose > 0) {
2889  cout << "alpha2, Fi2 " << alpha2 * TMath::RadToDeg() << " " << Fi2 * TMath::RadToDeg() << endl;
2890  p2.Print();
2891  }
2893  scosfirst = - charge * radius * Fi1; // scos = -q * R * phi CHECK :-)GOOD!
2894  scoslast = - charge * radius * Fi2; // CHECK :-)GOOD!
2895  // ............. :-)GOOD!
2897  // z = z0 + scos * fitm
2898  fitp = (recopos.Z() + recoposlast.Z() - fitm * (scosfirst + scoslast)) / 2.; // CHECK :-)GOOD!
2901  if(fVerbose > 0) {
2902  cout << "positions first/last" << endl;
2903  recopos.Print();
2904  recoposlast.Print();
2906  cout << "scosfirst/scoslast " << scosfirst << " " << scoslast << endl;
2907  cout << "fitm/fitp " << fitm << " " << fitp << endl;
2908  cout << "z1/z2 " << fitp + fitm * scosfirst << " " << fitp + fitm * scoslast << endl;
2909  }
2910  return true;
2911 }
2913 // CHECK :-)GOOD! this function has been tested and is ok!
2914 Double_t PndSttMvdGemTracking::CalculatePhi(TVector2 v, TVector2 p, double alpha, double Phi0, int charge)
2915 {
2916  Double_t Fi = - charge * TMath::ACos(v * p / (v.Mod() * p.Mod()));
2917  double pi = TMath::Pi();
2918  double pi2 = 2 * pi;
2920  // Fi = h * (pi2 - h * Fi) // should be correct
2921  if((charge > 0 && ((Phi0 > 0 && ((alpha > 0 && alpha > Phi0) ||
2922  (alpha < 0 && alpha < Phi0 - pi)))
2923  ||
2924  ((Phi0 < 0 && ((alpha > 0 && alpha < pi + Phi0) ||
2925  (alpha < 0 && alpha > Phi0)))) ))) Fi = - (pi2 + Fi) ;
2926  else if((charge < 0 && ((Phi0 > 0 && ((alpha > 0 && alpha < Phi0) ||
2927  (alpha < 0 && alpha > Phi0 - pi)))
2928  ||
2929  ((Phi0 < 0 && ((alpha > 0 && alpha > pi + Phi0) ||
2930  (alpha < 0 && alpha < Phi0)))) ))) Fi = pi2 - Fi ;
2932  return Fi;
2933 }
2936 {
2937  // if(fabs(Fi) < fabs(Fi_pre)) Fi += h * pi2 // CHECK should be ok
2938  double pi = TMath::Pi();
2939  double pi2 = 2 * pi;
2941  if(charge < 0 && Fi < Fi_pre) Fi += pi2;
2942  else if(charge > 0 && Fi > Fi_pre) Fi -= pi2;
2943  Fi_pre = Fi;
2944  return Fi;
2945 }
2950  if(nhits == 0) return;
2952  // matrix hitid x y posindex = istat * 10 + isens iflag
2953  TMatrixT<double> sensor(nhits, 5);
2954  TMatrixT<double> nhitsonsensor(fNPositions, 1);
2955  TMatrixT<double> nhitsonsensor2(fNPositions, nhits);
2957 // cout << "gem n hits " << nhits << endl;
2958 // std::vector<int> mcpoints[fNPositions]; // CHECK
2959  std::vector< std::vector<int> > mcpoints; // CHECK
2961  for (Int_t ihit = 0; ihit < nhits; ihit++) {
2962  PndGemHit *hit = (PndGemHit*) fGemHitArray->At(ihit);
2963  if(!hit) continue;
2964  // cout << "ihit " << ihit << endl;
2965  sensor[ihit][0] = ihit;
2966  sensor[ihit][1] = hit->GetX();
2967  sensor[ihit][2] = hit->GetY();
2968  //int istat = hit->GetStationNr(); //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
2969  //int isens = hit->GetSensorNr(); //[R.K. 01/2017] unused variable?
2970  int posindex = GetPosIndex(hit);
2971  fOrderingIterator = find(fOrdering.begin(), fOrdering.end(), posindex);
2972  int ipos = fOrderingIterator - fOrdering.begin();
2973  sensor[ihit][3] = ipos;
2974  sensor[ihit][4] = true;
2993  nhitsonsensor2[ipos][(int) nhitsonsensor[ipos][0]] = ihit;
2994  nhitsonsensor[ipos][0]++;
2995  }
2998  // std::vector<int> accepted[fNPositions];
2999  std::vector< std::vector<int> > accepted;
3000  for(int ipos = 0; ipos < fNPositions; ipos++) {
3001  std::vector<int> acc;
3002  accepted.push_back(acc);
3003  }
3005  // nhitsonsensor2.Print();
3007 // cout << "SENS I, STAT I " << nhitsonsensor[0][0] << endl;
3008 // cout << "SENS 2, STAT I " << nhitsonsensor[1][0] << endl;
3009 // cout << "SENS I, STAT II " << nhitsonsensor[2][0] << endl;
3010 // cout << "SENS 2, STAT II " << nhitsonsensor[3][0] << endl;
3011 // cout << "SENS I, STAT III " << nhitsonsensor[4][0] << endl;
3012 // cout << "SENS 2, STAT III " << nhitsonsensor[5][0] << endl;
3015  int counter1 = 0;
3016 // cout << "nhits " << nhits << endl;
3017  for(int ihit = 0; ihit < nhits; ihit++) {
3019  if(sensor[ihit][3] != 0 &&
3020  sensor[ihit][3] != 2 &&
3021  sensor[ihit][3] != 4) continue;
3022  int first = (int) sensor[ihit][3];
3023  if(sensor[ihit][4] == false) continue;
3024  // cout << "FIRST " << first << endl;
3025  double x1 = sensor[ihit][1];
3026  double y1 = sensor[ihit][2];
3027  counter1++;
3029  int counter2 = 0;
3030  for(int jhit = 0; jhit < nhits; jhit++) {
3032  if(sensor[jhit][3] != first + 1) continue;
3033  int second = (int) sensor[jhit][3];
3034  if(sensor[jhit][4] == false) continue;
3035  // cout << "SECOND " << second << endl;
3037  double x2 = sensor[jhit][1];
3038  double y2 = sensor[jhit][2];
3039  counter2++;
3040  double distance = TMath::Sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) +
3041  (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2));
3043  if(distance < fCombiDistance) {
3044  std::vector< int > acc1 = accepted[first];
3045  std::vector< int > acc2 = accepted[second];
3046  bool alreadythere1 = false, alreadythere2 = false;
3047  for(size_t j = 0; j < acc1.size(); j++) {
3048  if(sensor[ihit][0] == acc1[j]) {
3049  alreadythere1 = true;
3050  break;
3051  }
3052  }
3053  for(size_t j = 0; j < acc2.size(); j++) {
3054  if(sensor[jhit][0] == acc2[j]) {
3055  alreadythere2 = true;
3056  break;
3057  }
3058  }
3060  if(alreadythere1 == false) {
3061  // accepted[first].push_back((int) sensor[ihit][0]);
3062  acc1.push_back((int) sensor[ihit][0]);
3063  accepted[first] = acc1;
3064  fCombiMap[ihit] = 0;
3066  // ^^^^^^^
3067  PndGemHit *hit = (PndGemHit*) fGemHitArray->At(ihit);
3068  if(!hit) continue;
3069  double digis[2];
3070  digis[0] = hit->GetDigiNr(0);
3071  digis[1] = hit->GetDigiNr(1);
3072  int stat = hit->GetStationNr();
3073  int sens = hit->GetSensorNr();
3074  int posindex = stat * 10 + sens;
3075  switch(posindex) {
3076  case 11:
3077  posindex = 0; break;
3078  case 12:
3079  posindex = 1; break;
3080  case 21:
3081  posindex = 2; break;
3082  case 22:
3083  posindex = 3; break;
3084  case 31:
3085  posindex = 4; break;
3086  case 32:
3087  posindex = 5; break;
3088  }
3091  // cout << "SETTING " << ihit << " to false with ";
3092  for(int khit = 0; khit < nhits; khit++) {
3094  if(ihit == khit) continue;
3095  if(sensor[khit][3] != posindex) continue;
3096  // if(posindex == 1) cout << "? " << khit << endl;
3097  PndGemHit *ghit = (PndGemHit*) fGemHitArray->At(khit);
3098  if(!ghit) continue;
3100  if(ghit->GetDigiNr(0) == digis[0] || ghit->GetDigiNr(0) == digis[1]) {
3101  // cout << khit << " ";
3102  sensor[khit][4] = false;
3103  }
3104  if(ghit->GetDigiNr(1) == digis[0] || ghit->GetDigiNr(1) == digis[1]) {
3105  // cout << khit << " ";
3106  sensor[khit][4] = false;
3107  }
3108  }
3109  sensor[ihit][4] = false;
3111  // cout << endl;
3112  // ^^^^^^^
3114  if(fDisplayOn == kTRUE) {
3115  TMarker *amrk = new TMarker(x1, y1, 21);
3116  amrk->SetMarkerColor(5);
3117  display->cd(first + 1);
3118  amrk->Draw("SAME");
3119  display->Update();
3120  display->Modified();
3121  }
3122  }
3124  if(alreadythere2 == false) {
3125 // accepted[second].push_back((int) sensor[jhit][0]);
3126  acc2.push_back((int) sensor[jhit][0]);
3127  accepted[second] = acc2;
3129  fCombiMap[jhit] = 0;
3131  // ^^^^^^^
3132  PndGemHit *hit = (PndGemHit*) fGemHitArray->At(jhit);
3133  if(!hit) continue;
3134  double digis[2];
3135  digis[0] = hit->GetDigiNr(0);
3136  digis[1] = hit->GetDigiNr(1);
3137  int stat = hit->GetStationNr();
3138  int sens = hit->GetSensorNr();
3139  int posindex = stat * 10 + sens;
3140  switch(posindex) {
3141  case 11:
3142  posindex = 0; break;
3143  case 12:
3144  posindex = 1; break;
3145  case 21:
3146  posindex = 2; break;
3147  case 22:
3148  posindex = 3; break;
3149  case 31:
3150  posindex = 4; break;
3151  case 32:
3152  posindex = 5; break;
3153  }
3155  // cout << "SETTING " << jhit << " to false with ";
3156  for(int khit = 0; khit < nhits; khit++) {
3157  if(jhit == khit) continue;
3158  if(sensor[khit][3] != posindex) continue;
3160  PndGemHit *ghit = (PndGemHit*) fGemHitArray->At(khit);
3161  if(!ghit) continue;
3162  if(ghit->GetDigiNr(0) == digis[0] || ghit->GetDigiNr(0) == digis[1]) {
3163  // cout << khit << " ";
3164  sensor[khit][4] = false;
3165  }
3166  if(ghit->GetDigiNr(1) == digis[0] || ghit->GetDigiNr(1) == digis[1]) {
3167  // cout << khit << " ";
3168  sensor[khit][4] = false;
3169  }
3170  }
3171  sensor[jhit][4] = false;
3172  // cout << endl;
3173  // ^^^^^^^
3175  if(fDisplayOn == kTRUE) {
3176  TMarker *amrk2 = new TMarker(x2, y2, 21);
3177  amrk2->SetMarkerColor(5);
3178  display->cd(second + 1);
3179  amrk2->Draw("SAME");
3180  display->Update();
3181  display->Modified();
3182  }
3183  }
3184  }
3185  if(counter2 == nhitsonsensor[first + 1][0]) break;
3186  }
3187  if(counter1 == (nhitsonsensor[0][0] + nhitsonsensor[2][0] + nhitsonsensor[4][0])) break;
3188  }
3190  // cout << "MCPOINTS: " << endl;
3191 // for(int istat = 0; istat < fNPositions; istat++) {
3192 // cout << "istat " << istat << " " ;
3193 // for(int j = 0; j < mcpoints[istat].size(); j++) cout << " " << mcpoints[istat][j];
3194 // cout << endl;
3195 // }
3196 // cout << "ACCEPTED " << endl;
3197 // for(int istat = 0; istat < fNPositions; istat++) {
3198 // cout << "istat " << istat << " ";
3199 // for(int i = 0; i < accepted[istat].size(); i++) cout << " " << accepted[istat][i];
3200 // cout << endl;
3201 // }
3203 }
3208 {
3210  if(nhits == 0) return;
3212  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "CHECK COMBINATORIAL: DELETE FAKE HITS" << endl;
3214  // loop over the tracks
3215  for(Int_t it = 0; it < ntracks; it++) {
3216  int itrk = GetTrackIndex(it);
3217  if(fProTracks[itrk] == false) continue;
3218  std::vector<int> thistrackhits = GetHitsAssociatedToTrack(itrk);
3219  if(thistrackhits.size() == 0) continue;
3220  // fill table:
3221  // each row is a sensor plane and contains
3222  // the hits associtaed to this track on it
3223  TMatrixT<double> combi(fNPositions, thistrackhits.size());
3224  TMatrixT<double> addhit(fNPositions, 1);
3226  // init
3227  for(Int_t ipos = 0; ipos < fNPositions; ipos++) {
3228  addhit[ipos][0] = 0;
3229  for(size_t j = 0; j < thistrackhits.size(); j++) combi[ipos][j] = -1;
3230  }
3232  for(size_t j = 0; j < thistrackhits.size(); j++) {
3233  int ihit = thistrackhits[j];
3235  PndGemHit *gemhit = (PndGemHit*) fGemHitArray->At(ihit);
3236  if(!gemhit) continue;
3238  int posindex = GetPosIndex(gemhit);
3239  fOrderingIterator = find(fOrdering.begin(), fOrdering.end(), posindex);
3240  int index = fOrderingIterator - fOrdering.begin();
3242  int hitpos = (int) addhit[index][0];
3243  combi[index][hitpos] = ihit;
3244  addhit[index][0]++;
3245  }
3247  if(fVerbose > 0) {
3248  cout << "itrk " << itrk << " " << nhits << " " << thistrackhits.size() << endl;
3249  combi.Print();
3250  }
3253  // loop on sensor planes for this track
3254  for(Int_t ipos = 0; ipos < fNPositions; ipos++) {
3256  int count = 0;
3257  // count hits associated on this sensor plane
3258  for(size_t i = 0; i < thistrackhits.size(); i++) {
3259  if(combi[ipos][i] != -1) count++;
3260  }
3262  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << count << " hits on pos " << ipos << endl;
3264  // if there is no hit or only one, continue ...
3265  if(count <= 1) continue;
3266  // ... else
3267  int count2 = 0;
3268  // count how many true (non combi) hits are there
3269  for(size_t i = 0; i < thistrackhits.size(); i++) {
3270  int ihit = (int) combi[ipos][i];
3271  if(ihit == -1) continue;
3272  if(fCombiMap[ihit] == 0) count2++;
3273  }
3275  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << count2 << " true hits on pos " << ipos << endl;
3277  // if there is no true hit, continue ...
3278  if(count2 == 0) continue;
3279  // ... else, clean up from combinatorial hits
3280  for(size_t i = 0; i < thistrackhits.size(); i++) {
3281  int ihit = (int) combi[ipos][i];
3282  if(fCombiMap[ihit] != 0) {
3283  if(fVerbose > 0) cout << "delete " << ihit << " from track " << itrk << endl;
3284  DeleteHitFromTrack(ihit, itrk);
3285  }
3286  }
3287  }
3288  }
3289 }
3293 Bool_t PndSttMvdGemTracking::ZFind(Int_t nhits, TMatrixT<double> points, Double_t xc, Double_t yc, Double_t radius)
3294 {
3295  // cout << "Z FINDER" << endl;
3296  if(nhits == 0) return kFALSE;
3298  for(int ihit = 0; ihit < nhits; ihit++)
3299  {
3300  Int_t detId = (Int_t) points[ihit][1];
3301  Int_t hitId = (Int_t) points[ihit][0];
3302  // cout << "hitId " << hitId << " detId " << detId << endl;
3303  if(hitId == -1) continue;
3304  Int_t fitflag = (Int_t) points[ihit][10];
3305  if(fitflag != 1) continue;
3306  if(detId != FairRootManager::Instance()->GetBranchId(fSttBranchName)) continue;
3308  // intersection: tube line with circle trajectory in xy
3310  // find the tube line
3311  // y = mx + q
3312  PndSttHit *hit = (PndSttHit* ) fSttHitArray->At(hitId);
3313  if(!hit) continue;
3315  Int_t tubeID = hit->GetTubeID();
3317  PndSttTube *tube = (PndSttTube* ) fTubeArray->At(tubeID);
3318  TVector3 pos = tube->GetPosition();
3319  TVector3 wireDirection = tube->GetWireDirection();
3320  Double_t halflength = tube->GetHalfLength();
3321  if(wireDirection == TVector3(0., 0., 1.)) continue;
3323 // pos.Print();
3324 // wireDirection.Print();
3325  // cout << "hl " << halflength << endl;
3326  TVector3 first = pos + wireDirection * halflength; // CHECK
3327  TVector3 second = pos - wireDirection * halflength; // CHECK
3328  // first.Print();
3329 // second.Print();
3331  double xint, yint, x1, y1, x2, y2, delta;
3333  // when tube is vertical
3334  if(fabs(second.X() - first.X()) < 1.e-5) {
3335  x1 = first.X();
3336  x2 = x1;
3338  delta = radius * radius - (x1 - xc) * (x1 - xc);
3339  if(delta < 0) continue;
3340  y1 = yc + TMath::Sqrt(delta);
3341  y2 = yc - TMath::Sqrt(delta);
3343  }
3344  else {
3346  Double_t m = (second.Y() - first.Y())/(second.X() - first.X());
3347  Double_t q = first.Y() - m * first.X();
3349  // center of trajectory xc, yc, radius
3350  delta = (m * (q - yc) - xc) - (m * m + 1) * ((q - yc) * (q - yc) + xc * xc - radius * radius);
3351  if(delta < 0) continue;
3353  x1 = (- (m * (q - yc) - xc) + delta) / (m * m + 1);
3354  y1 = m * x1 + q;
3355  x2 = (- (m * (q - yc) - xc) - delta) / (m * m + 1);
3356  y2 = m * x2 + q;
3357  }
3359  double d1 = 0, d2 = 0;
3360  d1 = TMath::Sqrt((y1 - first.Y()) * (y1 - first.Y()) + (x1 - first.X()) * (x1 - first.X()));
3361  d2 = TMath::Sqrt((y2 - first.Y()) * (y2 - first.Y()) + (x2 - first.X()) * (x2 - first.X()));
3363  if(d1 < d2) {
3364  xint = x1;
3365  yint = y1;
3366  }
3367  else {
3368  xint = x2;
3369  yint = y2;
3370  }
3372  // APPROXIMATION: take the z of this intersection point // CHECK
3373  Double_t ll = ((xint - first.X()) + (yint - first.Y())) / (wireDirection.X() + wireDirection.Y());
3374  double zint = first.Z() + wireDirection.Z() * ll;
3376  points[ihit][2] = xint;
3377  points[ihit][3] = yint;
3378  points[ihit][4] = zint;
3379  points[ihit][5] = 1.; // CHECK
3380  points[ihit][6] = 1.; // CHECK
3381  points[ihit][7] = 1.; // CHECK
3383  // cout << "inters " << xint << " " << yint << " " << zint << endl;
3385  }
3387  return kTRUE;
3388 }
3393  cout << "UPDATE MC TRACK ID" << endl;
3394  cout << "ORIGINAL MC " << completeCand->getMcTrackId() << endl;
3396  // track ID <---> counter
3397  std::map<int, int> mctrackids;
3398  // std::vector<int> newtracks;
3400  for (size_t ihit = 0; ihit < completeCand->GetNHits(); ihit++) {
3401  PndTrackCandHit candhit = completeCand->GetSortedHit(ihit);
3402  Int_t iHit = candhit.GetHitId();
3403  Int_t detId = candhit.GetDetId();
3405  FairHit *fhit;
3406  FairMCPoint *fpnt;
3407  if(detId == FairRootManager::Instance()->GetBranchId(fMvdStripBranchName))
3408  {
3409  fhit = (FairHit*) fMvdStripHitArray->At(iHit);
3410  if(!fhit) continue;
3411  Int_t refIndex = fhit->GetRefIndex();
3412  if(refIndex == -1) continue;
3413  fpnt = (FairMCPoint*) fMvdPointArray->At(refIndex);
3414  if(!fpnt) continue;
3415  }
3416  else if(detId == FairRootManager::Instance()->GetBranchId(fMvdPixelBranchName)) {
3417  fhit = (FairHit*) fMvdPixelHitArray->At(iHit);
3418  if(!fhit) continue;
3419  Int_t refIndex = fhit->GetRefIndex();
3420  if(refIndex == -1) continue;
3421  fpnt = (FairMCPoint*) fMvdPointArray->At(refIndex);
3422  if(!fpnt) continue;
3423  }
3424  else if(detId == FairRootManager::Instance()->GetBranchId(fSttBranchName)) {
3425  fhit = (FairHit*) fSttHitArray->At(iHit);
3426  if(!fhit) continue;
3427  Int_t refIndex = fhit->GetRefIndex();
3428  if(refIndex == -1) continue;
3429  fpnt = (FairMCPoint*) fSttPointArray->At(refIndex);
3430  if(!fpnt) continue;
3431  }
3432  else if (detId == FairRootManager::Instance()->GetBranchId(fGemBranchName)) {
3433  fhit = (FairHit*) fGemHitArray->At(iHit);
3434  if(!fhit) continue;
3435  Int_t refIndex = fhit->GetRefIndex();
3436  if(refIndex == -1) continue;
3437  fpnt = (FairMCPoint*) fGemPointArray->At(refIndex);
3438  }
3439  else continue; // CHECK
3441  int trackID = fpnt->GetTrackID();
3442  cout << "HIT ID " << iHit << " DET ID " << detId << " TRACK ID " << trackID << endl;
3443  // // is the track ID new?
3444  // std::vector<int>::iterator iter;
3445  // iter = find(newtracks.begin(), newtracks.end(), trackID);
3446  // int index = iter - newtracks.begin();
3447  // // if no
3448  // if(index == newtracks.size()) newtracks.push_back(trackID);
3450  mctrackids[trackID]++;
3451  }
3453  int counter = 0;
3454  int tmptrackID = -1;
3455  for(size_t itrk = 0; itrk < mctrackids.size(); itrk++) {
3456  if(counter < mctrackids[itrk]) {
3457  counter = mctrackids[itrk];
3458  tmptrackID = itrk;
3459  }
3460  }
3461  completeCand->setMcTrackId(tmptrackID);
3462  cout << "NEW MC " << completeCand->getMcTrackId() << endl;
3464 }
3468  PndTrackID *trackID = (PndTrackID*) fTrackIDArray->At(trackid);
3469  if (trackID->GetNCorrTrackId()>0)
3470  {
3471  Int_t mctrackid = trackID->GetCorrTrackID();
3472  if (mctrackid == -1) {
3473  std::cout << "-W- PndSttMvdGemTracking: no mctrackid - use default hypo " << fDefaultPdgCode << std::endl;
3474  return fDefaultPdgCode;
3475  }
3477  PndMCTrack *mctrack = (PndMCTrack*) fMCTrackArray->At(mctrackid);
3478  if (!mctrack)
3479  {
3480  std::cout << "-W- PndSttMvdGemTracking: no mctrack " << mctrackid << " - use default hypo " << fDefaultPdgCode << std::endl;
3481  return fDefaultPdgCode;
3482  }
3484  Int_t pdg = mctrack->GetPdgCode();
3486  if(pdg >= 100000000) // ion
3487  {
3488  std::cout << "-W- PndSttMvdGemTracking: we have an ion here " << pdg << " - use default hypo " << fDefaultPdgCode << std::endl;
3489  return fDefaultPdgCode;
3490  }
3491  else if (TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle(mctrack->GetPdgCode())->Charge() == 0)
3492  {
3493  std::cout << "-W- PndSttMvdGemTracking: we have an neutral here " << pdg << " - use default hypo " << fDefaultPdgCode << std::endl;
3494  return fDefaultPdgCode;
3495  }
3496  return pdg;
3497  } // end of "at least one correlated mc index"
3498  else
3499  {
3500  std::cout << "-W- PndSttMvdGemTracking: no correlated mctrackid at all - use default hypo " << fDefaultPdgCode << std::endl;
3501  return fDefaultPdgCode;
3502  }
3503 }
3506  int pdg = GetPdgFromMC(trackid);
3507  // is the reco track in accordance with the mc one?
3508  double mccharge = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle(pdg)->Charge()/3.;
3509  if((charge * mccharge) > 0.) return pdg;
3510  else return -pdg;
3511 }
3514  fMvdPixelBranchName = mvdpixel;
3515  fMvdStripBranchName = mvdstrip;
3516  fSttBranchName = stt;
3517  fGemBranchName = gem;
3518 }
3521 {
3522  fStartTrackBranchName = starttrack;
3523  fStartTrackCandBranchName = starttrackcand;
3525 }
PndMCTrack * mctrack
Double_t CompareToPreviousPhi(Double_t Fi, Double_t Fi_pre, int charge)
std::vector< int >::iterator fOrderingIterator
TVector3 pos
Double_t z0
Definition: checkhelixhit.C:62
Double_t x0
Definition: checkhelixhit.C:70
int fVerbose
Definition: poormantracks.C:24
TMatrixT< float > hitmap
void SetRefIndex(TString branch, Int_t i)
Definition: PndTrack.h:41
PndGemDigiPar * fGemParameters
void OrderGemHits(Int_t nhits)
Int_t GetPosIndex(PndGemHit *hit)
int getMcTrackId() const
Definition: PndTrackCand.h:60
void Copy(PndTrackCand *completeCand, PndTrack *completeTrack, PndTrackCand *sttmvdCand, PndTrack *sttmvd)
TObjArray * d
#define IDEAL
std::vector< int > GetHitsAssociatedToTrackOnPlane(Int_t itrk, Int_t ipos)
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
__m128 m
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:28
TTree * b
TFile * file
Double_t GetHalfLength()
Definition: PndSttTube.cxx:99
void CheckCombinatorial(Int_t nhits, Int_t ntracks)
friend F32vec4 sqrt(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:29
void SetBranchNames(TString mvdpixel, TString mvdstrip, TString stt, TString gem)
Bool_t Fit(TMatrixT< double > points, Double_t &outxc, Double_t &outyc, Double_t &outradius)
static T Sqrt(const T &x)
Definition: PndCAMath.h:37
Int_t GetPdgCode() const
Definition: PndMCTrack.h:73
#define verbose
TClonesArray * fTrackCandArray
TLorentzVector s
Definition: Pnd2DStar.C:50
std::vector< PndTrackCandHit > GetSortedHits()
PndTrackCandHit GetSortedHit(UInt_t i)
Definition: PndTrackCand.h:54
void setMcTrackId(int i)
Definition: PndTrackCand.h:72
static T Sin(const T &x)
Definition: PndCAMath.h:42
Int_t GetFlag() const
Definition: PndTrack.h:33
TClonesArray * pnt
Double_t IsAssignable(FairTrackParP *gempar, PndGemHit *gemhit)
virtual void Exec(Option_t *opt)
Double_t par[3]
KalmanTask * kalman
TVector3 GetMomentum() const
Definition: PndMCTrack.h:78
std::vector< int > trackindexes
void SetPersistency(Bool_t val=kTRUE)
Double_t CalculatePhi(TVector2 v, TVector2 p, double alpha, double Phi0, int charge)
TGeoVolume * sensor
Int_t CountHitsInTrack(Int_t itrk)
#define pi
Definition: createSTT.C:60
TClonesArray * fCompleteTrackCandArray
Digitization Parameter Class for GEM part.
Definition: PndGemDigiPar.h:31
Bool_t IntersectionFinder(Double_t xc, Double_t yc, Double_t radius, PndSttHit *stthit, TVector3 &xyz, TVector3 &dxyz)
Int_t GetCorrTrackID(Int_t i=0) const
Definition: PndTrackID.h:35
std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > trackvector
Int_t GetChargeCorrectedPdgFromMC(int trackid, int charge)
Bool_t ZFit(TMatrixT< double > points, Int_t charge, Double_t xc, Double_t yc, Double_t radius, Double_t &fitm, Double_t &fip)
static T Cos(const T &x)
Definition: PndCAMath.h:43
__m128 v
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:4
TClonesArray * fCompleteTrackArray
PndGemSensor * GetSensor(Int_t iSensor)
Definition: PndGemStation.h:63
Double_t p
Definition: anasim.C:58
Int_t GetClosestOnFirst(FairTrackParP *gempar, Int_t ipos, Double_t &closestdistance)
static int counter2
Definition: createSTT.C:28
Short_t GetNCorrTrackId(void) const
Definition: PndTrackID.h:34
Int_t GetSensorNr() const
Definition: PndGemHit.h:83
std::vector< int > GetHitsAssociatedToTrack(Int_t itrk)
void EvaluatePerformances(Int_t nhits, Int_t ntracks)
std::vector< int > fOrdering
virtual InitStatus Init()
TMatrixD GetCov() const
Definition: PndSdsHit.h:98
int idx[MAX]
Definition: autocutx.C:38
TClonesArray * fMvdPixelHitArray
void AddRemainingHits(Int_t ntracks)
Int_t a
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:126
void AddHit(UInt_t detId, UInt_t hitId, Double_t rho)
Int_t GetNSensors() const
Definition: PndGemStation.h:60
Bool_t PropagateToGemPlane(FairTrackParP *tmppar, FairTrackParP *gempar, Int_t ipos)
int counter
Definition: ZeeAnalysis.C:59
Int_t GetPdgFromMC(int trackid)
Double_t GetIsochrone() const
Definition: PndSttHit.h:62
TClonesArray * fMvdStripHitArray
TMatrixT< double > distancemap
Double_t GetRho() const
Double_t y0
Definition: checkhelixhit.C:71
static T ATan2(const T &y, const T &x)
Double_t GetDp() const
Definition: PndGemHit.h:76
TVector3 GetPosition()
Definition: PndSttTube.cxx:87
TClonesArray * point
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:29
Double_t GetX0() const
Definition: PndGemSensor.h:98
FairTrackParP GetParamLast()
Definition: PndTrack.h:50
FairRuntimeDb * rtdb
Definition: hit_dirc.C:66
Int_t GetTubeID() const
Definition: PndSttHit.h:75
TClonesArray * FillTubeArray()
Bool_t Prefit(PndTrack *sttmvdTrack, PndTrackCand *sttmvdCand, TVector3 &lastpos, TVector3 &lastmom)
Double_t GetIsochroneError() const
Definition: PndSttHit.h:63
Double_t z
TMatrixT< float > hitcounter
TGeoCombiTrans * combi
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
void Kalman(TMatrixT< double > extrap, TMatrixT< double > measurement, TMatrixT< double > H, TMatrixT< double > extrap_cov, TMatrixT< double > measurement_cov, TMatrixT< double > &kalman, TMatrixT< double > &kalman_cov)
std::map< int, bool > fProTracks
void DeleteHitFromTrack(Int_t ihit, Int_t itrk)
Double_t GetY0() const
Definition: PndGemSensor.h:99
Int_t GetNStations()
Definition: PndGemDigiPar.h:45
void ForbidMultiAssignedHits(Int_t nhits, Int_t ntracks)
Int_t GetStationNr() const
Definition: PndGemHit.h:81
TPad * p2
Definition: hist-t7.C:117
void AddHitToTrack(Int_t ihit, Int_t itrk)
Bool_t ZFind(Int_t nhits, TMatrixT< double > points, Double_t xc, Double_t yc, Double_t radius)
Bool_t PropagateToGemPlaneAsHelix(PndTrack *sttmvd, FairTrackParP *gempar, Int_t ipos)
void SetTrackBranchNames(TString startingtrack, TString startingtrackcand)
int hit(Int_t nEvents=0, TString inFile="sim.root", TString parFile="par.root", TString inDigi="digi.root", TString outFile="hit.root", Int_t timeBased=0)
Definition: hit.C:1
int countperformance[7]
Double_t x
TVector3 GetPosition() const
Definition: PndGemHit.h:71
void SetFlag(Int_t i)
Definition: PndTrack.h:38
FairTrackParP SetStartParameters(PndTrack *sttmvd, PndTrackCand *sttmvdCand)
std::vector< int > GetTracksAssociatedToHit(Int_t ihit)
Int_t SelectPdgCode(PndTrack *sttmvd)
UInt_t GetNHits() const
Definition: PndTrackCand.h:59
PndSttMvdTracking * sttmvd
Definition: runrecoMix.C:114
Int_t GetDigiNr(Int_t iside) const
Definition: PndGemHit.h:77
TPad * p1
Definition: hist-t7.C:116
int count
void OnlyOneHitToEachTrack(Int_t nhits, Int_t ntracks)
Double_t GetZ0() const
Definition: PndGemSensor.h:100
Double_t GetOuterRadius() const
Definition: PndGemSensor.h:103
std::vector< int > AssignHits(Int_t itrk, FairTrackParP *gempar, Int_t ipos)
Int_t GetRefIndex() const
Definition: PndTrack.h:36
Double_t y
double alpha
Definition: f_Init.h:9
TVector3 GetStartVertex() const
Definition: PndMCTrack.h:76
Double_t GetDr() const
Definition: PndGemHit.h:75
PndTrackCand * GetTrackCandPtr()
Definition: PndTrack.h:48
Int_t GetMotherID() const
Definition: PndMCTrack.h:74
Int_t GetHitId() const
double dPhi
Definition: RiemannTest.C:17
void UpdateMCTrackId(PndTrackCand *completeCand)
Double_t Pi
Bool_t GetInitialParams(PndTrack *sttmvd, Double_t &xc, Double_t &yc, Double_t &radius, Double_t &fitm, Double_t &fitp)
void SetTrackCand(const PndTrackCand &cand)
Definition: PndTrack.h:43
std::vector< int > notassignedhits
Double_t R
Definition: checkhelixhit.C:61
Int_t GetDetId() const
static int counter1
Definition: createSTT.C:27
TVector3 GetWireDirection()
Definition: PndSttTube.cxx:107
void ConsiderCombinatorialEffect(Int_t nhits)
std::map< int, bool > towhichplane
FairTrackParP GetParamFirst()
Definition: PndTrack.h:49
double pz[39]
Definition: pipisigmas.h:14
PndGemStation * GetStation(Int_t iStation)
std::map< int, int > fCombiMap
void Reset(Int_t nhits, Int_t ntracks)
std::vector< int > usabletracks