Typedefs | Functions | Variables
findcuts.C File Reference
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TString.h"
#include "TH1F.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TEventList.h"
#include "TDirectory.h"
#include "TLine.h"
#include "TArrow.h"
#include "TStyle.h"
#include "TObjArray.h"
#include "TRegexp.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


typedef std::vector< TStringStrVec
typedef std::map< double, TStringDblStrMap
typedef std::map< double,
TString >::iterator 
typedef std::map< TString, double > StrDblMap
typedef std::map< TString, int > StrIntMap
typedef std::map< TString, int >


void FCPrintInfo ()
int FCSplitString (TString s, TString delim, StrVec &toks)
void FCPrepareTree (TString bnames, TString ctlvar)
bool FCFindLimits (TString var, double &min, double &max)
double FCSfc (double S, double B)
double FCQaVar (TString var, double qaopt=0)
void FCInit (int numvars)
void FCDrawVariable (TString var, int numpad, int norm=1, TString cut="")
int findcuts (TTree *theTree=0, TString ctlvar="", TString sigcut="", TString bnames="", TString precut="", int numvars=9, double qaopt=0., double ws=1., double wb=1., int norm=1, int bins=500)


TCanvas * c1
TEventList * els
TEventList * elb
TEventList * elpre
TTree * t
int N0s
int N0b
int Ns
int Nb
double Wsig
double Wbkg
TString comtemplate
TString comcurrent
bool normalize
int BINS
StrVec bnam
DblStrMap qamap
StrDblMap sigeff
StrDblMap bkgeff

Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map<double, TString> DblStrMap

Definition at line 43 of file findcuts.C.

typedef std::map<double, TString>::iterator DblStrMapIt

Definition at line 44 of file findcuts.C.

typedef std::map<TString, double> StrDblMap

Definition at line 46 of file findcuts.C.

typedef std::map<TString, int> StrIntMap

Definition at line 48 of file findcuts.C.

typedef std::map<TString, int>::iterator StrIntMapIt

Definition at line 49 of file findcuts.C.

typedef std::vector<TString> StrVec

Definition at line 41 of file findcuts.C.

Function Documentation

void FCDrawVariable ( TString  var,
int  numpad,
int  norm = 1,
TString  cut = "" 

Definition at line 390 of file findcuts.C.

References BINS, c1, comcurrent, comtemplate, cut, elb, els, FCFindLimits(), h1, h2, max(), normalize, r1, t, TString, Wbkg, Wsig, xmax, and xmin.

Referenced by findcuts().

391 {
392  double xmin, xmax;
394  c1->cd(numpad);
396  // if pad #1 (control variable), background color is set differently
397  if (numpad==1)
398  {
399  gPad->SetFrameFillColor(18);
400  TString com = TString::Format(comcurrent.Data(),!normalize); // toggle normalize
401  gPad->AddExec("ex1","if (gPad->GetEvent()==kButton1Double) { cout<<endl<<\" -> Toggle normalize setting.\"<<endl;"+com+";}");
402  }
404  // for all other pads a TExec is added which when clicked applies
405  // the corresponding cut
406  if (numpad!=1)
407  {
408  // create the command string from the template string
409  TString com = comtemplate;
410  // isolate the part "var>" or "var<" from the full cut string;
411  // this is to replace a previous cut on identical variable and direction (<,>)
412  TString cutpart = cut(0,max(cut.Index(">"),cut.Index("<"))+1);
413  TRegexp r1(cutpart+"[-]*[0-9]*.[0-9]*");
414  TString oldcut = com(r1);
416  // if there was no such identical variable cut, just replace the
417  // keyword 'NEWCUT' in template with the new cut string
418  if (oldcut=="") com.ReplaceAll("NEWCUT",cut);
419  else // otherwise replace old cut with new cut and remove 'NEWCUT' or '&&NEWCUT' from template
420  {
421  com.ReplaceAll(oldcut,cut);
422  com.ReplaceAll("&&NEWCUT","");
423  com.ReplaceAll("NEWCUT","");
424  }
425  // finally add TExec to the current pad
426  gPad->AddExec("ex1","if (gPad->GetEvent()==kButton1Double) { cout<<endl<<\" -> Applying '"+cut+"'\"<<endl;"+com+";}");
427  }
429  // set title for histogram
430  TString title = cut;
431  if (title=="") title=var;
433  // prepare line and arrow for drawing cut
434  TLine ln;
435  ln.SetLineColor(6); ln.SetLineStyle(7); ln.SetLineWidth(2);
437  TArrow arr;
438  arr.SetAngle(40); arr.SetLineWidth(2); arr.SetLineColor(6); arr.SetFillColor(6);
440  bool drawcut = (cut!="");
441  int cutdir = cut.Contains("<") ? -1 : 1 ;
443  // determind value of cut for displaying the line and arrow
444  double cutval = drawcut ? TString(cut(max(cut.Index(">"),cut.Index("<"))+1,1000)).Atof() : -999.;
446  if (FCFindLimits(var, xmin, xmax))
447  {
448  // histograms for signal and background
449  TH1F h1("h1",title,BINS,xmin,xmax);
450  TH1F h2("h2",title,BINS,xmin,xmax);
451  // and the sum
452  TH1F hs("hs",title,BINS,xmin,xmax);
454  h1.SetLineColor(4);
455  h2.SetLineColor(2);
456  hs.SetLineColor(1);
458  // fill histograms
459  t->SetEventList(els);
460  t->Draw(var+">>h1");
461  t->SetEventList(elb);
462  t->Draw(var+">>h2");
464  // otherwise normalize histos
465  if (norm)
466  {
467  h1.Scale(1./h1.GetEntries());
468  h2.Scale(1./h2.GetEntries());
469  }
470  h1.Scale(Wsig); h2.Scale(Wbkg);
472  // if we want no normalization fill a summed histogram
473  if (!norm) {hs.Add(&h1);hs.Add(&h2);}
475  // set maximum of both histos to display full y-range
476  double maxi = 1.05*max(h1.GetMaximum(), h2.GetMaximum());
477  if (!norm) maxi = hs.GetMaximum()*1.05;
478  h1.SetMaximum(maxi);
479  h2.SetMaximum(maxi);
481  if (!norm) hs.DrawCopy();
482  h1.DrawCopy(norm?"":"same");
483  h2.DrawCopy("same");
485  // draw the cut with direction arrow if requested
486  if (drawcut)
487  {
488  ln.DrawLine(cutval,0,cutval,maxi*0.9);
489  arr.DrawArrow(cutval,maxi*0.9,cutval+0.1*(xmax-xmin)*cutdir,maxi*0.9,0.01,"|>");
490  }
491  }
493  c1->cd();
494 }
TEventList * els
Definition: findcuts.C:52
bool FCFindLimits(TString var, double &min, double &max)
Definition: findcuts.C:209
Double_t xmax
friend F32vec4 max(const F32vec4 &a, const F32vec4 &b)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:26
double r1
TString comtemplate
Definition: findcuts.C:58
TCanvas * c1
Definition: findcuts.C:51
double Wbkg
Definition: findcuts.C:57
double cut[MAX]
Definition: autocutx.C:36
TString comcurrent
Definition: findcuts.C:58
TTree * t
Definition: findcuts.C:53
TEventList * elb
Definition: findcuts.C:52
Double_t xmin
double Wsig
Definition: findcuts.C:57
bool normalize
Definition: findcuts.C:59
int BINS
Definition: findcuts.C:60
bool FCFindLimits ( TString  var,
double &  min,
double &  max 

Definition at line 209 of file findcuts.C.

References elpre, h, i, t, and x.

Referenced by FCDrawVariable(), and FCQaVar().

210 {
211  // consider signal and background after precut
212  t->SetEventList(elpre);
213  // draw into a dummy histogram; this creates value vectors in the tree
214  int nsel = t->Draw(var+">>hhh","","goff");
215  t->SetEventList(0);
217  if (nsel>500000) nsel=500000;
218  TH1F *h = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get("hhh");
219  // if no entry left return
220  if (h->GetEntries()==0) return false;
222  // now determine the limits; therefore loop through TTree::GetV1()
223  // being a vector with the values of var
224  min=100000., max=-100000.;
225  double *x=t->GetV1();
226  for (int i=0;i<nsel;++i)
227  {
228  if (x[i]>max) max=x[i];
229  if (x[i]<min) min=x[i];
230  }
231  // increase the upper limit by a tiny value to include this largest value
232  // in the uppermost bin, which has a high bin edge '< max', not '<= max'
233  max+=1e-6;
234  return true;
235 }
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
friend F32vec4 max(const F32vec4 &a, const F32vec4 &b)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:26
TEventList * elpre
Definition: findcuts.C:52
TTree * t
Definition: findcuts.C:53
friend F32vec4 min(const F32vec4 &a, const F32vec4 &b)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:25
Double_t x
void FCInit ( int  numvars)

Definition at line 349 of file findcuts.C.

References c1, cx, cy, elb, elpre, els, and t.

Referenced by findcuts().

350 {
351  gStyle->SetTitleFontSize(0.08);
352  gStyle->SetPadTopMargin(0.08);
353  gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
355  t->SetEventList(0);
356  t->SetBranchStatus("*",1);
358  // configure the TCanvas division and sizes of histos
359  double plotdim = 250;
360  if (numvars>11) plotdim=200;
361  int cx = numvars+1;
362  if (numvars>4) cx=(numvars+2)/2;
363  if (numvars>11) cx=5;
364  if (numvars>14) cx=6;
365  if (numvars>17) cx=7;
367  int cy = (numvars+1)/cx;
368  if ((numvars+1)%cx) cy+=1;
370  // refetch canvas or create a new one
371  c1=(TCanvas*)gROOT->FindObject("c1");
372  if (c1==0) c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1",5,5,1000,650);
373  c1->Clear();
374  c1->Divide(cx, cy);
375  c1->SetWindowSize(cx*plotdim, cy*plotdim*1.1);
377  // refetch event lists if existing or create new ones
378  els = (TEventList*)gROOT->FindObject("els");
379  if (els==0) els = new TEventList("els");
381  elb = (TEventList*)gROOT->FindObject("elb");
382  if (elb==0) elb = new TEventList("elb");
384  elpre = (TEventList*)gROOT->FindObject("elpre");
385  if (elpre==0) elpre = new TEventList("elpre");
386 }
TEventList * els
Definition: findcuts.C:52
TCanvas * c1
Definition: findcuts.C:51
TEventList * elpre
Definition: findcuts.C:52
TTree * t
Definition: findcuts.C:53
int cy
Definition: dedx_bands.C:17
TEventList * elb
Definition: findcuts.C:52
int cx
Definition: dedx_bands.C:16
void FCPrepareTree ( TString  bnames,
TString  ctlvar 

Definition at line 112 of file findcuts.C.

References bnam, FCSplitString(), i, name, printf(), t, and TString.

Referenced by findcuts().

113 {
114  // Separate names of branches to be considered
115  StrVec vecpatt, vecali;
116  FCSplitString(bnames," ", vecpatt);
118  // Enable/disable branches
119  t->SetBranchStatus("*",0);
120  bnam.clear(); // this array will contain the names of variables (branches and aliases) to be checked
122  // ******** BRANCHES
124  // Enable/disable branches according to list of patterns in vecpatt
125  for (uint i=0;i<vecpatt.size();++i)
126  if (vecpatt[i].BeginsWith("!")) t->SetBranchStatus(TString(vecpatt[i](1,1000)),0);
127  else t->SetBranchStatus(vecpatt[i],1);
129  // for preparing list disable ctlvar
130  if (ctlvar!="") t->SetBranchStatus(ctlvar,0);
132  // Create a vector with all variables to be considered
133  TObjArray* blist = t->GetListOfBranches();
134  for (int i=0; i<=blist->GetLast(); ++i)
135  {
136  TString name = ((TBranch*)blist->UncheckedAt(i))->GetName();
137  // Add branch name to list, excludes the control variable
138  if (t->GetBranchStatus(name)>0) bnam.push_back(name);
139  }
141  // for sure enable branch with ctlvar
142  if (ctlvar!="") t->SetBranchStatus(ctlvar,1);
144  // ******** ALIASES
146  // now we still need to check the list of aliases and enable the branches connected
147  StrIntMap alimap; // this serves as a marker map for the active aliases
148  TList *alilist = t->GetListOfAliases();
150  // Are there aliases defined?
151  if (alilist)
152  {
153  // loop through all patterns
154  for (uint i=0;i<vecpatt.size();++i)
155  {
156  // first create the regular exp to identify the aliases matching the patterns
157  TString patt = vecpatt[i];
158  patt.ReplaceAll("*",".*");
159  int toggle = 1; // switch the alias on (1) or off (0) ?
160  if (patt.BeginsWith("!")) {toggle = 0; patt=patt(1,1000);}
161  TRegexp regali(patt);
163  // save the alias status (on or off) in the map
164  // therefore loop through alias list and toggle all those to either on or off, which match the pattern
165  for (int j=0; j<=alilist->GetLast(); ++j)
166  {
167  TString aliname = ((TNamed*)alilist->At(j))->GetName();
168  if (aliname(regali)!="") alimap[aliname] = toggle;
169  }
170  }
172  // loop through map to save the enabled aliases in the bnam vector
173  StrIntMapIt it = alimap.begin();
174  while (it != alimap.end())
175  {
176  if (it->second) { vecali.push_back(it->first); bnam.push_back(it->first); }
177  it++;
178  }
180  // now we finally need to enable all branches connected to one of the enabled aliases
181  for (uint i=0;i<vecali.size();++i)
182  {
183  // get the formula to the enabled alias
184  TString fml = t->GetAlias(vecali[i]);
185  //cout << "Alias "<<vecali[i]<<" -> "<<fml<<endl;
186  TRegexp regvar("[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*");
187  while (fml(regvar)!="")
188  {
189  TString sbr = fml(regvar);
190  if (t->GetBranch(sbr)) {t->SetBranchStatus(sbr,1);}
191  fml.Replace(fml.Index(sbr),sbr.Length(),"");
192  }
193  }
194  }
196  // ******** REPORT
198  // Print out all branches found
199  cout<<"**** Name pattern: \""<<bnames<<"\""<<endl;
200  cout<<"**** "<<bnam.size()<<" branches/aliases found: \n";
201  for (uint i=0;i<bnam.size();++i)
202  printf("%s ",bnam[i].Data());
204  cout <<endl;
205 }
int FCSplitString(TString s, TString delim, StrVec &toks)
Definition: findcuts.C:94
printf("RealTime=%f seconds, CpuTime=%f seconds\n", rtime, ctime)
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
std::map< TString, int > StrIntMap
Definition: findcuts.C:48
TTree * t
Definition: findcuts.C:53
std::vector< TString > StrVec
TString name
StrVec bnam
Definition: findcuts.C:62
std::map< TString, int >::iterator StrIntMapIt
Definition: findcuts.C:49
void FCPrintInfo ( )

Definition at line 68 of file findcuts.C.

Referenced by findcuts().

69 {
70  cout <<"\nfindcuts: Tool to find good selection for signal vs bkg. Ranks variables according to maximum (S*ws)^2/(S*ws+B*wb) on optionally normalised distributions.\n";
71  cout <<" Double click on a pad applies corresponding cut and re-iterates.\n\n";
72  cout <<"USAGE:\nfindcuts(TTree *t, TString ctlvar, TString sigcut, TString bnames, TString precut, int numvars, double qaopt, double ws, double wb, int norm, int bins)\n";
73  cout <<" t : tree containing signal and background; if given as only argument, list of available branches are printed.\n";
74  cout <<" ctlvar : control variable to check signal quality (e.g. invariant mass); displayed in upper left pad; excluded from branch list.\n";
75  cout <<" sigcut : cut to isolate signal; background is selected with !(sigcut).\n";
76  cout <<" bnames : blank separated list of branch/alias variable names to be considered; can make use of name* / *name /*name*; !(*)name(*) excludes variables (default = \"*\").\n";
77  cout <<" precut : cut to be applied before variable ranking is done (default = \"\").\n";
78  cout <<" qaopt : optimisation mode; qaopt=0 : best S/sqrt(S+B); -1<qaopt<0 : best signal eff for fixed bkg reduction; 0<qaopt<1 : best bkg reduction for fixed signal eff. (default = 0).\n";
79  cout <<" numvars : number of variables to be displayed (default = 9).\n";
80  cout <<" ws, wb : weight factors for signal & background (default = 1.0); are applied to spectra and calculations after optional normalisation.\n";
81  cout <<" norm : normalisation of distributions before ranking (-> pdf) (default = 1); double click in control variable pad toggles 'norm' and reruns.\n";
82  cout <<" bins : number of histogram bins, precision depending on binning (default = 500).\n\n";
83  cout <<"Example 0: Print all available branches/aliases in tree:\n";
84  cout <<" root [0] findcuts(mytree)\n\n";
85  cout <<"Example 1: Analyse all branches in TTree 'mytree', control variable 'mass', and signal cut 'issignal':\n";
86  cout <<" root [0] findcuts(mytree, \"mass\", \"issignal\")\n\n";
87  cout <<"Example 2: Analyse all branches expect 'evcnt', 'run', those ending with 'px', 'py', or 'pz' or containing the word 'fit', after precut 'goodtracks>6&&goodphotons>2'\n";
88  cout <<" root [0] findcuts(mytree, \"mass\", \"issignal\", \"* !evcnt !run !*p[xyz] !*fit*\", \"goodtracks>6&&goodphotons>2\")\n\n";
89  return;
90 }
double FCQaVar ( TString  var,
double  qaopt = 0 

Definition at line 247 of file findcuts.C.

References BINS, bkgeff, elb, els, fabs(), FCFindLimits(), FCSfc(), h1, h2, i, normalize, qamap, sigeff, t, TString, Wbkg, Wsig, xmax, and xmin.

Referenced by findcuts().

248 {
249  double xmin, xmax;
251  if (FCFindLimits(var, xmin, xmax))
252  {
253  TH1F h1("h1","",BINS,xmin,xmax);
254  TH1F h2("h2","",BINS,xmin,xmax);
256  // Fill histograms for var
258  // signal histo
259  t->SetEventList(els);
260  t->Draw(var+">>h1","","goff");
262  // background histogram
263  t->SetEventList(elb);
264  t->Draw(var+">>h2","","goff");
266  // normalize histograms (if not significance optimisation, do anyways!)
267  if (normalize || fabs(qaopt)>0.0001)
268  {
269  h1.Scale(1./h1.GetEntries());
270  h2.Scale(1./h2.GetEntries());
271  }
273  // multiply histos with weights (only for significance optimisation)
274  if (fabs(qaopt)<0.0001) {h1.Scale(Wsig); h2.Scale(Wbkg);}
275  double h1ent = h1.Integral(), h2ent = h2.Integral();
277  // some vars to store the best efficiencies, cuts, partial sums, etc
278  double rsums=0., lsums=0., rsumb=0., lsumb=0.;
279  double bestSr = 0., bestSl=0., bestCutl=0., bestCutr=0., besteffsl=0., besteffbl=0., besteffsr=0., besteffbr=0.;
281  // integrate from both sides
282  for (int i=1;i<=BINS;++i)
283  {
284  // sum the bin contents from left
285  lsums+=h1.GetBinContent(i); // signal
286  lsumb+=h2.GetBinContent(i); // background
288  // sum the bin contents from right
289  rsums+=h1.GetBinContent(BINS-i+1); // signal
290  rsumb+=h2.GetBinContent(BINS-i+1); // background
292  double Sl=0, Sr=0;
293  // compute the significances; weights are already taken into account by scaling the histograms
294  if (abs(qaopt)<1e-8)
295  {
296  Sl = FCSfc(lsums,lsumb);
297  Sr = FCSfc(rsums,rsumb);
298  }
299  // compute the signal efficiency for a certain background suppression
300  else if (qaopt<0)
301  {
302  if (lsumb<=(1.+qaopt)) Sl = lsums;
303  if (rsumb<=(1.+qaopt)) Sr = rsums;
304  }
305  // compute the signal efficiency for a certain background suppression
306  else
307  {
308  if (lsums>=qaopt) Sl = 1.-lsumb;
309  if (rsumb>=qaopt) Sr = 1.-rsumb;
310  }
312  // find the best ones
313  if (Sl>bestSl) {bestSl=Sl; besteffsl=lsums/h1ent; besteffbl=lsumb/h2ent; bestCutl=h1.GetBinLowEdge(i+1);}
314  if (Sr>bestSr) {bestSr=Sr; besteffsr=rsums/h1ent; besteffbr=rsumb/h2ent; bestCutr=h1.GetBinLowEdge(BINS-i+1);}
315  }
317  // create cut strings
318  TString lcut = TString::Format("%s<%f",var.Data(),bestCutl);
319  TString rcut = TString::Format("%s>%f",var.Data(),bestCutr);
321  // and store in map with 1/(QA value) as key (since map is sorted in increasing order)
322  double invqal = 1./bestSl, invqar = 1./bestSr;
324  // if a cut with the same qa exists, insignificantly increase
325  // current values slightly for being able to store them; otherwise map entries are replaced
326  int maxsearch = 100;
327  while (qamap.find(invqal)!=qamap.end() && --maxsearch>0) invqal = 1./(1./invqal+0.0001);
329  maxsearch = 100;
330  while (qamap.find(invqar)!=qamap.end() && --maxsearch>0) invqar = 1./(1./invqar+0.0001);
332  // store the qa -> cut combination for left and right cut
333  qamap[invqal] = lcut;
334  qamap[invqar] = rcut;
336  // store the corresponding efficiency values
337  sigeff[lcut] = besteffsl;
338  bkgeff[lcut] = besteffbl;
339  sigeff[rcut] = besteffsr;
340  bkgeff[rcut] = besteffbr;
341  }
343  return 0;
344 }
TEventList * els
Definition: findcuts.C:52
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
DblStrMap qamap
Definition: findcuts.C:63
bool FCFindLimits(TString var, double &min, double &max)
Definition: findcuts.C:209
Double_t xmax
double Wbkg
Definition: findcuts.C:57
StrDblMap sigeff
Definition: findcuts.C:64
TTree * t
Definition: findcuts.C:53
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
StrDblMap bkgeff
Definition: findcuts.C:64
double FCSfc(double S, double B)
Definition: findcuts.C:239
TEventList * elb
Definition: findcuts.C:52
Double_t xmin
double Wsig
Definition: findcuts.C:57
bool normalize
Definition: findcuts.C:59
int BINS
Definition: findcuts.C:60
double FCSfc ( double  S,
double  B 

Definition at line 239 of file findcuts.C.

References sqrt().

Referenced by FCQaVar(), and findcuts().

240 {
241  return S/sqrt(S+B);
242 }
friend F32vec4 sqrt(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:29
int FCSplitString ( TString  s,
TString  delim,
StrVec toks 

Definition at line 94 of file findcuts.C.

References i, and TString.

Referenced by FCPrepareTree().

95 {
96  toks.clear();
97  TObjArray *tok = s.Tokenize(delim);
98  int N = tok->GetEntries();
99  for (int i=0;i<N;++i)
100  {
101  TString token = (((TObjString*)tok->At(i))->String()).Strip(TString::kBoth);
102  toks.push_back(token);
103  }
104  return toks.size();
105 }
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
TLorentzVector s
Definition: Pnd2DStar.C:50
int findcuts ( TTree *  theTree = 0,
TString  ctlvar = "",
TString  sigcut = "",
TString  bnames = "",
TString  precut = "",
int  numvars = 9,
double  qaopt = 0.,
double  ws = 1.,
double  wb = 1.,
int  norm = 1,
int  bins = 500 

Definition at line 499 of file findcuts.C.

References BINS, bkgeff, bnam, c1, cnt, comcurrent, comtemplate, cut, effb, effs, elb, elpre, els, fabs(), FCDrawVariable(), FCInit(), FCPrepareTree(), FCPrintInfo(), FCQaVar(), FCSfc(), i, max(), N0b, N0s, Nb, normalize, Ns, printf(), qamap, sigeff, t, TString, Wbkg, and Wsig.

500 {
501  // if no argument given, print usage information
502  if (theTree==0) {FCPrintInfo();return;}
503  t=theTree;
505  // check for reasonable qaopt parameter -1<qaopt<1
506  if (qaopt<-1) qaopt=-1;
507  if (qaopt>1) qaopt=1;
508  cout <<"\nOptimising for ";
509  if (qaopt<0) cout <<"best signal effciency for given background reduction of "<<fabs(qaopt)<<endl;
510  if (qaopt>0) cout <<"best background reduction for given signal efficiency of "<<qaopt<<endl;
511  else cout <<"best significance S/sqrt(S+B)"<<endl;
513  // set defaults for some parameters
514  if (numvars==0) numvars = 9;
516  // print some status information about the TTree
517  TString tname = t->GetName();
518  cout <<"\nTTree : "<<tname<<"\nEvents total : "<<t->GetEntriesFast()<<"\nBranches total : "<<t->GetNbranches()<<"\nAliases total : ";
519  cout<< (t->GetListOfAliases() ? t->GetListOfAliases()->GetSize() : 0) <<endl;
521  // the current command string; will be printed at the end
522  comcurrent = TString::Format("findcuts(%s,\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\",%d,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%%d,%d)",
523  tname.Data(),ctlvar.Data(), sigcut.Data(),bnames.Data(),precut.Data(),numvars, qaopt, ws, wb, bins);
525  // The template string for pasting the new cut in
526  comtemplate = TString::Format("findcuts(%s,\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s%sNEWCUT\",%d,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%d,%d)",
527  tname.Data(), ctlvar.Data(), sigcut.Data(),bnames.Data(),precut.Data(),precut==""?"":"&&",numvars, qaopt, ws, wb, norm, bins);
529  // catch some special cases
530  // if no sigcut is provided, only the list of branches is printed out
531  bool printonly = (sigcut=="");
533  // empty string for branch names defaults to all branches -> '*'
534  if (bnames=="") bnames="*";
535  if (precut=="") precut="1";
536  Wsig = ws; Wbkg = wb;
538  // rank with normalized spectra; else use real event numbers
539  normalize = norm;
540  BINS = bins;
542  // prepare signal and background cut
543  TString bkgcut = "!("+sigcut+")";
544  TString sfull = precut+"&&"+sigcut;
545  TString bfull = precut+"&&"+bkgcut;
547  // prepare event lists for signal and background
548  if (!printonly)
549  {
550  // refetch canvas and eventlists
551  FCInit(numvars);
553  t->Draw(">>els",sfull);
554  t->Draw(">>elb",bfull);
555  t->Draw(">>elpre",precut);
557  Ns = els->GetN();
558  Nb = elb->GetN();
559  N0s = t->GetEntries(sigcut);
560  N0b = t->GetEntries(bkgcut);
562  cout <<"Events selected : "<<elpre->GetN()<<endl;
563  }
564  cout <<endl;
566  // select variables and fill StrVec bnam with selected branch names
567  // ctlvar will be excluded from the ranking
568  FCPrepareTree(bnames,ctlvar);
570  if (printonly) return;
572  if (t->GetBranch(ctlvar)==0) {cout <<"**** Unknown control variable: "<<ctlvar<<endl<<endl; return;}
574  // Draw the control variable in 1st pad
575  if (ctlvar!="") FCDrawVariable(ctlvar,1,0,"ctlvar: "+ctlvar);
577  // if at least one event signal and background is left do ranking
578  if (Nb>0 && Ns>0)
579  {
580  // prepare the map for ranking
581  qamap.clear();
583  // print progress bar and prepare some variables
584  cout <<"+-----------+-----------+\n";
585  double ticks = 0;
587  // **** do the actual ranking procedure by analysing all variables
588  for (uint i=0;i<bnam.size();++i)
589  {
590  if (bnam[i]!=ctlvar) FCQaVar(bnam[i], qaopt);
591  // print progress bar
592  while ((double)i/(double)bnam.size()>ticks/25.) { cout <<"#"<<flush; ticks++; }
593  }
594  cout <<endl<<endl;
596  // print out and display the results. qamap is sorted by its key being the qa value itself!
597  DblStrMapIt it = qamap.begin();
598  int cnt=0;
600  while (it != qamap.end() && cnt++<numvars)
601  {
602  double qa = it->first;
603  TString cut = it->second;
605  if (sigeff[cut]<=bkgeff[cut]) continue;
607  printf("(%2d) %-25s : qa = %6.3f (eff_s = %5.3f, eff_b = %5.3f)\n", cnt, cut.Data(), 1./qa, sigeff[cut], bkgeff[cut]);
609  // isolate the variable name from the cut and plot
610  TString var = cut(0,max(cut.Index(">"),cut.Index("<")));
611  FCDrawVariable(var,cnt+1,normalize,cut);
613  ++it;
614  }
615  }
616  else cout <<"\n**** No "<<(Nb==0?"background":"signal")<<" events left. No ranking possible."<<endl;
618  t->SetBranchStatus("*",1);
619  t->SetEventList(0);
621  // the current command string; will be printed at the end
622  cout <<"\nCommand:\n"<<TString::Format(comcurrent.Data(),normalize)<<endl;
624  // print efficiency values
625  double effs = (double)Ns/N0s, effb = (double)Nb/N0b;
626  double qa = normalize ? FCSfc(ws*effs, wb*effb) : FCSfc(ws*Ns, wb*Nb);
627  double pur = normalize ? ws*effs/(ws*effs+wb*effb) : ws*Ns/(ws*Ns+wb*Nb);
628  printf("\nEFF_S = %5.3f (%d/%d) EFF_B = %5.3f (%d/%d) PUR = %5.3f S/sqrt(S+B) %s= %6.3f\n",effs, Ns, N0s, effb, Nb, N0b, pur, normalize?"norm'd ":"", qa);
630  c1->cd(); c1->Update();
631  return 0;
632 }
printf("RealTime=%f seconds, CpuTime=%f seconds\n", rtime, ctime)
TEventList * els
Definition: findcuts.C:52
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
DblStrMap qamap
Definition: findcuts.C:63
void FCPrepareTree(TString bnames, TString ctlvar)
Definition: findcuts.C:112
friend F32vec4 max(const F32vec4 &a, const F32vec4 &b)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:26
void FCInit(int numvars)
Definition: findcuts.C:349
TString comtemplate
Definition: findcuts.C:58
int Ns
Definition: findcuts.C:56
TCanvas * c1
Definition: findcuts.C:51
std::map< int, double > effb
Definition: simubg.C:29
double Wbkg
Definition: findcuts.C:57
double cut[MAX]
Definition: autocutx.C:36
StrDblMap sigeff
Definition: findcuts.C:64
TEventList * elpre
Definition: findcuts.C:52
void FCPrintInfo()
Definition: findcuts.C:68
TString comcurrent
Definition: findcuts.C:58
int Nb
Definition: findcuts.C:56
TTree * t
Definition: findcuts.C:53
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
int N0b
Definition: findcuts.C:55
StrDblMap bkgeff
Definition: findcuts.C:64
StrVec bnam
Definition: findcuts.C:62
void FCDrawVariable(TString var, int numpad, int norm=1, TString cut="")
Definition: findcuts.C:390
std::map< int, double > effs
Definition: simubg.C:29
double FCQaVar(TString var, double qaopt=0)
Definition: findcuts.C:247
double FCSfc(double S, double B)
Definition: findcuts.C:239
TEventList * elb
Definition: findcuts.C:52
int N0s
Definition: findcuts.C:55
Int_t cnt
Definition: hist-t7.C:106
std::map< double, TString >::iterator DblStrMapIt
Definition: findcuts.C:44
double Wsig
Definition: findcuts.C:57
bool normalize
Definition: findcuts.C:59
int BINS
Definition: findcuts.C:60

Variable Documentation

int BINS

Definition at line 60 of file findcuts.C.

Referenced by FCDrawVariable(), FCQaVar(), and findcuts().

StrDblMap bkgeff

Definition at line 64 of file findcuts.C.

Referenced by FCQaVar(), and findcuts().

StrVec bnam

Definition at line 62 of file findcuts.C.

Referenced by compress(), FCPrepareTree(), and findcuts().

TCanvas* c1

Definition at line 51 of file findcuts.C.

Referenced by FCDrawVariable(), FCInit(), and findcuts().

TString comcurrent

Definition at line 58 of file findcuts.C.

Referenced by FCDrawVariable(), and findcuts().

TString comtemplate

Definition at line 58 of file findcuts.C.

Referenced by FCDrawVariable(), and findcuts().

TEventList * elb
TEventList * elpre

Definition at line 52 of file findcuts.C.

Referenced by FCFindLimits(), FCInit(), and findcuts().

TEventList* els
int N0b

Definition at line 55 of file findcuts.C.

Referenced by findcuts().

int N0s

Definition at line 55 of file findcuts.C.

Referenced by findcuts().

int Nb

Definition at line 56 of file findcuts.C.

Referenced by bestCombiEvt(), findcuts(), and TMVATester().

bool normalize

Definition at line 59 of file findcuts.C.

Referenced by FCDrawVariable(), FCQaVar(), and findcuts().

int Ns

Definition at line 56 of file findcuts.C.

Referenced by bestCombiEvt(), compress(), findcuts(), and TMVATester().

DblStrMap qamap

Definition at line 63 of file findcuts.C.

Referenced by FCQaVar(), and findcuts().

StrDblMap sigeff

Definition at line 64 of file findcuts.C.

Referenced by FCQaVar(), and findcuts().

TTree* t

Definition at line 53 of file findcuts.C.

Referenced by FCDrawVariable(), FCFindLimits(), FCInit(), FCPrepareTree(), FCQaVar(), and findcuts().

double Wbkg

Definition at line 57 of file findcuts.C.

Referenced by FCDrawVariable(), FCQaVar(), and findcuts().

double Wsig

Definition at line 57 of file findcuts.C.

Referenced by FCDrawVariable(), FCQaVar(), and findcuts().