Go to the source code of this file.
Functions | |
timer | Start () |
tree1 | SetBranchAddress ("LMDPoint",&mc_array) |
tree1 | SetBranchAddress ("MCTrack",&mc_track) |
tree2 | SetBranchAddress ("LMDHitsStrip",&hit_array) |
tree1 | GetEntry (i) |
cout<<"the mcX, mcY, mcZ are " << mcX<<","<< mcY<<","<< mcZ << endl;vecmc.SetXYZ(mcX, mcY, mcZ);vecrc=hit-> | GetPosition () |
cout<<"the rcX, rcY, rcZ are " << vecrc.x()<<","<< vecrc.Y() <<","<< vecrc.Z()<< endl;Int_t iTrack=point-> | GetTrackID () |
if (track->GetMotherID()==-1) trackthe | |
cout<<"the mc fit theta is " << mctheta<< endl;TGraphErrors *rctrack=new TGraphErrors(4, rc_z, r_rc, z_rc_err, r_rc_err);rctrack-> | Fit ("trackFit","ONF") |
cout<<"the rc fit theta is " << rctheta<< endl;dthe0=rctheta-trackthe;dthe2=mctheta-trackthe;dthe3=rctheta-mctheta;dtheta=mcfirstthe-trackthe;rcTheta-> | Fill (rctheta) |
mcTheta | Fill (mctheta) |
refTheta | Fill (trackthe) |
dTheta0 | Fill (dthe0) |
dTheta2 | Fill (dthe2) |
dTheta3 | Fill (dthe3) |
dTheta | Fill (dtheta) |
total | SetLineColor (kRed) |
total | SetLineWidth (1) |
can1 | Divide (2, 2) |
can1 | cd (1) |
mcTheta | DrawCopy () |
can1 | cd (2) |
can1 | cd (3) |
gStyle | SetOptFit () |
dTheta0 | Fit ("total","R") |
can2 | cd (4) |
timer | Stop () |
Variables | |
TStopwatch | timer |
int | nEvents = 1e7 |
bool | verbose = false |
double | pi = TMath::Pi() |
TFile * | mcf = new TFile("/private/huagen/simdata/Lmd_MC_BD_DPM_elastic_6.2_1.9mrad_5M_1.root") |
TTree * | tree1 = (TTree*)mcf->Get("pndsim") |
TClonesArray * | mc_array = new TClonesArray("PndSdsMCPoint") |
TClonesArray * | mc_track = new TClonesArray("PndMCTrack") |
TFile * | rcf = new TFile("/private/huagen/simdata/Lmd_Reco_BD_DPM_elastic_6.2_1.9mrad_5M_1.root") |
TTree * | tree2 = (TTree*)rcf->Get("pndsim") |
TClonesArray * | hit_array = new TClonesArray("PndSdsHit") |
TH1F * | mcTheta = new TH1F("MCHit theta","Theta fitted by MCHits",300, 0.001, 0.01) |
TH1F * | rcTheta = new TH1F("Reco theta","Theta determined by RecoHits",300, 0.001, 0.01) |
TH1F * | refTheta = new TH1F("MCTrue theta","The track theta set in Generator",300, 0.001, 0.01) |
TH1F * | dTheta = new TH1F("FirstMCHit-MCTrue","delta theta between FirstMCHit and MCTrue",300,-0.003,0.003) |
TH1F * | dTheta0 = new TH1F("RecoHit-MCTrue","delta theta between RecoHit and MCTrue theta",300, -0.003,0.003) |
TH1F * | dTheta2 = new TH1F("MCHit-MCTrue","",300, -0.003,0.003) |
TH1F * | dTheta3 = new TH1F("RecoHit-MCHit","delta theta between RecoHit and MCHit",300, -0.003,0.003) |
TF1 * | trackFit = new TF1("trackFit","pol1",-40,40) |
TVector3 | vecmc |
TVector3 | vecrc |
double | mcX =0 |
double | mcY =0 |
double | mcZ =0 |
double | rcX =0 |
double | rcY =0 |
double | rcZ =0 |
double | trackthe |
double | mctheta =TMath::ATan(trackFit->GetParameter(1)) |
double | rctheta =TMath::ATan(trackFit->GetParameter(1)) |
double | mcfirstthe |
double | rcfirstthe |
double | dthe0 |
double | dthe1 |
double | dthe2 |
double | dthe3 |
double | dtheta |
double | mc_x [4] |
double | mc_y [4] |
double | mc_z [4] |
double | r_mc [4] |
double | rc_x [4] |
double | rc_y [4] |
double | rc_z [4] |
double | r_rc [4] |
double | r_mc_err [4] |
double | r_rc_err [4] |
double | z_mc_err [4] |
double | z_rc_err [4] |
cout<<"the Event No is "<< i << endl;{{if(hit_array-> GetEntriesFast()!=mc_array-> GetEntriesFast()) continue;PndSdsHit *hit=(PndSdsHit *) hit_array-> | At (j) |
PndSdsMCPoint * | point = (PndSdsMCPoint*)mc_array->At(j) |
PndMCTrack * | track = (PndMCTrack*)mc_track->At(iTrack) |
cout<<"the track theta is " << trackthe<< endl;mc_x[j]=vecmc.X();mc_y[j]=vecmc.Y();mc_z[j]=vecmc.Z()-1110;r_mc[j]=TMath::Sqrt(mc_x[j]*mc_x[j]+mc_y[j]*mc_y[j]);std::cout <<"the r_mc[j] is "<< r_mc[j] << std::endl;std::cout<<"the mc_z[j] is "<< mc_z[j] << std::endl;r_mc_err[j]=0;z_mc_err[j]=0;rc_x[j]=vecrc.X();rc_y[j]=vecrc.Y();rc_z[j]=vecrc.Z()-1110;r_rc[j]=TMath::Sqrt(rc_x[j]*rc_x[j]+rc_y[j]*rc_y[j]);std::cout <<"the r_rc[j] is "<< r_rc[j] << std::endl;std::cout<<"the rc_z[j] is "<< rc_z[j] << std::endl;r_rc_err[j]=0;z_rc_err[j]=0;double tempmc=TMath::Sqrt(mc_x[0]*mc_x[0]+mc_y[0]*mc_y[0]);mcfirstthe=TMath::ATan(tempmc/(mc_z[0]+1110));cout <<"the first hit theta is " << mcfirstthe<< endl;}TGraphErrors *mctrack=new TGraphErrors(4, mc_z, r_mc, z_mc_err, r_mc_err);mctrack-> | Fit ("trackFit","ONF") |
Double_t | par [3] |
TF1 * | total = new TF1("total","gaus",-0.06,0.06) |
TCanvas * | can1 = new TCanvas("Theta","MC,RC,Track theta",0,0,800, 800) |
TPad * | mypad = 0 |
TCanvas * | can2 = new TCanvas("Delta theat","MC,RC,Track",0,0,800, 800) |
Double_t | rtime = timer.RealTime() |
Double_t | ctime = timer.CpuTime() |
can1 cd | ( | 1 | ) |
can1 cd | ( | 2 | ) |
can1 cd | ( | 3 | ) |
can2 cd | ( | 4 | ) |
can1 Divide | ( | 2 | , |
2 | |||
) |
hisTrackP DrawCopy | ( | ) |
Referenced by gem_material_ana1(), and materialana().
cout<<"the rc fit theta is "<<rctheta<<endl; dthe0 = rctheta-trackthe; dthe2 = mctheta-trackthe; dthe3 = rctheta-mctheta; dtheta = mcfirstthe-trackthe; rcTheta-> Fill | ( | rctheta | ) |
cout<<"the mc fit theta is "<<mctheta<<endl; TGraphErrors *rctrack = new TGraphErrors(4,rc_z,r_rc,z_rc_err,r_rc_err); rctrack-> Fit | ( | "trackFit" | , |
"ONF" | |||
) |
dTheta0 Fit | ( | "total" | , |
"R" | |||
) |
cout<<"the rcX, rcY, rcZ are "<<vecrc.x()<<","<<vecrc.Y()<<","<<vecrc.Z()<<endl; Int_t iTrack = point-> GetTrackID | ( | ) |
Referenced by G__CbmPlaneDict_560_0_17().
if | ( | track-> | GetMotherID() = =-1 | ) |
tree1 SetBranchAddress | ( | "LMDPoint" | , |
& | mc_array | ||
) |
tree1 SetBranchAddress | ( | "MCTrack" | , |
& | mc_track | ||
) |
tree2 SetBranchAddress | ( | "LMDHitsStrip" | , |
& | hit_array | ||
) |
hMcSttPhi SetLineColor | ( | kRed | ) |
g2 SetLineWidth | ( | 1 | ) |
gStyle SetOptFit | ( | ) |
timer Start | ( | ) |
timer Stop | ( | ) |
cout<<"the Event No is "<<i<<endl; { { if(hit_array->GetEntriesFast()!=mc_array->GetEntriesFast()) continue; PndSdsHit *hit = (PndSdsHit*)hit_array-> At(j) |
Definition at line 71 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
Referenced by adddirs(), PndMcCloner2::CorrectPidIndices(), PndFtsDataAccessor::Exec(), PndSolCorrTask::Exec(), PndFtsTrackerIdeal::Exec(), PndGemFindHitsQA::Exec(), PndEmcWaveformToDigi::Exec(), PndBarrelTrackFinder::Exec(), PndDrcLutReco::FillAmbiguities(), PndMvdSttGemRiemannTrackFinderTask::FillHitArray(), PndMvdRiemannTrackFinderTask::FillHitArray(), PndAnalysis::FillList(), PndUnassignedHitsTask::FillOutputBranch(), PndMcCloner2::FindUsedMCIndices(), PndBranchBurstBuilder_timeCut_STB::GetBurstData(), PndSttMatchTracks::GetHitFromCollections(), PndSttTrackFinderIdeal::GetHitFromCollections(), PndSttHelixTrackFitter::GetHitFromCollections(), PndSttTrackFinderReal::GetHitFromCollections(), PndSttMatchTracks::GetPointFromCollections(), PndSttTrackFinderIdeal::GetPointFromCollections(), PndSttTrackFinderReal::GetPointFromCollections(), PndGemFindHitsQA::GetPointVector(), PndGemTrackFinderQA::GetPointVector(), PndAnalysis::GetTrack(), PndDrcReco::LookUpTable(), lutmean(), PndDrcLutFill::ProcessPhotonHit(), PndPhoGunShortP::ProcessPhotonHit(), PndPhoGunShort::ProcessPhotonHit(), PndAnalysis::ReadRecoCandidates(), and PndCloneGenerator::SetFirstLastHit().
Definition at line 151 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
Referenced by ana_MCpid(), anaclust(), anaGemPointrate(), anaGemSmearing(), anaRadLength(), gem_material_ana1(), materialana(), PndMvdDigiAna::PrintHistograms(), QAmacro_mvd_ana(), ReadHits(), and TrackHits().
TCanvas* can2 = new TCanvas("Delta theat","MC,RC,Track",0,0,800, 800) |
Definition at line 160 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
Referenced by gem_material_ana1(), materialana(), QAmacro_mvd_ana(), ReadHits(), ReadLines(), and TrackHits().
Double_t ctime = timer.CpuTime() |
Definition at line 171 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
double dthe0 |
Definition at line 54 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
double dthe1 |
Definition at line 54 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
double dthe2 |
Definition at line 54 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
double dthe3 |
Definition at line 54 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
TH1F* dTheta = new TH1F("FirstMCHit-MCTrue","delta theta between FirstMCHit and MCTrue",300,-0.003,0.003) |
Definition at line 43 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
Referenced by PndEmcStructure::Print().
double dtheta |
Definition at line 54 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
Referenced by PndLmdDim::Calc_matrix_offsets(), PndFastSim::cutAndSmear(), PndFsmCmpDet::respond(), PndFsmCombiDet::respond(), PndFastSim::SetFlatCovMatrix(), and PndFastSim::sumResponse().
TH1F* dTheta0 = new TH1F("RecoHit-MCTrue","delta theta between RecoHit and MCTrue theta",300, -0.003,0.003) |
Definition at line 44 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
TH1F* dTheta2 = new TH1F("MCHit-MCTrue","",300, -0.003,0.003) |
Definition at line 46 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
TH1F* dTheta3 = new TH1F("RecoHit-MCHit","delta theta between RecoHit and MCHit",300, -0.003,0.003) |
Definition at line 47 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
h10 Fit | ( | "trackFit" | , |
"ONF" | |||
) |
Definition at line 118 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
Referenced by PndCAGBTracker::CATrackFinder().
TClonesArray* hit_array = new TClonesArray("PndSdsHit") |
Definition at line 34 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
TClonesArray* mc_array = new TClonesArray("PndSdsMCPoint") |
Definition at line 25 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
Referenced by ana_check(), ana_check_psi(), ana_invariantmass_2pi_tpc(), ana_MCOpt(), ana_MCpid(), anaclust(), anaGemPointrate(), anaGemSmearing(), anaRadLength(), check_trackcand(), gem_material_ana1(), materialana(), QAmacro_mvd_ana(), ReadHCal(), ReadLines(), run_ana_eta_c_stt(), run_ana_eta_c_tpc(), run_ana_invariantmass_2pi_stt(), run_ana_invariantmass_2pi_tpc(), run_ana_invariantmass_4pi_stt(), run_ana_invariantmass_4pi_tpc(), test_check(), track_check(), track_check_2pi_stt(), track_check_2pi_tpc(), track_check_4pi_stt(), and track_check_4pi_tpc().
TClonesArray* mc_track = new TClonesArray("PndMCTrack") |
Definition at line 28 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
double mc_x[4] |
Definition at line 55 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
double mc_y[4] |
Definition at line 55 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
double mc_z[4] |
Definition at line 55 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
TFile* mcf = new TFile("/private/huagen/simdata/Lmd_MC_BD_DPM_elastic_6.2_1.9mrad_5M_1.root") |
Definition at line 22 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
double mcfirstthe |
Definition at line 54 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
TH1F* mcTheta = new TH1F("MCHit theta","Theta fitted by MCHits",300, 0.001, 0.01) |
Definition at line 38 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
mctheta =TMath::ATan(trackFit->GetParameter(1)) |
Definition at line 54 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
Referenced by runOnlineDisplayMCCheckFaster3().
mcX =0 |
Definition at line 53 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
mcY =0 |
Definition at line 53 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
mcZ =0 |
Definition at line 53 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
Referenced by PndFTSCADisplay::DrawGBPoints(), and PndFTSCAGBTracker::FitTracks().
TPad* mypad = 0 |
Definition at line 153 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
Referenced by anaclust(), and materialana().
int nEvents = 1e7 |
Definition at line 17 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
Double_t par[3] |
Definition at line 146 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
Referenced by PndMdtTrkProducer::AlgorithmWithLheGenTrack(), anaGemSmearing(), anaRadLength(), PndMagnet::ConstructASCIIGeometry(), PndSdsDetector::ConstructASCIIGeometry(), PndPidCorrelator::ConstructChargedCandidate(), PndTarget::ConstructGeometry(), PndCave::ConstructGeometry(), PndRich::ConstructGeometry(), CbmPlane::ConstructGeometry(), PndFts2::ConstructGeometry(), PndFts::ConstructGeometry(), PndStt::ConstructGeometry(), PndPidCorrelator::ConstructNeutralCandidate(), createdirc(), createdirc_prism(), createdircPix(), createRootGeometry_DIRC(), createRootGeometry_DIRC_fsEVdroplens_MCPs(), createRootGeometry_DIRC_sepEV_MCPs(), createRootGeometry_DIRC_updated_06_2013(), PndKFParticleFinder::Exec(), GeaneTrackRep::extrapolate(), GeaneTrackRep::extrapolateToLine(), GeaneTrackRep::extrapolateToPoint(), PndSttMapCreator::FillSttTubeParametersGeoType1(), PndSttMapCreator::FillSttTubeParametersType2(), PndGemMagneticFieldVsTrackParameters::Finish(), PndRecoDafFit::Fit(), PndRecoDafFit2::Fit(), PndRecoKalmanFit2::Fit(), PndRecoKalmanFit::Fit(), GaussFitPlot(), GeaneTrackRep::GeaneTrackRep(), gem_material_ana1(), KFParticle::GetDecayLength(), KFParticleSIMD::GetDecayLength(), KFParticle::GetDecayLengthXY(), KFParticleSIMD::GetDecayLengthXY(), KFParticle::GetErrDecayLength(), KFParticleSIMD::GetErrDecayLength(), KFParticle::GetErrDecayLengthXY(), KFParticleSIMD::GetErrDecayLengthXY(), KFParticle::GetErrEta(), KFParticleSIMD::GetErrEta(), KFParticle::GetErrLifeTime(), KFParticleSIMD::GetErrLifeTime(), KFParticle::GetErrMass(), KFParticleSIMD::GetErrMass(), KFParticle::GetErrMomentum(), KFParticleSIMD::GetErrMomentum(), KFParticle::GetErrP(), KFParticleSIMD::GetErrP(), KFParticle::GetErrPhi(), KFParticleSIMD::GetErrPhi(), KFParticle::GetErrPt(), KFParticleSIMD::GetErrPt(), KFParticle::GetErrR(), KFParticleSIMD::GetErrR(), KFParticle::GetEta(), KFParticleSIMD::GetEta(), PndGeoHandling::GetGeoManager(), KFParticle::GetLifeTime(), KFParticleSIMD::GetLifeTime(), KFParticle::GetMass(), KFParticleSIMD::GetMass(), PndPidCorrelator::GetMdtInfo(), KFParticle::GetMomentum(), KFParticleSIMD::GetMomentum(), PndPidCorrelator::GetMvdInfo(), KFParticle::GetP(), KFParticleSIMD::GetP(), KFParticle::GetPhi(), KFParticleSIMD::GetPhi(), GeaneTrackRep::getPocaOnLine(), KFParticle::GetPt(), KFParticleSIMD::GetPt(), KFParticle::GetR(), KFParticleSIMD::GetR(), getRange(), PndMasterRunSim::GetRange(), PndPidCorrelator::GetTrackInfo(), PndEmcErrorMatrix::Init(), PndLmdStripClusterTask::Init(), PndLmdLinFitTask::Init(), PndLmdKalmanTask::Init(), PndRich::Initialize(), CbmPlane::Initialize(), PndEmc::Initialize(), LineFitPlot(), PndFastSim::MergeNeutralClusters(), PndFsmAbsDet::PndFsmAbsDet(), PndDrcRecoLookupMapS::ProcessPhotonHit(), PndDrcRecoLookupMap::ProcessPhotonHit(), PullFitPlot(), PndSttSingleStraw::PutPolya(), PndFtsSingleStraw::PutPolya(), QAmacro_mvd_ana(), ReadHCal(), PndSttMvdGemTracking::Retrack(), PndMQMvdChargeWeightedPixelMapping::SetDigiPar(), PndMasterRunAna::SetEventCounterRate(), PndMasterRunSim::SetEventCounterRate(), PndEmc::SetGeometryVersion(), PndMasterRunAna::SetInput(), PndMasterRunSim::SetInput(), PndMasterRunSim::SetInputDir(), PndMasterRunSim::SetNumberOfEvents(), PndMasterRunAna::SetOptions(), PndMasterRunSim::SetOptions(), PndMasterRunAna::SetOutput(), PndMasterRunAna::SetParamAsciiFile(), PndMasterRunSim::SetParamAsciiFile(), PndPythia8Generator::SetParameters(), PndMasterRunAna::SetParamRootFile(), PndMasterRunSim::SetParamRootFile(), TGo4EventElement::SetParent(), PndFieldCreator::SetParm(), PndGeoHandling::SetSensorNamePar(), PndMasterRunSim::SetTargetMode(), PndMQMvdChargeWeightedPixelMapping::SetTotPar(), PndFTSCATrackParamVector::TransportToX0WithMaterial(), PndCATrackParam::TransportToXWithMaterial(), and PndCATrackParamVector::TransportToXWithMaterial().
double pi = TMath::Pi() |
Definition at line 19 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
PndSdsMCPoint* point = (PndSdsMCPoint*)mc_array->At(j) |
Definition at line 72 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
Referenced by PndTrackCandDraw::AddBoxesPndTrackCand(), PndTrackCandDraw::AddBoxesTrackCand(), PndRichHitProducer::AddDigi(), PndSdsStripHitProducer::AddDigi(), PndMvdRiemannTrackFinderTaskEff::AddGhostTrack(), PndSttHitProducerRealFull::AddHit(), anaclust(), anaGemSmearing(), anaRadLength(), CbmPlanePoint::CbmPlanePoint(), check_trackcand(), PndIdealTrackFinder::CreateTrackCands(), GFSpacepointHitPolicy::detPlane(), PndTrkGemCombinatorial::DrawMCPoints(), PndMdtHitProducerIdeal::Exec(), PndMdtDigiProducer::Exec(), PndFtsHitProducerRealFast::Exec(), PndSttHitProducerRealFast::Exec(), PndRichHitProducer::Exec(), PndFtsDataAccessor::Exec(), PndFtsHitProducerMcPointCoordinates::Exec(), PndSttHelixHitProducer::Exec(), PndSttTrackFitterQATask::Exec(), PndFtsCATracking::Exec(), PndFtsHitProducerRealFull::Exec(), PndSttHitProducerRealFull::Exec(), PndEmcApdHitProducer::Exec(), PndGemIdealPatternRecoTask::Exec(), PndSttHitProducerIdeal::Exec(), PndHypIdealTrackingTask::Exec(), PndCATracking::Exec(), PndHypHitProducerIdeal::Exec(), PndFtsHitProducerIdeal::Exec(), PndHypGeHitProducerIdeal::Exec(), PndLmdDigiProducer::Exec(), PndFtofHitProducerIdeal::Exec(), PndSciTHitProducerIdeal::Exec(), PndEmcHitProducer::Exec(), PndLmdPixelHitProducerFast::Exec(), PndSttMatchTracks::Exec(), PndSciTDigiTask::Exec(), PndSdsHitProducerIdeal::Exec(), PndHypDPatternRecoTask::Exec(), PndDrcTimeDigiTask::Exec(), PndHypIdealPRTask::Exec(), PndSdsHybridHitProducer::Exec(), PndHypStripHitProducer::Exec(), PndSdsStripHitProducerDif::Exec(), PndSdsStripHitProducer::Exec(), GeaneTrackRep::extrapolateToLine(), RKTrackRep::extrapolateToLine(), RKTrackRep::extrapolateToPoint(), genfit::StateOnPlane::extrapolateToSphere(), PndMvdAllDataEventAna::FillHitPerClusterHistos(), for(), gem_material_ana1(), PndLmdDim::Get_Sensor_Graph(), PndLmdDim::Get_Sensor_Shape(), GetEntries(), GetEntriesFast(), if(), PndRichReco::Init(), DecayTreeFitter::InternalParticle::initPar1(), PndSttHelixTrackFitter::IntersectionFinder(), PndSttMvdGemTracking::IntersectionFinder(), PndTrkLegendreNew::IntersectionFinder(), PndTrkCombiLegendreTask::IntersectionFinder(), PndTrkTrackFinder::IntersectionFinder(), materialana(), PlotMCTracks(), PlotMCTracksPrintBField(), PndFtofPoint::PndFtofPoint(), PndGemMCPoint::PndGemMCPoint(), PndHypGePoint::PndHypGePoint(), PndHypPidCand::PndHypPidCand(), PndHypPoint::PndHypPoint(), PndMvdPidCand::PndMvdPidCand(), PndSciTPoint::PndSciTPoint(), PndSdsMCPoint::PndSdsMCPoint(), PndSdsPidCand::PndSdsPidCand(), PndDrcDigiTask::ProcessPhotonPoint(), PndDrcHitProducerReal::ProcessPhotonPoint(), QAmacro_emc_4(), QAmacro_mdt_2(), QAmacro_mvd_ana(), ReadHCal(), ReadHits(), ReadLines(), PndMvdRiemannVertexFinderTask::refit(), PndTrkComparisonMCtruth::SciTilMatchtoMC(), PndRichMirrorSegment::SetPoint(), RKTrackRep::stepalong(), GFDetPlane::straightLineToPlane(), TrackHits(), PndStack::UpdateTrackIndex(), PndFtsCATracking::WriteFTSHits(), and PndCATracking::WriteMVDHits().
double r_mc[4] |
Definition at line 55 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
double r_mc_err[4] |
Definition at line 57 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
double r_rc[4] |
Definition at line 56 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
double r_rc_err[4] |
Definition at line 57 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
double rc_x[4] |
Definition at line 56 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
double rc_y[4] |
Definition at line 56 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
double rc_z[4] |
Definition at line 56 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
TFile* rcf = new TFile("/private/huagen/simdata/Lmd_Reco_BD_DPM_elastic_6.2_1.9mrad_5M_1.root") |
Definition at line 31 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
double rcfirstthe |
Definition at line 54 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
TH1F* rcTheta = new TH1F("Reco theta","Theta determined by RecoHits",300, 0.001, 0.01) |
Definition at line 39 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
rctheta =TMath::ATan(trackFit->GetParameter(1)) |
Definition at line 54 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
double rcX =0 |
Definition at line 53 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
double rcY =0 |
Definition at line 53 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
double rcZ =0 |
Definition at line 53 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
Definition at line 41 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
Double_t rtime = timer.RealTime() |
Definition at line 170 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
TStopwatch timer |
Definition at line 7 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
TF1* total = new TF1("total","gaus",-0.06,0.06) |
Definition at line 147 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
Referenced by anaGemSmearing(), PndTrkTracking2::MatchMvdHitsToSttTracks2(), and QAmacro_mvd_ana().
PndMCTrack* track = (PndMCTrack*)mc_track->At(iTrack) |
Definition at line 89 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
Referenced by PndMvdRiemannTrackFinderTaskEff::AddGhostTrack(), PndMdtTrkProducer::AlgorithmWithLheGenTrack(), PndAnalysisForwardTask::analyzeMCTracks(), PndMvdRiemannTrackFinderTaskCutPar::CalcRiemannTracks(), PndPidCorrelator::ConstructChargedCandidate(), PndPidCorrelator::ConstructNeutralCandidate(), PndTrkTrack::ConvertToPndTrack(), PndTrkTrack::Draw(), PndFTSCADisplay::DrawGBTrack(), PndFTSCADisplay::DrawGBTrackFast(), PndFTSCADisplay::DrawMCTrack(), PndFTSCADisplay::DrawRecoTrack(), drawTracks(), emc_correction_hist(), emc_correction_parametrization(), PndTrkAddTCA::Exec(), TtLinFitTask::Exec(), PndLmdLineTask::Exec(), PndLmdLinFitTask::Exec(), PndHypPidIdealTask::Exec(), PndMvdPidIdealTask::Exec(), PndTrkLegendreSecTask2::Exec(), PndTrkLegendreNew::Exec(), PndTrkLegendreSecTask::Exec(), PndTrkLegendreTask::Exec(), PndLmdIdealFitTask::Exec(), PndTrkCombiLegendreTask::Exec(), PndTrkTrackFinder::Exec(), PndSciTAnaIdeal::Exec(), PndStack::FillTrackArray(), PndAnalysis::GetFirstPar(), PndTrackingQA::GetRecoInfoFromRecoTrack(), PndTrackingQualityBarrelAnalysisNewLinks::GetRecoInfoFromRecoTrack(), PndAnalysisForwardTask::getReconstructedTracks(), PndAnalysis::GetTrack(), hit_noise_studies(), PndFTSCAGBTracker::InitialTrackApproximation(), PndTrkLegendreNew::LegendreFit(), PndTrkCombiLegendreTask::LegendreFit(), PndTrkTrackFinder::LegendreFit(), PndTrkCombiLegendreTask::LegendreFitWithRecovering(), DecayTreeFitter::Constraint::name(), PndTrkTrack::PndTrkTrack(), PndDisc::ProcessHits(), PndTrackDraw::PropagateTrack(), PndTrackDraw::PropagateTrackHelix(), QAmacro_mdt_2(), QAmacro_stt_4(), ReadHCal(), reco_analys(), recoideal_complete(), PndMvdRiemannVertexFinderTask::refit(), PndTrackID::SetCorrTrackID(), genfit::TrackPoint::setTrack(), PndRichPhoton::SetTrack(), and PndStack::UpdateTrackIndex().
TF1* trackFit = new TF1("trackFit","pol1",-40,40) |
Definition at line 49 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
double trackthe |
Definition at line 54 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
Definition at line 24 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
Definition at line 33 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
Referenced by analysis().
TVector3 vecmc |
Definition at line 52 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
Referenced by anaclust(), anaGemSmearing(), and QAmacro_mvd_ana().
TVector3 vecrc |
Definition at line 52 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
bool verbose = false |
Definition at line 18 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
double z_mc_err[4] |
Definition at line 57 of file anaLmdCluster.C.
double z_rc_err[4] |
Definition at line 57 of file anaLmdCluster.C.