12 gROOT->LoadMacro(
13 gROOT->Macro(
15 TFile*
fsim =
new TFile(
17 TTree *
tsim=(TTree *) fsim->Get(
"pndsim") ;
19 tsim->SetBranchAddress(
21 TClonesArray*
new TClonesArray(
22 tsim->SetBranchAddress(
24 TClonesArray*
new TClonesArray(
25 tsim->SetBranchAddress(
27 TClonesArray*
new TClonesArray(
28 tsim->SetBranchAddress(
30 TClonesArray*
new TClonesArray(
31 tsim->SetBranchAddress(
40 TH1F *
new TH1F(
"MC energy (GeV)",100,0.0,1.05);
41 TH1F *
new TH1F(
" Theta (MC)",180,0.,180.);
42 TH1F *
new TH1F(
" Phi (MC)",360,0.,360.);
43 TH1F *
new TH1F(
" Theta (data)",180,0.,180.);
44 TH1F *
new TH1F(
" Phi (data)",360,0.,360.);
45 TH1F *
new TH1F(
" Theta difference",100,-2.,2.);
46 TH1F *
new TH1F(
" Phi difference",100,-2.,2.);
48 Int_t
ncounts = tsim->GetEntriesFast();
49 cout <<
"Number of events = " << ncounts<< endl;
54 TH1F *HISTene_h=
new TH1F(
"energy (hit)",1000,0.0,1.01);
55 TH1F *HISThit_ene=
new TH1F(
"FwEndCap energy (hit)",2010,0.0,2.01);
56 TH1F *HISThit_ene_10by6crystalPack=
new TH1F(
57 TH1F *HISThit_ene_3by3crystalPack=
new TH1F(
58 TH1F *HISTz_h =
new TH1F(
"z (hit)",100,200,300);
59 TH2F *HISTxpad_x_h =
new TH2F(
"xpad vs x (hit)",211,-105,105,2*38.5,-38.5,38.5);
60 TH2F *HISTypad_y_h =
new TH2F(
"ypad vs y (hit)",211,-105,105,2*38.5,-38.5,38.5);
61 TH2F *HISTrow_x_h =
new TH2F(
"row vs x (hit)",200,-100,100,2*38.5,-38.5,38.5);
62 TH2F *HISTrow_crystal_h =
new TH2F(
"row vs column (hit)",2*38.5,-38.5,38.5,2*38.5,-38.5,38.5);
63 TH2F *HISTy_x_h =
new TH2F(
"y vs x (hit)",211,-105,105,211,-105,105);
64 TH1F *HISTtheta_h =
new TH1F(
"theta (hit)",180,0,180);
65 TH1I *HISTmultiplicity_5MeVtrigThresh_h =
new TH1I(
"Crystal hit multiplicity (3 MeV detection threshold and considering 5 MeV trigger threshold)",40,0.5,40.5);
66 TH1I *HISTmultiplicity_10MeVtrigThresh_h =
new TH1I(
"Crystal hit multiplicity (3 MeV detection threshold and 10 MeV trigger threshold)",40,0.5,40.5);
67 TH1I *HISTmultiplicity_10MeVtrigThresh_5MeVdetectionThresh_h =
new TH1I(
"FwEndCap crystal hit multiplicity (5 MeV detection threshold and 10 MeV trigger threshold)",40,0.5,40.5);
68 TH1I *HISTmultiplicity_10MeVtrigThresh_10MeVdetectionThresh_h =
new TH1I(
"FwEndCap crystal hit multiplicity (10 MeV trigger threshold) -- sensitivity to detection threshold",40,0.5,40.5);
69 TH1I *HISTmultiplicity_10MeVtrigThresh_NOdetectionThresh_h =
new TH1I(
"FwEndCap crystal hit multiplicity (no detection threshold and 10 MeV trigger threshold)",40,0.5,40.5);
70 TH1I *HISTmultiplicity_1MeVtrigThresh_100keV_h =
new TH1I(
71 TH1I *HISTmultiplicity_1MeVtrigThresh_300keV_h =
new TH1I(
74 TH1F *HISTOhit_ene19_1=
new TH1F(
"crystal [19,1] dep. energy (GeV)",2010,0.0,2.01);
75 TH1F *HISTOhit_ene19_2=
new TH1F(
"crystal [19,2] dep. energy (GeV)",2010,0.0,2.01);
76 TH1F *HISTOhit_ene19_3=
new TH1F(
"crystal [19,3] dep. energy (GeV)",2010,0.0,2.01);
77 TH1F *HISTOhit_ene19_4=
new TH1F(
"crystal [19,4] dep. energy (GeV)",2010,0.0,2.01);
78 TH1F *HISTOhit_ene19_5=
new TH1F(
"crystal [19,5] dep. energy (GeV)",2010,0.0,2.01);
81 TH1F *HISTdigi_ene=
new TH1F(
"FwEndCap energy (digi)",2010,0.0,2.01);
82 TH1F *HISTene_d=
new TH1F(
"energy (digi)",1000,0.0001,1.01);
83 TH2F *HISTxpad_x_d =
new TH2F(
"xpad vs x (digi)",200,200,300,2*38.5,-38.5,38.5);
84 TH2F *HISTypad_y_d =
new TH2F(
"ypad vs y (digi)",200,200,300,2*38.5,-38.5,38.5);
85 TH2F *HISTrow_x_d =
new TH2F(
"row vs x (digi)",200,200,300,2*38.5,-38.5,38.5);
86 TH2F *HISTrow_crystal_d =
new TH2F(
"row vs column (digi)",2*38.5,-38.5,38.5,2*38.5,-38.5,38.5);
87 TH2F *HISTy_x_d =
new TH2F(
"y vs x (digi map)",200,200,300,200,200,300);
88 TH1F *HISTtotdigis_fromClusterAnalysis =
new TH1F(
"total number of digis per event",100,0,25);
89 TH1I *HISTmultiplicity_5MeVtrigThresh_d =
new TH1I(
"Crystal digi multiplicity per event (3 MeV detection threshold and considering 5 MeV trigger threshold)",40,0.5,40.5);
90 TH1I *HISTmultiplicity_10MeVtrigThresh_d =
new TH1I(
"Crystal digi multiplicity per event (3 MeV detection threshold and considering 10 MeV trigger threshold)",40,0.5,40.5);
91 TH1F *HISTOdigi_ene19_1=
new TH1F(
"crystal [19,1] dep. energy (GeV)",2010,0.0,2.01);
92 TH1F *HISTOdigi_ene19_2=
new TH1F(
"crystal [19,2] dep. energy (GeV)",2010,0.0,2.01);
93 TH1F *HISTOdigi_ene19_3=
new TH1F(
"crystal [19,3] dep. energy (GeV)",2010,0.0,2.01);
94 TH1F *HISTOdigi_ene19_4=
new TH1F(
"crystal [19,4] dep. energy (GeV)",2010,0.0,2.01);
95 TH1F *HISTOdigi_ene19_5=
new TH1F(
"crystal [19,5] dep. energy (GeV)",2010,0.0,2.01);
96 TH1F *HISTdigi_ene_10by6crystalPack=
new TH1F(
97 TH1F *HISTdigi_ene_3by3crystalPack=
new TH1F(
99 TH1I *HISTnumberOfClusters =
new TH1I(
"Total number of clusters per event, having more than or equal to one digi per cluster",100,0,20);
100 TH1I *HISTclustNo =
new TH1I(
"Total number of clusters per event, having more than one digi per cluster and satisfying the cluster threshold energy",1000,0,20);
101 TH1I *HISTndigisOfHighestEnergyCluster =
new TH1I(
"Number of digis per event for clusters with highest energy deposition",1000,0,30);
102 TH1F *HISTmax_cluster_energy=
new TH1F(
"Maximum cluster energy deposition per event",500,0.,1.05);
103 TH1F *HISTmax_cluster_theta =
new TH1F(
"#theta per event of the cluster with maximum deposition energy",100,0,30);
104 TH1F *HISTmax_cluster_phi =
new TH1F(
"#phi per event of the cluster with maximum deposition energy",370,-185,185);
105 TH1F *HISTmax_cluster_x =
new TH1F(
"x per event of the cluster with maximum deposition energy",220,-110,110);
106 TH1F *HISTmax_cluster_y =
new TH1F(
"y per event of the cluster with maximum deposition energy",220,-110,110);
107 TH1F *HISTmax_cluster_z =
new TH1F(
"z per event of the cluster with maximum deposition energy",80,208,216);
108 TH2F *HISTmax_cluster_y_x =
new TH2F(
"y vs x per event of the cluster with maximum deposition energy",220,-110,110,220,-110,110);
109 TH1F *HISTtheta_MonteCarlo =
new TH1F(
"Monte Carlo #theta per event of the cluster with maximum deposition energy",100,0,30);
110 TH1F *HISTphi_MonteCarlo =
new TH1F(
"Monte Carlo #phi per event of the cluster with maximum deposition energy",370,-185,185);
111 TH1F *HISTmax_cluster_theta_diff =
new TH1F(
"Difference between Monte Carlo and reconstructed #theta per event of the cluster with maximum deposition energy",100,-5,5);
112 TH1F *HISTmax_cluster_phi_diff =
new TH1F(
"Difference between Monte Carlo and reconstructed #phi per event of the cluster with maximum deposition energy",360,-5,5);
113 TH2F *HISTtheta_MonteCarlo_cluster =
new TH2F(
"Monte Carlo versus cluster #theta of the cluster with maximum deposition energy",100,0,30,100,0,30);
114 TH2F *HISTphi_MonteCarlo_cluster =
new TH2F(
"Monte Carlo versus cluster #phi of the cluster with maximum deposition energy",370,-185,185,370,-185,185);
115 TH1F *HISTmax_cluster_x_diff =
new TH1F(
"Difference between Monte Carlo and reconstructed x per event of the cluster with maximum deposition energy",100,-5,5);
116 TH1F *HISTmax_cluster_y_diff =
new TH1F(
"Difference between Monte Carlo and reconstructed y per event of the cluster with maximum deposition energy",100,-5,5);
117 TH2F *HISTclusterSize_clusterPhi =
new TH2F(
"number of digis vs cluster #phi for clusters with highest energy deposition",370,-185,185,100,0,25);
118 TH2F *HISTclusterEnergy_clusterPhi =
new TH2F(
"cluster energy deposition vs cluster #phi for clusters with highest energy deposition",370,-185,185,500,0.,1.05);
119 TH2F *HISTnumberOfclusters_clusterPhi =
new TH2F(
"number of clusters vs cluster #phi for clusters with highest energy deposition",370,-185,185,100,0,20);
120 TH2F *HISTtotdigis_clusterPhi =
new TH2F(
"total number of digis vs cluster #phi (#phi of clusters with highest energy deposition)",370,-185,185,100,0,25);
124 Int_t efficiencyCounter_h=0;
125 Int_t atLeastOneHitPerEventCounter_h=0;
128 Int_t efficiencyCounter_d=0;
129 Int_t atLeastOneHitPerEventCounter_d=0;
131 for (
int j = 0; j <
ncounts; j++) {
132 Int_t efficiencyFlag10MeV_h=0;
133 Int_t efficiencyFlag5MeV_h=0;
134 Int_t efficiencyFlag1MeV_h=0;
135 Int_t atLeastOneHitPerEventFlag_h=0;
137 Double_t sum_hit_ene_10by6crystalPack=0;
138 Double_t sum_hit_ene_3by3crystalPack=0;
140 Int_t efficiencyFlag10MeV_d=0;
141 Int_t efficiencyFlag5MeV_d=0;
142 Int_t atLeastOneHitPerEventFlag_d=0;
144 Double_t sum_digi_ene_10by6crystalPack=0;
145 Double_t sum_digi_ene_3by3crystalPack=0;
151 theta_mc=photon_momentum.Theta()*(180./
152 phi_mc=photon_momentum.Phi()*(180./
156 Int_t
nhits = hit_array->GetEntries();
159 atLeastOneHitPerEventFlag_h = 1;
160 Int_t firedCrystals_h=0;
161 Int_t firedCrystals5MeV_h=0;
162 Int_t firedCrystals10MeV_h=0;
163 Int_t firedCrystals100keV_h=0;
164 Int_t firedCrystals300keV_h=0;
174 HISTene_h->Fill(hit_ene);
175 if (hit_ene >= 0.010)
176 efficiencyFlag10MeV_h = 1;
177 if (hit_ene >= 0.005)
178 efficiencyFlag5MeV_h = 1;
179 if (hit_ene >= 0.001)
180 efficiencyFlag1MeV_h = 1;
182 if (hit_ene >= 0.003)
184 if (hit_ene >= 0.005)
185 firedCrystals5MeV_h++;
186 if (hit_ene >= 0.010)
187 firedCrystals10MeV_h++;
188 if (hit_ene >= 0.0001)
189 firedCrystals100keV_h++;
190 if (hit_ene >= 0.0003)
191 firedCrystals300keV_h++;
196 HISTOhit_ene19_1->Fill(hit_ene);
197 else if (hit_ene >= 0.003 && hit->
GetXPad()==19 && hit->
198 HISTOhit_ene19_2->Fill(hit_ene);
199 else if (hit_ene >= 0.003 && hit->
GetXPad()==19 && hit->
200 HISTOhit_ene19_3->Fill(hit_ene);
201 else if (hit_ene >= 0.003 && hit->
GetXPad()==19 && hit->
202 HISTOhit_ene19_4->Fill(hit_ene);
203 else if (hit_ene >= 0.003 && hit->
GetXPad()==19 && hit->
204 HISTOhit_ene19_5->Fill(hit_ene);
207 sum_hit_ene_10by6crystalPack+=hit_ene;
209 sum_hit_ene_3by3crystalPack+=hit_ene;
211 if (hit_ene >= 0.003)
214 TVector3
219 h10d->Fill(hit_theta);
221 h1->Fill(hit_theta-theta_mc);
222 h2->Fill(hit_phi-phi_mc);
224 id_h = hit->GetDetectorID();
225 crystal_hid = -(id_h%10000 -36);
226 row_hid = (id_h/1000000)%100 - 37;
228 HISTz_h->Fill(hit->GetZ());
229 HISTxpad_x_h->Fill(hit->GetX(),hit->
230 HISTypad_y_h->Fill(hit->GetY(),hit->
231 HISTrow_x_h->Fill(hit->GetX(),hit->
235 HISTy_x_h->Fill(hit->GetX(),hit->GetY());
240 if (efficiencyFlag10MeV_h==1)
242 HISThit_ene->Fill(sum_hit_ene);
243 HISThit_ene_10by6crystalPack->Fill(sum_hit_ene_10by6crystalPack);
244 HISThit_ene_3by3crystalPack->Fill(sum_hit_ene_3by3crystalPack);
247 if (efficiencyFlag10MeV_h==1)
249 efficiencyCounter_h+=1;
250 HISTmultiplicity_10MeVtrigThresh_h->Fill(firedCrystals_h);
251 HISTmultiplicity_10MeVtrigThresh_5MeVdetectionThresh_h->Fill(firedCrystals5MeV_h);
252 HISTmultiplicity_10MeVtrigThresh_10MeVdetectionThresh_h->Fill(firedCrystals10MeV_h);
253 HISTmultiplicity_10MeVtrigThresh_NOdetectionThresh_h->Fill(nhits);
255 if (efficiencyFlag5MeV_h==1)
256 HISTmultiplicity_5MeVtrigThresh_h->Fill(firedCrystals_h);
258 if (efficiencyFlag1MeV_h==1)
260 HISTmultiplicity_1MeVtrigThresh_100keV_h->Fill(firedCrystals100keV_h);
261 HISTmultiplicity_1MeVtrigThresh_300keV_h->Fill(firedCrystals300keV_h);
264 if (atLeastOneHitPerEventFlag_h==1)
265 atLeastOneHitPerEventCounter_h+=1;
268 Int_t ndigis = digi_array->GetEntries();
271 atLeastOneHitPerEventFlag_d = 1;
273 for (Int_t
276 TVector3 digi_pos=digi->
282 HISTene_d->Fill(digi_ene);
283 if (digi_ene >= 0.010)
284 efficiencyFlag10MeV_d = 1;
285 if (digi_ene >= 0.005)
286 efficiencyFlag5MeV_d = 1;
289 if (digi_ene >= 0.003 && digi->
GetXPad()==19 && digi->
290 HISTOdigi_ene19_1->Fill(digi_ene);
291 else if (digi_ene >= 0.003 && digi->
GetXPad()==19 && digi->
292 HISTOdigi_ene19_2->Fill(digi_ene);
293 else if (digi_ene >= 0.003 && digi->
GetXPad()==19 && digi->
294 HISTOdigi_ene19_3->Fill(digi_ene);
295 else if (digi_ene >= 0.003 && digi->
GetXPad()==19 && digi->
296 HISTOdigi_ene19_4->Fill(digi_ene);
297 else if (digi_ene >= 0.003 && digi->
GetXPad()==19 && digi->
298 HISTOdigi_ene19_5->Fill(digi_ene);
301 sum_digi_ene_10by6crystalPack+=digi_ene;
303 sum_digi_ene_3by3crystalPack+=digi_ene;
305 if (digi_ene >= 0.003)
321 crystal_did = -(id_d%10000 - 36);
322 row_did = (id_d/1000000)%100 - 37;
335 if (efficiencyFlag10MeV_d==1)
337 HISTdigi_ene->Fill(sum_digi_ene);
338 HISTdigi_ene_10by6crystalPack->Fill(sum_digi_ene_10by6crystalPack);
339 HISTdigi_ene_3by3crystalPack->Fill(sum_digi_ene_3by3crystalPack);
342 if (efficiencyFlag10MeV_d==1)
344 efficiencyCounter_d+=1;
345 HISTmultiplicity_10MeVtrigThresh_d->Fill(ndigis);
347 if (efficiencyFlag5MeV_d==1)
348 HISTmultiplicity_5MeVtrigThresh_d->Fill(ndigis);
350 if (atLeastOneHitPerEventFlag_d==1)
351 atLeastOneHitPerEventCounter_d+=1;
434 cout<<
"Evt. No. "<< j<<endl;
520 gStyle->SetPalette(1);
523 TFile* file_out =
new TFile(outfile,
524 HISThit_ene->Write();
525 HISThit_ene_10by6crystalPack->Write();
526 HISThit_ene_3by3crystalPack->Write();
527 HISTdigi_ene->Write();
528 HISTdigi_ene_10by6crystalPack->Write();
529 HISTdigi_ene_3by3crystalPack->Write();
534 TCanvas*
c1 =
new TCanvas(
"", 100, 100, 800, 800);
537 HISTOhit_ene19_1->Draw();
539 HISTOhit_ene19_2->Draw();
540 HISTOhit_ene19_2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"central crystal Deposited Energy per event (hit analysis)");
542 HISTOhit_ene19_3->Draw();
544 HISTOhit_ene19_4->Draw();
546 HISTOhit_ene19_5->Draw();
548 HISThit_ene_3by3crystalPack->Draw();
549 HISThit_ene_3by3crystalPack->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"3x3 pack of crystals in FwEndCap Deposited Energy per event (hit analysis)");
551 HISThit_ene_10by6crystalPack->Draw();
552 HISThit_ene_10by6crystalPack->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"10x6 pack of crystals in FwEndCap Deposited Energy per event (hit analysis)");
555 HISThit_ene->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"FwEndCap Deposited Energy per event (hit analysis)");
557 TCanvas*
c2 =
new TCanvas(
"", 100, 100, 800, 800);
560 HISTOdigi_ene19_1->Draw();
562 HISTOdigi_ene19_2->Draw();
563 HISTOdigi_ene19_2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"central crystal Deposited Energy per event (digi analysis)");
565 HISTOdigi_ene19_3->Draw();
567 HISTOdigi_ene19_4->Draw();
569 HISTOdigi_ene19_5->Draw();
571 HISTdigi_ene_3by3crystalPack->Draw();
572 HISTdigi_ene_3by3crystalPack->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"3x3 pack of crystals in FwEndCap Deposited Energy per event (digi analysis)");
574 HISTdigi_ene_10by6crystalPack->Draw();
575 HISTdigi_ene_10by6crystalPack->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"10x6 pack of crystals in FwEndCap Deposited Energy per event (digi analysis)");
577 HISTdigi_ene->Draw();
578 HISTdigi_ene->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"FwEndCap Deposited Energy per event (digi analysis)");
TVector3 hit_pos(hit->GetX(), hit->GetY(), hit->GetZ())
virtual Double_t GetEnergy() const
represents the reconstructed hit of one emc crystal
Int_t GetThetaInt() const
Int_t GetDetectorId() const
TClonesArray * digi_array
TVector3 GetMomentum() const
Short_t GetModule() const
Double_t GetTheta() const
TClonesArray * cluster_array
virtual Double_t GetEnergy() const
represents the deposited energy of one emc crystal from simulation
const TVector3 & where() const
TClonesArray * bump_array
TClonesArray * mctrack_array
Short_t GetModule() const