9 gStyle->SetOptFit(1011);
14 gROOT->Macro(
16 TString inPidFile =
19 TFile *
inFile = TFile::Open(inSimFile,
20 TTree *
tree=(TTree *) inFile->Get(
"pndsim") ;
21 tree->AddFriend(
23 TClonesArray*
new TClonesArray(
24 tree->SetBranchAddress(
26 FairMCEventHeader* evthead;
27 tree->SetBranchAddress(
"MCEventHeader.", &evthead);
29 TFile *
out = TFile::Open(OutFile,
32 PndEventReader evr(inPidFile);
34 TH1F *h_psi_nocut=
new TH1F(
"m(psi), (no cuts);E, GeV",100,3.2,4.4);
35 TH1F *h_mD1_nocuts=
new TH1F(
"D+: m(#pi+ #pi+ K-) (no cuts)",100,1.5,2.2);
36 TH1F *h_mD2_nocuts=
new TH1F(
"D-: m(#pi- #pi- K+) (no cuts)",100,1.5,2.2);
37 TH1F *h_mD1_pid=
new TH1F(
"D+: m(#pi+ #pi+ K-) (pid)",100,1.5,2.2);
38 TH1F *h_mD2_pid=
new TH1F(
"D-: m(#pi- #pi- K+) (pid)",100,1.5,2.2);
40 TH1F *h_psi_pid=
new TH1F(
"m(#psi), (MC PID);E, GeV",100,3.2,4.4);
41 TH1F *h_psi_pid_vtx=
new TH1F(
"m(#psi), (MC PID);E, GeV",100,3.2,4.4);
43 TH1F *h_psi_4c=
new TH1F(
"m(#psi), 4C-fit",100,3.2,4.4);
44 TH1F *h_mD_4c=
new TH1F(
"D: m(K #pi #pi) (4C-fit)",100,1.5,2.2);
46 TH1F *h_psi_vtx=
new TH1F(
"m(#psi), Vertex fit",100,3.2,4.4);
47 TH1F *h_D1_vtx_bef=
new TH1F(
"#phi: m(K #pi #pi) (Vertex fit)",100,1.5,2.2);
48 TH1F *h_D2_vtx_bef=
new TH1F(
"#phi: m(K #pi #pi) (Vertex fit)",100,1.5,2.2);
49 TH1F *h_D1_vtx=
new TH1F(
"#phi: m(K #pi #pi) (Vertex fit)",100,1.5,2.2);
50 TH1F *h_D2_vtx=
new TH1F(
"#phi: m(K #pi #pi) (Vertex fit)",100,1.5,2.2);
52 TH1F *h_psi_Dmass=
new TH1F(
"m(#psi), (cut on D mass);E, GeV",100,3.2,4.4);
53 TH1F *h_mD_final=
new TH1F(
"D: m(K #pi #pi)",100,1.5,2.2);
55 TH1F *
new TH1F(
"n charged",20,0,20);
57 TH1F *
new TH1F(
"#chi^{2} 4C-fit;#chi^{2}/N_{df}",100,0,100);
58 TH1F *
new TH1F(
"#chi^{2} 4C-fit;#chi^{2}/N_{df}",100,0,100);
59 TH1F *h_chi2_vtx_D1=
new TH1F(
"#chi^{2} vertex;#chi^{2}/N_{df}",100,0,100);
60 TH1F *h_chi2_vtx_D2=
new TH1F(
"#chi^{2} vertex;#chi^{2}/N_{df}",100,0,100);
61 TH2F *hvpos_D1 =
new TH2F(
"(x,y) projection of fitted decay vertex",100,-5,5,100,-5,5);
62 TH1F *hvzpos_D1 =
new TH1F(
"z position of fitted decay vertex",100,-10,10);
63 TH1F *hvtxresX_D1 =
new TH1F(
"X resolution of fitted decay vertex",100,-0.1,0.1);
64 TH1F *hvtxresY_D1 =
new TH1F(
"Y resolution of fitted decay vertex",100,-0.1,0.1);
65 TH1F *hvtxresZ_D1 =
new TH1F(
"Z resolution of fitted decay vertex",100,-0.1,0.1);
66 TH2F *hvpos_D2 =
new TH2F(
"(x,y) projection of fitted decay vertex",100,-5,5,100,-5,5);
67 TH1F *hvzpos_D2 =
new TH1F(
"z position of fitted decay vertex",100,-10,10);
68 TH1F *hvtxresX_D2 =
new TH1F(
"X resolution of fitted decay vertex",100,-0.1,0.1);
69 TH1F *hvtxresY_D2 =
new TH1F(
"Y resolution of fitted decay vertex",100,-0.1,0.1);
70 TH1F *hvtxresZ_D2 =
new TH1F(
"Z resolution of fitted decay vertex",100,-0.1,0.1);
72 TPidMassSelector *psiMassSel=
new TPidMassSelector(
74 TPidPlusSelector *pplusSel=
new TPidPlusSelector(
75 TPidMinusSelector *pminusSel=
new TPidMinusSelector(
78 TCandList
p2, k1, k2, D1, D1_pid, D2, D2_pid, psi, psi_pid, psi_nocut;
82 TH1F *
new TH1F(
"total number of events",1,0,1);
83 TH1F *n_psi=
new TH1F(
"number of reconstructed eta_c",1,0,1);
85 TLorentzVector ini(0,0,6.578800,7.583333);
87 if (nevts==0) nevts=evr.GetEntries();
89 n_events->SetBinContent(1,nevts);
91 int i=0,j=0, k=0, l=0;
96 while (evr.GetEvent() && i++<nevts)
99 if ((i%100)==0) cout<<
"evt " << i <<
101 evr.FillList(p1,
102 evr.FillList(p2,
103 evr.FillList(k1,
104 evr.FillList(k2,
107 p2.Select(pminusSel);
109 k2.Select(pminusSel);
111 int nchrg=p1.GetLength()+p2.GetLength();
114 for (j=0;j<p1.GetLength();++j) {
115 p1[j].SetMass(TRho::Instance()->GetPDG()->GetParticle(211)->
117 for (j=0;j<p2.GetLength();++j) {
118 p2[j].SetMass(TRho::Instance()->GetPDG()->GetParticle(211)->
120 for (j=0;j<k1.GetLength();++j) {
121 k1[j].SetMass(TRho::Instance()->GetPDG()->GetParticle(321)->
123 for (j=0;j<k2.GetLength();++j) {
124 k2[j].SetMass(TRho::Instance()->GetPDG()->GetParticle(321)->
128 D1.Combine(p1,p1, k2);
129 D2.Combine(p2,p2, k1);
131 for (j=0;j<D1.GetLength();++j) h_mD1_nocuts->Fill(D1[j].M());
132 for (j=0;j<D2.GetLength();++j) h_mD2_nocuts->Fill(D2[j].M());
134 D1.Select(psiMassSel);
135 D2.Select(psiMassSel);
136 psi_nocut.Combine(D1,D2);
138 for (l=0;l<psi_nocut.GetLength();++l) {
139 h_psi_nocut->Fill(psi_nocut[l].M());
143 TVector3 mcVertex, mcD1Vertex, mcD2vertex;
145 if (((
PndMCTrack*)mc_array->At(0))!=0) mcD1Vertex = ((
147 cout <<
"Not found k1!" << endl;
148 if (((
PndMCTrack*)mc_array->At(3))!=0) mcD2Vertex = ((
150 cout <<
"Not found k2!" << endl;
152 evthead->GetVertex(mcVertex);
158 for (l=0;l<p1.GetLength();++l) {
160 if (p1[ii].GetMicroCandidate().GetMcIndex()>-1){
172 std::cout<<
"stt h: " << p1[ii].GetMicroCandidate().GetSttHits() << std::endl;
173 std::cout<<
"Kaon list 1, element "<<l<<
" has no assosiated mcTRack"<<std::endl;
180 for (l=0;l<p2.GetLength();++l) {
182 if (p2[ii].GetMicroCandidate().GetMcIndex()>-1){
194 std::cout<<
"stt h: " << p2[ii].GetMicroCandidate().GetSttHits() << std::endl;
195 std::cout<<
"Kaon list 2, element "<<l<<
" has no assosiated mcTRack"<<std::endl;
202 for (l=0;l<k1.GetLength();++l) {
204 if (k1[ii].GetMicroCandidate().GetMcIndex()>-1){
216 std::cout<<
"stt h: " << k1[ii].GetMicroCandidate().GetSttHits() << std::endl;
217 std::cout<<
"Kaon list 2, element "<<l<<
" has no assosiated mcTRack"<<std::endl;
224 for (l=0;l<k2.GetLength();++l) {
226 if (k2[ii].GetMicroCandidate().GetMcIndex()>-1){
238 std::cout<<
"stt h: " << k2[ii].GetMicroCandidate().GetSttHits() << std::endl;
239 std::cout<<
"Kaon list 2, element "<<l<<
" has no assosiated mcTRack"<<std::endl;
244 D1_pid.Combine(p1,p1, k2);
245 D2_pid.Combine(p2,p2, k1);
247 for (j=0;j<D1_pid.GetLength();++j) h_mD1_pid->Fill(D1_pid[j].M());
248 for (j=0;j<D2_pid.GetLength();++j) h_mD2_pid->Fill(D2_pid[j].M());
249 D1_pid.Select(psiMassSel);
250 D2_pid.Select(psiMassSel);
251 psi.Combine(D1_pid,D2_pid);
253 for (l=0;l<psi.GetLength();++l) {
254 h_psi_pid->Fill(psi[l].M());
262 double best_chi2=100000;
265 for (l=0;l<psi.GetLength();++l) {
273 ccfit = (TCandidate*)fitter.FittedCand(psi[l]);
274 TCandidate *D1best = fitter.FittedCand(*(psi[l].Daughter(0)));
275 TCandidate *D2best = fitter.FittedCand(*(psi[l].Daughter(1)));
276 TCandidate *p1best = fitter.FittedCand(*(psi[l].Daughter(0)->Daughter(0)));
277 TCandidate *p2best = fitter.FittedCand(*(psi[l].Daughter(0)->Daughter(1)));
278 TCandidate *k1best = fitter.FittedCand(*(psi[l].Daughter(0)->Daughter(2)));
279 TCandidate *p3best = fitter.FittedCand(*(psi[l].Daughter(1)->Daughter(0)));
280 TCandidate *p4best = fitter.FittedCand(*(psi[l].Daughter(1)->Daughter(1)));
281 TCandidate *k2best = fitter.FittedCand(*(psi[l].Daughter(1)->Daughter(2)));
282 TLorentzVector tlvk1 = p1best->P4();
283 TLorentzVector tlvk2 = p2best->P4();
284 TLorentzVector tlvk3 = k1best->P4();
285 TLorentzVector tlvk4 = p3best->P4();
286 TLorentzVector tlvk5 = p4best->P4();
287 TLorentzVector tlvk6 = k2best->P4();
288 m_D1= (tlvk1+tlvk2+tlvk3).M();
289 m_D2= (tlvk4+tlvk5+tlvk6).M();
291 h_chi2_4c->Fill(chi2/9);
294 if (psi.GetLength()!=0) cout <<
"evt: " << i <<
"\tbest: " << best_chi2 <<
"\tlen " << psi.GetLength() << endl;
296 if((psi.GetLength()!=0))
298 h_chi2b_4c->Fill(best_chi2/9);
299 h_psi_4c->Fill(ccfit->M());
302 h_mD_final->Fill(m_D1);
303 h_mD_final->Fill(m_D2);
304 if (((m_D1>1.87-0.07)&&(m_D1<1.87+0.07))&&((m_D2>1.87-0.07)&&(m_D2<1.87+0.07)))
306 h_psi_Dmass->Fill(psi[best_i].M());
307 if ((psi[best_i].M()>3.7)&&(psi[best_i].M()<3.9))
314 TCandList psi_vtx, D1_vtx, D2_vtx;
315 TCandidate *ck1, *ck2, *cp1, *cp2, *cp3, *cp4, *D1tmp, *D2tmp, *D1_tmp, *D2_tmp, *psi_tmp;
318 for (j=0;j<psi.GetLength();++j)
320 D1tmp=psi[j].Daughter(0);
321 D2tmp=psi[j].Daughter(1);
323 cp1=D1tmp->Daughter(0);
324 cp2=D1tmp->Daughter(1);
325 ck1=D1tmp->Daughter(2);
327 cp3=D2tmp->Daughter(0);
328 cp4=D2tmp->Daughter(1);
329 ck2=D2tmp->Daughter(2);
330 D1_tmp=cp1->Combine(*cp2,*ck1);
331 D2_tmp=cp3->Combine(*cp4,*ck2);
338 for (l=0;l<psi.GetLength();++l) {
345 double best_chi2=1000;
346 TCandidate *D1fit_best=0;
347 TCandidate *k1fit_best, *p1fit_best, *p2fit_best, *k1nofit, *p1nofit, *p2nofit;
349 Float_t D1vtx_mass, pre_m_D1;
350 for (j=0;j<D1_vtx.GetLength();++j)
355 TCandidate *D1fit=vtxfitter.FittedCand(D1_vtx[j]);
356 TVector3 D1Vtx=D1fit->Pos();
357 double chi2_vtx_D1=vtxfitter.GlobalChi2();
358 h_chi2_vtx_D1->Fill(chi2_vtx_D1/5);
360 hvpos_D1->Fill(D1Vtx.X(),D1Vtx.Y());
361 hvzpos_D1->Fill(D1Vtx.Z());
362 if(chi2_vtx_D1<best_chi2)
364 best_chi2=chi2_vtx_D1;
367 p1fit_best=vtxfitter.FittedCand(*(D1fit_best->Daughter(0)));
368 p2fit_best=vtxfitter.FittedCand(*(D1fit_best->Daughter(1)));
369 k1fit_best=vtxfitter.FittedCand(*(D1fit_best->Daughter(2)));
370 p1nofit=D1_vtx[j].Daughter(0);
371 p2nofit=D1_vtx[j].Daughter(1);
372 k1nofit=D1_vtx[j].Daughter(2);
373 TLorentzVector tlvp1 = p1nofit->P4();
374 TLorentzVector tlvp2 = p2nofit->P4();
375 TLorentzVector tlvk1 = k1nofit->P4();
376 pre_m_D1= (tlvp1+tlvp2+tlvk1).M();
378 D1vtx_mass = D1fit_best->M();
379 bestPos = D1fit->Pos();
382 if((psi.GetLength()!=0))
384 h_D1_vtx->Fill(D1vtx_mass);
385 h_D1_vtx_bef->Fill(pre_m_D1);
387 hvtxresX_D1->Fill(mcD1Vertex.X()-bestPos.X());
388 hvtxresY_D1->Fill(mcD1Vertex.Y()-bestPos.Y());
389 hvtxresZ_D1->Fill(mcD1Vertex.Z()-bestPos.Z());
398 double best_chi2=1000;
399 TCandidate *D2fit_best=0;
400 TCandidate *k1fit_best, *p1fit_best, *p2fit_best, *k1nofit, *p1nofit, *p2nofit;
402 Float_t D2vtx_mass, pre_m_D2;
403 for (j=0;j<D2_vtx.GetLength();++j)
408 TCandidate *D2fit=vtxfitter.FittedCand(D2_vtx[j]);
409 TVector3 D2Vtx=D2fit->Pos();
410 double chi2_vtx_D2=vtxfitter.GlobalChi2();
411 h_chi2_vtx_D2->Fill(chi2_vtx_D2/5);
413 hvpos_D2->Fill(D2Vtx.X(),D2Vtx.Y());
414 hvzpos_D2->Fill(D2Vtx.Z());
415 if(chi2_vtx_D2<best_chi2)
417 best_chi2=chi2_vtx_D2;
420 p1fit_best=vtxfitter.FittedCand(*(D2fit_best->Daughter(0)));
421 p2fit_best=vtxfitter.FittedCand(*(D2fit_best->Daughter(1)));
422 k1fit_best=vtxfitter.FittedCand(*(D2fit_best->Daughter(2)));
423 p1nofit=D2_vtx[j].Daughter(0);
424 p2nofit=D2_vtx[j].Daughter(1);
425 k1nofit=D2_vtx[j].Daughter(2);
426 TLorentzVector tlvp1 = p1nofit->P4();
427 TLorentzVector tlvp2 = p2nofit->P4();
428 TLorentzVector tlvk1 = k1nofit->P4();
429 pre_m_D2= (tlvp1+tlvp2+tlvk1).M();
431 D2vtx_mass = D2fit_best->M();
432 bestPos = D2fit->Pos();
435 if((psi.GetLength()!=0))
437 h_D2_vtx->Fill(D2vtx_mass);
438 h_D2_vtx_bef->Fill(pre_m_D2);
439 hvtxresX_D2->Fill(mcD2Vertex.X()-bestPos.X());
440 hvtxresY_D2->Fill(mcD2Vertex.Y()-bestPos.Y());
441 hvtxresZ_D2->Fill(mcD2Vertex.Z()-bestPos.Z());
448 std::cout<<
"Number of reconstructed eta_c = "<<n_reco<<std::endl;
449 n_psi->SetBinContent(1,n_reco);
454 h_mD1_nocuts->Write();
456 h_mD2_nocuts->Write();
458 h_psi_nocut->Write();
465 h_psi_Dmass->Write();
467 h_D1_vtx_bef->Write();
468 h_D2_vtx_bef->Write();
482 h_chi2_vtx_D1->Write();
485 hvtxresX_D1->Write();
486 hvtxresY_D1->Write();
487 hvtxresZ_D1->Write();
490 hvtxresX_D2->Write();
491 hvtxresY_D2->Write();
492 hvtxresZ_D2->Write();
500 printf(
"RealTime=%f seconds, CpuTime=%f seconds\n",rtime,ctime);
507 TCandidate *phi1, *phi2, *k1, *k2, *k3, *k4;
510 int len1=psi_list.GetLength();
513 for (
int i=0;
i<len1; ++
515 phi1=psi_list[ii].Daughter(0);
516 phi2=psi_list[ii].Daughter(1);
517 k1=phi1->Daughter(0);
518 k2=phi1->Daughter(1);
519 k3=phi2->Daughter(0);
520 k4=phi2->Daughter(1);
522 if ((k1->IsCloneOf(*k3))||(k2->IsCloneOf(*k4)))
524 psi_list.Remove(psi_list[ii]);
525 std::cout<<
"Overlap found, i="<<
printf("RealTime=%f seconds, CpuTime=%f seconds\n", rtime, ctime)
Bool_t FitConserveMasses()
int ana_check_psi(int nevts=0)
void removeCombinatoric(TCandList &etac_list)
Int_t GetMotherID() const