25 TString parAsciiFile =
31 fRun->SetName(SimEngine);
void tut_sim(Int_t nEvents=100, TString prefix="signal", TString inputGenerator="pp_jpsi2pi_jpsi_mumu.dec", Double_t BeamMomentum=6.231552, TString SimEngine="TGeant3")
void Finish()
Final diagnostics.
Bool_t Setup(TString outprefix="")
Initial setup.
void SetParamAsciiFile(TString par)
Setter of the parameter ascii file.
FairPrimaryGenerator * primGen
void SetInput(TString par)
Input of the simulation This string can be: a) the name of the dec file for EvtGen, ending w/ .dec b) "dpm" if you want to use dpm c) "ftf" if you want to use ftf d) "box:[...]" if you want to use box.
void AddSimTasks()
Add simulation tasks.
Primary generator with added event filtering capabilities.
FairFilteredPrimaryGenerator * GetFilteredPrimaryGenerator()
Getter for the primary generator, e.g. to configure the event filter.
void SetNumberOfEvents(Int_t par)
Setter of the number of events.
void CreateGeometry()
It switches between different standard geometry volumes.
Class for the master simulation chain.
void SetGenerator()
Set the event generator.
void SetVerbose(Int_t verbose=12)
Set the level of commenting output.