Functions | Variables
anal_point_fwendcap.C File Reference

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gROOT Macro ("$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/rootlogon.C")
tsim SetBranchAddress ("MCTrack",&mctrack_array)
tsim SetBranchAddress ("EmcPoint",&point_array)
cout<< "POINTs for new
FwEndCap == "<< tsim-> 
GetEntriesFast ()
c1 Divide (3, 3)
gStyle SetPalette (1)
c1 cd (1)
hrow_crystal_p Draw ("colz")
hrow_crystal_p GetXaxis () -> SetTitle("crystal number")
hrow_crystal_p GetYaxis () -> SetTitle("row number")
c1 cd (2)
c1 cd (3)
copies SetTextSize (0.05)
copies SetFillColor (0)
copies SetBorderSize (0)
copies AddEntry (hz_p,"All copies","l")
copies AddEntry (hz_cp1_p,"copy_1","l")
copies AddEntry (hz_cp2_p,"copy_2","l")
copies AddEntry (hz_cp3_p,"copy_3","l")
copies AddEntry (hz_cp4_p,"copy_4","l")
hz_p Draw ()
hz_cp1_p SetLineColor (2)
hz_cp1_p Draw ("same")
hz_cp2_p SetLineColor (3)
hz_cp3_p SetLineColor (4)
hz_cp4_p SetLineColor (6)
c1 Modified ()
c1 cd (4)
h10d SetLineColor (1)
c1 cd (5)
c1 cd (6)
c1 cd (7)
c1 cd (8)
c1 cd (9)
c2 Update ()
c3a Divide (2, 2)


TFile * fsim = new TFile("data/fixed/sim_emc_g3_m3_1000eve_fixed.root")
TTree * tsim =(TTree *) fsim->Get("pndsim")
TClonesArray * mctrack_array =new TClonesArray("PndMCTrack")
TClonesArray * point_array =new TClonesArray("PndEmcPoint")
PndEmcMapperemcMap =PndEmcMapper::Instance(2)
Double_t theta_mc
Double_t phi_mc
Double_t ene_mc
Double_t point_ene
Double_t point_theta
Double_t point_phi
Double_t x_p
Double_t y_p
Double_t z_p
Double_t module_p
Double_t crystal_p
Double_t row_p
Double_t copy_p
Double_t crystal_pid
Double_t row_pid
Double_t hit_ene
Double_t hit_theta
Double_t hit_phi
Double_t hit_id
Double_t hit_x
Double_t hit_y
Double_t z_cp1_p
Double_t z_cp2_p
Double_t z_cp3_p
Double_t z_cp4_p
Int_t id_p
TVector3 photon_momentum
TLorentzVector phot
int ndigi
int npoint
double max_energy1 =0
TH2F * hrow_crystal_p = new TH2F("row_crystal","row vs crystal (POINT)",72,-36,36,72,-36,36)
TH2F * hx_y_p = new TH2F("x_y_p","x vs y (POINT)",200,-100,100,200,-100,100)
TH1F * hid_p = new TH1F("id_p","id (POINT)",140000000,300000000,340000000)
TH1F * hx_p = new TH1F("x_p","X (POINT)",100,-100,100)
TH1F * hy_p = new TH1F("y_p","Y (POINT)",100,-100,100)
TH1F * hz_p = new TH1F("z_p","Z (POINT)",100,200,300)
TH1F * hmodule_p = new TH1F("module_p","Module (POINT)",5,1,6)
TH2F * hcp_z_p = new TH2F("cp_z_p","Copy vs.Z pos (POINT)",4,1,5,80,200,240)
TH1F * hz_cp1_p = new TH1F("z_cp1_p","z (POINT)",300,1,300)
TH1F * hz_cp2_p = new TH1F("z_cp2_p","z (POINT)",300,1,300)
TH1F * hz_cp3_p = new TH1F("z_cp3_p","z (POINT)",300,1,300)
TH1F * hz_cp4_p = new TH1F("z_cp4_p","z (POINT)",300,1,300)
TH2F * hxpad_x_p = new TH2F("xpad_x_p","x vs xpad (POINT)",200,-100,100,200,-100,100)
TH2F * hypad_y_p = new TH2F("ypad_y_p","y vs ypad (POINT)",200,-100,100,200,-100,100)
TH2F * hxpad_x_cp1_p = new TH2F("xpad_x_cp1_p","x vs xpad _cp1_ (POINT)",200,-100,100,200,-100,100)
TH2F * hxpad_x_cp2_p = new TH2F("xpad_x_cp2_p","x vs xpad _cp2_ (POINT)",200,-100,100,200,-100,100)
TH2F * hxpad_x_cp3_p = new TH2F("xpad_x_cp3_p","x vs xpad _cp3_ (POINT)",200,-100,100,200,-100,100)
TH2F * hxpad_x_cp4_p = new TH2F("xpad_x_cp4_p","x vs xpad _cp4_ (POINT)",200,-100,100,200,-100,100)
TH2F * hypad_y_cp1_p = new TH2F("ypad_y_cp1_p","y vs ypad _cp1_ (POINT)",200,-100,100,200,-100,100)
TH2F * hypad_y_cp2_p = new TH2F("ypad_y_cp2_p","y vs ypad _cp2_ (POINT)",200,-100,100,200,-100,100)
TH2F * hypad_y_cp3_p = new TH2F("ypad_y_cp3_p","y vs ypad _cp3_ (POINT)",200,-100,100,200,-100,100)
TH2F * hypad_y_cp4_p = new TH2F("ypad_y_cp4_p","y vs ypad _cp4_ (POINT)",200,-100,100,200,-100,100)
TH1F * hene_mc = new TH1F("hene_mc","MC energy (GeV)",100,0.0,1.05)
TH1F * hene_p = new TH1F("hene_p","DATA energy (GeV)",1000,0.0,0.1)
TH1F * hpoi_ene = new TH1F("hpoi_ene","SUM of Points energy (GeV)",100,0.0,1.05)
TH1F * hhit_ene = new TH1F("hhit_ene","SUM of Hits energy (GeV)",100,0.0,1.05)
TH1F * h10 = new TH1F("h10","POINT Theta (MC)",180,0.,180.)
TH1F * h20 = new TH1F("h20","POINT Phi (MC)",360,-180.,180.)
TH1F * h10d = new TH1F("h10d","POINT Theta (data)",180,0.,180.)
TH1F * h20d = new TH1F("h20d","POINT Phi (data)",360,-180.,180.)
TH1F * h1 = new TH1F("h1","POINT Theta difference",100,-5.,5.)
TH1F * h2 = new TH1F("h2","POINT Phi difference",100,-5.,5.)
TH1F * h1a = new TH1F("h1a","POINT Theta difference -changed id ",100,-5.,5.)
TH1F * h2a = new TH1F("h2a","POINT Phi difference - changed id",100,-5.,5.)
TH1F * h3 = new TH1F("h3","HIT Theta difference",100,-5.,5.)
TH1F * h4 = new TH1F("h4","HIT Phi difference",100,-5.,5.)
TH1F * h3a = new TH1F("h3a","HIT Theta difference -changed id",100,-5.,5.)
TH1F * h4a = new TH1F("h4a","HIT Phi difference -changed id",100,-5.,5.)
TCanvas * c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "", 100, 100, 800, 800)
TLegend * copies = new TLegend(0.60,0.50,0.85,0.85)
TCanvas * c2 = new TCanvas("c2", "", 100, 100, 800, 800)
TCanvas * c3a = new TCanvas("c3a", "", 100, 100, 800, 800)
TCanvas * c3b = new TCanvas("c3b", "", 100, 100, 800, 800)

Function Documentation

copies AddEntry ( hz_p  ,
"All copies ,
copies AddEntry ( hz_cp1_p  ,
"copy_1"  ,
copies AddEntry ( hz_cp2_p  ,
"copy_2"  ,
copies AddEntry ( hz_cp3_p  ,
"copy_3"  ,
copies AddEntry ( hz_cp4_p  ,
"copy_4"  ,
c1 cd ( )
c1 cd ( )
c1 cd ( )
c1 cd ( )
c1 cd ( )
c1 cd ( )
myCan4 cd ( )
myCan4 cd ( )
c1 cd ( )
c2 Divide ( ,
c3a Divide ( ,
h5 Draw ( "colz"  )
hz_p Draw ( )

Definition at line 64 of file NHitsPerEvent.C.

64  {
66  std::cout << "mvdHitArray: " << mvdHitArray->GetEntries() << " projectedHitArray " << mvdProjectedArray->GetEntries() << std::endl;
68 // gHitPoints->Clear();
71  //if (gHitPoints->GetN() != x.size()) gHitPoints->Expand(x.size());
73  std::cout << "NHits: " << gHitPoints->GetN() << std::endl;
74  gHitPoints->Draw("apl");
75  gProjections->Draw("pl");
76 }
void ExtractData(TClonesArray *array, TGraph *g)
Definition: NHitsPerEvent.C:78
TGraph * gHitPoints
Definition: NHitsPerEvent.C:15
TClonesArray * mvdHitArray
Definition: NHitsPerEvent.C:12
TClonesArray * mvdProjectedArray
Definition: NHitsPerEvent.C:13
TGraph * gProjections
Definition: NHitsPerEvent.C:16
hz_cp1_p Draw ( "same"  )
cout<< "POINTs for new FwEndCap == " << tsim-> GetEntriesFast ( )

Definition at line 90 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

References PndEmcPoint::GetCopy(), PndEmcPoint::GetCrystal(), PndEmcPoint::GetModule(), PndMCTrack::GetMomentum(), PndEmcPoint::GetRow(), PndEmcPoint::GetXPad(), PndEmcPoint::GetYPad(), i, mctrack, npoints, Pi, point, point_ene, x_p, and y_p.

Referenced by anaRadLength(), PndPidCorrelator::ConstructChargedCandidate(), PndSttTrackFinderReal::DoFind(), PndSttTrackFinderIdeal::DoFind(), PndKFParticleFinderQA::Exec(), PndFtsDataAccessor::Exec(), PndSolCorrTask::Exec(), PndFtsCATracking::Exec(), PndFtsTrackerIdeal::Exec(), PndCATracking::Exec(), PndSimpleAnalysis::FillGenericLists(), PndMvdSttGemRiemannTrackFinderTask::FillHitArray(), PndMvdRiemannTrackFinderTask::FillHitArray(), PndAnaTask::FillList(), PndBranchBurstBuilder_timeCut_STB::GetBurstData(), PndTrkNeighboringMap::GetCandseeds(), PndSttMatchTracks::GetHitFromCollections(), PndSttTrackFinderIdeal::GetHitFromCollections(), PndSttHelixTrackFitter::GetHitFromCollections(), PndSttTrackFinderReal::GetHitFromCollections(), PndTrkNeighboringMap::GetIndivisiblesToHit(), PndTrkNeighboringMap::GetNeighboringsToHit(), PndSttMatchTracks::GetPointFromCollections(), PndSttTrackFinderIdeal::GetPointFromCollections(), PndSttTrackFinderReal::GetPointFromCollections(), PndDrcAccuDigiPixelDraw::ReadAllHits(), and GFTrack::setCardinalRep().

94  {
95  //for (Int_t j=1;j< 20; j++) {
96  Float_t sum_point_ene=0;
97  tsim->GetEntry(j);
99  PndMCTrack *mctrack=(PndMCTrack *) mctrack_array->At(0); // 1st element in mctrack_array
100  photon_momentum=mctrack->GetMomentum();
101  theta_mc=photon_momentum.Theta()*(180./TMath::Pi());
102  phi_mc=photon_momentum.Phi()*(180./TMath::Pi());//+360.;
103  //phot=mctrack->Get4Momentum();
105  Int_t npoints = point_array->GetEntries();
106  cout << "POINT array == " << npoints<< endl;
107  for (Int_t i=0; i<npoints; i++)
108  {
111  module_p = point->GetModule();
113  if (module_p==3){
114  //hene_mc->Fill(phot.E());
116  point_ene=point->GetEnergyLoss();
117  hene_p->Fill(point_ene);
119  sum_point_ene+=point_ene;
121  TVector3 point_pos(point->GetX(),point->GetY(),point->GetZ());
122  point_theta=point_pos.Theta()*(180./TMath::Pi());
123  point_phi=point_pos.Phi()*(180./TMath::Pi());//+360.;
126  h10->Fill(theta_mc);
127  h20->Fill(phi_mc);
129  h10d->Fill(point_theta);
130  h20d->Fill(point_phi);
132  h1->Fill(point_theta-theta_mc);
133  h2->Fill(point_phi-phi_mc);
135  crystal_p = point->GetCrystal();
136  row_p = point->GetRow();
137  copy_p = point->GetCopy();
139  x_p = point->GetX();
140  y_p = point->GetY();
141  z_p = point->GetZ();
143  hz_p->Fill(z_p);
144  if (copy_p==1) hz_cp1_p->Fill(z_p);
145  if (copy_p==2) hz_cp2_p->Fill(z_p);
146  if (copy_p==3) hz_cp3_p->Fill(z_p);
147  if (copy_p==4) hz_cp4_p->Fill(z_p);
149  hxpad_x_p->Fill(point->GetXPad(),x_p);
150  hypad_y_p->Fill(point->GetYPad(),y_p);
152  if (copy_p==1){
153  hxpad_x_cp1_p->Fill(point->GetXPad(),x_p);
154  hypad_y_cp1_p->Fill(point->GetYPad(),y_p);
155  }
156  if (copy_p==2){
157  hxpad_x_cp2_p->Fill(point->GetXPad(),x_p);
158  hypad_y_cp2_p->Fill(point->GetYPad(),y_p);
159  }
160  if (copy_p==3){
161  hxpad_x_cp3_p->Fill(point->GetXPad(),x_p);
162  hypad_y_cp3_p->Fill(point->GetYPad(),y_p);
163  }
164  if (copy_p==4){
165  hxpad_x_cp4_p->Fill(point->GetXPad(),x_p);
166  hypad_y_cp4_p->Fill(point->GetYPad(),y_p);
167  }
169  id_p = point->GetDetectorID();
171  crystal_pid = (id_p%10000);
172  row_pid = ((id_p/1000000)%100);
174  hmodule_p->Fill(module_p);
175  hcp_z_p->Fill(copy_p,z_p);
177  hx_p->Fill(x_p);
178  hy_p->Fill(y_p);
179  hx_y_p->Fill(x_p,y_p);
180  hid_p->Fill(id_p);
181  }
182  }
183  hpoi_ene->Fill(sum_point_ene);
184  }
PndMCTrack * mctrack
represents a mc hit in an emc crystal
Definition: PndEmcPoint.h:19
TClonesArray * point_array
Double_t z_p
TH2F * hypad_y_cp4_p
TH1F * hz_cp3_p
Short_t GetModule() const
Definition: PndEmcPoint.h:60
Double_t point_phi
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
Short_t GetYPad() const
TH2F * hypad_y_p
TH2F * hxpad_x_cp3_p
TH1F * h2
TH1F * h1
TH2F * hxpad_x_cp4_p
Double_t phi_mc
TVector3 GetMomentum() const
Definition: PndMCTrack.h:78
TH1F * hy_p
Int_t id_p
Double_t x_p
TTree * tsim
TH1F * hpoi_ene
TH1F * hz_cp4_p
TH2F * hypad_y_cp3_p
TH1F * hz_cp2_p
TH1F * hene_p
TVector3 photon_momentum
Double_t crystal_pid
Short_t GetRow() const
Definition: PndEmcPoint.h:61
TClonesArray * mctrack_array
TClonesArray * point
Definition: anaLmdDigi.C:29
Short_t GetCrystal() const
Definition: PndEmcPoint.h:62
TH1F * h20
Short_t GetXPad() const
Definition: PndEmcPoint.cxx:72
Double_t point_ene
TH2F * hxpad_x_cp2_p
Double_t row_p
TH1F * hz_p
TH1F * hx_p
TH2F * hxpad_x_cp1_p
Double_t theta_mc
TH2F * hrow_crystal_p
Double_t copy_p
Double_t crystal_p
TH1F * h10d
Double_t y_p
TH1F * h10
Double_t point_theta
Double_t row_pid
TH2F * hxpad_x_p
TH2F * hx_y_p
Short_t GetCopy() const
Definition: PndEmcPoint.h:63
TH2F * hypad_y_cp2_p
Double_t Pi
TH1F * hz_cp1_p
TH1F * h20d
TH2F * hypad_y_cp1_p
TH2F * hcp_z_p
Double_t module_p
TH1F * hmodule_p
TH1F * hid_p
hrow_crystal_p GetXaxis ( ) -> SetTitle("crystal number")

Definition at line 256 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

256 {POINT}-#theta_{MC}");
hrow_crystal_p GetYaxis ( ) -> SetTitle("row number")

Definition at line 131 of file macro/detectors/emc/dedicated/reco_analys.C.

131 {reco} - #theta_{truth}, degree");
int reco()
gROOT Macro ( "$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/rootlogon.C )
c1 Modified ( )
copies SetBorderSize ( )
tsim SetBranchAddress ( "MCTrack"  ,
tsim SetBranchAddress ( "EmcPoint"  ,
copies SetFillColor ( )
hz_cp1_p SetLineColor ( )
hz_cp2_p SetLineColor ( )
hz_cp3_p SetLineColor ( )
hz_cp4_p SetLineColor ( )
h4p SetLineColor ( )
gStyle SetPalette ( )
copies SetTextSize ( 0.  05)
c2 Update ( )

Variable Documentation

TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "", 100, 100, 800, 800)

Definition at line 186 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TCanvas* c2 = new TCanvas("c2", "", 100, 100, 800, 800)

Definition at line 269 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TCanvas* c3a = new TCanvas("c3a", "", 100, 100, 800, 800)

Definition at line 294 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TCanvas* c3b = new TCanvas("c3b", "", 100, 100, 800, 800)

Definition at line 319 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TLegend* copies = new TLegend(0.60,0.50,0.85,0.85)

Definition at line 202 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

Double_t copy_p

Definition at line 21 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

Double_t crystal_p

Definition at line 21 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

Double_t crystal_pid

Definition at line 21 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

Definition at line 17 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

Double_t ene_mc

Definition at line 20 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TFile* fsim = new TFile("data/fixed/sim_emc_g3_m3_1000eve_fixed.root")

Definition at line 8 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* h1 = new TH1F("h1","POINT Theta difference",100,-5.,5.)

Definition at line 77 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* h10 = new TH1F("h10","POINT Theta (MC)",180,0.,180.)

Definition at line 72 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* h10d = new TH1F("h10d","POINT Theta (data)",180,0.,180.)

Definition at line 74 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* h1a = new TH1F("h1a","POINT Theta difference -changed id ",100,-5.,5.)

Definition at line 80 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* h2 = new TH1F("h2","POINT Phi difference",100,-5.,5.)

Definition at line 78 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* h20 = new TH1F("h20","POINT Phi (MC)",360,-180.,180.)

Definition at line 73 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* h20d = new TH1F("h20d","POINT Phi (data)",360,-180.,180.)

Definition at line 75 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* h2a = new TH1F("h2a","POINT Phi difference - changed id",100,-5.,5.)

Definition at line 81 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* h3 = new TH1F("h3","HIT Theta difference",100,-5.,5.)
TH1F* h3a = new TH1F("h3a","HIT Theta difference -changed id",100,-5.,5.)

Definition at line 86 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* h4 = new TH1F("h4","HIT Phi difference",100,-5.,5.)
TH1F* h4a = new TH1F("h4a","HIT Phi difference -changed id",100,-5.,5.)

Definition at line 87 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TH2F* hcp_z_p = new TH2F("cp_z_p","Copy vs.Z pos (POINT)",4,1,5,80,200,240)

Definition at line 44 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hene_mc = new TH1F("hene_mc","MC energy (GeV)",100,0.0,1.05)

Definition at line 64 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hene_p = new TH1F("hene_p","DATA energy (GeV)",1000,0.0,0.1)

Definition at line 66 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hhit_ene = new TH1F("hhit_ene","SUM of Hits energy (GeV)",100,0.0,1.05)

Definition at line 69 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hid_p = new TH1F("id_p","id (POINT)",140000000,300000000,340000000)

Definition at line 38 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

Double_t hit_ene

Definition at line 21 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

Double_t hit_id

Definition at line 21 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

Double_t hit_phi

Definition at line 21 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

Double_t hit_theta

Definition at line 21 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

Double_t hit_x

Definition at line 21 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

Double_t hit_y

Definition at line 21 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hmodule_p = new TH1F("module_p","Module (POINT)",5,1,6)

Definition at line 42 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hpoi_ene = new TH1F("hpoi_ene","SUM of Points energy (GeV)",100,0.0,1.05)

Definition at line 68 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TH2F* hrow_crystal_p = new TH2F("row_crystal","row vs crystal (POINT)",72,-36,36,72,-36,36)

Definition at line 36 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hx_p = new TH1F("x_p","X (POINT)",100,-100,100)

Definition at line 39 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TH2F* hx_y_p = new TH2F("x_y_p","x vs y (POINT)",200,-100,100,200,-100,100)

Definition at line 37 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TH2F* hxpad_x_cp1_p = new TH2F("xpad_x_cp1_p","x vs xpad _cp1_ (POINT)",200,-100,100,200,-100,100)

Definition at line 53 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TH2F* hxpad_x_cp2_p = new TH2F("xpad_x_cp2_p","x vs xpad _cp2_ (POINT)",200,-100,100,200,-100,100)

Definition at line 54 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TH2F* hxpad_x_cp3_p = new TH2F("xpad_x_cp3_p","x vs xpad _cp3_ (POINT)",200,-100,100,200,-100,100)

Definition at line 55 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TH2F* hxpad_x_cp4_p = new TH2F("xpad_x_cp4_p","x vs xpad _cp4_ (POINT)",200,-100,100,200,-100,100)

Definition at line 56 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TH2F* hxpad_x_p = new TH2F("xpad_x_p","x vs xpad (POINT)",200,-100,100,200,-100,100)

Definition at line 50 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hy_p = new TH1F("y_p","Y (POINT)",100,-100,100)

Definition at line 40 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TH2F* hypad_y_cp1_p = new TH2F("ypad_y_cp1_p","y vs ypad _cp1_ (POINT)",200,-100,100,200,-100,100)

Definition at line 58 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TH2F* hypad_y_cp2_p = new TH2F("ypad_y_cp2_p","y vs ypad _cp2_ (POINT)",200,-100,100,200,-100,100)

Definition at line 59 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TH2F* hypad_y_cp3_p = new TH2F("ypad_y_cp3_p","y vs ypad _cp3_ (POINT)",200,-100,100,200,-100,100)

Definition at line 60 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TH2F* hypad_y_cp4_p = new TH2F("ypad_y_cp4_p","y vs ypad _cp4_ (POINT)",200,-100,100,200,-100,100)

Definition at line 61 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TH2F* hypad_y_p = new TH2F("ypad_y_p","y vs ypad (POINT)",200,-100,100,200,-100,100)

Definition at line 51 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hz_cp1_p = new TH1F("z_cp1_p","z (POINT)",300,1,300)

Definition at line 45 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hz_cp2_p = new TH1F("z_cp2_p","z (POINT)",300,1,300)

Definition at line 46 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hz_cp3_p = new TH1F("z_cp3_p","z (POINT)",300,1,300)

Definition at line 47 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hz_cp4_p = new TH1F("z_cp4_p","z (POINT)",300,1,300)

Definition at line 48 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TH1F* hz_p = new TH1F("z_p","Z (POINT)",100,200,300)

Definition at line 41 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

Int_t id_p

Definition at line 27 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

double max_energy1 =0

Definition at line 33 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TClonesArray* mctrack_array =new TClonesArray("PndMCTrack")

Definition at line 11 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

Double_t module_p

Definition at line 21 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

int ndigi

Definition at line 32 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

int npoint

Definition at line 32 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

Referenced by QAmacro_emc_3().

Double_t phi_mc

Definition at line 20 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TLorentzVector phot
TVector3 photon_momentum

Definition at line 29 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TClonesArray* point_array =new TClonesArray("PndEmcPoint")

Definition at line 15 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

Referenced by QAmacro_emc_4().

Double_t point_ene

Definition at line 21 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

Referenced by GetEntriesFast().

Double_t point_phi

Definition at line 21 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

Double_t point_theta

Definition at line 21 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

Double_t row_p

Definition at line 21 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

Double_t row_pid

Definition at line 21 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

Double_t theta_mc

Definition at line 20 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

TTree* tsim =(TTree *) fsim->Get("pndsim")

Definition at line 10 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

Double_t x_p

Definition at line 21 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

Referenced by PndPidCorrelator::GetDskInfo(), and GetEntriesFast().

Double_t y_p

Definition at line 21 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

Referenced by GetEntriesFast().

Double_t z_cp1_p

Definition at line 26 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

Double_t z_cp2_p

Definition at line 26 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

Double_t z_cp3_p

Definition at line 26 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

Double_t z_cp4_p

Definition at line 26 of file anal_point_fwendcap.C.

Double_t z_p