Go to the source code of this file.
Create the run configuration In constructor user has to specify the geometry input and select geometry navigation via the following options:
- geomVMCtoGeant4 - geometry defined via VMC, G4 native navigation
- geomVMCtoRoot - geometry defined via VMC, Root navigation
- geomRoot - geometry defined via Root, Root navigation
- geomRootToGeant4 - geometry defined via Root, G4 native navigation
- geomGeant4 - geometry defined via Geant4, G4 native navigation
The second argument in the constructor selects physics list:
- emStandard - standard em physics (default)
- emStandard+optical - standard em physics + optical physics
- XYZ - selected hadron physics list ( XYZ = LHEP, QGSP, ...)
- XYZ+optical - selected hadron physics list + optical physics
The third argument activates the special processes in the TG4SpecialPhysicsList, which implement VMC features:
- stepLimiter - step limiter (default)
- specialCuts - VMC cuts
- specialControls - VMC controls for activation/inactivation selected processes
- stackPopper - stackPopper process When more than one options are selected, they should be separated with '+' character: eg. stepLimit+specialCuts.
Create the G4 VMC
create the Specific stack
Definition at line 2 of file g4Config_Cherenkov.C.
References PndStack::SetMinPoints().
28 TG4RunConfiguration* runConfiguration =
new TG4RunConfiguration(
31 TGeant4* geant4 =
new TGeant4(
"The Geant4 Monte Carlo", runConfiguration);
32 cout <<
"Geant4 has been created." << endl;
33 geant4->ProcessGeantCommand(
"/mcVerbose/all 0");
34 geant4->ProcessGeantCommand(
"/mcVerbose/eventAction 1");
45 geant4->SetStack(stack);
47 if(FairRunSim::Instance()->IsExtDecayer()){
48 TVirtualMCDecayer* decayer = TPythia6Decayer::Instance();
49 geant4->SetExternalDecayer(decayer);
52 geant4->SetMaxNStep(10000);
55 sprintf(buffer,
"/random/setSeeds %i %i ",gRandom->GetSeed(), gRandom->GetSeed());
56 geant4->ProcessGeantCommand(buffer);
void SetMinPoints(Int_t min)