AbsTrackRep with 5D track parameterization in plane coordinates: (q/p, u', v', u, v) More...
#include <RKTrackRep.h>
Public Member Functions | |
RKTrackRep () | |
RKTrackRep (int pdgCode, char propDir=0) | |
virtual | ~RKTrackRep () |
virtual AbsTrackRep * | clone () const |
Clone the trackRep. More... | |
virtual double | extrapolateToPlane (StateOnPlane &state, const SharedPlanePtr &plane, bool stopAtBoundary=false, bool calcJacobianNoise=false) const |
Extrapolates the state to plane, and returns the extrapolation length and, via reference, the extrapolated state. More... | |
virtual double | extrapolateToLine (StateOnPlane &state, const TVector3 &linePoint, const TVector3 &lineDirection, bool stopAtBoundary=false, bool calcJacobianNoise=false) const |
Extrapolates the state to the POCA to a line, and returns the extrapolation length and, via reference, the extrapolated state. More... | |
virtual double | extrapolateToPoint (StateOnPlane &state, const TVector3 &point, bool stopAtBoundary=false, bool calcJacobianNoise=false) const |
Extrapolates the state to the POCA to a point, and returns the extrapolation length and, via reference, the extrapolated state. More... | |
virtual double | extrapolateToPoint (StateOnPlane &state, const TVector3 &point, const TMatrixDSym &G, bool stopAtBoundary=false, bool calcJacobianNoise=false) const |
Extrapolates the state to the POCA to a point in the metric of G, and returns the extrapolation length and, via reference, the extrapolated state. More... | |
virtual double | extrapolateToCylinder (StateOnPlane &state, double radius, const TVector3 &linePoint=TVector3(0., 0., 0.), const TVector3 &lineDirection=TVector3(0., 0., 1.), bool stopAtBoundary=false, bool calcJacobianNoise=false) const |
Extrapolates the state to the cylinder surface, and returns the extrapolation length and, via reference, the extrapolated state. More... | |
virtual double | extrapolateToSphere (StateOnPlane &state, double radius, const TVector3 &point=TVector3(0., 0., 0.), bool stopAtBoundary=false, bool calcJacobianNoise=false) const |
Extrapolates the state to the sphere surface, and returns the extrapolation length and, via reference, the extrapolated state. More... | |
virtual double | extrapolateBy (StateOnPlane &state, double step, bool stopAtBoundary=false, bool calcJacobianNoise=false) const |
Extrapolates the state by step (cm) and returns the extrapolation length and, via reference, the extrapolated state. More... | |
unsigned int | getDim () const |
Get the dimension of the state vector used by the track representation. More... | |
virtual TVector3 | getPos (const StateOnPlane &state) const |
Get the cartesian position of a state. More... | |
virtual TVector3 | getMom (const StateOnPlane &state) const |
Get the cartesian momentum vector of a state. More... | |
virtual void | getPosMom (const StateOnPlane &state, TVector3 &pos, TVector3 &mom) const |
Get cartesian position and momentum vector of a state. More... | |
virtual double | getMomMag (const StateOnPlane &state) const |
get the magnitude of the momentum in GeV. More... | |
virtual double | getMomVar (const MeasuredStateOnPlane &state) const |
get the variance of the absolute value of the momentum . More... | |
virtual TMatrixDSym | get6DCov (const MeasuredStateOnPlane &state) const |
Get the 6D covariance. More... | |
virtual void | getPosMomCov (const MeasuredStateOnPlane &state, TVector3 &pos, TVector3 &mom, TMatrixDSym &cov) const |
Translates MeasuredStateOnPlane into 3D position, momentum and 6x6 covariance. More... | |
virtual double | getCharge (const StateOnPlane &state) const |
Get the (fitted) charge of a state. This is not always equal the pdg charge (e.g. if the charge sign was flipped during the fit). More... | |
virtual double | getQop (const StateOnPlane &state) const |
Get charge over momentum. More... | |
double | getSpu (const StateOnPlane &state) const |
double | getTime (const StateOnPlane &state) const |
Get the time corresponding to the StateOnPlane. Extrapolation. More... | |
virtual void | getForwardJacobianAndNoise (TMatrixD &jacobian, TMatrixDSym &noise, TVectorD &deltaState) const |
Get the jacobian and noise matrix of the last extrapolation. More... | |
virtual void | getBackwardJacobianAndNoise (TMatrixD &jacobian, TMatrixDSym &noise, TVectorD &deltaState) const |
Get the jacobian and noise matrix of the last extrapolation if it would have been done in opposite direction. More... | |
std::vector< genfit::MatStep > | getSteps () const |
Get stepsizes and material properties of crossed materials of the last extrapolation. More... | |
virtual double | getRadiationLenght () const |
Get the accumulated X/X0 (path / radiation length) of the material crossed in the last extrapolation. More... | |
virtual void | setPosMom (StateOnPlane &state, const TVector3 &pos, const TVector3 &mom) const |
Set position and momentum of state. More... | |
virtual void | setPosMom (StateOnPlane &state, const TVectorD &state6) const |
Set position and momentum of state. More... | |
virtual void | setPosMomErr (MeasuredStateOnPlane &state, const TVector3 &pos, const TVector3 &mom, const TVector3 &posErr, const TVector3 &momErr) const |
Set position and momentum and error of state. More... | |
virtual void | setPosMomCov (MeasuredStateOnPlane &state, const TVector3 &pos, const TVector3 &mom, const TMatrixDSym &cov6x6) const |
Set position, momentum and covariance of state. More... | |
virtual void | setPosMomCov (MeasuredStateOnPlane &state, const TVectorD &state6, const TMatrixDSym &cov6x6) const |
Set position, momentum and covariance of state. More... | |
virtual void | setChargeSign (StateOnPlane &state, double charge) const |
Set the sign of the charge according to charge. More... | |
virtual void | setQop (StateOnPlane &state, double qop) const |
Set charge/momentum. More... | |
void | setSpu (StateOnPlane &state, double spu) const |
void | setTime (StateOnPlane &state, double time) const |
Set time at which the state was defined. More... | |
double | RKPropagate (M1x7 &state7, M7x7 *jacobian, M1x3 &SA, double S, bool varField=true, bool calcOnlyLastRowOfJ=false) const |
The actual Runge Kutta propagation. More... | |
virtual bool | isSameType (const AbsTrackRep *other) |
check if other is of same type (e.g. RKTrackRep). More... | |
virtual bool | isSame (const AbsTrackRep *other) |
check if other is of same type (e.g. RKTrackRep) and has same pdg code. More... | |
virtual double | extrapolateToLine (StateOnPlane &state, const TVector3 &point1, const TVector3 &point2, TVector3 &poca, TVector3 &dirInPoca, TVector3 &poca_onwire, bool stopAtBoundary=false, bool calcJacobianNoise=false) const |
Resembles the interface of GFAbsTrackRep in old versions of genfit. More... | |
double | extrapolateToMeasurement (StateOnPlane &state, const AbsMeasurement *measurement, bool stopAtBoundary=false, bool calcJacobianNoise=false) const |
extrapolate to an AbsMeasurement More... | |
TVector3 | getDir (const StateOnPlane &state) const |
Get the direction vector of a state. More... | |
void | getPosDir (const StateOnPlane &state, TVector3 &pos, TVector3 &dir) const |
Get cartesian position and direction vector of a state. More... | |
virtual TVectorD | get6DState (const StateOnPlane &state) const |
Get the 6D state vector (x, y, z, p_x, p_y, p_z). More... | |
virtual void | get6DStateCov (const MeasuredStateOnPlane &state, TVectorD &stateVec, TMatrixDSym &cov) const |
Translates MeasuredStateOnPlane into 6D state vector (x, y, z, p_x, p_y, p_z) and 6x6 covariance. More... | |
int | getPDG () const |
Get the pdg code. More... | |
double | getPDGCharge () const |
Get the charge of the particle of the pdg code. More... | |
double | getMass (const StateOnPlane &state) const |
Get tha particle mass in GeV/c^2. More... | |
char | getPropDir () const |
Get propagation direction. (-1, 0, 1) -> (backward, auto, forward). More... | |
void | calcJacobianNumerically (const genfit::StateOnPlane &origState, const genfit::SharedPlanePtr destPlane, TMatrixD &jacobian) const |
Calculate Jacobian of transportation numerically. Slow but accurate. Can be used to validate (semi)analytic calculations. More... | |
bool | switchPDGSign () |
try to multiply pdg code with -1. (Switch from particle to anti-particle and vice versa). More... | |
void | setPropDir (int dir) |
Set propagation direction. (-1, 0, 1) -> (backward, auto, forward). More... | |
void | switchPropDir () |
Switch propagation direction. Has no effect if propDir_ is set to 0. More... | |
virtual void | setDebugLvl (unsigned int lvl=1) |
virtual void | Print (const Option_t *="") const |
Protected Attributes | |
int | pdgCode_ |
Particle code. More... | |
char | propDir_ |
propagation direction (-1, 0, 1) -> (backward, auto, forward) More... | |
unsigned int | debugLvl_ |
Private Member Functions | |
void | initArrays () const |
virtual double | extrapToPoint (StateOnPlane &state, const TVector3 &point, const TMatrixDSym *G=NULL, bool stopAtBoundary=false, bool calcJacobianNoise=false) const |
void | getState7 (const StateOnPlane &state, M1x7 &state7) const |
void | getState5 (StateOnPlane &state, const M1x7 &state7) const |
void | transformPM7 (const MeasuredStateOnPlane &state, M7x7 &out7x7) const |
void | calcJ_pM_5x7 (M5x7 &J_pM, const TVector3 &U, const TVector3 &V, const M1x3 &pTilde, double spu) const |
void | transformPM6 (const MeasuredStateOnPlane &state, M6x6 &out6x6) const |
void | transformM7P (const M7x7 &in7x7, const M1x7 &state7, MeasuredStateOnPlane &state) const |
void | calcJ_Mp_7x5 (M7x5 &J_Mp, const TVector3 &U, const TVector3 &V, const TVector3 &W, const M1x3 &A) const |
void | calcForwardJacobianAndNoise (const M1x7 &startState7, const DetPlane &startPlane, const M1x7 &destState7, const DetPlane &destPlane) const |
void | transformM6P (const M6x6 &in6x6, const M1x7 &state7, MeasuredStateOnPlane &state) const |
bool | RKutta (const M1x4 &SU, const DetPlane &plane, double charge, double mass, M1x7 &state7, M7x7 *jacobianT, M1x7 *J_MMT_unprojected_lastRow, double &coveredDistance, double &flightTime, bool &checkJacProj, M7x7 &noiseProjection, StepLimits &limits, bool onlyOneStep=false, bool calcOnlyLastRowOfJ=false) const |
Propagates the particle through the magnetic field. More... | |
double | estimateStep (const M1x7 &state7, const M1x4 &SU, const DetPlane &plane, const double &charge, double &relMomLoss, StepLimits &limits) const |
TVector3 | pocaOnLine (const TVector3 &linePoint, const TVector3 &lineDirection, const TVector3 &point) const |
double | Extrap (const DetPlane &startPlane, const DetPlane &destPlane, double charge, double mass, bool &isAtBoundary, M1x7 &state7, double &flightTime, bool fillExtrapSteps, TMatrixDSym *cov=nullptr, bool onlyOneStep=false, bool stopAtBoundary=false, double maxStep=1.E99) const |
Handles propagation and material effects. More... | |
void | checkCache (const StateOnPlane &state, const SharedPlanePtr *plane) const |
double | momMag (const M1x7 &state7) const |
Private Attributes | |
StateOnPlane | lastStartState_ |
StateOnPlane | lastEndState_ |
state where the last extrapolation has started More... | |
std::vector< RKStep > | RKSteps_ |
state where the last extrapolation has ended More... | |
int | RKStepsFXStart_ |
RungeKutta steps made in the last extrapolation. More... | |
int | RKStepsFXStop_ |
std::vector< ExtrapStep > | ExtrapSteps_ |
TMatrixD | fJacobian_ |
steps made in Extrap during last extrapolation More... | |
TMatrixDSym | fNoise_ |
bool | useCache_ |
unsigned int | cachePos_ |
use cached RKSteps_ for extrapolation More... | |
StepLimits | limits_ |
M7x7 | noiseArray_ |
M7x7 | noiseProjection_ |
noise matrix of the last extrapolation More... | |
M7x7 | J_MMT_ |
AbsTrackRep with 5D track parameterization in plane coordinates: (q/p, u', v', u, v)
q/p is charge over momentum. u' and v' are direction tangents. u and v are positions on a DetPlane.
Definition at line 70 of file genfit2/trackReps/include/RKTrackRep.h.
genfit::RKTrackRep::RKTrackRep | ( | ) |
Referenced by clone().
genfit::RKTrackRep::RKTrackRep | ( | int | pdgCode, |
char | propDir = 0 |
) |
virtual |
private |
private |
private |
inherited |
Calculate Jacobian of transportation numerically. Slow but accurate. Can be used to validate (semi)analytic calculations.
private |
inlinevirtual |
Clone the trackRep.
Implements genfit::AbsTrackRep.
Definition at line 80 of file genfit2/trackReps/include/RKTrackRep.h.
References RKTrackRep().
private |
private |
Handles propagation and material effects.
extrapolateToPlane(), extrapolateToPoint() and extrapolateToLine() etc. call this function. Extrap() needs a plane as an argument, hence extrapolateToPoint() and extrapolateToLine() create virtual detector planes. In this function, RKutta() is called and the resulting points and point paths are filtered so that the direction doesn't change and tiny steps are filtered out. After the propagation the material effects are called via the MaterialEffects singleton. Extrap() will loop until the plane is reached, unless the propagation fails or the maximum number of iterations is exceeded.
virtual |
Extrapolates the state by step (cm) and returns the extrapolation length and, via reference, the extrapolated state.
If stopAtBoundary is true, the extrapolation stops as soon as a material boundary is encountered.
If state has a covariance, jacobian and noise matrices will be calculated and the covariance will be propagated. If state has no covariance, jacobian and noise will only be calculated if calcJacobianNoise == true.
Implements genfit::AbsTrackRep.
virtual |
Extrapolates the state to the cylinder surface, and returns the extrapolation length and, via reference, the extrapolated state.
If stopAtBoundary is true, the extrapolation stops as soon as a material boundary is encountered.
If state has a covariance, jacobian and noise matrices will be calculated and the covariance will be propagated. If state has no covariance, jacobian and noise will only be calculated if calcJacobianNoise == true.
Implements genfit::AbsTrackRep.
virtual |
Extrapolates the state to the POCA to a line, and returns the extrapolation length and, via reference, the extrapolated state.
If stopAtBoundary is true, the extrapolation stops as soon as a material boundary is encountered.
If state has a covariance, jacobian and noise matrices will be calculated and the covariance will be propagated. If state has no covariance, jacobian and noise will only be calculated if calcJacobianNoise == true.
Implements genfit::AbsTrackRep.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Resembles the interface of GFAbsTrackRep in old versions of genfit.
This interface to extrapolateToLine is intended to resemble the interface of GFAbsTrackRep in old versions of genfit and is implemented by default via the preceding function.
If stopAtBoundary is true, the extrapolation stops as soon as a material boundary is encountered.
If state has a covariance, jacobian and noise matrices will be calculated and the covariance will be propagated. If state has no covariance, jacobian and noise will only be calculated if calcJacobianNoise == true.
Definition at line 120 of file AbsTrackRep.h.
References genfit::AbsTrackRep::extrapolateToLine(), genfit::AbsTrackRep::getMom(), and genfit::AbsTrackRep::getPos().
inherited |
extrapolate to an AbsMeasurement
Referenced by genfit::StateOnPlane::extrapolateToMeasurement().
virtual |
Extrapolates the state to plane, and returns the extrapolation length and, via reference, the extrapolated state.
If stopAtBoundary is true, the extrapolation stops as soon as a material boundary is encountered.
If state has a covariance, jacobian and noise matrices will be calculated and the covariance will be propagated. If state has no covariance, jacobian and noise will only be calculated if calcJacobianNoise == true.
Implements genfit::AbsTrackRep.
inlinevirtual |
Extrapolates the state to the POCA to a point, and returns the extrapolation length and, via reference, the extrapolated state.
If stopAtBoundary is true, the extrapolation stops as soon as a material boundary is encountered.
If state has a covariance, jacobian and noise matrices will be calculated and the covariance will be propagated. If state has no covariance, jacobian and noise will only be calculated if calcJacobianNoise == true.
Implements genfit::AbsTrackRep.
Definition at line 95 of file genfit2/trackReps/include/RKTrackRep.h.
References extrapToPoint().
inlinevirtual |
Extrapolates the state to the POCA to a point in the metric of G, and returns the extrapolation length and, via reference, the extrapolated state.
If stopAtBoundary is true, the extrapolation stops as soon as a material boundary is encountered.
If state has a covariance, jacobian and noise matrices will be calculated and the covariance will be propagated. If state has no covariance, jacobian and noise will only be calculated if calcJacobianNoise == true.
Implements genfit::AbsTrackRep.
Definition at line 102 of file genfit2/trackReps/include/RKTrackRep.h.
References extrapToPoint().
virtual |
Extrapolates the state to the sphere surface, and returns the extrapolation length and, via reference, the extrapolated state.
If stopAtBoundary is true, the extrapolation stops as soon as a material boundary is encountered.
If state has a covariance, jacobian and noise matrices will be calculated and the covariance will be propagated. If state has no covariance, jacobian and noise will only be calculated if calcJacobianNoise == true.
Implements genfit::AbsTrackRep.
privatevirtual |
Referenced by extrapolateToPoint().
virtual |
Get the 6D covariance.
Implements genfit::AbsTrackRep.
virtualinherited |
Get the 6D state vector (x, y, z, p_x, p_y, p_z).
Referenced by genfit::StateOnPlane::get6DState().
virtualinherited |
Translates MeasuredStateOnPlane into 6D state vector (x, y, z, p_x, p_y, p_z) and 6x6 covariance.
Referenced by genfit::MeasuredStateOnPlane::get6DStateCov().
virtual |
Get the jacobian and noise matrix of the last extrapolation if it would have been done in opposite direction.
Implements genfit::AbsTrackRep.
virtual |
Get the (fitted) charge of a state. This is not always equal the pdg charge (e.g. if the charge sign was flipped during the fit).
Implements genfit::AbsTrackRep.
inlinevirtual |
Get the dimension of the state vector used by the track representation.
Implements genfit::AbsTrackRep.
Definition at line 129 of file genfit2/trackReps/include/RKTrackRep.h.
inlineinherited |
Get the direction vector of a state.
Definition at line 230 of file AbsTrackRep.h.
References genfit::AbsTrackRep::getMom().
Referenced by genfit::StateOnPlane::getDir().
virtual |
Get the jacobian and noise matrix of the last extrapolation.
Implements genfit::AbsTrackRep.
inherited |
Get tha particle mass in GeV/c^2.
Referenced by genfit::StateOnPlane::getMass().
virtual |
Get the cartesian momentum vector of a state.
Implements genfit::AbsTrackRep.
virtual |
get the magnitude of the momentum in GeV.
Implements genfit::AbsTrackRep.
virtual |
get the variance of the absolute value of the momentum .
Implements genfit::AbsTrackRep.
inlineinherited |
Get the pdg code.
Definition at line 256 of file AbsTrackRep.h.
References genfit::AbsTrackRep::pdgCode_.
Referenced by genfit::StateOnPlane::getPDG().
inherited |
Get the charge of the particle of the pdg code.
virtual |
Get the cartesian position of a state.
Implements genfit::AbsTrackRep.
inlineinherited |
Get cartesian position and direction vector of a state.
Definition at line 236 of file AbsTrackRep.h.
References genfit::AbsTrackRep::getPosMom().
Referenced by genfit::StateOnPlane::getPosDir().
virtual |
Get cartesian position and momentum vector of a state.
Implements genfit::AbsTrackRep.
virtual |
Translates MeasuredStateOnPlane into 3D position, momentum and 6x6 covariance.
Implements genfit::AbsTrackRep.
inlineinherited |
Get propagation direction. (-1, 0, 1) -> (backward, auto, forward).
Definition at line 272 of file AbsTrackRep.h.
References genfit::AbsTrackRep::propDir_.
inlinevirtual |
Get charge over momentum.
Implements genfit::AbsTrackRep.
Definition at line 142 of file genfit2/trackReps/include/RKTrackRep.h.
References genfit::StateOnPlane::getState().
virtual |
Get the accumulated X/X0 (path / radiation length) of the material crossed in the last extrapolation.
Implements genfit::AbsTrackRep.
double genfit::RKTrackRep::getSpu | ( | const StateOnPlane & | state | ) | const |
private |
private |
virtual |
Get stepsizes and material properties of crossed materials of the last extrapolation.
Implements genfit::AbsTrackRep.
virtual |
Get the time corresponding to the StateOnPlane. Extrapolation.
Implements genfit::AbsTrackRep.
private |
virtual |
check if other is of same type (e.g. RKTrackRep) and has same pdg code.
Implements genfit::AbsTrackRep.
virtual |
check if other is of same type (e.g. RKTrackRep).
Implements genfit::AbsTrackRep.
private |
private |
virtualinherited |
double genfit::RKTrackRep::RKPropagate | ( | M1x7 & | state7, |
M7x7 * | jacobian, | ||
M1x3 & | SA, | ||
double | S, | ||
bool | varField = true , |
bool | calcOnlyLastRowOfJ = false |
) | const |
The actual Runge Kutta propagation.
propagate state7 with step S. Fills SA (Start directions derivatives dA/S). If jacobian is NULL, only the state is propagated, otherwise also the 7x7 jacobian is calculated. If varField is false, the magnetic field will only be evaluated at the starting position. The return value is an estimation on how good the extrapolation is, and it is usually fine if it is > 1. It gives a suggestion how you must scale S so that the quality will be sufficient.
private |
Propagates the particle through the magnetic field.
If the propagation is successful and the plane is reached, the function returns true. Propagated state and the jacobian of the extrapolation are written to state7 and jacobianT. The jacobian is only calculated if jacobianT != NULL. In the main loop of the Runge Kutta algorithm, the estimateStep() is called and may reduce the estimated stepsize so that a maximum momentum loss will not be exceeded, and stop at material boundaries. If this is the case, RKutta() will only propagate the reduced distance and then return. This is to ensure that material effects, which are calculated after the propagation, are taken into account properly.
virtual |
Set the sign of the charge according to charge.
Implements genfit::AbsTrackRep.
inlinevirtualinherited |
virtual |
Set position and momentum of state.
Implements genfit::AbsTrackRep.
virtual |
Set position and momentum of state.
Implements genfit::AbsTrackRep.
virtual |
Set position, momentum and covariance of state.
Implements genfit::AbsTrackRep.
virtual |
Set position, momentum and covariance of state.
Implements genfit::AbsTrackRep.
virtual |
Set position and momentum and error of state.
Implements genfit::AbsTrackRep.
inlineinherited |
Set propagation direction. (-1, 0, 1) -> (backward, auto, forward).
Definition at line 320 of file AbsTrackRep.h.
References genfit::AbsTrackRep::propDir_.
inlinevirtual |
Set charge/momentum.
Implements genfit::AbsTrackRep.
Definition at line 161 of file genfit2/trackReps/include/RKTrackRep.h.
References genfit::StateOnPlane::getState().
void genfit::RKTrackRep::setSpu | ( | StateOnPlane & | state, |
double | spu | ||
) | const |
virtual |
Set time at which the state was defined.
Implements genfit::AbsTrackRep.
inherited |
try to multiply pdg code with -1. (Switch from particle to anti-particle and vice versa).
inlineinherited |
Switch propagation direction. Has no effect if propDir_ is set to 0.
Definition at line 327 of file AbsTrackRep.h.
References genfit::AbsTrackRep::propDir_.
private |
private |
private |
private |
mutableprivate |
use cached RKSteps_ for extrapolation
Definition at line 292 of file genfit2/trackReps/include/RKTrackRep.h.
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 352 of file AbsTrackRep.h.
Referenced by genfit::AbsTrackRep::setDebugLvl().
mutableprivate |
Definition at line 286 of file genfit2/trackReps/include/RKTrackRep.h.
mutableprivate |
steps made in Extrap during last extrapolation
Definition at line 288 of file genfit2/trackReps/include/RKTrackRep.h.
mutableprivate |
Definition at line 289 of file genfit2/trackReps/include/RKTrackRep.h.
mutableprivate |
Definition at line 299 of file genfit2/trackReps/include/RKTrackRep.h.
mutableprivate |
state where the last extrapolation has started
Definition at line 282 of file genfit2/trackReps/include/RKTrackRep.h.
mutableprivate |
Definition at line 281 of file genfit2/trackReps/include/RKTrackRep.h.
mutableprivate |
Definition at line 296 of file genfit2/trackReps/include/RKTrackRep.h.
mutableprivate |
Definition at line 297 of file genfit2/trackReps/include/RKTrackRep.h.
mutableprivate |
noise matrix of the last extrapolation
Definition at line 298 of file genfit2/trackReps/include/RKTrackRep.h.
protectedinherited |
Particle code.
Definition at line 348 of file AbsTrackRep.h.
Referenced by genfit::AbsTrackRep::getPDG().
protectedinherited |
propagation direction (-1, 0, 1) -> (backward, auto, forward)
Definition at line 350 of file AbsTrackRep.h.
Referenced by genfit::AbsTrackRep::getPropDir(), genfit::AbsTrackRep::setPropDir(), and genfit::AbsTrackRep::switchPropDir().
mutableprivate |
state where the last extrapolation has ended
Definition at line 283 of file genfit2/trackReps/include/RKTrackRep.h.
mutableprivate |
RungeKutta steps made in the last extrapolation.
Definition at line 284 of file genfit2/trackReps/include/RKTrackRep.h.
mutableprivate |
Definition at line 285 of file genfit2/trackReps/include/RKTrackRep.h.
mutableprivate |
Definition at line 291 of file genfit2/trackReps/include/RKTrackRep.h.