12 TFile fileqa(
13 TTree *
simtree = (TTree*) fileqa.Get(
14 simtree->AddFriend(
31 TH1F *eff_mvdpix =
new TH1F(
"MVD pixel efficiency", 100, effmin, effmax);
32 TH1F *eff_mvdstr =
new TH1F(
"MVD strip efficiency", 100, effmin, effmax);
33 TH1F *eff_stt =
new TH1F(
"STT efficiency", 100, effmin, effmax);
34 TH1F *eff_gem =
new TH1F(
"GEM efficiency", 100, effmin, effmax);
35 TH1F *eff_fts =
new TH1F(
"FTS efficiency", 100, effmin, effmax);
37 simtree->Draw(
"RecoTrackInfo.GetMvdPixelEfficiency() >> eff_mvdpix", cut,
38 simtree->Draw(
"RecoTrackInfo.GetMvdStripEfficiency() >> eff_mvdstr", cut,
39 simtree->Draw(
"RecoTrackInfo.GetSttEfficiency() >> eff_stt", cut,
40 simtree->Draw(
"RecoTrackInfo.GetGemEfficiency() >> eff_gem", cut,
41 simtree->Draw(
"RecoTrackInfo.GetFtsEfficiency() >> eff_fts", cut,
43 TH1F *eff_glo =
new TH1F(
"global efficiency", 100, effmin, effmax);
44 simtree->Draw(
"RecoTrackInfo.GetEfficiency() >> eff_glo", cut,
58 TH1F *pur_mvdpix =
new TH1F(
"MVD pixel purity", 100, purmin, purmax);
59 TH1F *pur_mvdstr =
new TH1F(
"MVD strip purity", 100, purmin, purmax);
60 TH1F *pur_stt =
new TH1F(
"STT purity", 100, purmin, purmax);
61 TH1F *pur_gem =
new TH1F(
"GEM purity", 100, purmin, purmax);
62 TH1F *pur_fts =
new TH1F(
"FTS purity", 100, purmin, purmax);
64 simtree->Draw(
"RecoTrackInfo.GetMvdPixelPurity() >> pur_mvdpix", cut,
65 simtree->Draw(
"RecoTrackInfo.GetMvdStripPurity() >> pur_mvdstr", cut,
66 simtree->Draw(
"RecoTrackInfo.GetSttPurity() >> pur_stt", cut,
67 simtree->Draw(
"RecoTrackInfo.GetGemPurity() >> pur_gem", cut,
68 simtree->Draw(
"RecoTrackInfo.GetFtsPurity() >> pur_fts", cut,
71 TH1F *pur_glo =
new TH1F(
"global purity", 100, purmin, purmax);
72 simtree->Draw(
"RecoTrackInfo.GetPurity() >> pur_glo", cut,
79 TH1F *hnofrecotracks =
new TH1F(
"# of reco tracks associated to the same MC track", 20, 0, 20);
80 simtree->Draw(
"MCTrackInfo.GetNofRecoTracks() >> hnofrecotracks", cut,
82 TH1F *hnofMCtracks =
new TH1F(
"# of MC tracks associated to the same reco track", 20, 0, 20);
83 simtree->Draw(
"RecoTrackInfo.GetNofMCTracks() >> hnofMCtracks", cut,
96 TH1F *hdelta_p_first =
new TH1F(
"#Delta p @ first hit", 100, pmin, pmax);
97 TH1F *hdelta_pz_first =
new TH1F(
"#Delta pz @ first hit", 100, pmin, pmax);
98 TH1F *hdelta_pt_first =
new TH1F(
"#Delta pt @ first hit", 100, pmin, pmax);
100 simtree->Draw(
"RecoTrackInfo.GetMomentumFirst().Mag() - RecoTrackInfo.GetMCTrackInfo().GetMomentumFirst().Mag() >> hdelta_p_first", cut,
101 simtree->Draw(
"RecoTrackInfo.GetMomentumFirst().Perp() - RecoTrackInfo.GetMCTrackInfo().GetMomentumFirst().Perp() >> hdelta_pt_first", cut,
102 simtree->Draw(
"RecoTrackInfo.GetMomentumFirst().Z() - RecoTrackInfo.GetMCTrackInfo().GetMomentumFirst().Z() >> hdelta_pz_first", cut,
104 double thetamin = -5;
106 int ntheta = (thetamax - thetamin)*10;
107 TH1F *hdelta_theta_first =
new TH1F(
"#Delta #theta @ first hit", ntheta, thetamin, thetamax);
108 simtree->Draw(
"(RecoTrackInfo.GetMomentumFirst().Theta() - RecoTrackInfo.GetMCTrackInfo().GetMomentumFirst().Theta()) * TMath::RadToDeg() >> hdelta_theta_first", cut,
112 int nphi = (phimax - phimin)*10;
113 TH1F *hdelta_phi_first =
new TH1F(
"#Delta #phi @ first hit", nphi, phimin, phimax);
114 simtree->Draw(
"(RecoTrackInfo.GetMomentumFirst().Phi() - RecoTrackInfo.GetMCTrackInfo().GetMomentumFirst().Phi()) * TMath::RadToDeg() >> hdelta_phi_first", cut,
119 TH1F *hdelta_x_first =
new TH1F(
"#Delta x @ first hit", 100, xmin, xmax);
120 TH1F *hdelta_y_first =
new TH1F(
"#Delta y @ first hit", 100, xmin, xmax);
121 simtree->Draw(
"RecoTrackInfo.GetPositionFirst().X() - RecoTrackInfo.GetMCTrackInfo().GetPositionFirst().X() >> hdelta_x_first", cut,
122 simtree->Draw(
"RecoTrackInfo.GetPositionFirst().Y() - RecoTrackInfo.GetMCTrackInfo().GetPositionFirst().Y() >> hdelta_y_first", cut,
126 TH1F *hdelta_z_first =
new TH1F(
"#Delta z @ first hit", 100, zmin, zmax);
127 simtree->Draw(
"RecoTrackInfo.GetPositionFirst().Z() - RecoTrackInfo.GetMCTrackInfo().GetPositionFirst().Z() >> hdelta_z_first", cut,
130 TH1F *hdelta_r_first =
new TH1F(
"#Delta r @ first hit", 100, -rmax, rmax);
131 simtree->Draw(
"RecoTrackInfo.GetPositionFirst().Perp() - RecoTrackInfo.GetMCTrackInfo().GetPositionFirst().Perp() >> hdelta_r_first", cut,
142 TH1F *hdelta_p_last =
new TH1F(
"#Delta p @ last hit", 100, pmin, pmax);
143 TH1F *hdelta_pz_last =
new TH1F(
"#Delta pz @ last hit", 100, pmin, pmax);
144 TH1F *hdelta_pt_last =
new TH1F(
"#Delta pt @ last hit", 100, pmin, pmax);
146 simtree->Draw(
"RecoTrackInfo.GetMomentumLast().Mag() - RecoTrackInfo.GetMCTrackInfo().GetMomentumLast().Mag() >> hdelta_p_last", cut,
147 simtree->Draw(
"RecoTrackInfo.GetMomentumLast().Perp() - RecoTrackInfo.GetMCTrackInfo().GetMomentumLast().Perp() >> hdelta_pt_last", cut,
148 simtree->Draw(
"RecoTrackInfo.GetMomentumLast().Z() - RecoTrackInfo.GetMCTrackInfo().GetMomentumLast().Z() >> hdelta_pz_last", cut,
150 TH1F *hdelta_theta_last =
new TH1F(
"#Delta #theta @ last hit", ntheta, thetamin, thetamax);
151 simtree->Draw(
"(RecoTrackInfo.GetMomentumLast().Theta() - RecoTrackInfo.GetMCTrackInfo().GetMomentumLast().Theta()) * TMath::RadToDeg() >> hdelta_theta_last", cut,
153 TH1F *hdelta_phi_last =
new TH1F(
"#Delta #phi @ last hit", nphi, phimin, phimax);
154 simtree->Draw(
"(RecoTrackInfo.GetMomentumLast().Phi() - RecoTrackInfo.GetMCTrackInfo().GetMomentumLast().Phi()) * TMath::RadToDeg() >> hdelta_phi_last", cut,
156 TH1F *hdelta_x_last =
new TH1F(
"#Delta x @ last hit", 100, xmin, xmax);
157 TH1F *hdelta_y_last =
new TH1F(
"#Delta y @ last hit", 100, xmin, xmax);
158 simtree->Draw(
"RecoTrackInfo.GetPositionLast().X() - RecoTrackInfo.GetMCTrackInfo().GetPositionLast().X() >> hdelta_x_last", cut,
159 simtree->Draw(
"RecoTrackInfo.GetPositionLast().Y() - RecoTrackInfo.GetMCTrackInfo().GetPositionLast().Y() >> hdelta_y_last", cut,
161 double zminlast = -0.6;
162 double zmaxlast = 0.6;
163 TH1F *hdelta_z_last =
new TH1F(
"#Delta z @ last hit", 100, zminlast, zmaxlast);
164 simtree->Draw(
"RecoTrackInfo.GetPositionLast().Z() - RecoTrackInfo.GetMCTrackInfo().GetPositionLast().Z() >> hdelta_z_last", cut,
166 TH1F *hdelta_r_last =
new TH1F(
"#Delta r @ last hit", 100, -rmax, rmax);
167 simtree->Draw(
"RecoTrackInfo.GetPositionLast().Perp() - RecoTrackInfo.GetMCTrackInfo().GetPositionLast().Perp() >> hdelta_r_last", cut,
172 double chargemin = -3;
173 double chargemax = 3;
174 int ncharge = chargemax - chargemin;
175 TH1F *hdelta_charge =
new TH1F(
"#Delta #charge", ncharge, chargemin, chargemax);
176 simtree->Draw(
"RecoTrackInfo.GetCharge() - RecoTrackInfo.GetMCTrackInfo().GetCharge() >> hdelta_charge", cut,
181 TH1F *hthetagen =
new TH1F(
"mc theta dist", 180, 0, 180);
182 TH1F *heffintheta =
new TH1F(
"efficiency vs #theta", 180, 0, 180);
185 TCut cut_rec = cut_mc &&
"MCTrackInfo.GetRecoTrackID() != -1";
186 cut_rec = cut_rec &&
"RecoTrackInfo[MCTrackInfo.GetRecoTrackID()].GetEfficiency() > 0.8";
187 cut_rec = cut_rec &&
"RecoTrackInfo[MCTrackInfo.GetRecoTrackID()].IsClone() == 0";
189 simtree->Draw(
"MCTrack[MCTrackInfo.GetMCTrackID()].GetMomentum().Theta() * TMath::RadToDeg() >> hthetagen", cut_mc,
190 simtree->Draw(
"MCTrack[MCTrackInfo.GetMCTrackID()].GetMomentum().Theta() * TMath::RadToDeg() >> heffintheta", cut_rec,
193 heffintheta->Sumw2();
194 heffintheta->Divide(hthetagen);
200 TH1F *hphigen =
new TH1F(
"mc phi dist", 180, -180, 180);
201 TH1F *heffinphi =
new TH1F(
"efficiency vs #phi", 180, -180, 180);
202 simtree->Draw(
"MCTrack[MCTrackInfo.GetMCTrackID()].GetMomentum().Phi() * TMath::RadToDeg() >> hphigen", cut_mc,
203 simtree->Draw(
"MCTrack[MCTrackInfo.GetMCTrackID()].GetMomentum().Phi() * TMath::RadToDeg() >> heffinphi", cut_rec,
207 heffinphi->Divide(hphigen);
212 TH1F *hmomgen =
new TH1F(
"mc mom dist", 100, 0, 3);
213 TH1F *heffinmom =
new TH1F(
"efficiency vs mom", 100, 0, 3);
214 simtree->Draw(
"MCTrack[MCTrackInfo.GetMCTrackID()].GetMomentum().Mag() >> hmomgen", cut_mc,
215 simtree->Draw(
"MCTrack[MCTrackInfo.GetMCTrackID()].GetMomentum().Mag() >> heffinmom", cut_rec,
219 heffinmom->Divide(hmomgen);
224 TH1F *hptgen =
new TH1F(
"mc pt dist", 100, 0, 3);
225 TH1F *heffinpt =
new TH1F(
"efficiency vs pt", 100, 0, 3);
226 simtree->Draw(
"MCTrack[MCTrackInfo.GetMCTrackID()].GetMomentum().Perp() >> hptgen", cut_mc,
227 simtree->Draw(
"MCTrack[MCTrackInfo.GetMCTrackID()].GetMomentum().Perp() >> heffinpt", cut_rec,
231 heffinpt->Divide(hptgen);
236 TH1F *hplgen =
new TH1F(
"mc pl dist", 100, 0, 3);
237 TH1F *heffinpl =
new TH1F(
"efficiency vs pl", 100, 0, 3);
238 simtree->Draw(
"MCTrack[MCTrackInfo.GetMCTrackID()].GetMomentum().Z() >> hplgen", cut_mc,
239 simtree->Draw(
"MCTrack[MCTrackInfo.GetMCTrackID()].GetMomentum().Z() >> heffinpl", cut_rec,
243 heffinpl->Divide(hplgen);
251 TFile
266 hnofrecotracks->Write();
267 hnofMCtracks->Write();
269 hdelta_p_first->Write();
270 hdelta_pz_first->Write();
271 hdelta_pt_first->Write();
272 hdelta_theta_first->Write();
273 hdelta_phi_first->Write();
274 hdelta_x_first->Write();
275 hdelta_y_first->Write();
276 hdelta_z_first->Write();
277 hdelta_r_first->Write();
280 hdelta_p_last->Write();
281 hdelta_pz_last->Write();
282 hdelta_pt_last->Write();
283 hdelta_theta_last->Write();
284 hdelta_phi_last->Write();
285 hdelta_x_last->Write();
286 hdelta_y_last->Write();
287 hdelta_z_last->Write();
288 hdelta_r_last->Write();
290 hdelta_charge->Write();
292 heffintheta->Write();
298 cout <<
" Test passed" << endl;
299 cout <<
" All ok " << endl;