16 #include "FairRunSim.h"
17 #include "FairRuntimeDb.h"
19 #include "TStopwatch.h"
26 class FairBoxGenerator;
TString fInput
Name of the input for the simulation.
void SetInputDir(TString par)
Input directory of the simulation.
Int_t fFtfFlag
Flag for FTF event generator.
void Finish()
Final diagnostics.
void CreateGeometryDefault()
It creates all the standard geometry volumes.
Int_t fNEvents
Number of events.
Bool_t Setup(TString outprefix="")
Initial setup.
PndFilteredPrimaryGenerator * GetPndFilteredPrimaryGenerator()
void SetParamAsciiFile(TString par)
Setter of the parameter ascii file.
friend F32vec4 max(const F32vec4 &a, const F32vec4 &b)
void UseEvtGenGenerator(TString EvtGenFile)
Use EvtGen as event generator.
Short_t fTargetMode
Target mode.
void UseDpmGenerator()
Use DPM as event generator.
TString fOptions
Options parsed to the simulation.
Int_t fEventCounterRate
After how many events the counter will print.
void AddGenerator(FairGenerator *aGen)
Add a generator to existing setup.
void SetInput(TString par)
Input of the simulation This string can be: a) the name of the dec file for EvtGen, ending w/ .dec b) "dpm" if you want to use dpm c) "ftf" if you want to use ftf d) "box:[...]" if you want to use box.
virtual ~PndMasterRunSim()
Default destructor.
void AddSimTasks()
Add simulation tasks.
Primary generator with added event filtering capabilities.
void SetParamRootFile(TString par)
Setter of the parameter root file.
FairFilteredPrimaryGenerator * GetFilteredPrimaryGenerator()
Getter for the primary generator, e.g. to configure the event filter.
void UsePiPiGenerator(TString pipiConfig)
Use PiPiGenerator as event generator.
Primary generator with added event filtering capabilities.
void SetTargetMode(Short_t par)
Setter of the target mode.
friend F32vec4 min(const F32vec4 &a, const F32vec4 &b)
void SetNumberOfEvents(Int_t par)
Setter of the number of events.
void CreateGeometry()
It switches between different standard geometry volumes.
void CreateGeometryDay1()
It creates the standard geometry volumes for day1 phase.
Class for the master simulation chain.
void UseFtfGenerator(TString ftfData)
Use FTF as event generator.
FairBoxGenerator * boxGen
TString fParamRootFile
Name of the parameter root file.
void SetEventCounterRate(Int_t par)
Setter of the event counter rate.
void GetRange(TString par, double &min, double &max)
Default constructor.
void UseBoxGenerator(TString BoxConfig)
Use BoxGen as event generator.
void SetOptions(TString par)
Setter of the simulation options This string can be: "" -> default settings full setup "day1" -> Set...
FairRuntimeDb * fRtdb
Runtime DB.
void SetFtfFlag(Int_t Mode)
Set the FTF noelastic flag.
TString fOutFile
Name of the output file.
void SetGenerator()
Set the event generator.
TString fInputDir
Name of the input directory for the simulation.
void CreateGeometryPhase1()
It creates the standard geometry volumes for phase1 of the experiment.
TString fParamAsciiFile
Name of the parameter ascii file.
void UseLepLepGenerator(TString leplepConfig)
Use LepLepGenerator as event generator.
void SetDpmFlag(Int_t Mode)
Set the DPM flag.
Int_t fDpmFlag
Flag for DPM event generator.