23 obj = (
RhoFitterBase* ) buf.ReadObject ( RhoFitterBase::Class() );
72 std::cout<<endl<<
"*** Candidate is its own mother??? *** \n"<<std::endl;
73 std::cout<<
" print: "<<*head<<std::endl;;
91 return chi2 >=0.0 ? chi2 : -1.;
105 Warning(
"You tried to fit a locked candidate. Retuning kFALSE now.");
122 if(kFALSE==check)
return kFALSE;
126 if(kFALSE==check)
return kFALSE;
132 Warning(
"Method not implemented in %s",this->GetName());
163 TLorentzVector tmpLV;
170 tmpCov = tmpCov + tc->
172 composite->
virtual Bool_t FitNode(RhoCandidate *b)
void FindAndAddFinalStateDaughters(RhoCandidate *cand)
void SetMotherLink(RhoCandidate *m, bool verbose=true)
Bool_t IsComposite() const
RhoCandidate * Daughter(Int_t n)
void SetFourMomentumByDaughters(RhoCandidate *composite)
void SetP4(Double_t mass, const TVector3 &p3)
std::map< Int_t, Double_t > fChi2Map
! each particle's contribution to the chi^2
int uid(int lev, int lrun, int lmode)
ClassImp(RhoFitterBase) TBuffer &operator>>(TBuffer &buf
void RemoveAssociations()
double Chi2Contribution(const RhoCandidate *)
TLorentzVector P4() const
static RhoFactory * Instance()
std::vector< RhoCandidate * > fDaughters
void SetFit(RhoCandidate *b)
static RhoCandidate * NewCandidate()
RhoCandidate * fHeadOfTree
Bool_t IterateAndFit(RhoCandidate *b)
void SetDecayVtx(RhoVector3Err theVtx)
RhoCandidate * CopyTree(RhoCandidate *)
RhoCandidate * CopyCand(RhoCandidate *)
uppermost particle composite in tree
void SetDaugthersFromComposite(RhoCandidate *cand)
void SetDecayVertex(RhoCandidate *composite, const TVector3 &vtx, const TMatrixD &CovVV)
void SetCov7(const TMatrixD &cov7)
TMatrixT< double > TMatrixD