Macros | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
autocutx.C File Reference
#include <algorithm>
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TLeaf.h"
#include "TString.h"
#include "TH1F.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TEventList.h"
#include "TDirectory.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "TLine.h"
#include "TLatex.h"
#include "TStyle.h"
#include "TObjArray.h"
#include "TPRegexp.h"
#include "TRegexp.h"
#include <map>
#include <utility>

Go to the source code of this file.


#define MAX   1000
#define BINS   500
#define NCAN   3
#define MAXVARS   8
#define MAXCUTS   12


typedef std::vector< pair
< double, int > > 
typedef std::map< int, int > CountMap


int gettype (TTree *t, TString varname)
bool mycompare (int i, int j)
int init (TTree *t)
int uid (int lev, int lrun, int lmode)
int countEvents (TTree *t, TEventList &el)
void makeMaps (TTree *t, TString varname, TEventList &els, TEventList &elb, ValueMap &sig, ValueMap &bg, int id)
double bestEffEvt (TTree *t, TString varname, TEventList &els, TEventList &elb, double &bestcut, double supr, int id)
double bestSuppressionEvt (TTree *t, TString varname, TEventList &els, TEventList &elb, double &bestcut, double eff, int id)
int findcut (TTree *t, TEventList &els, TEventList &elb, double supr, double &bestqa)
int countVars (TString s)
int countCuts (TString s)
int autocutx (TString fname, TString precut="", double supr=0.95, double target=0.0001, double mineff=0.1, double minreleff=0.0, int evmult=10000, double norm=1.0, int n0s=-1)


CountMap evcnt
CountMap evcntrec [10]
std::map< TString, TStringmctvar
TString vars [MAX]
TString cuts [MAX]
double cut [MAX]
double qual [MAX]
int idx [MAX]
double N0_sig
double N0_bg
double Nsigev
double Nbgev
bool dstarmode
Float_t fbranch [MAX]
Int_t ibranch [MAX]
Bool_t bbranch [MAX]
Int_t ev
Int_t run
Int_t mode
Int_t rec
Int_t nbranch

Macro Definition Documentation

#define BINS   500

Definition at line 23 of file autocutx.C.

Referenced by bestCombiEvt(), and cutfinderx().

#define MAX   1000

Definition at line 22 of file autocutx.C.

#define MAXCUTS   12

Definition at line 26 of file autocutx.C.

#define MAXVARS   8

Definition at line 25 of file autocutx.C.

#define NCAN   3

Definition at line 24 of file autocutx.C.

Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map<int, int> CountMap

Definition at line 29 of file autocutx.C.

typedef std::vector<pair<double, int> > ValueMap

Definition at line 28 of file autocutx.C.

Function Documentation

int autocutx ( TString  fname,
TString  precut = "",
double  supr = 0.95,
double  target = 0.0001,
double  mineff = 0.1,
double  minreleff = 0.0,
int  evmult = 10000,
double  norm = 1.0,
int  n0s = -1 

Definition at line 401 of file autocutx.C.

References b, c1, cnt, countCuts(), countEvents(), cuts, dstarmode, elb, els, evcntrec, f, findcut(), i, idx, init, mycompare(), N0_bg, N0_sig, Nbgev, nbranch, nsig, Nsigev, printf(), qual, s, t, TString, and vars.

402 {
403 // gStyle->SetTitleX(0.2);
404 // gStyle->SetTitleY(0.993);
405 // gStyle->SetTitleH(0.07);
406 // gStyle->SetPadTopMargin(0.08);
407 // gStyle->SetTitleBorderSize(0);
408  gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
410  TCanvas *c1=new TCanvas("c1","c1",10,10,1800,550);
411  c1->Divide(7,2);
413  TString tagcut = "tag";
415  TRegexp ren("M[0-9][0-9][0-9]");
416  TRegexp regntp("n[0-9]+");
417  TRegexp regS("[0-9]+S");
418  TRegexp regB("[0-9]+B");
420  TString en = fname(ren); en = en(1,5);
421  TString s = fname(regS); s = s(0,s.Length()-1);
422  TString b = fname(regB); b = b(0,b.Length()-1);
424  TString ntp = fname(regntp);
425  TString smode = ntp(1,ntp.Length());
426  int dmode = smode.Atoi()/10;
427  dstarmode = (dmode==11 || dmode==13 || dmode==15);
429  if (dmode>=10 && dmode<20) norm = 0.5;
431  if (dmode/10 == 6) norm = 0.2;
433  if (n0s<0) n0s = s.Atoi();
434  int n0b = b.Atoi();
436  N0_sig = n0s*evmult;
437  N0_bg = n0b*evmult;
439  cout <<"tree '"<<ntp.Data()<<"' with N_sig = "<<N0_sig<<", N_bg = "<<N0_bg<<endl;
441  TFile *f=new TFile(fname,"READ");
442  TTree *t=(TTree*)f->Get(ntp);
444  init(t);
446  TEventList elsall("elsall"), elball("elball");
447  TEventList els("els"), elb("elb");
449  if (precut=="") precut = tagcut;
450  else precut = tagcut+"&&"+precut;
452  TString sigcut = "xmct";
453  TString bgcut = "!xmct";
455  t->Draw(">>elsall",tagcut+"&&"+sigcut);
456  t->Draw(">>elball",tagcut+"&&"+bgcut);
457  float nsig = countEvents(t,elsall);
458  float nbg = countEvents(t,elball);
460  double beff=1., seff=1., rseff=1.;
462  TRegexp rnum("[\\-]*[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+$");
463  int cnt=0;
465  while (cnt<150 && beff>target && seff>=mineff && rseff>=minreleff)
466  {
467  c1->cd(cnt%7+1);
468  t->SetLineColor(1); t->Draw("xm",precut);
469  t->SetLineColor(2); t->Draw("xm",precut+"&&"+sigcut,"same");
470  t->SetLineColor(4); t->Draw("xm",precut+"&&"+bgcut,"same");
472  c1->Update();
474  t->Draw(">>els",sigcut+"&&"+precut);
475  t->Draw(">>elb",bgcut+"&&"+precut);
477  Nbgev = countEvents(t, elb);
478  Nsigev = countEvents(t, els);
480  beff = Nbgev/N0_bg;
481  seff = Nsigev/N0_sig;
482  rseff = Nsigev/nsig;
484  printf("S=%6d B=%6d (%.2f): ",(int)Nsigev, (int)Nbgev, supr);
486  // stop if target reached or signal efficiency too small
487  if (beff<=target || seff<mineff || rseff<minreleff) continue;
489  double qa=0.;
491  int bestid = findcut(t, els, elb, supr, qa);
493  TString bestcut = cuts[bestid];
495  std::vector<int> myidx (idx, idx+nbranch);
496  std::sort(myidx.begin(), myidx.end(), mycompare);
498  if (precut.Length()>3 && precut.Index(vars[bestid]+">")<0 && precut.Index(vars[bestid]+"<")<0)
499  {
500  int i = 0, ncuts = countCuts(precut);
502  while (i<nbranch && precut.Index(vars[idx[i]]+">")<0 && precut.Index(vars[idx[i]]+"<")<0) ++i;
504  if (qual[idx[i]]/qa>0.8 ) bestcut = cuts[idx[i]];
505  }
507  TString thenum = bestcut(rnum);
508  double cutval = thenum.Atof();
509  TString thevar = bestcut(0,bestcut.Index(thenum));
510  TString thebarevar = thevar;
511  thebarevar.ReplaceAll(">","");
512  thebarevar.ReplaceAll("<","");
513  thebarevar.ReplaceAll("=","");
515  TRegexp rcut(thevar+"[\\-]*[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+");
516  TString theoldcut = precut(rcut);
518  c1->cd(cnt%7+8);
520  t->SetLineColor(1); t->Draw(thebarevar,precut);
521  t->SetLineColor(2); t->Draw(thebarevar,precut+"&&"+sigcut,"same");
522  t->SetLineColor(4); t->Draw(thebarevar,precut+"&&"+bgcut,"same");
523  c1->Update();
524  TLine l; l.SetLineColor(6); l.SetLineWidth(2);
525  l.DrawLine(cutval,0,cutval,gPad->GetUymax()*0.9);
527  c1->Update();
529  if (theoldcut!="")
530  precut.ReplaceAll(theoldcut,bestcut);
531  else
532  precut += "&&"+bestcut;
534  cout <<" : "<<precut<<endl;
535  cnt++;
536  }
538  cout <<"\nCUT : "<<en<<smode<<" : "<<precut.Data()<<endl;
539  cout <<"SIG EVT: "<<Nsigev<<" ev BG: "<<Nbgev<<" ev"<<endl;
541  printf("SIG EFF : %6.1f%% BG EFF : %7.3f%%\n",Nsigev/N0_sig*100.,Nbgev/N0_bg*100.);
542  printf("SIG REL : %6.1f%% BG REL : %7.3f%%\n\n",Nsigev/nsig*100.,Nbgev/nbg*100.);
544  cout<<"Recoil : "; for (int k=0;k<10;++k) printf(" %02d ",k);cout <<endl;
545  cout<<"Eff : "; for (int k=0;k<10;++k) printf("%6.1f%%",(double) evcntrec[k].size()/evmult*norm*100.);cout <<endl<<endl;
547  t->SetEventList(0);
548  return 0;
549 }
printf("RealTime=%f seconds, CpuTime=%f seconds\n", rtime, ctime)
TEventList * els
Definition: findcuts.C:52
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
TTree * b
int findcut(TTree *t, TEventList &els, TEventList &elb, double supr, double &bestqa)
Definition: autocutx.C:331
TLorentzVector s
Definition: Pnd2DStar.C:50
bool dstarmode
Definition: autocutx.C:42
TString cuts[MAX]
Definition: autocutx.C:35
double N0_sig
Definition: autocutx.C:40
double Nsigev
Definition: autocutx.C:41
CountMap evcntrec[10]
Definition: autocutx.C:31
bool mycompare(int i, int j)
Definition: autocutx.C:64
static int init
Definition: ranlxd.cxx:374
int idx[MAX]
Definition: autocutx.C:38
double N0_bg
Definition: autocutx.C:40
TString vars[MAX]
Definition: autocutx.C:34
TFile * f
Definition: bump_analys.C:12
Definition: plot_dirc.C:35
Int_t nbranch
Definition: autocutx.C:47
int nsig
Definition: toy_core.C:46
TEventList * elb
Definition: findcuts.C:52
Int_t cnt
Definition: hist-t7.C:106
int countEvents(TTree *t, TEventList &el)
Definition: autocutx.C:129
TTree * t
Definition: bump_analys.C:13
double Nbgev
Definition: autocutx.C:41
double qual[MAX]
Definition: autocutx.C:37
int countCuts(TString s)
Definition: autocutx.C:393
double bestEffEvt ( TTree *  t,
TString  varname,
TEventList &  els,
TEventList &  elb,
double &  bestcut,
double  supr,
int  id 

Definition at line 189 of file autocutx.C.

References cuts, fabs(), gettype(), i, makeMaps(), Nbgev, Nsigev, qual, and TString.

Referenced by cutfinder_toyev(), cutfinderx(), and findcut().

190 {
191  CountMap bgcnt, sigcnt, sigcnt2;
192  ValueMap sigvals, bgvals;
194  int Nbgval = elb.GetN();
195  int dtype = gettype(t,varname);
197  makeMaps(t, varname, els, elb, sigvals, bgvals, id);
200  // sort signals by first element = variable value
201  sort(bgvals.begin(), bgvals.end());
203  int i=0;
204  bgcnt.clear();
205  // find cut for current efficiency requirement left cut
206  while ( (bgcnt.size()/(double)Nbgev)<(1-supr) && i<Nbgval ) bgcnt[bgvals[i++].second]+=1;
207  double leftcut = bgvals[i].first;
209  bgcnt.clear();
210  i=bgvals.size()-1;
211  // find cut for current efficiency requirement right cut
212  while ( (bgcnt.size()/(double)Nbgev)<(1-supr) && i>=0) bgcnt[bgvals[i--].second]+=1;
213  double rightcut = bgvals[i].first;
215  sigcnt.clear();
216  sigcnt2.clear();
218  for (i=0;i<(int)sigvals.size();++i)
219  {
220  if (sigvals[i].first<=leftcut) sigcnt[sigvals[i].second]+=1;
221  if (sigvals[i].first>=rightcut) sigcnt2[sigvals[i].second]+=1;
222  }
224  t->SetBranchStatus("*",1);
226  double lefteff = sigcnt.size()/Nsigev;
227  double righteff = sigcnt2.size()/Nsigev;
229  //cout <<varname<<" "<<flush;
231  TString prec="%.4f";
233  bestcut = rightcut;
234  if (lefteff>righteff)
235  {
236  bestcut = leftcut;
238  if (bestcut<1e-3 || fabs(1.-bestcut)<1e-3) prec="%.6f";
239  if (dtype==0) cuts[id] = TString::Format(TString("%s<="+prec).Data(),varname.Data(),leftcut);
240  else cuts[id] = TString::Format("%s<=%.1f",varname.Data(),leftcut);
242  qual[id] = lefteff;
244  return lefteff;
245  }
247  if (bestcut<1e-3 || fabs(1.-bestcut)<1e-3) prec="%.6f";
249  if (dtype==0) cuts[id] = TString::Format(TString("%s>="+prec).Data(),varname.Data(),rightcut);
250  else cuts[id] = TString::Format("%s>=%.1f",varname.Data(),rightcut);
252  qual[id] = righteff;
254  return righteff;
255 }
TEventList * els
Definition: findcuts.C:52
void makeMaps(TTree *t, TString varname, TEventList &els, TEventList &elb, ValueMap &sig, ValueMap &bg, int id)
Definition: autocutx.C:153
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
TString cuts[MAX]
Definition: autocutx.C:35
double Nsigev
Definition: autocutx.C:41
std::vector< pair< double, int > > ValueMap
Definition: autocutx.C:28
int gettype(TTree *t, TString varname)
Definition: autocutx.C:51
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
std::map< int, int > CountMap
Definition: autocutx.C:29
TEventList * elb
Definition: findcuts.C:52
TTree * t
Definition: bump_analys.C:13
double Nbgev
Definition: autocutx.C:41
double qual[MAX]
Definition: autocutx.C:37
double bestSuppressionEvt ( TTree *  t,
TString  varname,
TEventList &  els,
TEventList &  elb,
double &  bestcut,
double  eff,
int  id 

Definition at line 259 of file autocutx.C.

References cuts, fabs(), gettype(), i, makeMaps(), Nbgev, Nsigev, qual, and TString.

Referenced by cutfinder_fullev(), cutfinder_toyev(), cutfinderx(), and findcut().

260 {
261  CountMap bgcnt, bgcnt2, sigcnt;
262  ValueMap sigvals, bgvals;
264  int Nsigval = els.GetN();
265  int dtype = gettype(t,varname);
267  makeMaps(t, varname, els, elb, sigvals, bgvals, id);
269  // sort signals by first element = variable value
270  sort(sigvals.begin(), sigvals.end());
272  int i=0;
273  sigcnt.clear();
274  // find cut for current efficiency requirement left cut
275  while ( (sigcnt.size()/(double)Nsigev)<eff && i<Nsigval ) sigcnt[sigvals[i++].second]+=1;
276  double leftcut = sigvals[i].first;
278  sigcnt.clear();
279  i=sigvals.size()-1;
280  // find cut for current efficiency requirement right cut
281  while ( (sigcnt.size()/(double)Nsigev)<eff && i>=0) sigcnt[sigvals[i--].second]+=1;
282  double rightcut = sigvals[i].first;
284  bgcnt.clear();
285  bgcnt2.clear();
287  for (i=0;i<(int)bgvals.size();++i)
288  {
289  if (bgvals[i].first<=leftcut) bgcnt[bgvals[i].second];
290  if (bgvals[i].first>=rightcut) bgcnt2[bgvals[i].second];
291  }
293  t->SetBranchStatus("*",1);
296  double leftsupr = (Nbgev-bgcnt.size())/Nbgev;
297  double rightsupr = (Nbgev-bgcnt2.size())/Nbgev;
299  //cout <<varname<<" "<<flush;
301  if (leftcut!=leftcut || rightcut!=rightcut) return 0;
303  TString prec="%.4f";
305  bestcut = rightcut;
306  if (leftsupr>rightsupr)
307  {
308  bestcut = leftcut;
310  if (bestcut<1e-3 || fabs(1.-bestcut)<1e-3) prec="%.6f";
311  if (dtype==0) cuts[id] = TString::Format(TString("%s<="+prec).Data(),varname.Data(),leftcut);
312  else cuts[id] = TString::Format("%s<=%.1f",varname.Data(),leftcut);
314  qual[id] = leftsupr;
316  return leftsupr;
317  }
319  if (bestcut<1e-3 || fabs(1.-bestcut)<1e-3) prec="%.6f";
321  if (dtype==0) cuts[id] = TString::Format(TString("%s>="+prec).Data(),varname.Data(),rightcut);
322  else cuts[id] = TString::Format("%s>=%.1f",varname.Data(),rightcut);
324  qual[id] = rightsupr;
326  return rightsupr;
327 }
TEventList * els
Definition: findcuts.C:52
void makeMaps(TTree *t, TString varname, TEventList &els, TEventList &elb, ValueMap &sig, ValueMap &bg, int id)
Definition: autocutx.C:153
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
TString cuts[MAX]
Definition: autocutx.C:35
double Nsigev
Definition: autocutx.C:41
std::vector< pair< double, int > > ValueMap
Definition: autocutx.C:28
int gettype(TTree *t, TString varname)
Definition: autocutx.C:51
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
std::map< int, int > CountMap
Definition: autocutx.C:29
TEventList * elb
Definition: findcuts.C:52
TTree * t
Definition: bump_analys.C:13
double Nbgev
Definition: autocutx.C:41
double qual[MAX]
Definition: autocutx.C:37
int countCuts ( TString  s)

Definition at line 393 of file autocutx.C.

Referenced by autocutx().

394 {
395  TObjArray *tok = s.Tokenize("&&");
396  return tok->GetEntries();
397 }
TLorentzVector s
Definition: Pnd2DStar.C:50
int countEvents ( TTree *  t,
TEventList &  el 

Definition at line 129 of file autocutx.C.

References ev, evcnt, evcntrec, i, mode, rec, run, and uid().

Referenced by autocutx(), cutfinder(), cutfinder_fullev(), cutfinder_toyev(), cutfinderx(), cutqa(), drawHistos(), showvarexample(), simubg(), and TMVAApply().

130 {
131  t->SetEventList(0);
132  t->SetBranchStatus("*",0);
133  t->SetBranchStatus("ev",1);
134  t->SetBranchStatus("run",1);
135  t->SetBranchStatus("mode",1);
136  t->SetBranchStatus("recmode",1);
138  evcnt.clear();
139  for (int j=0;j<10;++j) evcntrec[j].clear();
141  for (int i=0;i<el.GetN();++i)
142  {
143  t->GetEntry(el.GetEntry(i));
144  evcnt[uid(ev,run,mode)]+=1;
145  if (rec<10) evcntrec[rec][uid(ev,run,mode)]+=1;
146  }
147  t->SetBranchStatus("*",1);
149  return evcnt.size();
150 }
Int_t run
Definition: autocutx.C:47
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
int ev
CountMap evcntrec[10]
Definition: autocutx.C:31
Int_t mode
Definition: autocutx.C:47
int uid(int lev, int lrun, int lmode)
Definition: autocutx.C:122
TTree * t
Definition: bump_analys.C:13
Int_t rec
Definition: autocutx.C:47
CountMap evcnt
Definition: autocutx.C:31
int countVars ( TString  s)

Definition at line 368 of file autocutx.C.

References cnt, i, and TString.

369 {
370  int cnt = 0;
371  TString svar="";
372  TRegexp rvar("-[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]+-");
374  TObjArray *tok = s.Tokenize("&&");
375  int N = tok->GetEntries();
376  for (int i=0;i<N;++i)
377  {
378  if (i<100)
379  {
380  TString toks = ((TObjString*)tok->At(i))->String();
381  toks.ReplaceAll("\t","");
382  toks = toks.Strip(TString::kBoth);
383  if (toks.Index("<")>0) toks = toks(0,toks.Index("<"));
384  if (toks.Index(">")>0) toks = toks(0,toks.Index(">"));
385  svar += "-"+toks+"-";
386  }
387  }
388  while (svar(rvar)!="") {svar.ReplaceAll(svar(rvar),""); cnt++;}
389  return cnt;
390 }
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
TLorentzVector s
Definition: Pnd2DStar.C:50
Int_t cnt
Definition: hist-t7.C:106
int findcut ( TTree *  t,
TEventList &  els,
TEventList &  elb,
double  supr,
double &  bestqa 

Definition at line 331 of file autocutx.C.

References bestEffEvt(), bestSuppressionEvt(), cut, cuts, fabs(), i, idx, nbranch, TString, and vars.

Referenced by autocutx().

332 {
333  int i;
335  bestqa = -999.;
337  TString bestcut="";
339  int bestid = -1;
341  //cout <<"000/000"<<flush;
343  for(i=0; i<nbranch; ++i)
344  {
345  idx[i] = i;
347  if (i%(nbranch/10)==0){ cout <<"#"<<flush;}
348 // printf("\b\b\b\b\b\b\b%03d/%03d",i+1,nbranch);
349 // fflush(stdout);
351  double qa=0;
353  if (supr<0) qa = bestEffEvt(t, vars[i], els, elb, cut[i], -supr, i);
354  else qa = bestSuppressionEvt(t, vars[i], els, elb, cut[i], supr, i);
356  if (qa>bestqa && fabs(cut[i])>1e-5 && fabs(cut[i]-1.0)>1e-5)
357  {
358  bestqa = qa;
359  bestcut = cuts[i];
360  bestid = i;
361  }
362  }
364  return bestid;
365 }
TEventList * els
Definition: findcuts.C:52
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
TString cuts[MAX]
Definition: autocutx.C:35
double bestSuppressionEvt(TTree *t, TString varname, TEventList &els, TEventList &elb, double &bestcut, double eff, int id)
Definition: autocutx.C:259
double cut[MAX]
Definition: autocutx.C:36
int idx[MAX]
Definition: autocutx.C:38
TString vars[MAX]
Definition: autocutx.C:34
friend F32vec4 fabs(const F32vec4 &a)
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:47
Int_t nbranch
Definition: autocutx.C:47
TEventList * elb
Definition: findcuts.C:52
TTree * t
Definition: bump_analys.C:13
double bestEffEvt(TTree *t, TString varname, TEventList &els, TEventList &elb, double &bestcut, double supr, int id)
Definition: autocutx.C:189
int gettype ( TTree *  t,
TString  varname 

Definition at line 51 of file autocutx.C.

References TString.

Referenced by bestCombiEvt(), bestEffEvt(), bestSuppressionEvt(), init(), makeMaps(), TMVATrainer(), TMVATrainer_608(), and TMVATraining().

52 {
53  TString leaftype = t->GetLeaf(varname)->GetTypeName();
55  if (leaftype=="Float_t") return 0;
56  else if (leaftype=="Int_t") return 1;
57  else if (leaftype=="Bool_t") return 2;
59  return -1;
60 }
TTree * t
Definition: bump_analys.C:13
int init ( TTree *  t)

Definition at line 71 of file autocutx.C.

References bbranch, dstarmode, ev, fbranch, gettype(), i, ibranch, mode, nbranch, ok, rec, run, TString, v, and vars.

72 {
73  t->SetBranchAddress("ev",&ev);
74  t->SetBranchAddress("run",&run);
75  t->SetBranchAddress("mode",&mode);
76  t->SetBranchAddress("recmode",&rec);
78  TObjArray* branches = t->GetListOfBranches();
80  nbranch = 0;
82  for(int i=0; i<=branches->GetLast(); ++i)
83  {
84  TBranch* branch = (TBranch*)branches->UncheckedAt(i);
85  TString v=branch->GetName();
87  if ( v=="ev" || v=="mode" || v=="run" || v=="nsig" ) continue;
88  if ( v.Contains("pdg") || v.Contains("beam") || v.Contains("mct") ) continue;
89  if ( v.BeginsWith("t") && v!="thr") continue;
90  if ( v.EndsWith("vx") || v.EndsWith("vy") || v.EndsWith("vz") || v.EndsWith("pocmag")) continue;
92  bool ok=false;
94  if ( v.BeginsWith("es") || v=="mmiss" || v.EndsWith("d0m") ) ok=true;
95  if ( v.EndsWith("p") || v.EndsWith("tht") || v.EndsWith("pcm") || v.EndsWith("thtcm") || v.EndsWith("pt") ) ok=true;
96  if ( ok || v.EndsWith("ang") || v.Contains("poc") ) ok=true;
97  if ( ok || v.Contains("pid") || v.Contains("min") || v.Contains("max") || v.Contains("sum") || v.Contains("fw") ) ok=true;
98  if ( ok || v.EndsWith("sph") || v.EndsWith("apl") || v.EndsWith("pla") || v.EndsWith("thr") || v.EndsWith("cir") ) ok=true;
100  if ( v=="xmdif" && dstarmode ) ok = true;
101  if ( v=="xd0m" && dstarmode ) ok = false;
103  if (!ok) continue;
105  Int_t dtype=gettype(t, v);
106  switch (dtype)
107  {
108  case 0: t->SetBranchAddress(v, &(fbranch[nbranch])); break;
109  case 1: t->SetBranchAddress(v, &(ibranch[nbranch])); break;
110  case 2: t->SetBranchAddress(v, &(bbranch[nbranch])); break;
111  }
113  vars[nbranch] = v;
114  nbranch++;
115  }
117  return nbranch;
118 }
Int_t run
Definition: autocutx.C:47
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
int ev
bool dstarmode
Definition: autocutx.C:42
__m128 v
Definition: P4_F32vec4.h:4
Int_t mode
Definition: autocutx.C:47
Float_t fbranch[MAX]
Definition: autocutx.C:44
int gettype(TTree *t, TString varname)
Definition: autocutx.C:51
float_m ok
TString vars[MAX]
Definition: autocutx.C:34
Bool_t bbranch[MAX]
Definition: autocutx.C:46
Int_t nbranch
Definition: autocutx.C:47
TTree * t
Definition: bump_analys.C:13
Int_t ibranch[MAX]
Definition: autocutx.C:45
Int_t rec
Definition: autocutx.C:47
void makeMaps ( TTree *  t,
TString  varname,
TEventList &  els,
TEventList &  elb,
ValueMap sig,
ValueMap bg,
int  id 

Definition at line 153 of file autocutx.C.

References bbranch, ev, fbranch, gettype(), i, ibranch, mode, run, and uid().

Referenced by bestCombiEvt(), bestEffEvt(), and bestSuppressionEvt().

154 {
155  int i;
156  t->SetBranchStatus("*",0);
157  t->SetBranchStatus("ev",1);
158  t->SetBranchStatus("mode",1);
159  t->SetBranchStatus("run",1);
160  t->SetBranchStatus(varname,1);
162  Float_t var;
163  Int_t dtype=gettype(t, varname);
165  sig.clear();
166  bg.clear();
168  // prepare the pairs of variable value, eventnumber for signal and count signals
169  for (i=0;i<els.GetN();++i)
170  {
171  t->GetEntry(els.GetEntry(i));
172  switch (dtype) {case 2: var = (Float_t)bbranch[id]; break; case 1: var = (Float_t) ibranch[id]; break; default: var=fbranch[id]; }
174  sig.push_back(std::make_pair(var, uid(ev,run,mode) ));
175  }
177  // prepare the pairs of variable value, eventnumber for background and count background
178  for (i=0;i<elb.GetN();++i)
179  {
180  t->GetEntry(elb.GetEntry(i));
181  switch (dtype) {case 2: var = (Float_t)bbranch[id]; break; case 1: var = (Float_t) ibranch[id]; break; default: var=fbranch[id]; }
183  bg.push_back(std::make_pair(var, uid(ev,run,mode) ));
184  }
185 }
TEventList * els
Definition: findcuts.C:52
Int_t run
Definition: autocutx.C:47
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
int ev
Int_t mode
Definition: autocutx.C:47
int uid(int lev, int lrun, int lmode)
Definition: autocutx.C:122
Float_t fbranch[MAX]
Definition: autocutx.C:44
int gettype(TTree *t, TString varname)
Definition: autocutx.C:51
Bool_t bbranch[MAX]
Definition: autocutx.C:46
TEventList * elb
Definition: findcuts.C:52
TTree * t
Definition: bump_analys.C:13
Int_t ibranch[MAX]
Definition: autocutx.C:45
bool mycompare ( int  i,
int  j 

Definition at line 64 of file autocutx.C.

References i, and qual.

Referenced by autocutx(), cutfinder(), cutfinder_fullev(), cutfinder_toyev(), and cutfinderx().

65 {
66  return qual[i]>qual[j];
67 }
Int_t i
Definition: run_full.C:25
double qual[MAX]
Definition: autocutx.C:37
int uid ( int  lev,
int  lrun,
int  lmode 

Definition at line 122 of file autocutx.C.

Referenced by PndDrcReco::CanvasSave(), RhoFitterBase::Chi2Contribution(), countevents(), countEvents(), PndSimpleAnalysis::FillGenericLists(), PndAnaTask::FillList(), makeMaps(), RhoCandidate::SetUid(), and TMVAApply().

123 {
124  return lev+10000*lrun+(((lmode/100)%10)*20+lmode%10)*100000;
125 }

Variable Documentation

Bool_t bbranch[MAX]

Definition at line 46 of file autocutx.C.

Referenced by init(), makeMaps(), TMVAApply(), and TMVATester().

double cut[MAX]
TString cuts[MAX]
bool dstarmode

Definition at line 42 of file autocutx.C.

Referenced by autocutx(), cutfinderx(), and init().

Int_t ev

Definition at line 47 of file autocutx.C.

CountMap evcnt

Definition at line 31 of file autocutx.C.

Referenced by cnt_events(), countevents(), countEvents(), full_core_ntp(), simu_tag(), and toy_core_ntp().

CountMap evcntrec[10]

Definition at line 31 of file autocutx.C.

Referenced by autocutx(), countEvents(), and cutfinderx().

Float_t fbranch[MAX]

Definition at line 44 of file autocutx.C.

Referenced by init(), makeMaps(), TMVAApply(), and TMVATester().

Int_t ibranch[MAX]

Definition at line 45 of file autocutx.C.

Referenced by init(), makeMaps(), TMVAApply(), and TMVATester().

int idx[MAX]

Definition at line 32 of file autocutx.C.

Referenced by fillHistos(), and init_modes().

Int_t mode
double N0_bg

Definition at line 40 of file autocutx.C.

Referenced by autocutx(), cutfinder(), cutfinder_fullev(), cutfinder_toyev(), and cutfinderx().

double N0_sig

Definition at line 40 of file autocutx.C.

Referenced by autocutx(), cutfinder(), cutfinder_fullev(), cutfinder_toyev(), and cutfinderx().

double Nbgev
Int_t nbranch

Definition at line 47 of file autocutx.C.

Referenced by autocutx(), cutfinderx(), findcut(), and init().

double Nsigev
double qual[MAX]

Definition at line 37 of file autocutx.C.

Referenced by autocutx(), bestEffEvt(), bestSuppressionEvt(), and mycompare().

Int_t rec
Int_t run

Definition at line 47 of file autocutx.C.

Referenced by bestSeparation(), bestSuppressionEvt(), countevents(), countEvents(), init(), makeMaps(), Next(), PndGemMonitor::PndGemMonitor(), PndGeoHandling::PndGeoHandling(), prod_ana(), prod_fsim(), prod_sof(), qa_softtrig(), quickana(), quickfsimana(), PndEmcReadProto192Data::SetParContainers(), PndEmcReadProtoData::SetParContainers(), PndPidFtofAssociatorTask::SetParContainers(), PndMdtTrkFinder::SetParContainers(), PndMdtTrkProducer::SetParContainers(), PndMcListConverter::SetParContainers(), PndEmcFWEndcapTimebasedWaveforms::SetParContainers(), PndEmcMakeDigi::SetParContainers(), PndEmcMakeRecoHit::SetParContainers(), PndEmc2DLocMaxFinder::SetParContainers(), PndJPsiExample::SetParContainers(), PndTutAnaTask::SetParContainers(), PndEventBuilderManager::SetParContainers(), PndEmcHitsToWaveform::SetParContainers(), PndTutAnaTaskD0::SetParContainers(), PndEmcFWEndcapDigi::SetParContainers(), PndTutThaiTask::SetParContainers(), PndEmcMakeCluster::SetParContainers(), PndGemMatchHits::SetParContainers(), PndGeoHandling::SetParContainers(), PndGemDigiAna::SetParContainers(), PndScrutAnaTask::SetParContainers(), PndGemIdealHitProducer::SetParContainers(), PndGemEmpty::SetParContainers(), PndMdtPointsToWaveform::SetParContainers(), PndEventBuilderOnMCEvents::SetParContainers(), PndEmcExpClusterSplitter::SetParContainers(), PndGemFindHitsAna::SetParContainers(), PndEmcCorrBump::SetParContainers(), PndEmcMakeCorr::SetParContainers(), PndEmcMakeClusterOnline::SetParContainers(), PndEmcTmpWaveformToDigi::SetParContainers(), PndEmcPhiBumpSplitter::SetParContainers(), PndAnalysisTaskExample::SetParContainers(), PndEmcAnalysis::SetParContainers(), PndGemEventBuilderOnTracks::SetParContainers(), PndAnalysisTask::SetParContainers(), PndTripleAnaTask::SetParContainers(), PndGemFindClusters::SetParContainers(), PndMyAnalysisTask::SetParContainers(), PndEmcHitProducer::SetParContainers(), PndEmcWaveformToDigi::SetParContainers(), PndEmcWaveformToCalibratedDigi::SetParContainers(), PndHypFullIdealAna::SetParContainers(), PndGemDigitize::SetParContainers(), PndHypFullAna::SetParContainers(), PndHypSimpleAna::SetParContainers(), PndEmcMultiWaveformToCalibratedDigi::SetParContainers(), PndDrcRecoLookupMapS::SetParContainers(), PndGemFindHits::SetParContainers(), PndGemFindClustersTB::SetParContainers(), PndGemFindHitsQA::SetParContainers(), PndGemMagneticFieldVsTrackParameters::SetParContainers(), PndGemTrackFinderOnHits::SetParContainers(), PndMvdGemTrackFinderOnHits::SetParContainers(), PndGemTrackFinderQA::SetParContainers(), PndGemTrackFinderOnHitsTB::SetParContainers(), PndDrcRecoLookupMap::SetParContainers(), PndSimpleAnalysis::SetParContainers(), PndFastSim::SetParContainers(), PndLLbarAnaTask::SetParContainers(), PndBarrelTrackFinder::SetParContainers(), PndPidCorrelator::SetParContainers(), PndSoftTriggerTask::SetParContainers(), and TMVAApply().

TString vars[MAX]